THE VOLUME 128,COSMOS ISSUE 18 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2017 CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA The History of Flunk Day Allison Bartnick Staff writer ical, and psychological years of similar reasons” students should behavior, often With spring break “pause in their mad rush involving fire- just around the corner, for knowledge and give works and plenty so too is the chance for intellectual organs re- of “alcohol-in- Flunk Day to occur. spite.” Spontaneous and spired students,” For the past 106 fun, thus began the Flunk some members of years, Flunk Day has Day tradition. the community been an upheld tradi- The Cedar Rapids expressed their tion at Coe College. It public expressed very doubts about began on May 3, 1911, little opinion on Flunk Coe’s tradition when a group of stu- Day until 1955 when and requested that dents planned the first a woman received first de- the Flunk Day organized skip day on gree burns from scalding committee cancel campus. hot water in a Flunk Day Flunk Day indefi- The students an- prank gone wrong, and an nitely. Flunk Day 1965. Photo nounced this plan by article telling of the inci- Flunk Day, however, courtesy Carla Frazer handing out small dent was published in the was not cancelled, and from the Coe Archives. flyers that encour- Cedar Rapids Gazette. Coe College President aged students to take In 1968, police arrest- Joe McCabe used the Day evolved into a large advantage of the nice ed several students for controversial events to scale event held at a weather and go out for setting up barricades to make a case for clos- rural county park. Once a picnic and boating on stop traffic on B Avenue ing B Avenue in front the issue of drinking the Cedar River. Soon, “so that they might party of Coe’s library due to and driving became a the whole campus was without experiencing the safety concerns which distinct risk, the event covered in these flyers, inconvenience of passing became even more was brought to Chap- which said that “for traffic” according to Ran- prevalent on Flunk Day. man’s Fun World, a local physiological, biolog- dy Roeder. After several By the 1980s, Flunk recreational park, and Continued on pg. 2. INSIDE THE COSMOS NEWS 2 SPORTS 7 DIVERSIONS 10 APPRECIATE CULTURE BANQUET FOR ALL SENIOR FAREWELL INDEX P. 3 P. 5 P. 9 2News Friday, February 17, 2017 Continued from pg. 1. THE COSMOS then eventually back to 2016-2017 STAFF Coe’s campus, due to EDITOR-IN-CHIEF the college’s reasoning Lisa McDonald that encouraging stu- COPY EDITORS dents to stay on campus Lisa McDonald for Flunk Day helps keep students safe from Flunk Day 1939 ASSISTANT LAYOUT drinking and driving. EDITORS Julia Passantino “Coe College cher- ishes tradition,” said PHOTOGRAPHERS Rod Pritchard, Secre- Amanda Bourne tary of the College, “but Photos courtesy Katie Guinane we want day to be safe Carla Frazer STAFF WRITERS and for everyone to act from the Coe Bridget Moore in a responsible man- Archives. Yuan Chai n e r.” Allison Bartnick The alcohol-fueled Nicholas Hodges atmosphere of Flunk Jaimee Rindy Day has been a present Jiun Lee at least since the early Flunk Day 1940 Mohan Xu 1950s, as by the end of Anne-Raphaelle Bigot the decade there was al- Tabetha Sprunk ready a well-established Melissa Maylum tradition of students Claudia Chiappa seeking out local bars Lauren Hurley by 8 a.m. SPORTS EDITORS Controversy con- Ryan Izer tinues to surround the Delena Humble amount of time and COLUMNISTS money spent on Flunk Nina Wilson Day planning, but ac- Michael Lachocki cording to Coe alumna Mariah Porter Kaileb Armbruster (‘13), “Flunk Day is GUEST WRITERS Ashlyn Moos important because of Flunk Day 1986 Destiny Perry the tradition it holds. Nicole Votroubek People look forward to TREASURER Flunk Day every year.” Lisa McDonald “So far as I’m con- cerned, it’s the only tra- FACULTY ADVISOR dition that is left,” said Shawn Harmsen alumna Peggy Knott CONTACT US (‘65). “All of the other [email protected] traditions have gone, Phone: 319-299-8646 so I would like to see it Fax: 319-399-8031 continue.” Flunk Day 1992 Friday, February 17, 2017 News 3 Cultural Appreciation Week: Round Two differences.” Bridget Moore Fusion and International Staff writer Club. According to The first Cultural Ap- Psych2Go.net, Last week BSEO, preciation Week debuted cultural appro- Multicultural Fusion and last fall. Afterwards, a priation involves International Club cele- campus-wide survey was the taking and brated the second Cultur- sent to gauge interest in adaptation and/ al Appreciation Week at holding the Week again. or use of ele- Coe. The week of events The responses were posi- ments of a cul- featured movies, food, tive, with one respondee ture, often lead- and discussion to cele- saying, “It would be great ing to distorted brate different cultures at if perhaps a conversation understanding of Coe. about cultural appro- the elements and Students "learn to walk with swag" The idea for Cultural priation vs appreciation wrongful per- during Cultural Appreciation Week. Appreciation week sprung happened once a semes- ceptions of the Photos courtesy of Kyrsha Balderas. from a conversation in ter, but for sure every culture through spring 2016 to create year. There are so many this misuse. “This [Cultural Appre- a joint event between students on Coe's campus Cultural appreciation, ciation Week], the poster BSEO, Multicultural that don't on the other hand, focuses campaign we led in the know the on practicing the culture fall and the feedback we differ- and learning to both un- received from the poster ence, or derstand and respect it. campaign demonstrated don't President of Multicul- how much Coe needs know tural Fusion Kyrsha Bal- events like this," Balderas how to deras ('18) plans to make said. negoti- Cultural Appreciation ate the Week an annual event, Students participate in Trivia Night during and involve other groups Cultural Appreciation Week. like Latinx. Violinist and pianist perform at Coe Korngold, to the Tabetha Sprunk Katie Staff writer brutally beautiful Wolfe and songs of Francis On Feb. 15, Liang-yu Poulenc, the audi- Friends of Music Wang ence was led on a at Coe (FOMAC) perform a journey through hosted a recital by recital enti- the spectrum of violinist Katie Wolfe tled "Music sound composed and pianist Liang-yu between by Olivier Messiaen Wang, entitled “Music the Wars". and Igor Stravinsky Between the Wars.” Photo by in times of both From the enchant- Tabetha war and peace. ing and stately work Sprunk. of Erich Wolfgang 4News Friday, February 17, 2017 Professor leads students in research kinds of intervention Claudia Chiappa (a surgeon at St. Luke’s not only at St. Luke’s, Staff writer hospital), the Physi- but also in more hos- cians' Clinic of Iowa and pitals within the Uni- Edward Hines Jr. VA tyPoint System. He A Coe College pro- that aims to implement said his interest is in fessor and some of his interventions such as “helping people with students are part of a the mindfulness med- self-regulation” to find research project at St. itation inside of hos- balance in their bodies, Luke’s Hospital that is pitals. Tallman and his and he thinks that his working to introduce colleagues worked with particular approach a new approach to the patients that had total could change the way area of rehabilitation. knee and hip replace- rehabilitation is seen Assistant Professor ments. and perceived. of Psychology Benja- Patients were divided Tallman said he has min Tallman is a health Benjamin Tallman is into two groups of fifty: several ideas for the rehabilitation/psychol- working with students to a control group, that next study, but he and ogist that, outside of introduce a new approach does not receive any the other people in- his job as a professor to the area of rehabilitation special intervention, volved will wait for the at Coe, works in the through a research project. and a treatment group, results of this first study rehabilitation unit at Photo courtesy of Benjamin that receive an mp3 before jumping into UnityPoint Health-St. Tallman. with 60 minutes of re- another. Luke’s Hospital. There laxation exercises three Tallman said he is he deals with patients mindfulness meditation, weeks prior to surgery. thankful for the Coe going through recovery clinical hypnosis and A week after the sur- students, who have been after traumatic experi- biofeedback as a way to gery, the research team a part of every step of ences, such as cancer teach his patients to relax examines outcome vari- the process. They have and surgery. and have better control ables such as depression been involved with In his third year of their body, and to “put and anxiety, or if the everything, Tallman at Coe, Tallman said a blanket over the areas sleep patterns of the two said, from conceptu- his teaching areas are of the brain that causes groups are different and alizing research idea, health psychology, anxiety.” how. to designing the study, statistics and career He said he believes So far, they have to reviewing the liter- development. At his that this kind of approach collected about four ature, to participating job at St. Luke’s, where can be positive not only months of data and in interdisciplinary he’s been working since for rehabilitation purpos- soon they will present research team meetings, 2012, Tallman said he es, but also for conditions the results at the Reha- and even to observing a provides health and such as chronic pain, GI bilitation Psychology total knee replacement behavioral evaluations related problems, stress, Conference in Albu- surgery.
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