PIARC International Seminar Safer Roads that Save Lives: The PIARC Contributions to the UN Targets and Initiatives 17th -19th October 2018 Beijing, China Second Announcement Organized by : PIARC Technical Committee C.1 þNational Road Safety Policies and Programsÿ PIARC Technical Committee C.2 þDesign and Operations of Safer Road Infrastructureÿ Research Institute of Highway Ministry of Transport of China Introduction An estimated 100,000 SHRSOHDUHNLOOHGRULQMXUHGHYHU\GD\RQWKHZRUOG¶VURDGVZLWKWKHFRVWRI road trauma estimated at 2-5% of GDP in each country every year. In responding to this global challenge, UN agencies have established global road safety targets and progress is being tracked globally through initiatives by WHO and the Sustainable Mobility for All Initiative. The establishment of a UN Road Safety Fund is also being progressed to accelerate global action. Safer road and transport infrastructure will be key to saving lives and meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals for Road Safety (Goal 3.6), Infrastructure Investment (Goal 9.1) and access to Safe and Sustainable transport (Goal 11.2). The Chinese Government is leading the way with large scale investment in safer roads through the Highway Safety to Cherish Life initiative, provision for vulnerable road users in cities across &KLQDDQGWKURXJK3UHVLGHQW;L-LQSLQJ¶VFRPPLWPHQWWRWKHDPELWLRXV%HOWDQG5RDG,QLWLDWLYH PIARC Members worldwide are also scaling up innovation and action to unlock the full potential of safer roads to save lives. For this exceptional event both PIARC Technical Committees on road safety will join to contribute to the whole SURJUDP 7HFKQLFDO &RPPLWWHH & ³1DWLRQDO 5RDG Safety Policies DQG 3URJUDPV´ DQG 7HFKQLFDO &RPPLWWHH & ³Design and Operations of Safer Road Infrastructure´ The International PIARC Seminar will be a showcase of global and local policy, strategy, investment, innovation and research success. Success that can be shared and duplicated around the world through resources such as the PIARC Road Safety Manual and the global PIARC Community. Please join us in Beijing on Wednesday, the 17th of October, 2018. The seminar will be organized jointly with the PIARC TC C.1, TC C.2 and Research Institute of Highway Ministry of Transport of China (RIOH). It will bring together representatives of governments and related organizations as well as industry experts and researchers from many countries to share knowledge and expertise, to exchange ideas and experiences, to transfer information and technology and to study a wide range of issues for safer roads. Methodology The sessions will be held in such a manner in order to optimize the time available for discussion of the themes, so as to generate dynamic and highly involved interchanges among the participants. Language The official language of this seminar is English, and simultaneous interpreting to and from Chinese will be available during the seminar. 1 Seminar Programme The programme consists of opening and closing sessions, five technical sessions including round table discussion, and technical visit on Friday, the 19th October, 2018. The 1st day: 17th Oct, 2018 ( Wednesday ) Time Content Person in Charge 8:30-9:00 Conference Registration Session I Research Institute of Highway, Ministry of Transport of China (RIOH) 9:00-10:30 Welcome Address and Global Road Safety Policies and Partnerships WU Dejin (Director-General, the Highway 9:00-9:05 Welcome to China Department of Ministry of Transport (MOT); First Delegate to PIARC from China) Jean-François CORTÉ 9:05-9:10 Welcome and Introduction to PIARC (PIARC Strategic Theme Coordinator) Roberto Arditi (PIARC C1 Committee Chair; 9:10-9:30 Overview of the PIARC Road Safety Manual Director of Scientific Affairs, SINA - Italy) Launch of the Chinese Edition of the PIARC Roberto Arditi 9:30-9:40 Road Safety Manual Ping CHENG ³One Map´ - Risk Management of Road 9:40-10:00 (Security Director, Ministry of Transportation in China Transport of China) Rob McInerney (PIARC C1 Secretary; 10:00-10:15 Global Road Safety and the UN Global Targets CEO, iRAP - Australia) Ruihua ZHAO China Road Safety Policy/Development/Future (Deputy-Director, the Integrated 10:15-10:30 Prospects Coordination Department of Ministry of Emergency Management of China) 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break Session II moderated by TC C1 ± Laurent 11:00-12:30 Road Safety Policy and Strategy Leadership Carnis 2 (PIARC C1 Secretary; Director of Research, IFSTTAR - France) Imelda Julies National Strategy on Road Safety and (PIARC C1, 11:00-11:15 Awareness Program in South Africa Project Manager SANRAL - South Africa) Dr. Ronggui ZHOU 11:15-11:35 China Highway Safety to Cherish Life Initiative (RIOH) Ana Tomaz Global Road Safety Policies ± PIARC Survey (PIARC C1, Head of Road and 11:35-11:55 Results Rail Safety Department of Infrastructure - Portugal) Prof. Shaw Voon Wong 11:55-12:15 Malaysian Policy Commitments for Safer Roads (PIARC C2 Committee Chair, Director-General MIROS - Malaysia) Ruggero Ceci Sweden Vision Zero policy success and next (PIARC C1, 12:15-12:30 steps Science Expert TRAFIKVERKET - Sweden) 12:30-14:00 Lunch moderated by TC C1 John Milton Session III (PIARC C1 WGL, 14:00-15:30 10 minute Case Studies of Success Director of Transportation Safety, Department of Transport ± USA) Highlights of the PIARC Road Safety Case 14:00-14:20 Rob McInerney Study Compendium Case studies of China Highway Safety to Representative from Shandong 14:20-14:35 Cherish Life Initiative province or Guizhou province Karen Scurry 14:35-14:55 USA Strategic Highway Safety Plans (PIARC C1, Traffic Operations and Safety Engineer, DOT ± USA) Speaker from Traffic Management 14:55-15:15 Vehicle Safety (Tbc) Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security Training Needs for Safe Design, Construction Juan Rodriguez Perrotat 15:15-15:30 and Maintenance of Road ± Experience from (PIARC C1 Secretary, Argentina and Ecuador University of Buenos Aires - 3 Argentina) 15:30-16:00 Coffee Break Session III (continued) 16:00-17:30 moderated by TC C1 Imelda Julies 10 minute Case Studies of Success 16:00-16:15 The PIARC Road Safety Manual - Key updates John Milton Representative from Guizhou 16:15-16:30 Mountain Road Safety Demonstration Projects province or Zhejiang province Jakko Klang (PIARC C2, Traffic Safety Engineer, Safety Effects of Lower Speed Limits During 16:30-16:45 Centre for Economic Development, Winter Months Transport and the Environment, Finland) Przemyslaw Padlo (PIARC C1, GDDKiA - General Low Cost Road Safety Treatments on Existing Directorate for National Roads and 16:45-17:00 Roads in Poland Motorways, Head of Road Traffic Safety and Traffic Management Department, Poland) 17:00-17:20 Round Table Discussion at End of Day 17:20-17:30 Feedback 18:00 Welcome Dinner The 2nd day: 18th Oct, 2018 ( Thursday ) Time Content Person in Charge Session IV Per Andersson (PIARC C2, 9:00-10:30 Design and Operation of Safer Road Project Manager Swedish Transport Infrastructure Agency ± Sweden) Application of Driving Simulator in Road Design Weihan ZHANG 9:00-9:15 and Optimization (RIOH) Mathias Wärnhjelm (PIARC C2, 9:15-9:30 TC C2 Case Study on Vulnerable Road Users Engineer TRAFIKVERKET ± Sweden) 9:30-9:45 Portugal - IP4 Expressway Improvements Ana Tomaz Major Road Safety Investment Case Studies 9:45-10:00 Rob McInerney from Around the World 4 Alberto Mendoza (PIARC C2 Secretary) and María Cadengo 10:00-10:15 Success Experiences Reported in Latin America (Mexican Transportation Institute - Mexico) Zhongyin GUO Comprehensive Technical Countermeasures for 10:15-10:30 Safer Road Tunnel Operation (Tongji University) 10:30-11:00 Coffee break Session IV (continued) 11:00-12:30 Per Andersson Design and Operation of Safer Road Infrastructure New Requirements for Road Safety Facility Dr. Chengcheng TANG 11:00-11:15 Specifications in China (PIARC C2, RIOH) UroУ Brumec (PIARC C2, Road Safety Engineer, 11:15-11:35 Calming Measure in Town Podturn Slovenian Infrastructure Agency - Slovenia) Lianfu SHI (PIARC C1, Deputy General Manager 11:35-11:55 Tunnel Safety and Lighting Standards (Guizhou) Guizhou Transport Planning Survey βDesign Research Institute ± China) :RUOG %DQN ³3URJUDP IRU 5HVXOWV´ URDG VDIHW\ Geoffrey Kurgan 11:55-12:15 partnership in Anhui Province (World Bank) 12:15-12:30 Safer Way to School - Country, Slovenia UroУ Brumec 12:30-14:00 Lunch Session V 14:00-16:00 The road ahead to Abu Dhabi The key deliverables and timeline for TCC1 The PIARC Road Safety Manual Chapter updates ̢ John Milton 14:00-14:35 The PIARC Global Road Safety Policies Roberto Arditi Report ̢ Ana Tomaz The PIARC Road Safety Case Studies Compendium ̢ Rob McInerney The key deliverables and timeline for TCC2 Shaw Voon Wong The PIARC Report on VRUÿs, human Lorenzo Domenichini 14:35-15:10 factors and LMICs The PIARC Report on Setting Credible (PIARC C1 WGL, Speed Limits Professor, 5 The PIARC Report on Road Safety Audit University of Florence ± Italy) Guidelines suitable for LMICs 15:10-15:25 PIARC Plans for the future Jean-François CORTÉ Kirsten Graf-Landmann Plans for the Abu Dhabi World Road Congress 15:25-15:40 (PIARC Technical Advisor Oct 6-10, 2019 Strategic Theme C ± Germany) 15:40-16:00 Round Table Discussion -20min Moderated by Host Conclusions of Seminar and Closing 16:00-16:15 RIOH Announcement The 3rd day: 19th Oct, 2018 ( Friday ) Time Content Person in Charge Technical Visit RIOH Beijing Badaling Expressway + Great Wall 8:30 MOT Testing Ground for Highway and Traffic Engineering Technical Visit Option 1: MOT Testing Ground for Highway and Traffic Engineering Testing Ground for Highway and Traffic Engineering belongs to Research Institute of Highway, invested by the Ministry of Transport. The total area is 2.4km2. It is a comprehensive proving ground for automotive engineering, highway engineering and traffic engineering, which is located in Da Du She, Tong Zhou district, 28 km away from downtown Beijing.
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