! Of-Biography - Of $ -.*«*; Tubffo tive from South Carolina, born in JOHN C. CALHOUN Charleston January 2, 1797; at John CaJdvvell Calhoun was Portraits of Two South Carolinians tended Charleston College and the born at "the Long Canes set i •• ©© school of the Rev. Moses Wad- tlement" In what became Abbe- dell at Abbevule; was graduated ville County, March 18, 1782; V from the College of South Caro was graduated from Yale in lina (USC) in 1814; studied law 1804 and from Litch field law In State Department Collection 1814-1817; further pursued stu School, 1806, admitted to the bar dies in Paris and Edinburg in in 1807 and commenced prac 1818 and 1819; admitted to the By Kathleen Leicit tice In Abbeville; married Flo- bar in 1822 and commenced ride Bonneau Calhoun in 1811; practice in Charleston; member TN THE Department of State the works of those less promi Washington on February 28,1844. gave up the practice of law and of the State House of Repre 1 in Washington, there is a nent. Some are by unknown or James Gillespie Blaine con established himself as a plant sentatives 1820-22 and 1924-30; little-known collection of por obscure artists. j vened and presided over the er; member of the House of one of the founders and editor traits in oils of the men who All appear to be painted on first Pan American Conference Representative 1808-09; Repre of the Southern Review 1828-32; canvas. in 1889. Robert Bacon, mem sentative from South Carolina have served our country as attorney general for South Caro The title "Secretary ol State" ber of Genend Pershing©s stalf, 1811-17; was Secretary of War in Secretaries of State. lina 1830-32; Charge d©Affairs to dates from September 15, 1789. later became Chief of the Ameri President Monroe©s cabinet 1817- Included, of course, are Brussells 1832-36; Attorney Gen can Military Mission at British 25; Vice President of the United South Carolina©s two secreta The greater number have come eral of the U. S. in President General Hq., World War I. States 1825-32, when he resign ries: Jarnes F. Brynes and John from the State ol New York, in Tyler©s cabinet from September cluding the present Secretary of George C. Marshall, General of ed; Senator from South Caro C. Calhoun, 13. 1841 until his death; filled State. The following are the the Army, was Chief of Staff lina 1832-43; commissioned Sec Not included In the collection the office of Secretary of State states from whence they have of the Army, :939-45. He was retary of State in President Ty of paintings is a South Caro- ad interim ftom May 8, 1843 up linian who served a brief pe come, and the number: New the author of the Marshall Plan. ler©s cabinet March 6, 1844, en riod as Secretary of State; a York, 12; Virginia, 7; Pennsyl- Philander Chase Knox, as until his death in Boston, Mass. tered upon his duties April 1, lesser-known figure, Hugh S. vania, 5; Massachusetts, 4; Del- chief counsel for Carnegie Steel June 20, 1843; interment In 1844, and several until March Legare, Attorney General, who k aware, 3;©two each from Mary- Co., helped in 1901 to organize Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cam 10, 1845; as Secretary of State, . land, South Carolina, Illinois, the U. S. Steel Corporation. signed an abortive treaty for filled the post ad interim from bridge, Mass., reinterment in May 8 to June 20, 1943, the. d Ohio; and one each from Ken William Jennings Bryan op the annexation ol Texas and Magnolia Cemetery, Charleston. date of his death in Boston. tucky, Louisiana, Georgia, Mich posed Qarance Darrow as coun aided in accomplishing annexa The collection does not In igan, Maine, New Jersey, In sel in the Scopes Evolution trial JAMES FRANCIS BYRNES tion by joint resolution of Con diana, Nebraska, Minnesota and in Dayton, Tenn., in 1925. He gress; was A delegate of South clude portraits of Secretaries of James F. Bymes was born in Tennessee. John Hay, commis died the same year, in Dayton. jrtate ad interim except one, A. Charleston, May 2, 1879; attend Carolina to, and presiding of sioned in 1898 is listed from the A. Adee, or Acting Secretaries ed public schools; was an offi ficer of, a rail road-and-water District of Columbia. Bainbridge Colby, secretary of of State. cial court reporter 1900-1908; way convention, held in Mem Interesting facts are contain state from 1920-21, later was (A Secretary of State ad In was admitted to the bar in 1903 phis, Term., in 1845; was again ed in the biographies of these the law partner of Woodrow Wil terim performs the duties of and practiced in Aiken; was edi a Senator from South Carolina, 1 men. Notable orators were Wil- son. Frank Billings Kellog the office when (here is none, as tor of the Aiken Journal and 1845-50; was the author of vol © liam Jennings Bryan and Daniel (Brian-Kellogg peace pact) won between the death of one and Review 1903-07; married Maude uminous writings and speeches; Webster. Thomas Jefferson, the the Nobel Peace prize In 1929. appointment of another. Since Perkins Busch, 1906; solicitor died in Washington, D. C, March : first secretary, became presi He had been president of the 31, 1850. the time of Thomas Jefferson, American Bar Association from for the Second Circuit of the there have been 27 periods of dent of the United States, as did : 1912-13. state, 1908-10: representative The following men have serv *uch service.) James Madison, James Monroe, ed as Secretaries of State: Tho Henry L. Srimson, governor from South Carolina, 1911-25; The collection included ail , John Quincy Adams, Martin delegate to all the Democratic mas Jefferson, Edmund Ran Secretaries from the first, Tho Van Buren, and James Buch- general of the Philippines (1927- dolph, Timothy Pickering, John 29) retired is secretary of state National Conventions from 1920- mas Jefferson, through John © anan. 40; practiced law in Spartan- Marshall, James Madison, Rob Foster Dulles. Mr Dulles© por the day President Franklin ert Smith, James Monroe, John t Edmund Randolph was the Roosevelt took office, and in burg, 1925-31: senator from trait, following custom, will not j senior counsel lor Aaron Burr Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, Mar 1940 became tecretary of war. South Carolina, 1931-41; asso be hung un*il his retirement. in the treason trial in 1870; and ciate justice of the U. S. Su tin Van Buren, Edward Uving- It also included the portrait William Maxwell Evarts serve* Cordell Hull was also a win preme Court, 1941-42; director ston, Louis McLane, John For- of Jefferson©s predecessor, John as chief counsel for Presider ner of the Nobel peace prize. of the Office of Economic Sta yth, Daniel Webster. Jay, who( as Secretary of For Johnson in the impeachme; He accompanied President bilization, 1942-43; director of i Also, Abel P. Upshur, John C. eign Affairs alter the Constitu trial of 1868. ! Roosevelt to Yalta in 1945. the Office of War Mobilization Calhoun, James Buchanan, John tion was effected, superintend John Foster Dulles, most wide John Marshall was the auth and Reconversion, 1943-45; ac M. Clayton, Edward Everett, ed the affairs of the Depart ly-traveled of any secretary, companied President Roosevelt : William L. Marcy, Lewis Cass, j of a five-volume work on Geor; helped negotiate the Japanese ment. The Department, however, Jeremiah S. Black, William H. Washington; John Hay, whow, Peace Treaty (1950-51) with to Yalta Conference, 1945; com has no portrait of Jay©s prede Seward, Elihu B. Washburne, a private secretary to Lincoli ; the rank of Ambassador. missioned Secretary of State in cessor, Robert R. Uvingston, Hamilton fish, William M. co-authored * 10-volume histor n[ Alvey Augustus Adee, ad in President Truman©s cabinet July first Secretary of Foreign Af Evarts, James G. Blaine, Fred . of Lincoln; John Quincy Adarr. terim secretary of state, Sep 2, 1945, entered upon his duties fairs under the Continental Con made notations in his diary th. f erick T. Frelinghuysen, Thomas gress, 1781-83. tember 11-29, 1898, was one of July 3, IMS, and served until I covered a -span of 50 years. January 21, 1947; as secretary F. Bayard, John W. Foster, Wal The collection dates from 1861 the original incorporators of the © Edward Everett, a ministei. American National Red Cross of state, accompanied President ter Q. Gresham, Richard Onley. with the first purchase of the CC < was pastor of the Battle Street under Act of Congress, approv Truman to the Potsdam Confer Also, John Sherman, William portrait of Daniel Webster. Most i Unitarian Church, Boston, in \ ence, 1945; was U. S. member of R. Day, John Hay, Elihu Root, j were bought, although some ed Junt 6, 1900. \ 1814, and occupied the chair of . the Council of Foreign Ministers Robert Bacon, Philander C were outright gifts. Three were Greek Literature at Harvard The following nre official biog at London in 1945 and at Paris Knox, William Jennings Bryan, done by an employee-artist of from 1819-25. He also was edi- raphies of the three South Caro and at New York City in 1946, Robert Lansintf. Bainbridge Col- the Department. Some were r tor of the North American Re- © lina men who have filled the and represented the U. S. at by Charles K. Hughes, Frank B. painted from life; others are view from 18#W4, I position of Secretary of State: Kellogg, Henry L.
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