-, .. ,:i -,~ , . , _ It. ,_ th. ",0{(' i . I , -, - . , " , " .' " TIllttsday, A'Ugust,24, 1900'· SEP 1ra50 THE JEWISH POST .. - ", - -.' ' -". ,- ~.' '. - nGurion/s New Stand On. Gal '~th S, . J.Dniche . 'as diScussion . Rabbi •Arthur' Chiel' "leader. -,'. " , . ' . Room and Board Room and Board Wanted 'f!;~~~!o~~n:uTt:~!~ !:. ~e:!! At North' End Schute" Mrs. 0:. P. potlieb will pre~de Room' and bOard in nice home. Home w~nted' for. young man tric stove.. Suitable. for couple, 222 Holiday ServiCe • . at' ,,:'the' luncheon' .sessioll7'- and "-Mr. OnSunday/sWestern Zoc Student preferred. Apply 321' Magnus entering .first year university, Will Pritchard Ave.· .. ..' .' Green' at the dinner.' .' .' .'. avenue .. Phone 590005. be. in Winnipeg first week. in Sept, . RabbiSch)V8rlz has recently re­ • to make arrangements. ,Write to Room for .,Rent turned'from Isr.ael.and it is expecte<i Ben 'Gurion's recent his... Suite to Share Mrs, H, A. Breslaw, Dauphin, Man. Room for rent,· with or '1;~~;1 that he' willgiv'e·8 ¢Otnprehensive ipcllic,y statement on the rela­ ! Young man under thirty wanted . -_.... board. Suitable f{)rstudent. report of"the . problems facmg tli.e "·world Jewry "-'.to Israel 54360._ young state. ~: I to share 4-room furnished apart- .Suite for R~t-2 Students last week, Will' be aired , '. I :went in central location. Reasonable Private suite for rent, suitable for SIGMA ALPHA:-·l.mJ-'--~i. for the first time by Zionist II rent. Box 163. two students. Exceptionally come '. (Cont; from page 1) .' Canada when ZOC Na­ 1/ of the Mid­ dustiee Batshaw 11 Furnished Room for Rent :;fo:;.rta.::::;b:;:;le;.:h::;;om::::;;e;;.;.;,Ph:.::o~n:::e.:58:::.::034::;;.' ..... _ nOwlced dud th';- sabbath ""rViee their o~e-day 'c~n- ~MEDICAL DOCTOR.' is open to the'publiii, aildextend . In' Regina Ii _ Large, furnished room for rent . Room. for Rent a cordial inVitation to, the .entire ·by Hart II with all conveniences. Suitable faT Excellent accommoda- . !L .Lovely room for rent in .quiet,! re­ · eommuiuty to' . atteiid.DUd 'hear is bein. g Regina (Special) - Justice Harry .student or working person. Close to tion in medical- dental Rabbi Rusl8nder,. an outstanding meet .. Batshaw, KC., Judge of the Superior Ii'" . transportation. Phone 58 814. fined home. Suitable for student. Executive --~~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~--- Board optional. Phone 58 034, be- office in Winnipeg . ·. figure in fi.te _"'goai?-. Rabbinate, Court, district of Montreal, and I ",ho oet!uPles the pulPit of. Tempie ranking Jewish jurist in the Do­ Room Suite for Rent tween 6 and 8 p.m. Organization of V\~o~I.~X~X~VI~--,- __~WI~NN~~IP~E~G~,~T::H~U~R~S::D~A~·~Yi,....:A~U~G~U~S~T2...-::31~'~~~-=2:' ___--=N~o= • ...:3~5 I Three Israel in DaytOn, Ohio. '. minion, will. be guest speaker at I 'l'hree-roomsuite for rent. Sepa~ FORR£NT' . Rabbi Ruslander is a graduate "'natio'nal ,co-presidents ,­ 'dedication" ceremonies of the­ rate bathroom. Adults only. Apply - Young Man Wanted· '. of the Uriive:n<ity of Cineinn8ti' House of Jacob synagogue'on For. full p~rticUlars Gelber of Toronto and 285 Redwood avenue. Young I man.. wanted for clothing and . Hebrew .•• uniOii . College. '. In E. Schwisberg, K.C., of Sept. 3 . store on Mam street. Permanent _write.Box555- · 1938 and 1939 he ,·was·associate . - in attendance, it was Batshaw was chairman of Female Help Wanted director oLtJie' Hillel' FolUldation in :.Iocal" Zionist circles that the ZOC public relations con:imittee,' position, good wages. Apply Box 4. The Jewish Post .' Cabinet Replacements Slated , ,-' Girl wanted .for . general office , · at !he University of D1blois, and . ex"cu.ti·ive board session may and wrote, widely on Zionist issues · while. there. Iec.tured.·atthe Ulli- for the Quebec French press. He is i, . work. Apply, stating experience and Room for Rent ' . " a major- project anriounce­ . education, to Box 147, Jewish Post. '. versity. in' the fieldS of .. Ilistory of' '. of intereSt to all Canadian credited with playing a major role in I One large furnished room for rent religion and religion and social For Myersonl Remezi Rosen securing Canada's'. support of Israel I in quiet home. Suitable for. one or' problems; . I " ' when the case was before the U.N. Furnished Room for Rent does come, the' announcement . -,' \ two persons. Phone 54 637. , made at the' dinner session . New York _ Now that Ben Gurian's hopes pI tions;, and Pinhas Rosen, minister of justice. Dr. three years ago. , ! Furnished room for rent in suite. WANTED ,'. NEWSY NOTES' both Mr. Schwisberg and widerung his government by the inclusion of General, Bernard Joseph will remain minister of supply, but Participating along with Justice Suitable for business lady .,or stu­ i Suite to Share A WELL"ESTABLISHEo pub'tishing (Cont. from page' 2) . will hegnest sPeakers. Zionists and Mapam leaders has failed, he Will go all economic functions which he assumed in 1949 in Batshaw in the dedication cere­ dent Cooking facilities available. at ·the . special .lun­ monies will be a galaxy of Qutstand:­ . \ I. firm 'desires the services of a com-, following: 3! policy .of""couraging ahead with a general program of cabinet changes. the wake of ratiqning, will be taken away from him. , ,Ph:.:.:;o::;n:;e:.,::56::,8:;:2:,:7.;,. _. __=:=' _~___ Widow has nicely furn4<hed,. 3- will be Rabbi Jesse . designed to advance stability in the country. The ministryo£ trade, lately held 'in trust' by fin- ing provincial and mtmicipal gov­ .. .... room i'ilodetn aparbnent on, Broad- petent· s'Blesman 'or 's3leswqman Jewish Writers by publishing that who has had a well-rounded, suc.:; zoe _: national executive Slated for replacement in this prog' ram 'are Golda ance M,inister Kaplan, and 'the ministry of agriculture, ernment leaders as -well as local Furnished Room for Rent way to share. Cooking privileges, or cessful .. experience in' personal · whicltdoes notnee~y 'appeal' . held 'in trust' by Dr. Joseph, will go to new ministers. church dignitaries. Rabbi Ci.:.el will. • 'b' . Myerson, minist~r of labor; David Remez,. minister of The health ministry, too, 'managed' by Moshe Shapira, The affair is expected· to attract : Furnished . room for.' rent, with board if desired. Moderate charge. :' salesmanship', ArthUr.... ":J~i~~~; o;ommercial pu lishers.• , • }e.':prOlniJle.~t· Zionists·expected board if desired. Quiet home. in Phone 925874.' :.... '.. duct the first High"'"... Holiday s I seSsions. include: J. M. Golden- comiunications; and Pinchas Rosen, minister of minister of immigration, will have a new minister. a . large attendance of western For the man or woman who can, by ;of the' North End con- , . __ : _. ' ," \' i , , K.C., 'of Saskat'OoTI, Western . justice. .Slated for appointment are first of all D. Z. Pinhas, Canadians. lIiverHeights. 'Suitable for student. ' '-", .,- , ~, , I . Apply Box 99, The Jewish Post.. Board and Room Available mental balance, sales ability, and a '-gtegatlon,' - it ~ was', _ 'chairman; M. L. Klein, of The report, by JTA neWS analyst Boris Smolar, the Mizrachi . chairman of the all-important finance sincere desire to succeed, put.forth Louis C. Cohen, board national president of Can- . said: ' committee of the Israel parliament., He in,ay get the , 1':"=============""11' J3oard- and room avaiiable'in quiet, Y:(~~'l! Judaeaj N. GaJsin, of respectable home: Girl· student pre­ ihtelligtmt and conscientious e.fiort, this week... Cantor Sam' "The concludirig, :Jewish year has, cemented the trade ministry. Pin4as Lubianiker, secretary-general 'we are prepared to· offer emp~oy-. well.known chaZan, will assist. - national president of position of Israel internally and -'among nations of of the Hbtadrut, is certain to.' become minister of TEACHER WANTED ferred .. Apply Mrs.· G. Bay, 347 A Orde. of Haboniin, and M. A. College avenue. Phone 51368_ . ment .more pleasant and profitable North End Synagogue, whose mod­ Dcn'tTurn. the world despite economic difficulties. Now the labor, if he agrees. Also mentioned for the post is FOR than usual u:r;tder present condi­ ern'structure is slated for construe':.. of Montreal, assistant leaders of the Israel government are planning to ad- Abba Hushi, leader of Israel's Labor party. in Haifa. ENGLISH CLASSES .. .... ..;, ~' .."-- ---':.. tiona. tion early this. f"lI, has. taken. over executive director. vance stability in the country by instituting certain· Premier Ben Gurian has been endeavoring to widen the Jewish Orphanage Synagogt!e ~~!~~;,!~~:deof the Ben Gurion changes in the cabinet. Me~bers of 'the cabinet who his -government, offering cabinet posts to the General . I. L. Peretz School. ···HOU.SE OUi' own staff has been advised of, for the Yom .Tovim.·· . ' . ~: ,_ in Jerusalem last are slated to be replaced are: Golda Myerson, min- Zionists and~o the'left-wing Mapam Socialists. How­ ·this . advertisement and replies Fun- .Jnto - . , corne at a session on Calgary, Alberta Reservations for former seat hold­ , lster of l!lbor; David Remez, minister of cornniunica- ever, his attemp~s in this respect have failed. shall' be treated, in strict . confii-. the . zoe", with. S. J. -------------------~--------~--------~~---------------------- Grades One to Five inclusive ers at. the Jewish' Orphanage Syna'­ FOR SALE , dence. '_ - .gogue will be held until Sept. 1. .. (Cont.,on page 11) Commencing Sept. 1st, 1950 " -' D. P. Gotliebs Back . From Israel: . Rabbi Chiel is chairman of the " Write detailed informatioll as to '", ,- . ~-- . In reply, please state qualifi9a­ Fully modern 7 croom house Dept. o'f Judaic Studies at the Uni­ ·Fatality tions, previous experience and in North End. 3 bedrooms, your. qualifications. .. salary, to J. Spivak, 1125 versity of Manitoba, and director of living room, dining room, den. Address: The Jewish Post, .213 the Hillel Foundation.. Immigration i'oad'Staggering Israel; Sydenham R a a d, Calgary, . Selkirk avenue, Winnipeg, Canada.
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