1 DGMK liagungsbericht & 9803 Proceedings of the DGMK-Conference “Selective Oxidations in Petrochemistry" October 8-9,1998, Hamburg-Reinbek, Germany f DGMK German Society for Petroleum and Coal Science and Technology Petrochemistry Division Alle Rechte, auch die der Ubersetzung, des auszugsweisen Nachdrucks, der Herstellung von Mikrofilmen und der fotomechanischen Wiedergabe, nur mit ausdrucklicher schriftlicher Genehmigung der DGMK. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of DGMK. Als Manuskript gedruckt. ISSN 1433-9013 ISBN 3-931850-44-7 Preis: DM 150,- zuziigl. ges. MwSt. Verbreitung und Verkauf nur durch: /s DGMK Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft fur Erdol, Erdgas und Kohle e.V. Kapstadtring 2, 22297 Hamburg Postfach 60 05 49, 22205 Hamburg Telefon: (040) 63 90 04-11/33 Telefax: (040) 63 00 736 Bankverbindung: Dresdner Bank AG, Hamburg, Konto 9 085 166 00 (BLZ 200 800 00) Amtsgericht Hamburg 69 VR 6898 DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. /N DGMK German Society for Petroleum and Coal Science and Technology Tagungsbericht 9803 Proceedings of the DGMK-Conference “Selective Oxidations in Petrochemistry" October 8-9,1998, Hamburg-Reinbek, Germany (Authors Manuscripts) edited by G. Emig, C. Kohlpaintner & B. Liicke DE99G2168 CONTENTS Page NEW VISTAS IN SELECTIVE OXIDATIONS R. Sheldon SELECTIVE CATALYTIC OXIDATIONS OF ALKYLAROMATIC COMPOUNDS R.W. Fischer and F. Rohrscheid PROCESS ENGINEERING IN SELECTIVE ALKANE OXIDATIONS 27 J.J. Lerou PARTIAL OXIDATION OF n-AND i-PENTANE OVER PROMOTED VANADIUM-PHOSPHORUS OXIDE CATALYSTS V.A. Zazhigalov, B.D. Mikhajluk and G.A. Komashko ACTIVE CATALYTIC SITES IN THE AMMOXIDATION OF (37) PROPANE AND PROPENE OVER V-Sb-0 CATALYSTS S. A. Buchholz and H. W. Zanthoff A NEW KINETIC MODEL BASED ON THE REMOTE CONTROL /4s) MECHANISM TO FIT EXPERIMENTAL DATA IN THE SELECTIVE OXIDATION OF PROPENE INTO ACROLEIN ON BIPHASIC CATALYSTS H. M. Abdeldayem, P. Ruiz, F. C. Thyrion and B. Delmon THE LIQUID PHASE OXIDATION OF n-BUTANE: A SEARCH FOR PLAUSIBLE MECHANISMS C.C. Hobbs MODELLING OF THE PARTIAL OXIDATION OF a,(3- UNSATURATED ALDEHYDES ON Mo-V-OXIDES BASED CATALYSTS H. Bohnke, J.C. Petzoldt, B. Stein, C. Weimer and J. W. Gaube THE MORPHOLOGICAL MODIFICATION OF ELECTROLYTIC SILVER DURING THE OCM REACTION AND IT'S EFFECT ON 0 CATALYSIS A. J. Nagy, G. Weinberg, E. Kitzelmann and G. Mestl STRATEGIES FOR CATALYST DEVELOPMENT: POSSIBILITIES © OF THE “RATIONAL APPROACH” ILLUSTRATED WITH PARTIAL OXIDATION REACTIONS W. Weiss, Th. Schedel-Niedrig and R. Schlogl II Page A PREDICTIVE TOOL FOR SELECTIVE OXIDATION OF HYDROCARBONS: OPTICAL BASICITY OF CATALYSTS P. Moriceau, A. Lebouteiller, E. Bordes and P. Courtine COMPARISON OF THE REDOX ACTIVITIES OF SOL-GEL AND 103 ) CONVENTIONALLY PREPARED Bi-Mo-Ti MIXED OXIDES M. Wildberger, J.-D. Grundwaldt, T. Mallat and A. Baiker CATALYTIC OXIDATIVE CONVERSION OF ALKANES TO OLEFINS AND OXYGENATES M. Baerns HETEROGENEOUS CATALYTIC OXIDATIVE DEHYDROGENATION OF ETHYLBENZENE TO STYRENE WITH CARBON DIOXIDE T. Badstube, H. Papp, P. Kustrowski and R. Dziembaj V2O5-ZO2 CATALYSTS FOR THE OXIDATIVE @ DEHYDROGENATION OF PROPANE - INFLUENCE OF THE NIOBIUM OXIDE DOPING S. Albrecht, K.-H. Hallmeier, G. Wendt and G. Lippold POSTERSESSION OXIDATIVE DEHYDROGENATION OF ETHANE ON RARE-EARTH OXIDE-BASED CATALYSTS O. Bayevskaya and M. Baerns SELECTIVE EPOXIDATION OF ALLYLIC ALCOHOLS WITH A TITANIA-SILICA AEROGEL M. Dusi, T. Mallat and A. Baiker THE SILVER CATALYST PROCESS FOR CONVERTING METHANOL TO FORMALDEYHDE - KINETIC INVESTIGATIONS E. Panzer and G. Emig PHENOL BY DIRECT HYDROXYLATION OF BENZENE WITH \163 NITROUS OXIDE - ROLE OF SURFACE OXYGEN SPECIES IN THE REACTION PATHWAYS A. Reitzmann, E. Klemm, G. Emig, S. A. Buchholz and H. W. Zanthoff PARTIAL OXIDATION OF N-BUTANE TO MALEIC ANHYDRIDE 171 OVER A VANADIUMPYROPHOSPHATE CATALYST IN THE RISER REGENERATOR SYSTEM St. HeB, M. Liauw and G. Emig Page OXIDATION OF AROMATIC ALCOHOLS ON ZEOLITE- ( 173 ] ENCAPSULATED COPPER AMINO ACID COMPLEXES S. Ernst and J. M. Teixeira Florencio a-Sb204- Induced Improvements of the catalytic behavior of MoO,-(010) in the oxygen-assisted dehydration of 2-butanol: 3 Implications in selective oxidation E. M. Gaigneaux, M.-L. Naeye, O. Dupont, M. Gallant, B. Kartheuser, P. Ruiz and B. Delmon SELECTIVE OXIDATIONS ON VANADIUMOXIDE CONTAINING AMORPHOUS MIXED OXIDES (AMM-V) WITH TERT.- BUTYLHYDROPEROXIDE Y. Deng, M. Hunnius, S. Storck and W. F. Maier ON THE CATALYTIC GAS PHASE OXIDATION OF BUTADIENE Z) TO FURAN B. Kubias, U. Rodemerck, F. Ritschl and M. Meisel SUPERCRITICAL CARBON DIOXIDE AS AN INNOVATIVE REACTION MEDIUM FOR SELECTIVE OXIDATION F. Loeker and W. Leitner CHARACTERIZATION OF VPO AMMOXIDATION CATALYSTS BY IN SITU METHODS © A. Martin, B. Lucke, A. BrQckner, U. Steinike, K.-W. Brzezinka and M. Meisel PARTIAL OXIDATION OF 2-PROPANOL ON PEROVSKITES R. Sumathi, B. Viswanathan and T. K. Varadarajan CHEMO-ENZYMATIC EPOXIDATION OF OLEFINS BY I CARBOXYLIC ACID ESTERS AND HYDROGEN PEROXIDE M. RQsch gen. Klaas and S. Warwel I STUDY OF PROPANE PARTIAL OXIDATION ON VANADIUM- 241, CONTAINING CATALYSTS f G. A. Komashko, S. V. Khalamejda and V. A. Zazhigalov ACTIVE GROUPS FOR OXIDATIVE ACTIVATION OF C-H BOND IN 249/ C2-C5 PARAFFINS ON V-P-0 CATALYSTS V. A. Zazhigalov ADSORPTION AND REACTION ON A POLAR SINGLE 257 CRYSTALLINE CHROMIA SURFACE O. Seiferth, M. Bender, B. Dillmann, D. Ehrlich, I. Hemmerich, F. Rohr, K. Wolter, C. Xu, H. Kuhlenbeck and H.-J. Freund s 7 DGMK-Conference "Selective Oxidations in Petrochemistry", Hamburg 1998 R. Sheldon Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Chemical Technology, P.O. Box 5045, NL-2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands NEW VISTAS IN SELECTIVE OXIDATIONS Manuscript was not available DGMK-Tagungsbericht 9803, 3-931850-44-7,1998 8 9 DGMK-Conference "Selective Oxidations in Petrochemistry", Hamburg 1998 *DE012198096* R. W. Fischer"’, F. Rohrscheid" ’ Celanese GmbH, P.O. Box 13 01 60 D-46147 Oberhausen, Germany Central Research & Technology, Hoechst AG, Frankfurt a. M., Germany SELECTIVE CATALYTIC OXIDATIONS OF ALKYLAROMATIC COMPOUNDS Focused to the guidelines of ‘Sustainable Development* ‘Responsible Care' and Customer Satisfaction ’, modern production processes are critically assessed on their balance between their ecological benefits and their economical parameters as well as their value to the community. Also in the area of fine chemicals, it is obvious that more and more processes are devolved which save feedstock, reduce emissions and minimize the potential for safety hazards: Less additive but more integrated protection of the environment yielding ecologically highly valuable processes. The described production of aromatic carboxylic acids is an ideal example for such a modern process. Nowadays the synthesis of derivatives of benzoic acid utilizes air as Ideal oxidant and acetic acid as environmental unquestionable solvent. The major byproduct of the oxidation reaction is water in some cases, dependend on the substrate also carbon dioxidej Major advantages of the process are • High environmental acceptance • low manufacturing costs • minimization of risks and potential hazards • high flexibility in product change • high space time yields and thus high capacities realized in small operating units • high quality of the products in connection with easy work up. Aromatic Carboxylic Acids are highly important, synthetically useful fine chemicals and building blocks for different types of polymers. The industrial importance of terephthalic acid or DMT (dimethyl terephthalate), both building blocks for PET, and phthalic acid anhydride (PTA) is obvious. PET is a basic monomer for polyester polymers used for the production of end-user products such as bottles, video tapes or fine fashions, as well as environmentally beneficial packaging materials. Aromatic polyamides (aramides) were the first in the series of high-performance specialty thermoplastics. Such polymers named Kevlar® are used in bulletproof vests or the first commercially available LCPs. Nomex® is used as substitute for asbestos. In the area of high performance polymers there is a still growing market interest in sophisticated building blocks bearing multiple carboxylic functionality's on aromatic systems, the latter often being connected by fluorinated spacer groups as in the high price, electronic grade polyimide monomers 2,2- bis(3',4'-anhydrodicarboxyphenyl)hexaflouropropane, both produced via oxidation of the corresponding o-xylene precursors. —------------------------------- -------- DGMK-Tagungsbericht 9803, 3-931850-44-7,1998 DE99G2093 10 As fine chemicals they are mostly used as intermediates to pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals or pigments. Here, the current market volume is in the range of 16 kto/a corresponding to ca. 220 Mio DM. The obvious commercial importance of the further developed Amoco-MC technology has thus stimulated an enormous amount of research activity which has resulted in more than 350 different types of aromatic substrates that have been oxidized using this method. A review of the literature since the mid 1980s concerning the oxidation of alkyl-, acyl-, or formyl-substituted aromatic compounds with air as oxidant and transition metal salts as catalysts reveals trends which may be tentatively summarized
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