VOL. XXXIX. MASON, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, tJULY 28, 1909 NO. 30 SEVENTEEN WEEE PRESENT^ .«uporhUendonl 1,100 00 Accidentally Killed His Cousin. Normal 720 dO .laiiliors m 00 Fairbanks Producis Wliile Mie plireiits were awiiy liuck- Coal .100 00 elbcrrylu!,' lust Saturday al'ceriiouu Gil.'iOllliB Tn no At the Annual School Meeting at the Olllci.'r'.s salary fiO 00 at Wholesale Frank E, Hill, a tiliie-yoai'-old sou 'jf High School Building Monday JCxpense.s of Sfcreiary's utllcu 2.1 00 John Hill uf Wlicatdqld, accidentally Care of lilirary.. mi UU A 25c Wash Belt Free Evening. .^applies 150 00 For a limited time, beginning sliotliis cousin, Albert Guiley, a seven- .Ml.soolliiiieoiis (WU 00 June 9th, I can st41 you Fnirbauks When President Thorbuivi of the iionds, llr.st Lssue 2,.100 year-old son of Fred Gailey of Wliite ., . Uoiids, second issue i.ouO art Soaps at wholesale. Sunny Mon­ , , ,„,^ ., „, „ , f scliiiol iDiiard ca led the ineetlnn to or Interosioii bonds & toraporory loans '.lOlUlii day, one of the best laundry soaps With Purchase of $1.00 or Over, at dor at 8;;!0 there were 15 present, two lnsiiriim;« 7.1 00 Oak, The boys were left in cliarge of l , ... .New Seiits \m 00 Alice Gailey, a ll-yeai'-old sister of mure ciiiiie in later, Tliissliows tliab Temporary loan l.ouO IKI on the market, a pure white soap Albert, The Hill boy found a shot (-trading luwii 200 00 our ]ieop|e are wiiolly stitislled with tliat contains no rosin. I'^.-riry, the gun in the house and tlie boys were Kepalrs 2.10 00 tlie wiiy Ihc board conducts tilings. soap that floats, for the toilet. Tar, playing witli it wlien in some manner Total ostlmatert disbursements..810.77,1 00 Secretary Tliomas read the annual re­ •Loss loiiil csLimatod resources 7,000 00 for the sliampoo of tlic hair. Pum- H. F. MERTZ'S the weaiKHi was discharged, tearing port as follows; mo, to remove gi-ca.sc and paint. Albert's left arm from his body. Unlancu nf esllmalod dlslnirsy- To the electors of School Dis'trict nieiits 10 be raised by direct ta.v iS.SOS 10 Gold Dust, to help the housewife Altiert's sister led him to the home =THIS WEEK— No, 1, of the Townsliip of Vevay -•Vno'tlior matter to come before do work—S6 15 worth of soap and of a neighbor about. ,00 I'ods away and the City of Mason, Ingham tho meeting is the election of two washing powder for 1^4.50, Come wliere Dr. Alexander of Dansyille and County, Michigan, ti'ustees fo succeed ,1. N. Thor­ in and see us. Dr, Culver of this city were .summon­ The board of trustees o't Schoo burn and E, A, Densmore, whoso District No, 1, of the,Township of terms this day expire. ed. Tliey were unable to save the [fnlKHJimOOCHKUl rHMJOnUfHinOOa rHHK100JHllH«HH10fHl Vevay, which includes the City of All Of whicli is respoctfuliy sub­ boy's life,as he died about 11 o'clock Mason, suljmit the following as mitted, W.C.WALTER GUY S. THORBURN LOCAL NEWS that niglit from the loss of blood and their annual report of the con­ A, L, Rose moved that the report Let the Gold Dust twins do the the shock, dition and progress of 'the schools WKH>OOfKini%(MM«KHl(H>OOCKlOiUlUOniHHHMKKKlO{HlOO0iKionOOlKHWl of the said district and an account be accepted. Carried, A, J, Hall woi-k and Sunny Monday Ijubbles Cash Grocer I tis believed tliat the shooting was of tlie monies received and e.\;- moved that $8,808.10 be raised by di­ wash away your troubles. Table linen sale at Parkliurst's, accidental, but the Hill boy is report' pendccl during the year, together rect taxation, Seconded by Mr, Rose 25 lbs H. & E, Gran. Sugar, $1,40 ed as incorrigible and the matter has with their estimate of the re­ and, carried unanimously. This is See notice of SO-acre farm for sale. ceipts and expenditures for the 25 lbs Moss Rose Flour, .95 been reported to County Agent Wei nearly 152,000 less than was raised last !lJi^ Sale on colored lawns at Parkhurst's. ensuing year, and their recom­ 25 lbs Henkel's Bread Flour, ,90 lings at Lansing with a view of com mendation as to the disposition year. A nnich-needed rain fell Ilist Tliurs­ 25 lbs Snow Flake Flour, .90 initting to the Industrial School for thereof. Election of trustees followed, Geo. day, =/-gal Mason Jai-s, per doz, ,60 Boys. As in o'ther years /ihe progj'oss M. Webb and Roy Adams were ap­ in the scho'ols this last year has Quart Mason Jars, per doz, ,45 Special low prices on hammocks this pointed tellers. E, A, Densmore and Sale on embroideries at Parkhurst's. been omineil'tly sati.sfactory. A Pint Mason Jars, per doz, .43 J, N, Tliorhurn being, chosen to suc­ week at Quirk's. * Blue Ribbon race meeting on at JDe- class o'f twelve was graduated and K.Ntra Heavy Fruit Jar Rubbei's. Come in and get those shoos shinod, work ia the grades , hasi been of ceed themselves. On the llrst ballot troit this week. good character and high standing. per doz, .08 Densmore received 13, A. J, Hall and Webb ..t Liiwrcnce, *tf Almo.st all of the teacher.s' who All oxfords at reduced prices at n. B, Longyear ono each. The second Refined Paraiine, pound cake, .10 Ladles' $2,00 umbrellas cut to $i.l9 have been with us the past year 8 bars Jaxon or Leno.x Soap, .25 Webb k, Lawrence's, *tf will be with us 'the ensuing year. ballot gave Thorburn 13, Hall two ahd at Parkhurst's sale, * Kellogg's Corn Flakes, pkg .09 25c SOX for 15c and 25c lace hose for It only being necessary vo engage I, H, Field one. The L. A. S. of Eden will meet at a new teacher for music and Post Toasties, pkg 15c, 2 for .25 19c at Parkhurst's sale. * The matters of grading the back the church Aug. -Itli. drawing to take the position of Hcinz's Sweet or Sour Pickles, Jay Sweeney now handles the Sat­ Miss .Bonnie Puller, who cared foi' yard for a playground and putting lire Fourth matinee at Quickstep park per doz, .10 urday Evening Post. Bell phone 89. these subjects so satisfactorily escapes on the high scliool building next Friday afternoon, the past year. E. C. Dart, real estate, loans and col­ were discussed some and the meeting Chas, Folar of Alaiedon has pur­ In jthe grades we have been adjourned. A Healthful and Thirst Quenching BUSINESS DIRECTORY.. lections. Ollice in Lawrence Block. * obliged to secure a new teacher chased a Bulck automobile. Drink, XJEJsri'is'i' Mrs. William Shaw has been quite in tlie place .of Miss Amy Hurl- Matinee Races. Special fur Saturday, Jtily :ilst, New sick for several weeks with jaundice; burt, who has cared for the Jourth The fourth matinee uf the Jlason £JR. C. K. IIK.NDKHSO.N, Dentist. Over F. York leather couches for $12 at Mc­ and fifth grades the pasi: year J. Drown's Sline Store. Driving Assuciation for the seasun of Hoyt's Grape Juice Donald's, * n. W, Morgan of tiie Stockbridge very satisfactory indeed. Brief-Sun lias purchased a Jaxon auto­ Owing to the crowded condition 1909 will be held at Quickstep Park on pia:-2-sicij^3>TS An ice crelim social will be held on It fills the bill, and only mobile. of a number of the lower gi'ades Friday, July 30th. There will be fou K. CHAS. S. llAI.LAltn, (siicce.ssor lo Dr. G. the lawn of G. M, Smith at Eden next in the centra! building, this board races on the card, one a 100-yard dasl D IC. Maiiii) llujiteopittlilc i'liyslulan and Sur- Prciiching services at the Etchells thinlfs it wise to secui'C an .addi­ Keon. DIsutLsuH of the Kye, Kar, Nuse ami Saturday evening, July .'11, with prizes as follows: school house next Sunday morning at tional teacher and 'co form a com­ Throata-speclally. onice—Nearlilock. Hoars All indebted to Webb & Lawrence —8 to 10 a. iiL, 2 to 5 ami 7 to !) p. la. 10 o'clock. posite room, taking pupils from Race No, 1—Purse $15,00, divided LONGYEAR BROS., please call and settle before Aug, 1st, ti n.uim'ber Of tlie lower grades that $7.50, $4.50, $3.00. K.KUANK H.TlIOiMAS.l'liyslclanaiiTsiir- New York leather couches for $12, are now considerably over crowd­ geon Olllce over Wel)h & Whitman's store; as we must have the money, 20w2 Race No. 2-Purse $10.00, divided Druggists, teililenceat corner I! and Oak streets. Mason. Si)ecial sale at McDonald's next Sat­ ed. 'It is the judgment o'f the Anytliing on our 10c counter free board that all practice teaching $5.00, $3.00, $2.00. A good place to trade, EDSON COVKY, I'll. D., .M. D. riiysldnn urday, July 31st. • O• and Surgeon, u'IvIok special alteiilloii to with purchase of 2,00 or more Friday from our County Normal sliall be Race No. 3—Purse $7.00, divided otIlcopriicticBiVDrHlie cure of chronic diseases. and Siiturdayof this week at Quirk's AV, S. Fleming and Mrs. Sarah E, conducted in this composite room. Jiad. peculiar, dlffleult and siiihlinrii cases that In other portions of the state this $4.00, $2.00, $1,00, Berb Armsbi'ong and C, 0, Page took hallleolhersor have bt'eii iicKh^clcd or Imiirop- Dept.
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