1"ra NYTimes 22 Nov. 1966 Warren Panel, Under Attacks, Stands Firm on Its Findings in Kennedy Death 3 Years Ago new evidence to justify any re-+ chapter written for a French any portion thereof prior. to By PETER KIHSS consideration or any change in translation to be published by Nov. 22, 1968." On the third anniversary of the conclusions of the commis- !Editions Arthaud this week. A spokesman for Robert Ken- sion." In this Mr. Lane offered a President John F. Kennedy's, nedy, now Senator from New Another commissioner, Son- five-shot hypothesis. This would York, said yesterday -that Mr. assassination today, the two-' ateor John Sherman Cooper, Re- have a bul]gt strike President! Kennedy had no comment on year-old Warren Commission re publican of Kentucky, was on Kennedy in the back, and a the Kilduff charge. Mr. Man- port on his death is the subject his way home from Madrid to second bullet hit him in the chester was reported by The of intensive attacks. But com- Washington. But an associate throat from the front.' A third 'Associated- Press to be. travel- said the senator had been say- bullet would hit Governor Con- ling with his family in Europe mission members uphold their ing that everything brought up nally. A fourth would miss the findings that a 'lone assassin, and "unavailable for comment" in recent books and articles had President's limousine, but shat- Look magazine said, "we Lee Harvey Oswald, was guilty. been pursued and deliberated ter off a sideWalk curb to graze have received no request from Malcolm Kilduff, acting White over by the commission and tha a spectator, James R. Tague, in any member of the Kennedy House press secretary on the there were errors in some of the face. A fifth fired from the family for a change' from the these writings. - fateful day in Dallas, upholds ;right would inflict the fatal publicly announced Look issue In Winder, Ga., Senator Rich- head wound on President Ken- the finding against Oswald as date." ard B. Russell, Demoerat of that nedy. In his interview, Mr. Kilduff the lone killer. He does this in state, deelinFd comment on the I Mr. Lane noted that the al- said - President . Johnson had a taped Westinghouse Broad- dispute over the report yester- leged Oswald rifle could not been frustrated in a desire to casting Company interview to day. fire' five shots in the time in- accompany Mrs. Kennedy from be aired today. The other members 'of the dicated. He said his hypothesis the plane as the late President's But Mr. Kilduff disputes the seven-man Warren .commission "rests upon the facts which body was being brought out' at commission theory that a bullet -Representatives Gerald R. thieve con elusively that shots Andrews Air Force Base, that he said was "in almost Ford, Republican of Michigan, were firedelrom two directions. Instead of steps, he said, a perfect condition" could have and Hale Boggs, •Defnocrat of. and that assertion of course forklift had been set up, and hit both President Kennedy and Louielana, and John J. McCloY, precludes the. possibility that this- was inimediately• filled by Gov. John B. Connally Jr. of Net. York banker and lawyer, there was a lone assasin." members of the Kennedy staff Texas. were reported unavailable for - In his taped interview to be Ind Secret Service agents while Earl Warren, Chief Justice of comment yesterday, as was heard here today over radio sta- the new President :mild not the United States, the commis- Governor Connally. tion WINS at 11:30 AM. and reach Mrs. Kennedy. sion's chairman, is still declin-! Other commission sources ob- 8 P.M., Mr. Kilduff recalled he ing public comment, his office served that they had received was riding in the fourth car said yesterday, But Newsweek testimony from Governor Con- behind the President, while act- magazine quoted the 75-year- nally on April 21, 1964, that he ing as press secretary. He said old Justice yesterday as having believed he had been wounded he and others in the car, as well told a Johnson Administration at a time identified by frames as Secret Service agents, be- official recently: lieved there were three shots. "231 to about 234" in a series He and GoVernor Connally, Illoyers Cites Johnson of motion pictures taken by an he said, believed the first, shot "I was a diStrict attorney in amateur photographer,-...Abra- hit-. President Kennedy i the California for 12 years, and I hamZZapruder, of Dallas. - neck, (The Warren Commission tried a number of murder cases In his restudy for Life this holds a shot- that hit Mr. Ken- [an average of 15 a year]. If month, Governor Connally nedy at the base of the back of I were still a district attorney picked out the.234th frame as the neck came out the front and the Oswald case came into the most likely point. This was and wounded Governor Con- my jurisdiction, given the same ' nine to 24 frames—ot 0.5 to 1.3 nally.) lit was the second shot, evidence I could have gotten a seconds after--what the com- Mr, Kilduff contended, that hit vi conviction in two days and mission said were' the probably the TeXas Governor. never heard about the case points between1 which President Kilduff . Critielein again." Kennedy could have suffered his In Austin, Tex., Bill Moyers, first wound. Mr. Kilduff, Who left the the present White HoUSe press Osvvald's rifle required •. 42 White House staff in June, secretary, was asked for com- frames, or 2.3 seconds, betweeri 1965, after three years' service. ment by President Johnson on shots. said „ there had been about 34 books and ertieles written ques- Life magazine's editorial call The commission met ,this tim- this week for a new official tioning the Warren report. ing prOblem by suggesting that "I think they are pure gar- inquiry. one bullet had wounded both The magazine hat cited Gov- bage" written. for "personal the President and the Governor, gain," he said. ernor Connally's renewed view which would account for a time after restudy of the assassina- Mr. Kilduff charged that a difference in reactions by the 'bock by William Manchester, tion movie film, tha.t, he_ and two men. President Kennedy had been hit "The Death of a President," by separate shots In the current issue of Fron- from which Look magazine is Mr. Moyers referred newsmen, tier magazine, Jacob. Cohen, a to publish excerpts in an issue to a news conference statement former professor at Yale and going on news stands next Jan. .on Nov. 4 in which President Brandeis 'Universities, asserts 10, was in violation of a "writ- (Johnson said net if there were that the exhibit 'bullet consid- ten agreement" that it would 'any evidence causing any rea- ered to have inflicted -both not be published until at least sonable person to have a doubt Wounds. weighed 158.6 'grairis Nov. 22, 1968. about the report, "I am sure the day after-tile assassination, The farmer 'White House that the commission and the compared. With .160.85 to 161.5 press' aide said he -knew that appropriate authorities will grains for new bullets. the original agreement with take action that may be justiel Theory by Lane' Robert F. Kennedy, the Presi- fied.' dent's brother, "stated that the In New York yesterday, one Mr. Cohen contends this would complete text shall be reviews Warren commissioner, Allen W. account for the "imprecise" by Mrs. John F. Kennedy and ,Dulles, said yesterday: 'medical estimate that 3.1 grains! Robert F. Kennedy and the text "I find there is nothing new had been left in Governor Con- shall not be published unless or startling in this Life article nally's wrist and leg. and until approved by them." —except its conclusions." Mark Lane, whose book "Rushl "I have reason to know," Mr. Mr. Dulles said that "in the to Judgement," criticizing the! Kilduff added, "that Mrs. Ken- recent publicity, including the Warren report, has become, the; nedy has at no time given ei- Life ' article, I have found no -nation's non-fiction best seller, ther oral or written permission reade. alailahle yesterday( a new for publication of the book or .
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