University of Missouri, St. Louis IRL @ UMSL Current (2010s) Student Newspapers 3-20-2017 Current, March 20, 2017 University of Missouri-St. Louis Follow this and additional works at: https://irl.umsl.edu/current2010s Recommended Citation University of Missouri-St. Louis, "Current, March 20, 2017" (2017). Current (2010s). 258. https://irl.umsl.edu/current2010s/258 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at IRL @ UMSL. It has been accepted for inclusion in Current (2010s) by an authorized administrator of IRL @ UMSL. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Vol. 50 Issue 1528 The Current March 20, 2017 UMSL’S INDEPENDENT STUDENT NEWS UMSL Students Win $10,000 in Hackathon, Law Experts Share Have Opportunity to Incubate Business Insight at Leah Jones Features Editor Legal Career ustin Reusnow, junior, com- Jputer science; Omar Salih, in- Symposium formation systems; Sam Luebbers, graduate, information systems; Lori Dresner Chau Tran, senior, information News Editor systems; Kyle Hopfer, junior, infor- mation systems, and Alex Nuetzel, egal experts shared their sophomore, computer science at Linsight and offered advice to the University of Missouri–Colum- students considering law school at bia, have collectively won $10,000 the Choosing a Law School and Le- and the opportunity to create and gal Career Symposium in Century incubate a business through the Room C of the Millennium Student University of Missouri–St. Louis’ Center at the University of Mis- Accelerate program. This is all be- souri–St. Louis on the afternoon of fore any of them have graduated March 16. from their respective degree tracks. The symposium, which was The group, who called them- hosted by the College of Arts and selves “Amazing Hack,” according Sciences, opened with an hourlong to Reusnow, created a “Virtual Ad- moderated panel discussion featur- visor” in lieu of UMSL’s current ing UMSL alumni who have careers Degree Audit Reporting System in various legal professions. (DARS) at UMSL’s first ever co-gen- The panelists included Ebonie der Hack-A-Thon. The 48-hour Reed, a staff attorney at Legal Ser- Hack-A-Thon took place over the / THE CURRENT MICHAEL PLUMB vices of Eastern Missouri; Don- weekend of March 3 through March Justin Reusnow codes “Virtual Advisor,” a web application that shows a visual representation of a student’s degree progress. te Tamprateep, a second year law 5. Teams of students competed to event with UMSL alumnus Stuart ic event. need to do before they tried the sys- student at Saint Louis Universi- create an application which would Ashby after the two met at St. Lou- Reusnow explained the prob- tem. This is because DARS analyzes ty (SLU); Daniel Kolde, a self-em- solve a real world problem. Mo- is’ GlobalHack, which took place lem that Amazing Hack addressed what classes the student has taken, ployed attorney who specializes in hamed Langi, senior, information last October. Dr. Dinesh Mirchan- at the Hack-A-Thon. “Any student compares that with the student’s litigation, civil rights, and animal systems, and president of the In- dani, professor of information sys- who uses the DARS system is almost declared major, then checks to see law; and Jack Duepner, who retired formation System Programming tems and chair of the department, always entirely confused and some- what is remaining,” he said. from the St. Louis County Prosecut- Club (ISPC), helped to organize the also helped to organize the histor- how even more unsure of what they continued on page 6 ing Attorney’s Office after 25 years and now works part-time as a mu- nicipal judge. Each panelist shared their expe- UMSL Math Club Hosts National Pi Day riences applying to law school, pre- Zyra De Los Reyes compass. paring for the LSAT, and succeeding Staff Writer The pi recitation was the main in law classes. They also offered in- event. Students attempted to recall sight as to what students should ex- he University of Missouri– and recite as many post-decimal pect while studying in law school TSt. Louis’ Math Club hosted digits of pi as they could. Noreen and searching for a career in the le- its annual Pi Day celebration in the Heyari, senior, biology, won second gal field. Pilot House of the Millennium Stu- place by enumerating 230 digits, and Kolde said that some of the ca- dent Center last Tuesday. Students Omar Soufian Ismail, junior, com- reer options for those who have a gathered to indulge in free snacks puter science, won first place by re- degree in law include working for and enjoy a fun mathematical hol- citing 750 digits. the government, nonprofits, and iday by participating in pi-themed “What interested me in pi recital private firms, and even professions activities. is that I like to do a complex memo- outside of being a lawyer. The mathematical constant pi rization, which challenges my brain “There’s a lot you can do with a is used to compute areas of circles further, and I like numbers. The law degree,” Kolde said. “We have a and other applications and is be- way I memorize the pi numbers is lot of freedom in our careers. If you coming more frequently celebrated. by breaking them into two digits in don’t like your job, you can go to an- Each year across the nation, Pi Day Omar Soufian Ismail and Noreen Heyari prepare to compete in the pi recital. historical events. For example, 95, other one pretty easily. If you don’t is observed on March 14 since it co- ments were provided for the partic- dents quickly observed that the re- the year I was born, 13, the year I like working for somebody else, you incides with the first three digits of ipants, as well as t-shirts and the sult is that the probability is directly graduated from high school, and so can try to work for yourself.” pi, which are 3.14. The occasion rais- opportunity to sign up for the club. related to the value of pi. on. I look forward every year for this Duepner, who attended law es awareness of the importance and Some students took part in solv- Other students joined the art event because it gives me an oppor- school later in life, worked for an in- relevance of math in everyday life. ing the Buffon Needle Problem contest where each individual was tunity to share my passion with oth- surance defense firm for two years At noon, a crowd of students where each individual dropped a provided a piece of paper that con- ers,” said Ismail. out of law school, but decided that gathered to take part in the vari- handful of toothpicks onto a lined tained the pi symbol template. The The number of students was it was not what he wanted to do as a ous concurrent activities that the sheet of paper and determined the task was to show creativity through larger than one might expect for a career. He was then hired as an as- UMSL Math Club prepared. Pizzas, probability of the needle crossing art, while others learned how to math event, with friendly and ap- sistant prosecutor in St. Louis Coun- pies, cookies, brownies, and refresh- one of the lines on the page. Stu- approximate pi using a ruler or a continued on page 3 continued on page 3 What’s Inside: Great Streets Project, pg. 3 ‘It Figures,’ pg. 5 Health Educator, pg. 6 Photos of the Week, pg. 11 2 March 20, 2017 CURRENT STAFF EDITORIAL Editor-in-Chief Kat Riddler Managing Editor Lori Dresner News Editor Lori Dresner Features Editor Leah Jones Sports Editor Lance Jordan A&E Editor Daniel Stawhun Opinions Editor Nathan Watson Copy Editors Zachary Lee Janeece Woodson Staff Writers Candice Murdock Michelle Reynolds DESIGN Design Editor Giuseppe Vitellaro Photo Editor Now hiring! Web Editor Leah Jones Multimedia Editor Aleeah Harden Cartoonist/Artists Math Problem of the Week Amanda Royer Niki Coultier Mike Diliberto Find at least two different ways to Zachary Lee BUSINESS write 100 as a sum of two primes Business Manager Jasmine Walker (Primes are the integers 2, 3, 5, 7, Advertising Director Michael Plumb 11, … whose only divisors are 1 and Ad Representative Now hiring! itself). How many different ways are Distribution Manager Now hiring! Social Media Director possible? Victoria Bauer Archivist Zachary Lee CONTACT US Email solutions to [email protected]. 388 MSC, 1 University Blvd St. Louis, MO 63121-4400 [email protected] thecurrent-online.com Office of Student Involvement Column Newsroom 314-516-5174 his week in the Office of Stu- student-led, student-run confer- with new people while planning for cancer. Nominees must be full-time [email protected] Business/Advertising Tdent Involvement: ence supported by the Office of Stu- the conference. The application can faculty members with the universi- 314-516-5316 We are now accepting nomina- dent Involvement annually during be found on TritonSync and is due ty to be considered for the award. [email protected] tions for individual and organization the fall semester. This conference by March 31. Nominations are due on April 2 by Fax awards as part of the annual Lead- teaches leadership through the lens OSI is accepting nominations 11:45 p.m. and must be submitted 314-516-6811 ership Awards Banquet. All nomi- of social justice and diversity and is for the annual “Last Lecture.” The by current UMSL students. The Editor-in-Chief nees and nominators will be invited designed for UMSL Student Leaders Last Lecture program provides all nomination form can be found on [email protected] to the Leadership Awards Banquet and Fraternity & Sorority Life mem- students the opportunity to recog- TritonSync.
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