PORTLAND DAILY ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 18fi‘2—VOL. 19. PORTLAND, THE JEANNETTE. Pho following are to-day’s ,j notations of Fleer. meteorological. THE PERUVIAN COMPANY- SHOT DEAD. MYSTERIOUS MURDER. DAILY Grata, Provisions, *«. THE PORTLAND PRESS, twenty-four MISCELLANEOUS_ indications for the next Fleer. Uraia. the Publlehed eTery day (Sundays excepted,) by HOURS. loporano.4 7520 50 H. M. old Core. The of an Iowa City Mur The Body of a Man Details of the.Loss of the Vessel. War Deft Office Chief Signal Shiplierd Vents More of His Spite i Mayor Decomposed Sitra Spring. .6 7608 26 car lots 0901 PORTLAND PI1BLISH1NG CO., ) II Spring—7 6CTXew Corn, Officer. Washington, D. C., > Hurlbut. Found in a Ravine in 0007 Against dered by Burglars. Quebec. Patent oar 91292 AT 97 Excbasoe 8t., Portland. 1A.M. Spring lota, April 17, ) EIGHTEEN MONTHS’ LABOE AT THE Wlioata.8 5029 25 Oata, •• 65 New Win- Hacked Bran 00 Tbrmb; Dollar, a Year. To mail ,UMeilt For England, Michigan 00028 tight BE- NO TO BE THAT OF CAPT. P. PUMPS. ter best.7 26 Mids.. 28 00 er, 8eveu Dollar, a Year, If in adranoe. Fair MB. BLAINE WISHES TO APPEAR TRACS of the guilty parties BELIEVED 0007 paid weather, westerly winds, stationary Oommnn Cotton lot SO 00 temperature. FORE THE COMMITTEE. YET DISCOVERED. Seed,car barometer, higher JACKSON OF BOSTON. Michigan. ...6 7507 00 bag lota 34*0 THE MAINE STATE PRESS St. Loots Win- lota.. 95 San Fbancisco, April 16.—The Call to-mor- Corn,bag”• ter fair ... 7 GO Meal, .. 90 Morning at $2.60 a row will a letter from Dr. H. C. Led- 2507 it published ever? Thursday Washington, April 15.—'The committee Des Moines, la., April 10.—The mayor of publish Winter good. 7 60*7 76 Oata, 63 if paid in advance at $2.(»0 a year. 15.—Yesterday an an American now in Siberin, to a friend •• year, were somewhat tardy in arriving this morning Polk R U. Stabbs, vras shot dead in his Richford, Vt., April yard, Winter best...7 760800 Bran, 80 00 City, a on At Irkutsh Mr. met BY TELEGRAPH. was not until 11 unknown man was found in deep ravine in this city. Ledyard Predan. Mid*, 31OO th® and the investigation resumed own Rates of Advertising: One inch of space, house early yesterday morning by parties him “ laid the com- the mountain, in Sutton, Que., about five Lieut Danenhower who gave interesting 3treetpotetoes6 2506 60: Bye, 13k of constitutes a “square.” o’clock. The Chairman before bent on robbery. The murderers ttgtfa oolumn, evidently miles from some at of the loss of the Jeannette. The fol- first wwk. 76 cent* per mittee the communication from ex- tied which had been tied here, by children play. details $1.60 per square, dally following and mounting horses the first of or less. Il-Oo; c ntinu MAINE. The body lay in a brook, with a stone on extracts are made: Since Freeh Heel Market. week after; tliree insertions Secretary Blaine, which was read by the near the gate in the darkness. large lowing first 60 oents. disappeared the aud was so that it can- the fall were out when were ing every other day after week, Clerk: Tiie and a of Des head, decomposed they they caught Corrected for the Pages Wheeler, Saift or 75 sheriff and posse part dally by Half *qn*rp. three Insertions leas, cents; 1882. not be identified. It was nearly stripped of by the ice in trying to reach Herald Island week after. Washington, April 14, Moines’ police force are in pursuit. Mayor & Co., Commission Merchants In Chicago Droned one week, $1.00; 50 cents per flesh. On the body there was fnnnd a letter thoy had never taken a course but the vessel one-third additional. KILLED BY A DRUGGIST’S BLUNDER. Hon. Charles G. Williams, Chairman Commit- Stubbs was a member of the milling firm of Franklin Wharf: Special Notices, dated at was held as 1n the of un- Beef, tee on House time the Brighton, Eng June 28, 1881, signed jaws death, squeezed Under head of “Amusements” and “Auctiow Foreign Affairs, of Representa- Effingham & Stubbs. A short ago 215 by M. H. Jackson, a sister of the deceased. By til timber strained, turned this way and Sides.1040114 Hinds.13 $2.00 per square per week; three inser tives: miff sate was blown and robbed of its every Rattles. Balks,” open the contents of the the is then Fores.74084 640 64 tions or less. Rank Put with of committee letter supposition that thrown flouting and caught again. $1.60. Poison Up by Mistake, Sir: At the convenience your contents. Since that time Mr. Stubbs has kept Racks.9 01 Rounds ... 10011 AdvertiFenients inserted in the “Maine Btatr made that the deceased a large sam wore hour in suspense never Fatal t esult. I desire to be heard in reference to the Peru- the mouey of the firm in his house as there is possessed They every Romps.1540164 Loins.18 021 Press has a circulation in every part of money. The letter also spoke of his good when the ice would close upon them. (which large 16 Cbiiian matters now under investigation. no bank in town. Tbo burglars first broke in- knowing Knmu Loins.164018 of the for $1.00 per square for first inser* Bangor, April —Mrs. Susan P. Veazie, and was and it A more and the deck sank beneath State), I am, then went habits, beautifully composed, little and 50 cents for each .*ubt uent Awaiting your pleasure, very respectful- to the mill but found nothing and tion, per square widow ol the late Jones P Veazie, a wealthy goes to show that he was no tramp, bnt a man them. Throughout this strain they were well Orsls Market. fuser ion. ly, James G. Blaine. to the may or’s house where there were about and citizen ol this snd- who occupied a high position in society and and tried to be cheerful, working very hard Address all communications to prominent city, died was directed to $7000. Pom LA>r», Apr! 116. The Chairman acknowledge much wealth. The had evi- for the and men were bare- pnR a NT* PUBLISHING f*>. possessed body engine denly this morning. The deceased had been the receipt of the letter, leaving it an open Tbo following quotation of Grain were received xA .—--— dently lain in the water all winter, aud the ly able to keep the water out. for the when Mr. Blaine from H. Lariulale slightly ill for about two weeks and w,‘S im- question present WALL STREET. man must have been murdered and the body They bad to pump for a year and a half. June by telegraph Chicago to-day by S. should be heard when the mistake of a brought there late last fall and thrown there 11th, 1881, the crisis came, the ship showed & Co., 157 Commercial street, Portland. SPECIAL NOTICES proving rapidly through Mr. Belmont stated that in view of tho re- Indications of the Market—Points Con- as a place of concealment, as the place is very treater straining than before, the deck quiv- Ideago-Wheat- -Com- -—Oats-1 druggist rank poison was administered instead fusal of the witness to answer veveral ques- cerning Various Stocks. obscure, up among the mountains. Exoite- ered and inexplicable movements warned them Time. May. Juno. May. Jans. May. Jane. of the the unfortunate tions which he had deemed materi- 9.45..129 77 regular medicine and (Belmont) New York, Anril 15.—Wall street reports ment runs high. Two servant girls working to hasten from the vessel. They prepared 1284 764 63 814 he did not care to oocupy any lurrher time 0.30.129 1284 774 764 634 6)4 Your Corns died within half an hour. al, state that a higher market is probable to-day. at the hotel at Sweetsburg last fall testify that their boats and made their camp beside tbe Cure lady in the cro88-exam>uatiou. The chairman stat- 11.80. 1284 1284 774 744 58 614 Bear commission houses sold stocks heard cries of murder one night, and a Jeannette. She rose and turned in her cradle to yesterday they 12.81. .1294 1 04 774 744 684 814 BT USING ed that it was desirable conclude tho exam- to have a the Death of Hiram O. Alden. opeuly, but are known in some cases window was raised up stairs aud man thrown until the yards touched the ice. Then rig- 1.04 1294 1294 774 744 624 614 ination of Mr. Shipherd to-day, and he there- as !'ROUGH™ RATffl Belfast, April 15 —Hiram O. Alden, the bought quietly more than they sold. Frank out. He was carried away as quickly possi- ging gave way and her masts lay prostrate. At April Wheat at 186. fore would call members who desir- SOHLOTTERBECK’S upon any Work is quoted as saying that it is time t.o buy ble. They tried to raise the window, but 4 o’clock m the morning tho floe parted and oldest member of the Waldo bar and a resi- ed to to their wishes put any questions express Missouri Pacific, St. Jose and Western Union. could net, and were so frightened that they all went down. A cry of alarm called all to Receipts ef Maine Central. in the matter. After some discussion Mr. dent here for over half a century, died Satur- Mr. Gould is said, on good authority, to have daro not leave their room until daylight, when escape from the crevice in the ice.
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