Friderun's Mirror and the Critics' Discontenl: A Neidhart Problem Revisited. BY Carla Bullinger A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Graduat.e Studies in Partial- Fulfillment of the Reguirements for the Deqree of MASTER OF ARTS Department of German and Slavic Studies Universit.y of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manítoba (c) February, 1-996 Bibliothèque nationale [*n $onatunrav du Canada Acquisitions and Direction des acquisitions et BibliograPhic Services Branch des services bibliograPhiques 395 Wellington Street 395, rue Well¡ngton Ottawa. Ontario Ottawa (Ontario) K1A ON4 K1A ON4 Yourlile volre Élérence Our l¡le Nolre élércnce The author has granted an L'auteur a accordé une licence irrevocable non-exclus¡ve licence irrévocable et non exclusive allowing the National LibrarY of permettant à la Bibliothèque Canada to reproduce, loan, nationale du Canada de distribute or sell cop¡es of reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou his/her thesis by any means and vendre des copies de sa thèse in any form or format, making de quelque manière et sous this thesis available to interested quelque forme que ce soit Pour persons. mettre des exemplaires de cette thèse à la disposition des personnes intéressées. The author retains ownershiP of L'auteur conserve la propriété du the copyr¡ght ¡n his/her thesis. droit d'auteur qui protège sa Neither the thesis nor substantial thèse. Ni la thèse ni des extraits extracts from it may be Printed or substantiels de celle-ci ne otherwise reproduced without doivent être imprimés ou his/her permission. autrement reproduits sans son autorisation. ISBN 0-612- 13002-9 Canadä Disse¡tatîon Ahstracts Intarnolionol oné Masters Ahstræ,h lnternotíonal qre orronged by brood, generol subiect cotegories. Pleose select the one subiect which nrost neorþ describes the content of your disse-riot¡o; or th"iii Enter fhe åo.r"rpoiding fourdigit code in the spoces provided. iì\iiiou'-,t] &t*t^ tõl-'.;[4l.r-l Uh/Íf SUBJECT TERM SUBJECT CODE Subiect Cofegories rHE HUNAA.NITIES ÂNÐ SOGIÃ& S€IENGEs (oillflluHl(ATtot{s AilD IHE ÂRTS PHITOSOP}IY, RTI,IGION AIID Anciml .............. .................0579 A¡ch¡tecture....... .......................O7Ð THEOI.OGY Mediwol ............................0581 Ad Hisrory................................0377 Philosophv......... ....................... 0122 lvlodem .............................. 0582 G¡re¡no ..-.................................. O9OO Reliqioh ' Block .................................. 0328 Dorrce ......................................0378 öen€rol ..............................031 Africon ...............................0331 Fine ........0357 I Arts Biblicol Srudiæ ....................032t Äsia, Austrolio ond Oceonio 0332 f nbrmolbn Scísnce...................0723 Conódion ........................... 0331 Joumolism................................ 0391 derqy ................................031 9 Hidõry of ............................ 0320 Eurcpscn......................,.....0335 [ibrqrv Scie¡rce ......................... 0399 Lotin Anericon .................... 033ó Me'Communicotion¡............... 0708 f*r¡hsäphv of ......................0322 Thæfosy .1...i..... .......................oAó9 Middl€ Eost€m ....................0333 Music.......................................041 3 United $oles ....................... 0337 Speæh Communicofron .............0459 s0(|Al. s(ltNGs Histcry of Sciexe ..................... 05e5 T|rooter..................................... 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O29¿ Mqrkdim ........................... 0338 Crimircb<¡v ond Penoloor ... 0ó27 Co¡npcotive ....................... 0295 C¡nqd¡on Sùdiæ ..................... 0385 DemoqrctÞïv................L'..... opsg Ethnic-onä dociol studiæ .....0ó31 Mediwol ............................oÐ7 Eorpmís qnd lvlodem .............................. 0298 Ge¡re¡ol ..............................0501 tndividuol Fqmilv Alricon ...............................031 ó Aqriculturql ......................... 0503 Sþdi6 .............. .'.............0628 Ame¡icon.....,...................... O59l Cõmmerce-Business .............05O5 Induclriol ond L"bor Asion ................................. O3O5 Finoxe .............................. 0508 Relolions............ ..............0629 Cqnodian {Enqlish} .............. 0352 Hislc¡v................................ 0509 Public ond Sociol Welfqre .... 0ó30 Conodion {Frdírchl............... 0355 Ldbo/................................. 051 0 Sociol Strudure ond Enqlisl¡ ............................... 0593 Thærv................................051 I Dwebpment ................... 0700 Gõmonic ........................... 03l I Folllore TLæry oiü À,lethods ............03¿¿ lronquoqe snd lileroture....,,......O29 ..'.................................. 0358 l-qlin Amsícon .................... 03l 2 Gæqr<phv............................... 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