ifRA DES DIRECTORY.] HAMPSHIRE. ,suo Monk Mrs. :Mary~ I Sunnyside, Ann's Paine Mrs. Elizabeth, 31 Binsteed rd. Powell Jub, 37 & 39 Grafton st. Lndprll bill, Forton, Gosport Buckland, Portsmouth Powell John, II9 Victoria road, 'Moody Hen'l'y, Warsash, Fareham Paine S. J. 25 Mary row, Southsea Springboume, Bournemouth 'Moody T. E. 5 Wellington pi. Landprt Paine S . .J. 22 Glidden st. Landport Powell Mrs. Sarah,5 Ridge st.Landprt "Moody William, Horton heath, Fair Palmcr A. I4o High st. Portsm1,uth Preston G. Milford-on-Sea, Lymington oak, Eastleigh R.S.O Palmer Jas. New rd.Sholing,Sthmptn Preston George, West end, Alder,hot .:Moore E. K. 74 Kingston road, Buck- PanneD Mrs. E. roo Fratton road, Price George, Wallington, Fareham land, Portsmouth Fratton, Portsmouth Price Henry,Yarbridge, Brading R.S.O. ::Moore MT.s. Sarah Ann, 40 Fir Grove Pardy Miss Eliza, 3 St. Michael's rise, Isle of Wight road, Freemantle, Southampton Bournemouth Price Jas.Finch Dean,Horndean R.S.O Moore Thos.Christchurch st.Ringwood Parfett George, Ewshott, Farnham Price Mrs. Mary, Blackwater S.O "Moor& Thoona.s, 8 Newport terrace, Parfitt Mrs. C. Somerset rd. Farnboro' Priddy J. 105 Blackfriars rd. Sontbs-f.a Ann's Hill road, Alverstoke, Gosport Par~rent George, 29 South st. Gosport Prince E. G. II Maitland st. T.andport Moorman George Edward, 66a, Lees- Parker Alfred, 29 Clarendon st.Landprt Prince Hy. 92 & 94 Church rd.Landpri land road, Alvell'stoke, Gosport Parsons J. Northwood,Newport, I. of W Prince John, us Arundel st. Landport "Moors F. West st. Porcheste~r,Farehm Parsons T. 102 Agincourt rd. Landprt Prout Mrs. Sarah, 33 Havant road, .Morant Geo. Otteroourne, Winchester Passmore James, .Anthill, Denmead, Buckland, Portsmouth Morant Henry, Botley S.O Cosham R.S.O Pullen Ja~per, Gurnard, Cowes Noreton W. 2-4 Marine par. Sthmptn Pavey W. Whitway, Burghclere,Newbry Pullinger W. Hinton Ampner, Alresfrd Morey Waiter, Upton road, Ryde Payne Hy.T. 22 Paget st.Southampton Purkis JaroPs, 2 York place, Portsea Morris Saml. 20 Telegraph st. Sthsea Payne William, Bentworth, Alton Purver Frank, High st.Eastleigh R. S.O Mouland C. W. Swaythling, Sthmptn Peace Mrs. M. A. 71 Lake rd. Landprl Purves Miss Isabella, 86 Station road, 'Mouland James, High st. Ringwood Peach Jacob, Lockerley, Romsey Shirley, Southampton .J.Iountain W.C.82 Buckland st.Lndprt Pearce Miss Annie, 19 New st.Andover Puttick Geo . .Alexandra rd. Aldershot Mullinger Alfred, I Netley st. Landprt Pearce ::Vlrs. E. Tadley, Basingstoke Quantrill Henry, 74 Pyle street, New­ Munday Edward, 33 Hawke st. Portsea Pearce Miss M.A.Morestead,Winchestr port, Isle of Wight Murray John, 31 Bishop st. Landport Pearce R. G. 91 Crasswell st. Landprt Quennell Hy. 77 Jessie rd. Sonthsea ·Naish John, 9 Landport st. Southsea Pearcey T.Bramshaw,LyndhurstR.S.O Quick Edwin Thomas, 66 Three Field .Naldrett J. 43 Abercrombie st. Landprt Pearse William, 72 Nelson road, Free- lane, Southampton Nason Mrs. M.59 Millbank st.Sthmptn mantle, Southampton Quirk Mrs. A.Rumbridge st. Sthmptn Neal Henry, 24 Orchard la. Sthmptn Pearson Miss Sarah,35 Kent st.Portsea Quittenbourne Hy.1 South st.Southsea Needle Ja.mes, Hardway, Gosport Penfold Wm. 64- Rockstone la.Sthmptn Rackstraw Mrs. Martha, 23 Joseph st. New James, 75 Twyford av. Landport Penny Edwin, 26 South street, Gosport Newtown, Gosport Newell Enos, Awbridge, Romsey Penny G. 30 .&; 32 Albert street, Shir- Radford John, 12 Napier rd. Soutbsea .Newman G. & J. Bartley,Southamptn ley, Southampton Rampton CharlPs, Lower Froyle~ Alton Newman Misses Emmie & Lottie, 41 Penn-y Hector (dealer), Wood Green, Ramshaw Mrs. Sarah Jane, 12 Claren- Northam road, Southampton Salisbury don street, Newport, I. of W "Newman Edward, Spearywell, Mottis- Penton George, sa New road, Buck- Randall Miss A. East Boldre,Sthmptn font, Romsey land, Portsmouth Randall Mrs.E.ssBunnian pl.Basngstk :Newman George Henry, 3 Southbrook Penton James, Upper CJatford,Andover Ransome Edwarrl, Wield, Alresford road, Southampton Pf'I'cey Mrs. E. Rockbourne, Salisbury Rapley Noah, 349 Fawcett rd.Southsea Newroan H. ua, Union st. Winchester Percival Mrs. Emma, Obelisk road, Rawdon Geo.176 Victoria. rd.Aldershot; .Newman Thos. 24- Hyde st.Winchestter "\Yoolston, Southampton Ray Joseph, 288 Arundel st. Landport Newnham J. C. r6 Telegraph st.Sthsea Percy :!\tlrs.Elizh.Rockbourne,Salisbury Read C.White's rd.Bitteme,Soutbmptn Newnham Thos. Atherley rd. Shanklin Perkins ll. Winkton R.S.O. Ringwood Read Mrs. Ellen, 23 Coppin's hill,New­ .Nichols Caleb, 71 Manchester road, Perry Mrs. A. sa Nortoft rd.Bournmth port, Isle of Wight Fratton, Portsmouth Pert Henry, 19 Oyster st. Portsmouth Reason Mrs. Hannah, Colwell, Fresh- .Nines J. 24 C-ommon st. Landrp<>rt Petley Miss EmmaEliza,York st.Cowes water Station R.S.O., I. of W Noble Edward, 95 Lawrence rd. Sthsea Petracca .Antonio,17 Broad st.Prtsmth Reddel T. 8x Brunton's rd.Southamptn ::Norgate lsaac, Bighton, .Alresford Pharoah Alfred, 15 Clifton st. Landprt Redman Mrs. J. 37 Bell st. Romsey Northea-st W. 7 London st. Andove1· Philips Mrs. Elizabeth, 214 Malmes- RedstoneA.1oCastle rd.Newprt.I.of W .Norris H. 63 Derby rd. Southampton bury Park road, Bournemouth Redstone Frank T. Bernard rd. Cowes Norton C. 291 Arundel st. Landport Phillips L. I. 38 Millbank st. Sthmptn Reeder Mrs. E.32 Hereford st.Landprt Norton Mrs. E. Francis av. Southsea Phillips Mrs.M.85 Bedford pl.Sthmptn RPes Mrs. E. 125 Wing-field st.Landprt Nucky John, Hard way, Gosport Phillips Miss Mary, Bradley, Alresford Reeves Miss Jane, Soberton, Bishop's ·Nunn Miss S. 22 Brunswick st. Ryde Phillips Mrs.Sarah, East Oakley,Woot- Waltham S.O •Qakley Mrs. Eliza, Holybourne, Alton ton St. Lawrence, Basingstoke Reeves Joshua, x8 Penhale road, Frat- Oaks Jn. Jas. x6 Bemister's la. Gosprt Phillis Mrs. A. 2 Fairfield rd. Winchstr ton, Portsmouth ()ates R_ Old Turnpike rd. Fareham l>hippard J. 74 Grove st. Southamptn Reglar Mark R. 26 Canon st.Winchestr l()atley J. S. Hythe, Southampton Phippard Wm. 8 Dicken's rd. Landport Rex Mrs. Sarah, North st. Emsworth '()fford Isaac, Lime street, Aldershot Picken Miss E. E.Purewell, Chrstchrch Reynolds Mrs. Mary A. Harcourt rd. o()lding Mrs. M. Wood grn.Sadi<ibury Pierce Harry, 21 Plymouth st.Southsea Bitterne park, Southampton oOlding Mrs. Sarah Ann, 14 White's Pike Mrs. P. 274 High st. Aldershot Reypert MissL.32Twyford av.Landprt row, Portsea Pilcher W. A. 40 Stamford st. Landprt Bire Mrs. El:en, 2 Cobdell street, For• ·Olford J. 4B Highfield street, Frat- Pinckney Miss E. St. John st.Winchstr ton, Go.;port ton, Portsmouth Pink Charles, Dipley, Hartley Wint- Rice Mrs. Emily, 45 Lodge road,IIevois tOliver Edward, 10 Middle street, ney, Winchfield mount, Southampton Kingsland, Southampton Pink Jn. 14 Reading rd. Basing-stoke Richer Mrs. J. 29 Garfield rd.Landport '{)liver W. H. B. II4 Somers rd. Sthsea Piper George, x Granville place, Wharf Richards Henry, 33 & 35 Pound st. <l'N eilU. Victoria rd. Woolston, Sthmptn hill, Winchester Shirley, Southampton •Orchard Henry, Wilmington house, Piper Jabez, Micheldever Richards Rt.n Park view,Southamptn Oakfield hill, Ryde Pitt Albt. Hy. 65 Duke st. Landport Richardson A.HartleyWintny.Winchfld ·Orchard J. 12 High st. Oakfield, Ryde Pitt A. Spearywell, Mottisfont,Romsey Richardson John, Fellowes rd. Cowes '()rford Charles, High street, Odi- Pitt Job, 299 Fawcett road, Southsea Richardson W. Farnboro' st.Farnboro' ham, Winchfield Pivey Daniel,2g6 High street,Aldershot Richardson William, Ibthorp, Andover oOrton R. II Warblington st.Prtsmth Plomer W. A. 26 King st.Southamptn Ri~dick Wm. Bradin~r R.S.O., I. of W .Osborne Mrs. J.97 Princes st.Sthmptn Plumbly George, Ilrockenhurst R.S.O Rivers James, Normandy street, AltoB <Osland William Alfred, 77 Upper St. Pocock Alfd. Stroud, Steep, Petersfield Robh James,13 Raglan street,Southsea James street, Newport, Isle of Wight Ponsford Wm.79 Crasswell st.Landprt Bobbins Alfd. 53 Victoria st. Landport; •Dthen William, 1B Redan hill, Aldersht Poore Waiter, 9 Whitworlh road, lloberts George,2 Crescent sqna-re,New ·Ousley Tom, High st. Cosham R.S.O Alverstoke, Gosport road, Buckland, Portsmouth "()uten William,Queen street,Emsworth Pope Jas.25 Kingsfield rd.Southmptn Roberts Mrs. M. 9-" Derby rd.Sthmptn Oxford C.45 South st.Newport, I. of W Porter Mrs. Jane, High street, Fresh- Roberts W. Chi:.bolton, Stck'bdg.R.S.O .Oxford G.x2Portla.nd st.Newport,I.ofW water St3tion R.S.O. Isle of Wight llobertson Thos. 6 Hanover st.Portsea 'Pack Mrs. Elizabeth, 35 Mount Plea- Porter Thomas, East Oakley, Wootton Robinson Henry, 74 St. Andrew's rd. Bant road, Southampton St. Lawrence, Basingstl>ke Southampton l'aek W.Chilworth rd.Shirley,Sthmptn Potham Mrs. A. 104 Boulton rd. Sthsea Robinson W. 62 Hertford st. Landport Page Alfred,6 Wales street,WinchesteJ Pound Charles, 69 High st.Portsmouth Rodaway Jas. Otterbourne, Winchestr :'Pa-ge John, St. Mary Bourne, And<tver · Powell Mrs. A. Osborne rd. Farnboro' Rodway James, Fryern hill, Chandlers- 'Page W. East Boldre, SouthamptOI• Powell Charles W. 65 Cleveland road, ford, Eastleigh R.S.O Faice William, Ilrockhurst, Go8port Springbourne, Bournemouth Roe Mrs. Jane Elizabeth, Barton ""Paine Miss H. u York st. Landport Powell E.12 Oxley st.Shirley,Sthmptn Stacey, Micheldever Station .
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