'.-(•aj^L-V-*"^ ~*5r'. • ** \ County Leader newspapers VOL. 54 NO. 40 . / "I SPRINGFIELD/N.J.,TKURSDAY,JULYIi;i?85-r* ' ". Swo lections 35 cents ReBetta% forecast Lottery vyinriers FofWMkofJuly4throut>hJuly11 indicated, news-Iron) alar needs careful -—Following, are the winning consideration' and creative Interests pros- - New Jersey Lottery-numbers ARIES (3/21-4/20) Tho emphasis remains c\ eorecTd?assault P»r- "• . • . '• for'the weeks of June 3," 10, 17 W family, home and property Interests ' and24. _• ,'.'•• ", - — during this week; changes should bo antlci- - SCORPIO (10/24-11/22) Many are In'tho . PICK-rTANDPICK-4 By KENNETIIS£HANKLJR_^ _cleared of any wrongdoing in regard— paled In'lhosoarcas.Spond some time. In ^mldstlpLimportanl..doclslons,_obligatlons '0 disciplinary "aclipn or June 3^14387*955; to the incident. Charges against the* sorting out your personal Hie; you need —are given careful, oven exacting, considera- reprimand, from the Springfield ; : ;-JJune4—$23rB63Br two, which were-tb-be-heard in ; some time alone. Later, h; friend lifts your tion and bo wary ol jeopardizing your career Board of Education will be for- '' .';' June 5-005,97#. Summit Municipal -Court, -• were•" spirits and offers some valuable Insight; security on what may turn out to be empty thcoming. against two teachers . listen'canrjiiljy. ...".'• . ., ; promises! Later, travel is iffy, avold'overdo- . JuneO-401,0101. dropped when the attorney.for the" o -Jnrjlt phyalcally-wd postpone legal papers • : June7^.47l,-6528. • acoused Feb. 5 of 'assaulting a plaintiff failed to appear for the u TAURUS (4/21-5/21) Local travel, dealing^ '; for thejliriobolng,^ :_ _!_.. 1 •June8-881j9720. student, at the Florence' M. scheduled trial date. ; ,' . -2 with relatives and nelgfibors'and Important GaudlncerSchool: •''. • ' '•• . Applebaum said the matter "has ' . ocommunications and. correspondence arc,.' SAGITTARIUS (11/83-12/21) Tho om-. .June 19^0^3,0581.' .Indicated In tho week ahead..Don't allow; phasls continues on .financial matters and '•-• • June ll-287,5227. Board, President' .Stuart Ap- been blown way out of proportipn" someone to take advantage of you. Your gains a[o Ilkoly for some early In this period • •- • .June 12— 489,0699.- .' |^_j>!ebaum "indicated .that a watchful and would not have^ dragged ohMor •'. social llfcsparklcs. Learn to keep things to' Facing up to personal dilemmas.-will lead June 13-70!, 8467. eye, will, be kept on the situation to so long had district administrators . yoursolf. Later, your, ego could threaten you to make timely decisions. Lator, bo _JuheJ4:=.083,5629. prevent—similar ^incidents in theacted promptly. • .. ' • jour security. ' •> . •' realistic, look ovor: Insurance or socurity , June'15- 491,7101;; future. ' •;•' '.- .' •, "The- . papers and swim wllh tho tides of chango ~- June 17—137,5(133. administration—-did' hot GEMINI (5/22-6/21) The-flnanclal theme ' that aro surrounding many. • • . , Applebaum said His necessary "to* ""- • continues to dominate this period lor many June i»-076,6937. — "try and keep their composure and handle, this right up, front," Ap- \ and could even put a dampor on your . CAPRICORN (12/22-1/20)'Thls is a good GHOSTBOSTERSryThese students danced their way ;to a June 19-191,1501.; . keep their wits about them", and plebaum said, adding that it was • -. usually bubbly personality. 'Postpo'nrsocial. t'me to sweep certain friendships out otyour third-place 'trophy at the EPA competition at. Great Gorge • • . June20— 762,5371.•••"• "act in a • more professional man- important for those administrators iifo onco and tor all.- Contlnue-lo-be-con.- : or travel plans; you're not really up to It. , recently. The dancers, who study'ar LaDanse, In Linden, are, ,.June21—595,0552. ner." ' • •' v. ., • to impress upon teachers the need to ' ' Later, behind tho scones job activities could sorvatlvo financially; tho pinch you leol now . from left to rlght,-RebeccaKahneyv Kelly Seibert; Allyson .' June 22-188,Q857. show restraint in dealing With young' bo to your advantago in tho coming months, • is quite temporary. Later, a streak of good Schelder,-.MIIInda Gonzalez; Tammy Caimmarta, Crystal June-24^ 041,8180. "Hopefully, .this will put it tochildren. ' • . •. fortune surrounds family and. property'in- -Juno25—338,9245." rest," Superintendent of Schools CANCER (6/22-7/23) .You're' In. the Garrison and LaTpnya Thomas. They recently performed Wi- terests; follow'your hunchos.and'accept the school's'Videoyukebox'at Linden High Sch ' ;'.-.• ' ': June26v-072,'l701.'. Fred Baruchin said; referring to a - Baruchin, for his part, said he .was llmollrjht.now so make your Important rola- carcor opportunities. closed-door meeting, held, by . the tionshlps count. 'Don't allow money Issues •'•'•' Juno 27-748,1708.. relieved the teachers have finally to cloud your romantic relationships. Lator AQUARIUS (1/21-2/19) Many will make. June 28— 215,5011. board Monday night. ..-'-. *^' -,'• been exonerated. ' \-_ . , In the week, prevent an annoying loss, short Important carijor advancements during this. Art event set for Tu , June 29— 478,1943. "The:prolongation of this entire, '•; "We're talking about' two out- ' period;' future alms expand tremendously ' trips aro on tho'agonda and stick to thojrlod. ' Every/Tuesday at noon a paintirig^junch, listen to the talk, relax in the . PICKS episode is unfortunate for everyone standing teachers each with a long ' and truo whoro your longlerm.security Is and a how social circle olfors many now ..June 6—fl, 9, 11,15,16', involved," hesaid, '"'•-. possibilities. Lator, communications, cor-, from the Montcloir Art Museum's , comfortable sotting or the museum, record of cotnpeterit, productive and concornod. : ... — collection "will be featured' in the—and enjoy a close, personal JooKat bonus— 45686.. •;••• • . The two teachers, JoAnn Peiper • child-centered professional: ac- rospondonco and the like aro fortunately' 1 LEO (7/24-8/23) Confidential goirigs. on aro rewarding. Just rnako suro you stick to tho' museum's. "Painting of the Week some of the museumls-ireasuresJ June 13-, 2, 7, 22, 27,. 32, .' and Joseph Blandai now' have* complishment, ' Baruchin said. • . your lop priority at tho moment, dependants' . .facts, or you Invilo.blundors. .. program, a noontimo brown-bag QoffwranrJ tea will be served Ad- bonus —60706. '' imprests crowd your thoughts and your own' : luncheon and talk event, A brief talk mission is free. June 20— 2, 6, 7, 8,' 23, personal limitations are frustrating. Lator, PISCES-(2/20-3720) Hoaiih, work or por- about the painting and the artist is bonus—78256 spjial obligations may Intorforo-with your Ho reservations for the "Painting social liro porks up, a now romance could bo given by a musoum-doccnt; Carol of the Week" program arc Juno 27-13,14, IB, 23, 30,! . ;ln Store for sormTand recently quelled ' Iroo tlmo early in this period and moro than 1 Goldman,- head of the doccnt necessary • bonus — 63047, marital problems could- erupt' In weeks'. .one. will cxperionco cancelled plans. Con- centrate, olforts on new Ideas or schemes; • •committee, and Despina Athans, of An assault complaint, the second ahoad. '.'.'"•' . •'' the women's committee are in •Springfield Judge Robert Weltchek, , •Ihosp may considerably brlrjhton your finan- filed this year against teacher's in .described as being"too close" to the.'..'•' 'VIRGO (6/24-9/23) This Isllkoly to bo a cial picture Lator, following a lonrj shot charge of the programs LAST MINUTE preparations for' this weekend's which begins today and continues through SatuPday,-\ flic Springfield school district, will busy and demanding period, lor'marly; your really pays offl • •'.' • • ' ' Visitor"! nrp invited to "bring Women's U.S. Open are made by workers at Baltusrol situation iby', Springfield Board of social calender Is.hectic and Important appear In today's sports pages and In. a special section- be heard Aug.. 29 in Summit ' Education' attorney. Yale' Green- Golf Club. The golf tournament Is expected to draw the : " mootlngs arc' assured. Try to schedule a The John V. Mara Memorial Fund Inside. .-••••; ,-'-- • .'. :• '•• '• ,••-" - •':•'.• • '••";•'.•". :•% ... Municipal Court. , - ;., : top female players In the game. Full details on the openi • • (Phdtoby John Boutslkaris).' spoon, disqualified himsdlf from thp . short trip If possible; you hood it to unwind! and F^ed Naftali.is charged^ .in a '^>;' ' ' Lator, postpone money decisions, a mato statement signed by Sandra Bern- provokes your a'ngor and now. sources ol- The New Jersey Press Association income, aro qvidenl. stein, of assaulting Bernstein's son Ntfftali is the third teacher to be» Biggest _ Scholarship Fund Football Classic May29,' • ' ,' • •••.•'"."' . ..;•,'; •. charged with assaulting a student in' LIBRA (9/24-10/23) the spotlight shines State releases high school test results The complaint alleges' that Naf- the districUhie-ycar. Joseph Blanda .!on'csroor and community doajlngs during, tali, H'fourth-grade teacher at the Giants - Packers Results of this'year's Minimum Springfield, and David Brcarlcy in and JoAnn Peiper, teachers at the this period, .accept Invitations and don't bo percent rise in math across the mean Score was 85 7, up from I984's Thelnia T, Sandmeier School, Florence iSaudineer school, were shy; you can boost your personal alms sky Rebates in state. ..'.,'•' . .,.-.•-•"• "-.••.•• :-..'"• , Kenilworth, 6||9 ninth-grade students Basic Skills test (MBS) and the High mean of 84 2 In the math test, the assaulted the 10-year-old student by high now! Later. Influential mootlngs aro Saturday, August 17 • 8 P M. - School Proficiency -Test (HSPT), • The HSPT Is more difficult than took the MBS reading and charged with assaulting a student at'. mean was 72.2, up from last year's slamming him to the floor, smashing that school Feb. 5,ii.:::: •' administered in March, have been the MBS test. since students must mathematics tests On the reading score of 70 0 On the writing test, tho ; his shoulders Into a: wall arid slap- Those charges were dismissed New jersey announced by tho state department also write an essay (it addition to test, 98 percent scored above the mean score was 82 4, down from ping him In the stomach.
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