~~~®~!1 ~~~~~[JJ~®~ May 2, 19 79 Vo 1 3: No. 29 JAPANESE GARDEN HANDED OVER THE COLLEGE'S NEW JAPANESE GARDEN WAS FORMALLY HANDED OVER on April 27 to Board chairman Beryl Bennett by Osamu Hashimoto. Tamagawa University's Director of International Education. Hashimoto, who had made a special journey from Tokyo to Nanaimo for the occasion, brought greetings from Tamagawa President Dr. Tetsuro Obara in which he emphasized the strength of the links between the two institutions. "It is our dearest wish. "he said, "that this garden shall become a living symbol of fellowship and goodwill between Tamagawa and Malaspina. It is our intention that the garden will serve as a place of recreation and relaxation for both College students and the people of Nanaimo. " The garden, located beside the Art Building, was constructed by a Vancouver based firm of landscape gardeners and includes a Japanese style tea house ' and a pool spanned by a bridge which Dr. Obara says stands for the "Bridge of Communication which has enabled :our unde r standing and friendsh i p to grow." It is our earnest hope," he added , "that this symbolic bridge will serve us well and that our future efforts wi ll be rewarded with an even greater depth of frie ndship and unders tanding. " The association between Malaspina and Tamagawa dates back to 1976 and Ta mag awa now owns farm acreage in the Cedar area south of Nanaimo. Plans for the future of the site have still to be announced but the expectation i s tha t it will be used for agric~ltura1 research projects. The College has also hosted a number of Tamagawa students, both as full-time students and fo r a summer home stay program where they lived with local families and cam e to Malaspina each day for Eng li sh classes and other social and cultural activities. As College Board chairman Beryl Bennett said: "We certainly want to return and continue all your expressions of friendship and goodwill and see this garden a s a beautiful symbol of our relationship. Added Nanaimo Mayor Frank Ney: "This garden brings a sense of character, closeness and roots to t he new part of the College campus that would normally have taken years to develop." Others attending the ceremony included faculty, staff and Board members along with Vancouver lawyer Tom Spraggs. who is Tamagawa's Canadian adviso~ and Tadao Hara. until recently the University's International Education Director and now Executive Director of the International School in Los Angeles. a new bilingual school where students will be taught in both English and Japanese. TEN ON INITIAL SHORT LIST NINETY ON E APPLICATIONS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED FOR THE POS IT ION OF COLLE GE Principal, vacan t since Dr. Carl Op ga ard left to become President of Da kota State College las t August . Th e Coll ege Search Committee met on April 19 with Richard Rittenberg, of the man ag ement consultancy firm of Peat Mar wick and Partners, which is co nduct ing the initial stages of the search . R1ttenberg provided the committee with a list of 16 candidates, who he f elt met the criteria es t ab lished for the job, an d this nu mber was subsequen tly cut to 10. Ove r the course of the next four we eks Rittenbe rg wil l undertake a series of prelimi nary intervi ews and he ha s be en as ked to arrive at a sho r t list of four candidat es for in depth i nterviews at Coll ege Boa rd l evel. App lication s that are received over the next month will be considered and those t hat merit further considerati on will be re viewed be f ore toe search committee's next meeting wi th Rittenberg. BOARD MEET ING DELAY ED ONE WEEK WITH THE PROVINCIAL ELEC TION SET FOR MA Y 10 the ne xt meeting of the Coll e ge Board has been put back for one week until May 17 . PLANNING AND DEVELOPMEN T AGENDA ITEMS LISTED ON THE AGENDA FOR THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPM ENT Committee meeting, in the Boa rd Room on May 3, at 3:30 p.m. are : Addition of Log Building on Campus-Joh~ Ro stron, Tabled Item , Ma rch I, 1979; Old Maintenan ce Area - B.C . B.C. Re presentative; Land Transfer to College ; Two Offices & Tic ket Wic ke t for The atre Lo bby, Bob La ne ; Placemen t of Gift Sculpture in Theatre Lobby , Bob Lane ; Space fo r Jazz Prog r amme, Bob La ne. FEDERAL ALL CANDIDATES AT CO LLEGE ON MAY12 AN INTERESTED GROUP OF FACULTY MEMBERS WILL BE HOSTING an All Candidates Meeting for the Federal Election in the Cafete ria on Saturday, May 12 , at 8:00 p.m. All the ca ndidate s have confirmed that they wi ll be taking part in a question and answer forum. There wi ll a lso be an opp ortunity for t hose attending to meet informa lly with the cand idates . This is a commu nity oriented activ i ty and everyone is en couraged to atte nd and to invi t e their friends and neighbours . CO LLEGE PEOPLE, '" ,.,' THE NEW POSIT ION OF CHIEF ACCOUNTANT HAS BEEN FI LLED BY COLI N PALMER, of Nanaimo, who comes to the College after wo r king for MacMilla n Bl oedel and the City of Westm ount, Queb ec ... .. Accoun ting Superv i so r Doreen Je nsen i s l eaving on May 25 and is going to live in Gold Riv er .. John Cochrane, who has be en continuing to work on a part-time basis afte r re tiring as Duplicatin g Supervisor, has decided to mak e retirement a perman ent pleasure and r eceived a number of suitable gifts from staff and administratio n at a farewel l funct i on last week ..... Els Spencer has joined the staff as Data Entry Clerk ... Victoria Gubbels will be resigning as Secretary and Office Manager a t Powell River Campus on May 30 .. ... Roberta Rum sby and Tr icia Bird, who were working on a special project in the I.Re, hav e ma de the move to Vancouver and have found new jobs ..... Marg Gordon and De irdre LeForest or e back on the faculty list with the start of anottler eight week BEST prog r am .. ... Dina Denbigh's second son arrived Sundav weighin g in at an i mp ress i ve 9 ~ lbs . JEACOCK NEW FACULTY ASSOCIATION PRESIDtNT THE MALAS PINA COLLEGE FACULTY ASSOCIATION HAS ELECTED A NEW LIST OF OFFICERS for 1979/80 with Rob Jeacock succeeding El lis Lindsay as Presi dent. The other office bearers are: Vice-President, Dave Ha~rison ; Secretary, Ra lph Vernon; Treasurer, Rob Van de Wetering; Cha irpersons - Personnel Committee, Ian Garrioch; Professional Development Commi ttee, Kathryn Barnwell; Contract Negotiating Committee, John Kutc hen t hal; Col lege Facu lty Federation Director, Mike Matthews; Member-at-Large, Ernie Jerome. EINSTEIN ASSOC IATE TO SPEAK MAY 4 PHYSICIST DAVID BOHM WILL BE SPEAK ING QN FRIDAY MAY 4 AT 12 :30 in the Band room. Dr. Bohm is a well-known professor of theoreti ca l physics from the University of London (England) and a former associate of Einstein. His books include "Quantum Theory", "Cau sali ty and Cha nce in Modern Ph ysics ", and "The Sp ecial Theory of Relativity." Dr . Boh m has also published articles on science as a whole, linguistics, commu nication, an d philosophy. His t opic will be "Insight and its Relation to Science , Educ ation and Values", wh ich should prove to be an informative com bination of hi s many fields of interest. The talk is open to anyone who is interested . STR OYAN NEW BOARD MEMBER TED STROYAN, OF NANAIMO, HAS BEEN NAMED BY EDUCATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Minis ter Dr. Pat McGeer to fill the vacancy on the Malaspina College Board left by the r ecen t resignation of Graham Alce, also of Nana im o. Stroyan, one of four Board members appointed by the Government , is a former school teacher who retired last yea r from a commun i ty relations pos iti on with MacMillan and Bloede l. He is already actively involved in College affairs as one of two community representatives on the Search Committee appointed earlier this year to locate a new Pri ncipal. REVISED GYMNASIUM HOURS TO ACC OMMO DATE INDIVI DUALS WHO WISH TO MAKE USE OF THE GYMNASIUM facilities at no on, the su mmer hours of operation commencing immediately will be weekday s, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and closed Saturday an d Sunday. CRAFTS EXHIBITION AT MADRON A THE FIFTH ANNU AL VANCOUV ER ISLAND CRAFTS EXHIB ITIO N TO BE SPONSORED BY Malaspin a College and the Arts Council of the Nanaimo District will be held in the Madrona Centre May 8 through 23. Works su bm itted for the exhibition will be juried and only works of high standard in each category wil l be shown. The exhibition aims to di splay the best craft wor ks of the peo ple of Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands and to encourage a co ntinual striving for excellence an d a hi gh quality of workmanship and design . MAINLY MOVES TO SUMMER SCHEDULE MAINLY MALASPINA WILL APPEAR EVERY TWO WEEKS BETWEEN now and mid - June. Copy deadline for the next edition is May 11.
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