Mitt. internat. entomol. Ver. Frankfurt a.M. ISSN 1019-2808 Band 32 . Heft 1/2 Seiten 117 - 131 22. November 2007 Corrigenda and addenda of Dermestidae in the “Catalogue of the Beetles (Coleoptera) of Israel and Adjacent Areas“ Jiří HÁVA, Tomáš PAVLÍČEK & Vladimir CHIKATUNOV Summary: Corrigenda and addenda of Dermestidae to the “Catalogue of the Beetles (Coleoptera) of Israel and Adjacent Areas“ are presented. The article describes the following new records from the territory of the State of Israel (including territory under a nominal control of the Palestinian Authority): Attagenus addendus J. Sahlberg, 1903; Attagenus barbieri Pic, 1946; Attagenus brunneopunctatus (Pic, 1893); Attagenus civetta (Mulsant et Rey, 1868); Attagenus cyphonoides Reitter, 1881; Attagenus leprieuri (Reitter, 1886); Attagenus scalaris (Pic, 1894); Attagenus simonis Reitter, 1881; Attagenus uniformis Fairmaire in Fairmaire et Coquerel, 1860; Globicornis (Globicornis) picta (Küster, 1851); Trogo- derma inclusum LeConte, 1854. The revision of literature records and material brought altogether 68 species of carpet beetles from Israel. The article contains furthermore comments about nomenclatural changes, errors in the earlier publications and identifications as well as the list of all known species from Israel. Zusammenfassung: Korrekturen und Ergänzungen zum “Catalogue of the Beetles (Coleoptera) of Israel and Adjacent Areas“ werden vorge- stellt. Der Artikel beschreibt folgende Arten, die neue Funde für das Ge- biet des heutigen Staates Israel (einschließlich der autonomen Palästinen- sischen Gebiete) darstellen: Attagenus addendus J. Sahlberg, 1903; Atta- genus barbieri Pic, 1946; Attagenus brunneopunctatus (Pic, 1893); Atta- genus civetta (Mulsant et Rey, 1868); Attagenus cyphonoides Reitter, 1881; Attagenus leprieuri (Reitter, 1886); Attagenus scalaris (Pic, 1894); Attagenus simonis Reitter, 1881; Attagenus uniformis Fairmaire in Fairmaire et Coquerel, 1860; Globicornis (Globicornis) picta (Küster, 1851); Trogoderma inclusum LeConte, 1854. Der Artikel enthält des- weiteren Kommentare über Änderungen in der Nomenklatur, Fehler in 117 den früheren Publikationen und Identifizierungen, sowie die Liste aller aus Israel bekannten Arten. Key words: Faunistics, new records, corrections of catalogue, Coleo- ptera, Dermestidae, Israel, the Levant. Introduction The first important records of the carpet beetles (family Dermestidae) in the Levant and Anatolia were published by SAHLBERG (1912-1913). He mentioned 17 valid species from the territory of the present State of Israel including the territories under the control of the Autonomous Palestinian Authority, but the presence of three of these species needs to be verified (see Discussion). Later, BODENHEIMER (1937) published the "Prodromus Fauna Palestinae" from approximately the same territory, in which he listed - based largely on literature research - 30 species of carpet beetles. Sixty three years later, CHIKATUNOV published the “Catalogue of the Beetles (Coleoptera) of Israel and Adjacent Areas“ (CHIKATUNOV 2000) where he mentioned 57 valid species of carpet beetles from Israel. CHIKA- TUNOVs work was based mainly on the material preserved in the insect collection of the Natural History Museum, Tel Aviv University. In addition, a few articles and books in which the carpet beetles were also mentioned (e.g. FINKEL et al. 2002, CHIKATUNOV et al. 2004) were pub- lished. Nevertheless, the introduction of extensive taxonomic and nomen- clatural changes in Dermestidae (HÁVA 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007), newly collected material, the revision of old samples, and the need for clari- fication of some repeated errors in published records are calling for an updating of the last mentioned Catalogue. In the present work, we do not separate from the State of Israel the territory of the autonomous Palestinian National Authority inaugurated in 1994, since the final status of this area still needs to be negotiated. The locality data of the studied material are given like on the original labels. Data on separate labels are indicated by slashes ( \ ). Moreover, following two acronyms refer to the collections, in which the examined material is deposited: NHMI Natural History Museum, Tel Aviv, Israel JHAC Private Entomological Laboratory and Collection, Jiří Háva, Prague, Czech Republic 118 Table 1. A list of Dermestidae species mentioned by SAHLBERG (1912– 1913), BODENHEIMER (1937), CHIKATUNOV (2000) from the territory of the present Israel accompanied with corrections and notes. Taxon SAHLBERG BODENHEIMER CHIKATUNOV Present-day Notes (1912–1913) (1937) (2000) nomenclature + corrections Dermest- inae Dermestes cadaverinus ater DeGeer, ater DeGeer, Fab. 1774 1774 Dermestes bicolor Fab. bicolor bicolor bicolor Fabricius, Fabricius, 1781 1781 Dermestes frischi (sic!) frischii frischii Kugel. Kugelann, Kugelann, 1792 1792 Dermestes vulpinus Fab. maculatus maculatus DeGeer, 1774 DeGeer, 1774 Dermestes mustelinus Er. mustelinus loebli Háva, Háva Erichson, 1848 2002 (2002) Dermestes sardous Küst sardous Kust. sardous sardous Háva (sic!) Küster, 1846 asiaticus Háva, (2002) 2002 Dermestes undulatus undulatus undulatus Brahm Brahm, 1790 Brahm, 1790 Orphil- inae Orphilus niger (Rossi, beali Zhantiev, Háva 1790) 2001 (2003) syn. Trinod- inae Trinodes hirtus hirtus (Fabricius, (Fabricius, 1781) 1781) Attagen- inae Attagenus attenuatus attenuatus (Pic, 1894) (Pic, 1894) Attagenus aurantiacus auranticus civetta (Mul- Note. (sic!) Rtt. (sic!) Reitter, sant et Rey, 1 1900 1868) barbieri Pic, 1946 119 Taxon SAHLBERG BODENHEIMER CHIKATUNOV Present-day Notes (1912–1913) (1937) (2000) nomenclature + corrections Attagenus bifasciatus bifasciatus Ol. bifasciatus bifasciatus Oliv. (Olivier, 1790) (Olivier, 1790) Attagenus cinnamomeus fasciatus Háva Roth, 1851 (Thunberg, (2003) 1795) syn. Attagenus piceus var. dalmatinus brunneus Háva sordidus Haar Küster, 1847 Faldermann, (2003) (sic!) 1835 syn. Attagenus heydeni heydeni (Reitter, 1881) (Reitter, 1881) Attagenus gloriosus F. gloriosus fasciatus Háva (Fabricius, (Thunberg, (2003) 1798) 1795) syn. Attagenus fasciatus fasciatus (Thunberg, (Thunberg, 1795) 1795) Attagenus falax Gen. fallax Gené, addendus Note. 1839 Sahlberg, 1903 2. Attagenus Telopes lynx lynx (Mulsant lynx (Mulsant Muls. et Rey, 1868) et Rey, 1868) Attagenus megatoma unicolor Háva (Fabricius, unicolor (2003) 1798) (Brahm, 1790) syn. Attagenus obtusus Gyll. obtusus obtusus (Gyllenhal in (Gyllenhal in Schönherr, Schönherr, 1808) 1808) Attagenus piceus Ol. piceus Olivier, unicolor Háva 1790 unicolor (2003) (Brahm, 1790) syn. Attagenus bifasciatus var. bifasciatus var. pictus Ballion, simonis Note. simonis Reitt.? simoni Rtt. 1871 Reitter, 1881 3. (sic!) pictus Ball. Attagenus posticalis Frm. posticalis posticalis Fairmaire, Fairmaire, 1878 1878 Attagenus scalaris Pic scalaris (Pic, scalaris (Pic, 1894) 1894) Attagenus bifasciatus var. simoni (sic!) simonis Háva 6-maculatus Reitter, 1881 Reitter, 1881 (2003) nov. var. 120 Taxon SAHLBERG BODENHEIMER CHIKATUNOV Present-day Notes (1912–1913) (1937) (2000) nomenclature + corrections Attagenus simplex Reitt. simplex Rtt. simplex simplex Reitter, 1881 Reitter, 1881 Attagenus trifasciatus trifasciatus trifasciatus barbieri Pic, Note. Fabr. Fab. (sic!) (Fabricius, 1946 and 4. 1787) heydeni (Reitter, 1881) Megatom- inae Globicor- bicruciata J. bicruciata bicruciata J. signatipennis Háva nis Sahlb. Sahlb. Sahlberg, 1913 Pic, 1899 (2003) syn. Globicor- picta (Küster, picta (Küster, nis 1851) 1851) Phradono- cercyonoides cercyonoides ma (Reitter, 1886) (Reitter, 1886) Phradono- hirsutulum hirsutulum ma (Mulsant et (Reiche in Rey, 1868 Mulsant et Rey, 1868) Phradono- nobile Rtt. nobile (Reitter, nobile (Reitter, ma 1881) 1881) Phradono- villosulum villosulum draco Háva, Háva ma Duft. (Duftschmid, 2006 (2006) 1825) Phradono- villosulum spectum Háva, Háva ma (Duftschmid, 2006 (2006) 1825) Trogoder- granarium granarium ma Everts, 1898 Everts, 1898 Trogoder- syriaca Dalla schawalleri Note. ma Torre, 1911 Háva, 2007 5. Trogoder- testaceum inclusum Note. ma Kraatz, 1858 LeConte, 1854 6 Ctesias syriaca syriaca Ganglbauer, Ganglbauer, 1904 1904 Anthrenus crustaceus Rtt. crustaceus crustaceus Reitter, 1881 Reitter, 1881 121 Taxon SAHLBERG BODENHEIMER CHIKATUNOV Present-day Notes (1912–1913) (1937) (2000) nomenclature + corrections Anthrenus pimpinellae delicatus delicatus var. delicatus Kiesenwetter, delicatus Kies. 1851 Kiesenwetter, 1852 Anthrenus festivus festivus Erichson, 1848 Erichson, 1848 Anthrenus flavipes flavipes LeConte, 1854 flavipes LeConte, 1854 Anthrenus jordanicus Pic jordanicus Pic, jordanicus Pic, 1934 1934 Anthrenus minor minor Wollaston, Wollaston, 1865 1865 Anthrenus molitor Aubé molitor Aubé, molitor Aubé, 1850 1850 Anthrenus pimpinellae pimpinellae F. pimpinellae pimpinellae Fabr. (Fabricius, pimpinellae 1775) (Fabricius, 1775) Anthrenus scrophulariae scrophulariae scrophulariae scrophulariae L. L. (Linnaeus, scrophulariae 1758) (Linnaeus, 1758) Anthrenus simonis Reitt. simoni (sic!) simoni (sic!) simonis Rtt. Reitter, 1881 Reitter, 1881 Anthrenus sordidulus sordidulus Reitter, 1889 Reitter, 1889 Anthrenus varius verbasci Háva Fabricius, (Linnaeus, (2003) 1775 1767) syn. Anthrenus verbasci var. verbasci L. verbasci verbasci nebulosus (Linnaeus, (Linnaeus, Reitt. 1767) 1767) Anthrenus vorax Waterh. vorax flavipes Háva Waterhouse, flavipes (2003) 1883 LeConte, 1854 syn. 122 Taxon SAHLBERG BODENHEIMER CHIKATUNOV Present-day Notes (1912–1913) (1937) (2000) nomenclature + corrections Thorict-
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