THE Daily SKIFF Volume 70, Number 17 Texas Christian University Fort Worth, Texas 76129 Tuesday, September 28, 1971 Role of TCU Studied By LOIS RSED the indistinctness of the term nich, set the pace at » kick-off Asst. Managing Editor "participants," applied to all who session Friday. attended, generated an equality Wassenich stated the retreat's Bogged down in many instan- among students, faculty, admin purpose: to consider what the ces by sluggish generalities, the istrators and (for brief flashes) University should be and what student-faculty - administra- trustees difficult to achieve on TCU should be doing in the light tion-trustee retreat did come up the campus proper. of these times. with practical suggestions f o r Mark Wassenich, 1964 TCU Asking the assembly if we putting TCU in step with our grad, currently a city planner in should get involved in the world times. the Dallas city manager's office, as people, as students, faculty, as Just as importantly, though, and son of Dr Paul G, Wassc- a total institution, Wassenich of fered personal ideas for updating the University, such as student recruitment of faculty and ad- muustratofs. Wassenich also told the parti- Draft Bill Includes cipants that in the words of the- ologian Haivey Cox, "not to de cide is to decide." Trustees Glen Turbeville, Har Military Pay Hike ry K. Wcrst, Dr. W. Burgess Sealy, and Chairman M.J. Nee- In the recent passage of the to keep strategic forces ready to ley, respected and useful in their Senate draft bill that abolished go but his worries have been re- the 2-S student deferment, a mili- lieved somewhat with the exten- presence, occasionally foui>d tary pay boost of $381 million was sion ef the draft to 1973. themselves on the firing line in also included within the same the small discussion sessions, not package. The military draft-pay without administrative company increase lifts the total to $2.4 bil- lion, which raises basic pay and Moudy Issues Initiating discussion in the var allowances for first termers. The ious sessions, several of the re RON ONEAL and Maureen HurUy will perform in "Beit of Both measure also contains substantial Harris Statement source- persons came from out- Worlds," sponsored by SPB, in Ed Ltr-Jreth Auditorium Friday increases in quarters allowances, side TCU, including Joe Gonzalez evening. effective Oct. 1, plus an enlist- Chancellor James M. Moudy of Fort Worth Block Partnership, ment bonus for combat arms. has released the following state- Sen. John Stennis (D., Miss.) men' concerning the Administra- and Joyce Pennington of Planned 7 chairman of the Senate Armed tion's refusal to allow draft re Parenthood Services Committee, had worked sister David Harris to speak on Communicating the real lm 'New Century hard along with Sen. Gordon Al campus: pact of the retreat is impossfblc lott of Colorado (R), in keeping "TCU will not knowingly host because much of it was felt on u the draft bill alive. The mo'ior. a speaker who will counsel that would have defeated the en breaking th<- law In the case of ,)ersonal level. Starts Campaign tire bill was prevented, when Al- the proposal to host Mr Harris, Overall effectiveness of the lot! got White House support for we have been unable to gain conference, however, can be Nov. 1 TCU will go to Midland, few out-of sta'e areas will b e tacking his extra pay proposal on assurance that he will not so measured most likely in the counsel, and this is the reason first stop on a two-year regional added. For the next two years, a the procurement bill, five other changes TCU makes in itself by campaign. For the first time, campaign will start every two or senators switched to support the for the decision not to schedule three weeks. him in University facilities " the 1972 retreat TCU will bring the hopes and existing bill. needs of the almost century-old The individual campaigns will According to the Army Times, institution to the public on a open with a banquet. Here the large scale. empha.«Ls will be on TCU's needs Sen. Stennis reported that the This "regional campaign" is and plans for the future. Repre- Joint Chiefs of Staff told him they the first of several planned for sentatives of administra- were experiencing a sharp drop Student To Organize the next two years. As part of tion, staff, and students will be "The New Century" program, in the quality of men who enlisted available to discuss any aspect in July and August, after the these campaigns will confront of the program. alumni, parents and others in- President's induction authority For the next two or t h r e e terested in TCU. had expired on June 30. In addi TCU Parachute C/ub Leading the program is Max weeks, pre: .pective contributors tion, the Air Force expected to be K Jones, who became Director will be called on personally. Is sky diving a sport you've If you wculd like more inlor of Regional Campaigns July 1. Large gif's and grants will be 7,000 men short by Jan. 1. Stennis always wanted to try but always ma tion on this new sport or the Jones is excited about the pros identifieel and a general feeling said he was told, 96 per cent of found an excuse for not starting'' club. call Bob Burden at 923-tt5:« of good will will be sought. The poets of the program. Each cam- the Air Force men were high With the beginning of a sport goal is $43 million dollars by parachuting club on campus, stu- paign, he said, will consist of school graduates, but only 84 per 'hree parts: (1) bringing the 1973. dents can begin to enjoy "the "New Century" concept to the Finally, a committee will be cent of the volunteers in the past sport of the space age." public, (2) identifying major e-stablished tr> maintain and pro two months had high school di The purpose of the club, ac- gifts, and (3) creating an atmos mote interest amon'i the local plomas. cording to its founder Bob Bur- phere of good will between TCU population towards TCU. This is Sen. Stennis said he was wor- den, is to show students as well and the public. as impor'ant as the contributions as the general public that sky ried that the end of the draft Each campaign will be held in in the overall picture for TCU's diving is a safe sport. future, said Jones. would reduce the services' ability a major city in Texas. Later, a Burden points out that more than 50 major schools have sky diving teams that compete na- tionally, including Stanford, Notre TCJC Gets Expansion Funds Dame, LSU, Air Force Academv, Tarrant County Junior College Additions will be made to the County Junior College would and University cf Southern Cal- is to undergo buil'ling and enroll Student center and faculty office probably not have any effect on ifornia. ment expansion. building on the northeast cam TCU Thi junior college has al Safety is the key word in sport ready been here and hasn't had Tarrant County voters recently put, This campus will also re- parachuting. Tom Bishop, Fort passed a $20 million bond propo- ceive n e w techn" al Vocational to turn anyone away, explained Worth Area Safety Officer ol the sal package of which six and and classroom buildings White. Thosi who want to go to seven million dollars worth of The additions for both earn junior college already can, he U.S. Parachute Assn., explained bonds are to be sold soon in order puses are to be completed by added. that more than 45,000 parachutists to finance additions to the south fall, 1973. R e g i s tT a r Calvin Cumbie nationally make almost two mil agreed, saying he didn't think and northeast campuses. A third TCJC branch called the lion jumps yearly. Statistics also New technical-vocational and northwest campus is to be con- there would be any further Im- multipurpose teaching buildings structed on Marine Creek Lake. pact on enrollment at TCU. It show, according to Bishop, para- will be constructed on the south The $11.5 million campus is would jus» be more of a redis- chutists experience fewer in- campus. Also, additions to the scheduled for completion in 1974 tribution of the students who al- juries than snow or water skiers t L. C. White, vice chancellor for learning resources center, facul- ready go to junior college, he and fewer fatalities than scuba ty office building, and bookstore Fiscal Affairs, said the construe divers BOft ftURDIN will be made. tion of a third campus at Tarrant explained TM« DAILY SKIFF TuMd.y, September M, 1*71 By JOHNNY UVENGOOD Bulletin] Board Sounds of the '70s "Bark" — Jefferson Airplane, not only in keeping a great Now he has an album out on Grunt Records: (Records courtesy of Budget band together but it also pro- his own (as docs Mary) and it is Tapes and Records). ROOHMATF, WANTFD — senior , "Bark" is the Airplane's latest vides us wi'h an enjoyable al- a very good album, almost ex- <)rad. student pi release and pretty well sums bum, even if it is not their best actly what you would expect. $75/mo. Call David, up the whole Airplane trip at this work. There are a few surprises, how- 114-1400,921-2924. point. Jus' staying together to- six The album begins with a Paul ever.
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