FRUITS, SEEDS AND GERMINATION IN FIVE SPECIES OF GLOBOSE CACTEAE (CACTACEAE) Sofía Loza-Cornejo, Teresa Terrazas and Lauro López-Mata SUMMARY The morphological characteristics of fruits and seeds, and the weight, and fruit width. Larger fruits with more seeds are ob- germination responses of freshly matured seeds of five species of served for F. histrix, whereas smaller fruits with less weight and Cacteae (Coryphantha bumamma, C. clavata, C. cornifera, Fero- fewer seeds are seen for C. clavata. Seed germination is a rapid cactus histrix and Mammillaria uncinata) were studied at room process and usually starts on the third day. High percentages of temperature under laboratory conditions. The aim of the study germination (>80%) are observed on the sixth day in F. histrix was to record the macro- and micro-morphology of fruits and and M. uncinata. It is concluded that some morphological cha- seeds of these species and to investigate specific requirements racteristics of fruits and seeds can be used to support further for germination. Variance analysis detected significant differen- systematic studies of Cactoideae genera and will contribute new ces (p<0.05) for several variables: number of seeds per fruit, knowledge for their potential use and conservation. Introduction distributed in this country carpus and some Mammillaria members, is based on scarce (Guzmán et al., 2003). Indeed, species) to giant (Ferocactus analysis of the morphology, Cacti are a typical compo- 73% of the genera and 78% and Echinocactus) genera. anatomy and composition of nent of arid and semiarid en- of the species are estimated to Recently, significant progress stems, fruits and seeds. Some vironments in the Western be endemic to Mexico has been made in understand- species of this tribe produce Hemisphere, and the second (Hernández and Godínez, ing various aspects of the bi- edible fruits. For example, largest plant family restricted 1994), and the tribes Cacteae ology, phylogeny, and mor- Ferocactus histrix produces a to the New World (Anderson, and Echinocereae are almost pho-anatomy of Cactaceae small and acidic fruit called 2001). Mexico is one of the exclusively distributed in (Nobel, 2002; Godínez-Álva- ‘tuna of biznaga’, which is main centers of diversification Mexico (Anderson, 2001). rez et al., 2003; Terrazas and traded in regions of Hidalgo, of the Cactaceae family Members of Cacteae range Arias, 2003; Hernández- Querétaro, and San Luis Po- (Goettsch and Hernández, from globular or depressed to Hernández et al., 2011). The tosí. The small red fruits of 2006); around 560 species short columnar cacti, varying current understanding of cac- Mammillaria species are gen- belonging to 50 genera are in size from dwarf (Turbini- ti, particularly of Cacteae erally edible and consumed KEYWORDS / Coryphantha / Ferocactus / Fruits / Germination / Mammillaria / Seeds / Received: 10/28/2011. Modified: 02/17/2012. Accepted: 02/23/2012. Sofía Loza-Cornejo. Ph.D. in Teresa Terrazas. Ph.D. in Biol- ma de México, Apartado Pos- Lauro López-Mata. Ph.D. in Botany, Colegio de Postgradua- ogy, University of North Caro- tal 70-233, México, D.F. 04510. Biology, University of North dos (COLPOS), México. Profes- lina at Chapel Hill, USA. Pro- México. e-mail: tterrazas@ Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA. sor-Researcher, Centro Univer- fessor, UNAM, Mexico. Ad- ibiologia.unam.mx Professor, COLPOS, Monte- sitario de los Lagos, Mexico. dress: Instituto de Biología, cillo, México. e-mail: [email protected] Universidad Nacional Autóno- MAR 2012, VOL. 37 Nº 3 0378-1844/12/03/197-07 $ 3.00/0 197 FRUTOS, SEMILLAS Y GERMINACIÓN DE CINCO ESPECIES DE CACTEAE GLOBOSAS (CACTACEAE) Sofía Loza-Cornejo, Teresa Terrazas y Lauro López-Mata RESUMEN Las características morfológicas de los frutos y semillas, y llas por fruto, peso y ancho de fruto. Los frutos más grandes la respuesta germinativa de semillas maduras y recién cose- y con mayor número de semillas son los de F. histrix, mientras chadas de cinco especies de Cacteae (Coryphantha bumamma, que los frutos más pequeños y ligeros con el menor número de C. clavata, C. cornifera, Ferocactus histrix, and Mammillaria semillas son los de C. clavata. La germinación es un proceso uncinata) fueron estudiadas bajo condiciones de laboratorio y rápido que inicia al tercer día. El porcentaje de germinación temperatura ambiente. Se registraron las características ma- más alto (>80%) se observó al sexto día en F. histrix y M. un- cro y micromorfológicas de los frutos y semillas de estas espe- cinata. Se concluye que algunas características morfológicas cies e investigaron los requerimientos específicos de germina- de los frutos y las semillas pueden apoyar futuros estudios de ción. El análisis de varianza mostró diferencias significativas sistemática en los géneros de Cactoideae y que el conocimien- (p<0.05) para algunas variables tales como número de semi- to generado contribuirá a su uso potencial y conservación. FRUTOS, SEMENTES E GERMINAÇÃO DE CINCO ESPÉCIES DE CACTEAE GLOBOSAS (CACTACEAE) Sofía Loza-Cornejo, Teresa Terrazas e Lauro López-Mata RESUMO As características morfológicas dos frutos e sementes, e a gura de fruta. As frutas maiores e com maior número de se- resposta germinativa de sementes maduras e recém colhidas de mentes são as de F. histrix, enquanto que os frutos menores e cinco espécies de Cacteae (Coryphantha bumamma, C. clavata, leves com o menor número de sementes são as de C. clavata. A C. cornifera, Ferocactus histrix, e Mammillaria uncinata) foram germinação é um processo rápido que inicia ao terceiro dia. A estudadas sob condições de laboratório e temperatura ambien- porcentagem de germinação mais alta (>80%) se observou ao te. Registraram-se as características macro e micro morfoló- sexto dia em F. histrix e M. uncinata. Conclui-se que algumas gicas dos frutos e sementes destas espécies e investigaram-se características morfológicas dos frutos e as sementes podem os requerimentos específicos de germinação. A análise de va- apoiar futuros estudos de sistemática nos gêneros de Cactoide- riação mostrou diferenças significativas (p<0,05) para algumas ae e que o conhecimento gerado contribuirá a seu uso poten- variáveis, tais como número de sementes por fruto, peso e lar- cial e conservação. locally (Bravo-Hollis and Sán- atic studies (Arias and Terra- gated in members of Cacteae The number of seeds per fruit chez-Mejorada, 1991). How- zas, 2004; Arroyo-Cosultchi that co-exist in the scrub of for each species was regis- ever, most of these species et al., 2006) and may also Jalisco, Mexico. tered. Two hundred seeds per are threatened because they help explain patterns of popu- species were used to record have been removed from their lation dynamics of Cactaceae Materials and Methods quantitative morphological natural populations or their species under field conditions. traits (weight, length, width) habitat has been modified by Studies on seed germination Mature and healthy fruits and qualitative morphological changes in land usage (Her- in this plant family have fo- of Coryphantha bumamma traits (shape, color, structure nández-Oria et al., 2007). For cused on the relationship be- (Ehrenb.) Britton et Rose, C. of the testa) using an analyti- several genera of Cactaceae, tween germination and differ- clavata (Scheidw.) Backeb, C. cal balance and a dissecting studies on the morphological ent attributes of the plant, cornifera (DC.) Lem., Fe- microscope Leica Zoom 2000 variability of fruits and seeds such as the effect of seed rocactus histrix (DC.) G.E. (Z45V) adapted to an image are scarce or have focused mass and size on regeneration Linds., and Mammillaria unci- analyzer (Media Cybernetics, exclusively on well-known or strategies, mechanisms of re- nata Zucc. ex Pfeiff. were 2006). The roundness index economically important gen- production, abundance of rare collected from their native (width/length ratio) was calcu- era. For example, the compo- species, and ecophysiological populations in Jalisco, Mexi- lated from the length and sition, phytochemicals, and requirements (Rojas-Aréchiga co. An analytical scale (Pre- width measurements. For nutritious elements have been et al., 1997; Rojas-Aréchiga cisa XT 220 A) and a Mitu- scanning electron microscopy analyzed in Opuntia (Joubert, and Vázquez-Yanes, 2000; toyo digital caliper were used (SEM), three or four seeds 1993; Domínguez-López, Flores and Briones, 2001; to record the size and weight per species were washed us- 1996; Sáenz, 1997; Sáenz et Ayala-Cordero et al., 2004; of 30 fruits per species. The ing ultrasound and 95% etha- al., 1998; Butera et al., 2002; Ra mí rez-Padilla and Valverde, fruits were dissected in the nol. Dry seeds were fixed to Duru and Turker, 2005; 2005; Sánchez-Salas et al., laboratory and the seeds were aluminum specimen holders Stintzing et al., 2005), Hylo- 2006; Jiménez-Aguilar and then washed in tap water to with double-sided adhesive cereus (Wybraniec and Miz- Flores, 2010; Flores et al., eliminate pulp remains and tape and coated with gold in rahi, 2002), and Myrtillocac- 2011). In the present study, mucilage. The seeds were im- a JEOL-JFC-1100 sputter tus (Barrera et al., 1998). The differences in fruit and seed mediately placed on absorbent coater. Morphological obser- study of seed morphology and macro- and micro-morpholo- paper until they dried and vations and micrographs were germination processes is im- gy, and the rates of germina- were stored in paper enve- carried out with a JEOL-JSM- portant for supporting system- tion processes were investi- lopes at room temperature. 5310LV field-emission scan- 198 MAR 2012, VOL. 37 Nº 3 Table I when germination cies to red berries in M. unci- seed number, mass and size of fruits of five ceased. A seed was nata and yellow-green in F. globose species of Cacteae considered to be histrix. The fruits exhibited germinated when ovoid to claviform shapes, Species Seeds/fruit Weight Length Width (number) (g) (cm) (cm) the radicle protrud- and only F.
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