Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 4-20-1961 Bulloch Herald Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Herald" (1961). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 3450. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/3450 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. on. w. P.1CELIAM UNIV. OF GA. LIBIlARY ATHENS,GA. Relleem THESE Valuable A Prize-Winning Ncwlpaper 1960 .. Belter THE HERALD 325 FREE Newspaper BULLOCH Coupons Contests Value Stamps DEDIC.HED TO THE PROGRESS OF STATESBORO AND BULLOCH COUN,'Ff Top VOLUME XX-Established March 26, 1937-P.O. Box 210 STATESBORO, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1961 Industrial Arts Portal High students make a clean Enlry forma, rules books. sweep inJayceeRoaa-e-o scholarship requirements. and other Information on the 1961 Four students of Portal High todustrta! Arts Fairs Georgia School drove off with all the Program Is now being readied STAMPS top honors at the Statesboro TOP VALUE for distribution 10 more than Junior Chamber of Commerce's 225 Industrial Arts Teachers PURCHASE I Safe Rood-E-O held at AND Driving WITH COUPON and other educators in Georgia. Georgia Southern College on The Induslrial Arts Fair Pro­ I Monday. April 17. The evenl Food Order now in III sixth year on of $5.00 or more grpm. had been originally scheduled a statewide basis, is, sponsored! for Snturdny, April 15. but the Association Industries of by heuvy weather postponed It. Georgia and the Georgia Indus­ trial Arts Association, Billy Bowen and Ann Hend­ Entries are divided into six rix both of Portal High School divisions. metul, Wood. electri­ won the top places In lhe Rood­ cal. drafting. graphic arts. and E-O and ench will receive a Rood-E-O bond WINNERS ALL! Here are the winners of the Jaycees 1961 Safe Drlvirg held 01 Georgia open. The divisions' have 33 dif­ $25.00 savings given by Bank and Left to are winner of second ferent classifications wit h i n the Bulloch County Southern College OIl> Monday of this week. rlghl Lynn Reddick. place these divisions so that a student lhe Sea Island Bank. in the boys' division: Carolyn Finch, winner of second place In the girls' division: Billy Bowen. win­ will have fair winner in the division. All these winners are stu­ competition. ner in the boys' division and Ann Hendrix, girls' Billy and Ann will represent Competition is open to any dents at Portal High School. Bulloch County In lhe Georgia TOP VALUE STAMPS --------------- �yw'::o ��Ie��o'r��� �n�h���ga� contest to be held at laGrange May. 27. Arts classes. and on July I, AND PURCHASE Reddick and Carolyn WITH COUPON 1961. has not reached his twen­ Ion'!'ynn -FI�,' also of Portal High ty-first birthday. won second place In the Flour Tour Homes will The 1961 Industrial Arts Fair School, Hood [eature will 5 Ibs. Robin of MARCUS TOOLE contest and each Program will have several local driving receive a $10 savings account Fairs on displays about one at the First Federal Savings and REPAIRED week prior to Ihe opening of GUNS Loan Association. the state Fairs. The highlight of Marcus A. Toole """ homes 10 or Irade ante-bellum or wish (IIIItI, Jr have gun trouble buy type May3 the 1961 Fair will be were Joan you Program Other participants 4-9707. I buy, sell, lrade, slate at Stale • or ""II ROY SMITH, POplar competition Ihree Sack. Linda Rogers. Harry and modem. Fair sites. The northern area of e ........ and clean firearms, old IS new ExaIt d StoPP. and Johnny Young of the t'he stole will exhibit at Lenox SPECIALIZING IN REPAIRING AND SERVICING Slutesboro High School: Payton Square. Atlanta. on May II, 12. Allen and Harold Driggers of Federal Flreannl License Number 58-1488 and 13. The Southeastern sec- U er 0 ElkS Southeast Bulloch High School: 10 Serve You R I f Ready tlon of the Stale. at Georgia and Amy Waters, Micky Creech. STAMPS on TOP VALUE Southern College, Statesboro. h n n McCormack. C. L. SATISFACTION Marcus Toole was install- J 0 y AND Mr . MY MOTl'O-SERVICE Nath's South- bowling May 12. 13. and 14. The Daughtry and Roy Nichols of ed Exaltedl Ruler of lhe States- WITH ,COUPON AND PURCHASE western section 'of the state will Marvin Pillman School. High ROY SMITH'S GUN SHOP exhibit at East Dougherty High boro Lodge Number 1788 of the 01 Siaiesboro, on lIDS es on 12 and The winners vof the Rood-E-O Loealed al Residence, 8 mil.. wesl fi h School. Albany. May Benevolent and Protective Or- 6 oz. Nescafe will receive their awards at a Weslslde School Road der of Elks. in special ceremon­ l\he Industrial Arts Fair Pro- regular meeting of the States­ Iteam on ies at the Statesboro Lodge 9 at the at gram in Georgia attracted ap- boro Jaycees on May 2.500 entries in the Thursday evening. April 13. Forest Heights Country Club. _____P.H.ONE_P.O.4-.970.7 league top z proximately to an announcement 1960 competition. This program . according Nath's Bowling Team flnish- Officers Installed 10 served was a statewide made by Carroll Herrington. DR. FIELDING member of the executive board of the of the fourteen­ highlighted by RUSSELL, ed at the top wilh Exalted Ruler Toole are: the S tat e s b r 0 _ exhibit 01 the Plaza Shopping president of I> Coastal SCOUl Council, is shown here presenting ••••••••••••••••••••••• learn Men's Bowling League Empire Boy Center in Warner Esteemed Jaycees. and John with their with the College Pharmacy sec­ .Robins, wh�re R b rt E Westrick ' Henry McCormack. left. Eagle more than $2,000 In scholarships 0, e., McCor1"ack. Special- ond. The other four teams in L. West, Paul S. Akins of Statesboro Awards at a Boy Scout (Honor Court on Wednesday even­ -Open and awards was distributed for "f.eaalOg Knight; George SC�Ul order of their finish are was chairman of the 1961 Jay­ 12. The two Scouts are members of Troop 332. tho Rockwell entries. Esteemed Loyal KnJght: Donald ing. April Eagle TU.NE·UP States­ outstanding Road-E-O. LAWN MOWER MOTOR & Olliff. third: cee Safe Driving the First Methodist Church of Statesboro, with Ed Hagin Tillis Fair Chairmen are: Atlanta B. Vestal, Esteemed Lecturing fo9Onsored by fourth; White's him were Leon Moses, • and Check boro Cocu-Ccla, Bowen Furniture Helping Cone, Scoutmaster. The Scouts are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clean Spark Plugs Fair. T. J. Godbee; Siotesboro Dr. James H. Sikes. Sheet fifth and Rockwell. VALUE STAMPS Knight; Scott, Smith Banks. Metul, Robson's Bakery TOP Jock A. and Albany Stanley J. McCormack of Vista Circle. • Clean and Check Fair. Sapp; I nner Magneto . sixth. 'Tyl er: J0h n W Mocx,k Forest L. Johnson. Rudolph Sou. Discounl Fair, Wiley Dill. 1------------------------ • and Balance Blade AND PURCHASE Jack B. Tilman, secreta- Rushing and John Newton, Sharpen The ColI e�e Pharmacy holds Aldred's WITH COUPON Guard; 10 20 • Clean and Adjust Carburetor tho record for team series with Food Mart 12 REV. J. ROBERT - .SMITH lied Nellie • Oil :1061: Nnths and D.C:. High single game Grits Change Ritten­ 5 Ibs. Qua�er Statesboro Lions with 1134 for the high team Gunter, 169: Evelyn 167 and Reba Barnes, , $3.95 game record. house, Rev. R. Smith Complete 164. (Plus Parts) Mooney Prosser nnd Jeff Rock­ Moore lied with 604 und hold three games-Ann Mowers Serviced High ask- Do know... Makes of 465 All the record fat' individual series', el', 470; Evelyn Rittenhouse. Saws you Also Outboard Motors and Chain 'Alvin Rocker holds the record and Hazel Brown, 440. �o get honorary for individual game with 255. High team single SMITH & REAIDE MOTOR SERVICE Fourteen teams played in the Rockwell 917. at Mercer Bernard Smith High team three degree Operated by '!:'lguc. Rockwell. 2618. - GA. Waters of the College 47 OAK STREET STATESBORO, Brooks SCHEDULE FOR APR. 13 learn wns declared Phnrmncy Southern Discount vs. Rock­ to be the bowler with the most VALUE STAMPS well on I & 2. Bowen Furniture TOP average in the lea­ improved vs. Robson's Bakery on 3 & 4. PURCHASE gue. Aldred's oFod Murt vs. Tilli's WITH COUPON AND A barbecued chicken supper on 5 & 6. Pond was served at Robbins Glo Coat GEORGIA �UN1IES. last when the trophies Quart //fll/(Ie TO nighl JUNIOR BOWLING LEAGUE were awarded. Guzzlers 78 Greene County Mullets 70 Alleycats 54 PROTECTED roers .. .. CHAIN Of This Is the final record for Rebels ... 36 fROM INDIANS round or in Fireballs 30 SETTlERS the second bowling 1 lhe Men's League which ended King Pins 20 last week, April 10. High individual game, Burt, Nath's TV Sales & Service .. 82 Stills. 235. individual series, Burt Slatesboro Coca Cola ......... 68 High Stills, 544. Hagin & Olliff Texaco High team game, Guzzlers, VALUE STAMPS Service 67 605. TOP Pharmacy . 60 High learn series, Alleycats, College COUPON AND PURCHASE 163G. WITH Rockwell 60 Burt Stills, 58 High averages, Jaycees 152 und Billy Davis.
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