GOOD NEWS FOR BULLS & BONERS THOUSANDS WHO One Dollar will be paid lor every broadcasting boner printed in this col· umn. Your boner- a ludicrous error or ARE SKINNY a statement wilh twisted meaning made by some radio perfonner- should be accompanied by name 01 station and broadcaster. date 01 program. Address Bulls and Boners. RADIO GUIDE, 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago. Ill. In case more than one reader submits same boner. prize goes 10 contributor whose leiter bears earliest poslmark. In case 01 lying postmarks. all tying conteslanls will receive pri2.ea. ,.... ,.. ~ Dexter H ayes on "Society G irl": "1'tI call for you al seven. Let's not dress:' SERIOUS SHAW QUITS -Curtis Langford, 1328 N. Winona Ave .. Tyler, Tex. (Oct. 11 over CBS) SHOW -SHUNS COMEDY Homemaker's program:• " T his pump· kin pie is decidedly different. It is one hundred year. old."-Mr.s. Ray J . Jones, Ottertail, Minn. (Oct. 9 over ASEBALL has its Dizzy objected 10 reading comedy Station WDAY.) Dean. drama has ils John lines on the show. The last is BBarrymore-and swing has the most plausible chief reil' Rosemary Lane to• Bing Crosby: "My its Arlie Shaw. They have son. Not long ago Shaw took husband has been after me to get a something in common. Some his musicians and walked out laundress but I prefer to wash my· call it temperament; some call in a huff in the middle 01 a self.'·-Mrs. E. W. Boose, 35 Colley St., it color. Some like it; some dance engagement ilnd got Waterbury, Conn. (Oct. 12 over NBC.) don't. Whatever they have. himself sued lor SIO,OOO. In trouble likes it. Shaw has suc· spite 01 all the adverse pub. News cOtl"mentator:• "The Iroquois ceeded Rudy Vallee as music's licity given his escapades, held to a ste,..dy course but the de· problem child. His love·affairs Shaw is still packing them in Itroyer\.·zig-zaOged through the Bun· ale as hard to keep up with as wherever he plays. He had lit skies."-Wiltiam K. Pease, Hg. 1_"_- Batry., 1st Ba., 18 F. A., Fort 5111. previously endeared himself to the music 01 his hot clarinet. Okla. (001. 11 over Station WKY.) READ HOW THOUSANDS He threw lits 01 temper on Hoi· the public by his heroic trio lywood movie lots, refusing to umph over that serious dis· oFTHIN,TIRED, NERVOUS Fred Allen: "Close• your mouth. speak certain of his lines. Now ease, agranulocytopenia, which PEOPLE HAVE GAINED Uncle Jim. thero', nothing coming up." Artie has pulled away from ra had laid him low, and by his - Nyle Bao·tow, Gordon. NebI', (Oct. 11 10 TO 25 LBS.-NEW dio's "Melody and Madness," spectacular playing 01 a Los over N Be.) STRENGTH-QUICK with Bob Benchley. A numbel Angeles opening engagement of reasons have been given­ while a fugitive from the hos· CIENTISTS have discovered that thou­ Breakfast C lub program:• "It's about S >lands of men and women are thin and that the swing king was lorced pital. 11 will be a greater trio thirty·eight degrees according to the rum.lown_often tired and nervous-some· off because 01 his unconcealed umph if Artie can overcome times just picking at their nwals and thermometers I saw wandering down sleeping poorly at night-sImply because contempt lor the jitterbugs who himself and his present trou· the street thil morning."-Margaret they do not get sufficient Vitamin Band pay his meal·ticket; that he bles and return 10 high favor Grant, 860 Fleet Ave., Winnipeg, Man., Iron from their dail y food. It has been Canada. (Oct. 11 over Station CJRC.) found that without enough of these two simply needed a rest; that he at the same lime. vltnl substances you muy lack appetite and not get the most body-building good • out ot what you eat. Announcer: "So next time you are Now you can get these exact missing downtown drop your ctothes off at lIubstances in these sclcnUllcallyprepared, Vanderbeck's."_Mr• . Katharine Cun. casy-to-tnke little Ironlted Yeast tablets. ningham. 1400 33rd Street. Rock II' And if you need these substances, the im­ RADIO GUIDE land. III. (0(;\. 11 over Station WHBF.) provement that comes In a short time is rile Not/OliO' Wee.', of progroml, p/elurel (Jlld perlollo/mes on... n Ilstonishing. Thousands report gains of 10 to 25 naturally ullmcUve pounds In just a few weeks! Theil' tired feeling and News , announcer:• "The New York jltleryness seem to Itave just flown away. M. l. ANNENBERG, Publisher CURTIS MITCHELL, Editor Yankees fire today on the w ay to base· They enjoy thclr food. sleep fine and get 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Ill. Vol. 9. No.3. November 3, 1939 ball Immorality."-C. LaVerne Roberts, In up the morning full of pep and rarin to 524 Tt.fs~ing Bl dg., Lanling, Mich. (Oct. go. They're enUrely different. much mOI'e altmctlve persons, easily winning many 8 over Station WKZO.) new friends and enjoying life aa ne\'er CONTENTS before. Guy Savage, announcer:• "You'll find 1\ Jake this money-back test Unmasking Jack Benny'. "Good ·n ight and Thirty" 17 with a Bond topcoat on your back, New T enor 2 Ccl a package of lronlzed Yeast tablets This Week's Programs you'll be way out in front."-Mrs. H. from your drug-gist today. If with the tlrst Coming EventIJ 3 package you don't eat better and FEEL Hallowe'en Gal " P. Anthony, 401 V2 17th Ave., East Mo· bctter. with much more strength and pep Everybody Has a Neighbor <I Du nking and De mocracy "20 line. III. (Oct. 10 over Station WGN.) _ It you're not conVinced that Ironized Airialto Lowdown 6 T ony Turns to Golf Yeast wlll give you the normally attrac­ Hollywood Showdown 7 tive pounds and new cnergyyou've wiShed You Asked for Them and " Parks Johnlon on• "Vox Pop": "Are for. the price of this tlrst package Voice of the Listener; Here They Are you a housewife or do you work1"­ promptly refunded by the lronized Yeast Get in the Quiz Game 8 Capers by the Crosbys "24 MNJ. Gene Daugherty, 411 E. T iffin Co .. Atlanta, Ga. Unwelcome Gue.t Stars 9 Big Sister Marries 25 But Ju st one warulnJ:'l Du,," to the EU e ~ lI'I ot Street, Fostoria. Ohio. (Oct. 12 over lronl~('(1 Yeast. (lh M Il. Infe rior ~ ub E tltllt es The Mar(lh of Music 10 What Can We Believe? CBS.) )1II. v(' ~ 1)I'1IlJ:' up whic h do 1101 gh'e the 8JUnI! Puzzle: Get In.the Quiz T( ·~ \Llb• . So Insist on I;'c nulne Ironl1'<>'\ "'r('aat. National Song Search 12 " Gamo Answers 43 LoQk tor IY stamped on each labl~t. The Funniest Man In the World 13 • National Song Search Entries: Betty of "Escorts and Betty" on Special offe r! Listening to Learn 14 Birthdays Breakfast Club: "I want a comb for a To ~Iart thOU$a,,,b bl1lhllng U\I their h enHh The Fall and Ri se of Betty Lou 1!i rl.o::ht a\\".~y. w e mak" !hl ~ ~1l('~lnl OffH. Pur­ Football Broadcasts; fat man with rubber teeth."-Mrs. Earl eluUlC It, packl.lre or I rOIlI2.OO Ycast tablets a t On Short Waves 16 Mr. Fairfax Replies 45 F. Hudson, WaYlide, Kans. (Oct. 6 o,, ~ . cut out the lI('a i Oil til(' box and 11",11 it over NBC.) to 11 ~ with 0. ellp!,I".!: or this para.l:"Ta I,h. "\" e wllt .... nd ~· ou n. r".ocina tl"J:' book 0" h N.lth, "Fa d s About Your Bod}'." Remember. • rc~ ull ~ with the tint package - Or motley re­ Interview program: Question: "Have tumled. At all drn,t;'.:t~t~. )ronlzed Yeast Co., Illc.. Dept. It:UZ. >\(1",,1:\. C<I. you any children ?" Answer: "Yel, I have six living and three marrled."_ TIIN( IN ON JOHN J. ANTHONY'S GOOO Will HOUR. Beverly Eslberry, Lehigh, la. (Oct. 11 S~e Sunday's ",olum pale lor exact ti me .nd SUlion. over Station WHO.) .,1 r A Money-Making Opportunity for Men of Character EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE FOR AN INVENTION EXPECTED TO REPLACE A MULTI-MILLION-DoLLAR INDUSTRY Costly Work Formerly EARNINGS "Sent Out" by Business Men One man in California earned over $1,6CX) per month for three months-close to $5,CXXl in 90 days ' time. Another writes Now Done by Themselves from Delaware-"Since I have been operating (just a little less than a month of actual selling) and not the full day at that, because I have bttn getting organized and had to spend at a Fraction of the Expense at least half the day in the office; counting what I have sold outright and on trial, I have made just a little in excess of one This is a call for men everywhere to han dle thousand dollars profit for one month ." A man working small excl usive a~e n cy for one of the m ost city in N. Y. State made $10,805 in 9 months. Texas man unique business inven tions of the d ay, nets over $300 In Jess than a week's time. Space does nOt per­ mit mentioning here more than these few random cases. How­ Forty years ago the horse and buggy business was supreme-today ever, they are sufficient to indicate that the worthwhile future almost extinct. Twenty years ago the {'honograph industry ran into in this business is coupled with immediate earnings for the many million~- toJay practica!Jy a rehc.
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