Theaters! .— ■■ ..... TOP-RANKING STARS ADAGIO TRIO BROUGHT TO LIFE | "AS HUSBANDS GO”—TRIANGLE Four famous characters from Zane Orey'a colorful "The Thundering * Herd are brought to life In Paramount* picturtsation of that novel, and at the Theatre. The are ■_■■■■-1 showing Sunday Monday Queen players Here Is a triangle that should give a goo daccount of itself in As Harry Carey, Randolph Scott. Judith Allen and Raymond Hatton. Husbands Oo.” the Fox Film presentation of the Rachel Crother* play. The principals are the suave Warner Baxter, the beautiful Helen Vin- “WILD BOYS OF THE ROAD” son and the handsome O. P. Huntley. Jr., showing Tuesday and Wed- nesday at the Capitol Theatre. be necessary to put the to Be S highway, $20,000 Spent Which >a Rio Grande City's msta On Paving in Starr! street, in condition equal to other RIO GRANDE CITY. Jan. 20.— sections of the highway through Plans lor paving and improving the Valley. It is probable that the if 1 State 4 Rio Highway through work will be done with CWA labor. Grande City as a link In the high- of Rto Considerable street work has Gary Cooper, Miriam Hopkins. Director Erast Lubitslh and Fredric way system the Lower Grande Valiev have tentative- been done In other section* of the March, the four stars who joined to create Paramount1* presentation of been made the Starr Wel- seat of Starr the famous Noel Coward “Design for Living", and ly by County city, county county, play, showing Sunday the few weeks. Monday at the Capitol Theatre. fare Board, according to P. D. during past Among Guerra, chairman of the board. these projects was San Juan plaza, It Is estimated that 123.000 will civic center. ' .-—— --- IN ‘ONE MAN’S JOURNEY’ The well known trio of adagio dancers, shown above, is composed of Dale and Dottle Mae Fisher and Tom Olenn. They have been much in demand at entertainments throughout the Valley and Wednesday appeared before the Rotary luncheon club. Thursday, the Kiwanis club and that night danced at the coronation of the Queen of the Valley in Harlingen. They have been tutored by Joe Crixell who has a dance studio in Brownsville. IN “CHANCE AT HEAVEN” nr BK BM IB—iigg v K.^y -VMIw>tc -jl-.-. ... Dorothy Coonan In “Wild Boys of the Road- finds that there are worse things than being kicked off a freight train by a braketnan. The pic- ture is showing Prtday and Saturday at the Capttol Theatre. Cinema’s Finest Talent * * * * * * * * * Crammed in Lionel Barrymore In his role of a struggling country physician in “One Capitol Film Man's Journey" is mothered by May Robson, a fussy spinster. Their 9_ association Into a romance in this RKO-Radio develops picture, open- When seven accomplished artists reeled and acted with verve and for a two run at the Rivoli Theatre. San Benito. ing Thursday days collaborate — ■ on a the '■ '■■■■" ——— --. motion +» ■— —-.- —.— picture understanding. “Design for Living," result ought to be gratifying, and opens a new. broad field of screen temporary chalnran of the coun- TODAY Monday Lions Defer Action it is. as revealed in Paramount's literature, and It may be predicted cil Abe Axelrod A On Inter-Club Plan and secretary. “Design for Living,** showing Sun- that here Is a plot that will be cop- meeting will be held Tuesday day and Monday at your Capitol ied extensively as the next film fSpecial to The Herald) She Needed Two Men to PU1 Her Life night. theatre. cycle. HARLINGEN. Jan. 20— Directors Many Lions a to The seven who contributed their An American girl falls in with two NOEL COWARD’S of the will at signed petition* Lions Club decide young musketeers of art In the Paris ! the school board to retain the great skill, enthusiasm and sophisti- their meeting Monday whether the Latin Quarter. The men are life- cation to the comedy drama are high school band. friends. A love affair Lions will participate in proposed Fredric March, Gary Cooper, Mir- long strange Is Inevitable, and the re- Inter-club council to be composed A telegram saying San Benito iam Hopkins. Edward Everett Hor- principals ^ | sign themselves to whatever joys. of and secretaries of 11 would entertain the quarterly group ton, Director Ernst Lubltsch, Noel ■l! presidents Coward Jealousies and agonies may result of 11 the playwright, and Ben esign local organisations for civic pur- meeting Valley Lions Peb. "Chance at Heaven", RKO-Radio Pictures* dramatic film version of the from a three-cornered love Hecht, who transcribed for was Liberty Magazine serial story, at the the play poses. read. popular showing Thursday only the screen. But she crosses them both up by The Lions at their meeting this Capitol Theatre, with a notable and talented cast featuring Joel Mc- a third man who offers on the conceived, di- marrying left the matter to their Emmett Anglin reported Crea. and Marian Nixon. ^Adroitly brilliantly week up Ginger Rogers her his heart and name. He. un- ”” ball in which a number of v. retors. queen’s fortunately Is too obsessed by his Living’ With S. D. Grant has been named service clubs participated. Mission affairs to give her the love she KATHARINE HEPBURN AS TYRO f* needs, and when she realises her Fredric MARCH Ann Smith, daughter of Dr. and mistake, she leaves her husband Mrs. Mouldon Smith, was burned for her two musketeers. on Gary COOPER Hie Power of a Great Love the face Wednesday at the No Jack-in-the-box surprises were home north of Mission. Fortunately ever applied more adroitly to mo- Miriam HOPKINS the burn is not considered serious tion pictures plot than those un- — plus the Charm of enough to leave a scar. corked by the two-timing three- It Will Olve Women New Idem* Story Mrs. Olin Young and baby ar- some In "Design for Living." And rived Thursday from Oklahoma the climax Is a laughing bom'o-shell, Silly Sereen Ptnaoud Glorious City, for a month's visit in the as anyone might expect of an Symphony Souvenir* New* home of Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Cov- Ernst Lubltsch-Ben Hecht adapta- Music! ington. Mrs. Young wiU be remem- tion. bered to her many frienda as Dr. At Tour Maude Murphy. Miss Ora Stallings of Terrell, was tfc guest of Miss Angie Stroud last week. Miss Nona Byerly of San Anto- tilftmaiw nio was as ste- recently employed HOY — nographer in the law offices of Hill DOMpftoO and Greer. She is making her home Estreno de PeUcula at the L- T. Friedrichs residence. p fatblada dn Espanol Mrs. Chita Yeager returned to hr work at the Mission Beauty Shop Monday. She had be visit- ing her parents in Greenville and La Llama Sagrada from an recuperating rppendicitis -—-— operation. Interpretada por Mr. and Mrs. Norton Byrd left La Notable Artlsta Tuesday for a place near Miami. .... mm—mm—mmSSmi I Florida, where Mr. Boyd will be ELVIRA MORLA Her employed. | story Impressed by her genius, Adolphe Men jou makes lore to Katharine will be a Hepburn at his house party In “Morning GloryDouglas Fairbanks, Jr., is starred with her In this RKO-Radio Picture, showing Tuesday and Wednesday at the Rivoll Theatre, 8an Benito. Sensation! jrQUEEN=T0DAY=^|Brownsville First Showing men and woman risked their lives in pursuit of the fortunes to be shot DAYS OF OLD out of the great buffalo herds that roamed the plains. Gypsy Morrell And the modem camera brings married the * man of WEST RELIVED to life once more the booming stam- her pedes of bison which swept all be- dreams — and fore them to death those f o n n d mar- 'The Herd* Has trampling Thundering hardy ones who dared risk the dan- riage a prob- lem and an ad- Gripping Scenes, Epic gers of the hunt. Against this background of dan- venture. Read Of Great Outdoor* her ger and strife flashes the love of amazing Tbm Doan (Randolph Scott) and story iQ Packed with thrills, romance, Hilly Faye (Judith Allen). death and danger. Zane Grey's ‘The They are faced with the murder- Thundering Herd” showing Sunday I and Monday at the Queen Theatre. ous opposition of Hilly's hated step- jumthauVm In the amazing Paramount por- parents (Noah Beery and Blanche HARRY (A RIY nrr#Sl8&1 trayal of Zane and even Grey's oust&ndtng Fridertci), by the well- tUSTBR (RABBI “Gypsy Fiddler** I Paramount Newt epic of the great outdoors, an all- intentioned discouragement of BURY Comedy I latest Event* star cast Uvea through every grip- Tom's hunting Clark Spra- ^MOAM partners, r ping sequence of the drama. gue (Harry Carey) and Jude Pil- RAYMOND HATTON Randolph Scott, Judith Allen, chuck (Raymond Hatton). MONTI HUB Starts Jan. 23rd in— Monte Blue. Harry Carey. Noah How the love of the brave young ■ Beery, Buster Crabbe, Raymond couple surmounts these obstacles, TOEAY Hatton and Blanche Fridertci are plus the booming of death that I |-1 irected by Henry Hathaway in the sounded from the hoofs of 3000 mojt stirring thriller of the dan- stampeding buffalo and the blood II MONDAY gerous days in American history. lust shouts of warring mi-skins, is j They bring back the era when unfolded in rapH-flia sequence. ] She SttnunsuiUe IkralO '* &M& ;v .* .,, j, 'n"i. ii .
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