QueenslandQueensland Government Government Gazette Gazette PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 355] Friday 5 November 2010 VACANCIES GAZETTE NOTICE Please note that Friday, 5th November 2010 is the last edition of the Vacancies Gazette There is no longer a requirement for Agencies to publish the vacancy positions in the Vacancies Gazette as per the Public Service Commission Recruitment and Selection Directive 1/10 as issued in January 2010. However, the requirement to publish the appointment of advertised vacancy positions in the Gazette remains in place. Therefore, all appointment notice submissions received from Monday, 8th November 2010 will be published in the Queensland Government General Gazette . All existing subscriptions to the Vacancies Gazette will be transferred to the General Gazette, i.e. from the week ending Friday, 12th November 2010 all Vacancies Gazette subscribers will receive the General Gazette for the duration of their subscription. If you would prefer to cancel your subscription to the Vacancies Gazette , please contact SDS by emailing [email protected] [599] Queensland Government Gazette Extraordinary PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 355] Friday 29 October 2010 [No. 63 Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 NOTIFICATION OF REVOCATION OF DECLARATION OF STATE CONTROLLED ROAD AND MOTORWAY Exercising the power under section 24AA of the Acts Interpretation Act 1954 notice is hereby given under section 24 and 27 of the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 of the revocation of: (a) the declaration as a state controlled road; and (b) the declaration of state controlled road as a motorway, of the road or route or part of the road or route described in the Schedule. Craig Wallace Minister for Main Roads THE SCHEDULE Those parts of the South East Arterial Road (Pacific Motorway), Brisbane City, being: County of Stanley, Parish of South Brisbane - Lot 102 on SP179847, Lot 2 on SP229926, Lot 21 on SP229927, Lot 2 on SP229928, Lot 3 on SP229928, Lot 4 on SP229928, Lot 6 on SP229929, Lot 7 on SP229929, Lot 8 on SP229929, Lot 9 on SP229929, Lot 20 on SP229930, Lot 21 on SP229930, Lot 1 on SP229931, Lot 11 on SP229932, Lot 12 on SP229932, Lot 13 on SP229932, Lot 14 on SP229932, Lot 15 on SP229932, Lot 16 on SP233995 and Lot 41 on SP229941. As shown approximately on Plan RDU12A -12-A held in the office of the Director-General, Department of Transport and Main Roads, Brisbane. ENDNOTES 1. Will be published in the Gazette on 29th October 2010. 2. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. 3. The administering agency is the Department of Transport and Main Roads. 600 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 63 [29 October 2010 29 October 2010] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 63 601 Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 Lot on Plan description DECLARATION OF LAND AS LOCAL GOVERNMENT TOLLWAY 30 SP233974 CORRIDOR LAND 124 SP238934 Department of Transport and Main Roads Brisbane 122 SP238940 28th October 2010 126 SP238934 I declare under section 105H of the Transport Infrastructure Act 123 SP238940 1994 (the Act) that the Land described in Schedule 1 is local 803 SP198693 government tollway corridor land for the "North South Bypass Tunnel" (now called Clem Jones Tunnel (Clem7)), being the local 804 SP233951 government tollway declared under section 105GA of the Act by 2 SP234102 declaration dated 28 July 2006. 10 SP234111 I declare, as at the date of this declaration I am satisfied that: 130 SP184369 (a) all conditions imposed upon Brisbane City Council by the declaration of local government tollway and to which the 132 SP184373 declaration is subject; and 133 SP184373 (b) all other requirements under the Act or under any other 131 SP184373 legislation that are relevant to the Clem Jones Tunnel local government tollway, 137 SP184375 have been complied with to the extent they could reasonably be 238 SP233976 complied with prior to this declaration. 239 SP233976 This local government tollway corridor land declaration is made 240 SP233976 subject to the following condition set out below, being a condition permitted under section 105H(6) of the Act: 241 SP233976 (a) All of the conditions imposed upon Brisbane City Council 242 SP233976 by the declaration of local government tollway declared under section 105GA of the Act dated 28 July 2006 243 SP233976 continue to apply and are intended to continue to apply as 244 SP233976 from the date of this declaration. 245 SP233976 The local government tollway corridor land comprises land contained in survey plans which may be publicly viewed at the 246 SP233976 offices of the Brisbane City Council. 171 SP238962 In accordance with section 105H(7) of the Act, the terms of the 17 SP238937 perpetual lease between the Minister administering the Land Act 1994 and the State are appended to this declaration. 161 SP238962 In accordance with section 105H(9) of the Act, the interests 16 SP238937 described in Schedule 2 in the land declared to be local 147 SP184376 government tollway corridor land are continued in relation to the lease of the land to the State under section 105J(4)(a) of the Act. 148 SP184376 Craig Wallace MP 149 SP184376 Minister for Main Roads 150 SP184377 SCHEDULE 1 151 SP184377 Schedule of Local Government Tollway Corridor Land 152 SP184377 Lot on Plan description 153 SP184379 800 SP198690 154 SP184379 120 SP179858 155 SP184380 105 SP184374 804 SP198694 106 SP184374 160 SP184385 107 SP179849 161 SP188566 108 SP179849 163 SP184386 111 SP179850 805 SP198695 112 SP179851 202 SP184389 113 SP179852 203 SP184389 114 SP179853 204 SP184389 115 SP179854 205 SP184389 801 SP198691 206 SP184390 802 SP198692 207 SP184391 803 SP233948 208 SP184392 20 SP233975 209 SP184393 602 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 63 [29 October 2010 Lot on Plan description Lot on Plan description 210 SP184394 400 SP197135 213 SP184397 30 SP197088 214 SP184398 40 SP197089 216 SP186827 50 SP197090 217 SP186827 60 SP197091 215 SP186820 70 SP197079 222 SP186819 130 SP197081 218 SP186815 120 SP197096 222 SP184378 80 SP197093 223 SP184404 90 SP197094 224 SP184405 113 SP197095 225 SP184406 111 SP197087 226 SP184407 1 SP233963 227 SP184408 50 SP197082 228 SP184409 112 SP197080 50 SP192111 2 SP233988 51 SP192111 3 DP233988 52 SP192111 300 SP197136 53 SP192111 30 SP233958 54 SP192112 31 SP233958 55 SP192112 102 SP197077 56 SP192112 104 SP197083 57 SP192112 105 SP197084 58 SP192112 10 SP197076 62 SP192116 103 SP197078 59 SP192113 106 SP197085 60 SP192114 30 SP197129 61 SP192115 21 SP197123 806 SP198696 10 SP197126 10 SP197110 11 SP233989 11 SP197110 20 SP197123 12 SP197110 100 SP197138 13 SP197110 101 SP233959 22 SP197114 1 SP190812 19 SP197114 10 SP233990 10 SP197114 200 SP197137 23 SP197114 201 SP233960 500 SP197134 2030 SP197109 30 SP197101 2031 SP233991 40 SP197105 20 SP197121 50 SP197106 21 SP233973 20 SP197102 10 SP197127 10 SP197103 11 SP233992 210 SP197104 80 SP197120 220 SP197097 81 SP233969 30 SP197098 70 SP197119 240 SP197099 71 SP233970 107 SP197100 101 SP233971 10 SP197108 20 SP197124 29 October 2010] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 63 603 Lot on Plan description Lot on Plan description 10 SP197125 816 SP192725 30 SP197066 815 SP192724 20 SP197065 809 SP192723 10 SP197074 808 SP192722 101 SP197070 807 SP192722 100 SP197069 806 SP192722 40 SP197073 805 SP192722 30 SP197072 804 SP192721 190 SP197071 803 SP192720 1090 SP197067 841 SP192744 10 SP190811 12 SP190809 1 SP190819 1 SP190810 1 SP190818 1 SP190806 1 SP190817 1 SP190807 1 SP190816 1 SP190803 1 SP190815 1 SP190805 1 SP190814 1 SP190802 800 SP192743 11 SP190808 801 SP192743 1 SP190801 802 SP192743 14 SP198098 810 SP192742 12 SP198097 811 SP192742 10 SP198096 812 SP192742 11 SP198102 813 SP192741 15 SP198103 814 SP192740 103 SP206213 819 SP192739 1 SP198100 820 SP192738 11 SP198099 821 SP192738 12 SP198101 822 SP192737 102 SP206212 823 SP192736 2 SP198094 824 SP192735 20 SP198104 825 SP192735 5 SP198092 840 SP192733 6 SP198091 839 SP192733 7 SP198093 838 SP192733 7 SP198095 837 SP192733 6 SP198090 836 SP192733 5 SP198089 835 SP192733 4 SP193214 834 SP192733 1 SP193203 833 SP192733 3 SP193202 832 SP192732 1 SP193198 831 SP192731 4 SP193213 830 SP192730 101 SP206211 829 SP192730 1 SP193206 828 SP192730 1 SP193208 827 SP192729 2 SP193207 826 SP192728 3 SP193210 818 SP192727 4 SP193209 817 SP192726 1 SP193204 604 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 63 [29 October 2010 Lot on Plan description Lot on Plan description 100 SP206210 40 SP238935 6 SP193211 1 SP196781 5 SP193201 10 SP229980 4 SP193212 102 SP179847 2 SP193200 1 SP229931 1 SP193199 11 SP229932 101 SP196984 12 SP229932 108 SP196982 13 SP229932 107 SP196982 14 SP229932 106 SP196993 15 SP229932 103 SP196981 16 SP233995 41 SP196964 2 SP229926 127 SP196977 21 SP229927 126 SP196978 2 SP229928 101 SP196979 3 SP229928 117 SP196980 4 SP229928 102 SP196976 6 SP229929 115 SP196973 7 SP229929 116 SP196972 8 SP229929 117 SP196971 9 SP229929 118 SP196970 41 SP229941 119 SP196969 20 SP229930 120 SP196969 21 SP229930 101 SP196992 30 SP229933 110 SP196974 31 SP233996 109 SP196975 11 SP229892 112 SP196968 7 SP229893 111 SP196967 8 SP229893 105 SP196966 15 SP229943 106 SP196966 1 SP229958 100 SP213171 1 SP229961 101 SP213170 101 SP229979 1 SP196761 10 SP229942 1 SP196760 11 SP229942 1 SP196759 21 SP229944 1 SP196758 22 SP229944 1 SP196757 23 SP229944 1 SP196756 25 SP229945 1 SP192468 31 SP229946 1 SP196762 61 SP229966 1 SP196755 62 SP229966 1 SP190744 63 SP229966 1 SP192466 64 SP229966 1 SP196776 52 SP229969 1 SP190743 55 SP229970 1 SP196765 56 SP229970 1 SP190740
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