University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 2-13-1925 Sandspur, Vol. 26, No. 20, February 13, 1925 Rollins College Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 26, No. 20, February 13, 1925" (1925). The Rollins Sandspur. 2495. The Rollins Sandspur Publiahed by Students of Rollins College Vohtm~ 26 Winter Park, Florid11, Friday, Februuary 13, 1925 No. 20 NATIONAL WOMENSWIMMING STARS FOUNDERS' WEEK PROGRAM TO HOLD WILL GIVE EXHIBITION EVENTS OVER CENTER OF ATTRACTION ON CAMPUS ROLLINS COURSE TUESDAY AFTERNOON DURING WEEK OF FEBRUARY 17 TO 22 Following the National Indoor Rollins campus will be the scene of Championship Meet at St. Augustine varied festivities during the annua.l and the one-day meet at Ormond Founders' Week, called so because it Beach on Monday, February 16th, aH will be the fortieth anniversary of the of the swimming and diving stars, founding of the college and also :he numbering about thirty, will come to forty-third anniversary of the found­ Winter Park, where they will partici­ ing of Winter Park. pate in a meet to be held on the The program will extend from Feb­ Rollins College course. ruary 17th to 22nd and bids fair to Among the noted aquatic stars who be one of the most interesting and will be here are: Helen Wainwright, busy occasions of this kind ever known national all-round champion and can• in the history of the institution due didate for the English Channel swim; to the large enrollment and the elab­ Helen Meany, national high-diving orate plans. The week will feature champion; Gertrude Ederle, holder of the return of the Alumni back to the world's records for all distances from haunts of former happy schooldays 100 to 1000 yards; Aileen Riggin, na­ when the cares of a busy world meant tional fancy diving champion; Sybil nothing to them and when the lakes Bauer, world champion backstroke rang with their own voices raised in swimmer ( Miss Bauer has the unique laughter and song. The following is distinction of being the only woman the outline of entertainment: to surpass a man's record, a feat she Tuesday, February 17th, there will accomplished in bettering "Stubby" be the world's women swimming cham­ Kruger's record for the 400 metres in pionship at 3 p. m., in which the coun­ 1922); Ethel Lackie, from Chicago, try's foremost amateur swimmers will winner of the 100 meter Olympic test; compete in an effort to establish new Eleanor Garratti, Pacific Coast sprint records on this course. In the evening champion; Carol Fletcher, of Pasa­ there will be a song recital under the dena, Calif.; Virginia Losee, of De­ supervision of Miss Emmy Schenk, troit; Adelaide Lambert and Doris director of voice at Rollins, to be held AILEEN RIGGIN DORIS O'MARA O'Mara, of New York; Francis Clark, HELEN MEANY at the Congregational Church. of Philadelphia, and Ruth Thomas, of Wednesday, February 18th, there Atlantic City. will be the annual meeting of the These stars form the greatest galaxy CONSERVATORY WILL STAGE MUSICAL Board of Trustees at 3 p. m. At 6.30 of mermaids ever gathered together p. m. there will be the thirty-first in an aquatic meet anywhere in the Sandspur dinner, and in the evening a country before, and the opportunity CONTEST FOR FLORIDA HIGH SCHOOLS violin recital by Skovgard, Danish of seeing such a group of stars will violinist, at the Woman's Club. probably not come again in many ON ROLLINS CAMPUS DURING APRIL On Thursday, February 19th, at 2.30 years. p. m., the Irving Bacheller Essay Con­ The program has not been announced Rollins College will act as hosts to dents an opportunity to visit one of test will be held in Knowles Hall, ii1 yet, but it will probably consist of sev­ Florida high schooh1 when representa- · Florida's finest colleges and enjoy a which high school students from all eral dashes and longer swims and the tives of the various schools meet un week-end on its campul!I. over the state will submit their essays diving contests. The Rollins swim­ the campus here for a musical contel!lt 4. It will bring to the fore the on the subject of Florida. At 6.30 ming course is one of the finest in the in April, according to an announc~- need of greater musical activity in p. m. the twenty-third anniversary south and is the scene of two big ment by C. L. Jaynes, Director of the the schools throughout the state. dinner of the Delphic Society will he meets every year-the S. A. A. lJ. School of Music. One of the reasons The contest will be conducted under held. The society was extremely for­ meet, which opens in early September, given by Prof. Jaynes for high l!lchoole the three following classel!I. Any reg­ tunate in securing the presence of Mrs. and the Florida State Interscholastic being vitally interel!lted in this meet ularly enrolled high school student is Clinton Scollard as toastmistress, ae­ meet, which comes in April. is that ''it will give some of the l!ltu- eligible to :register in one or more of com panied by her husband. There One of the main features of the dents an opportunity to visit one of these classes: will be many other distinguished meet will be an attempt on the part Florida's finest colleges and enjoy a Class A. SOLO: guests present, lending a true literary of the contestants to establish new week-end on its campus." Vocal, piano, organ, string, wood- atmosphere to the occasion. At 8 p. m. records for the 110-yard course, it be­ Prof. Jaynes has sent the following wind and brass. the Girls' Glee Club will hold their ing the first time that an official con­ open letter to the high school prind- Class B. VOCAL ENSEMBLE: recital. test has been held under the Florida pals over the state: Duet (boys, girls or boys and girls). Friday, February 19th, will be A. A. U. Dear Principals: Trio (boys, girls or mixed), known as the Rollins College Day at I want to take this opportunity to Quartet (boys, girls or mixed). the Sub.Tropical Fair at Orlando. Stuhldreher to Coach extend to you an invitation for repre- Glee clubs (boys or girls). Another feature will be the laying of sentatives of your high school to par- Class C. INSTRUMENTAL ENSEM- Harry Stuhldreher, all-American the cornerstone of the new Phi Alpha quarterback from Notre Dame and one ticipate in the greatest musical event BLE: Frate1·nity House, which will in all of the famed "four horsemen," has of the State of Florida, to be held on Trio. probability be a very impressive cere­ the campus of Rollins College, Winter Quartet. been approached for the coaching job mony and will mark the beginning C'f Park, Florida. Your school should be- High School orchestra. at New York University. No negotia­ a happy future for its members. At tions have as yet been made. How­ come vitally interested in this contest 8.30 p. m. there will be a Woman's ever, Stuhldreher declares he will be for at least one of the following Club program and dance. reasons: willing to tackle a coaching job after On Saturday, February 21st, there he is graduated next spring. 1. It will give an added interest to will be an Alumni Association meeting the development of music in general at 9.30 a. m. at Carnegie Hall and a Co-eds Opposed to Drinking throughout the State of Florida. luncheon at 12.20. There will be a Co-eds at the University of Wiscon- 2. It will give an added interest to Rollins-Winter Park Founders' Day ~t .. have gone on record as being op• music in your school as nothing else the Palms at 2 p. m., the Robert J. pl,,:)ed to drinking by the men students, can do. Sprague Oratorical Contest at 7.15 but refuse to ostracize those who <lo 3. It will give an added loyalty t0 p. m. and the President's reception at faU by the wayside. "The Daily Car­ the students of your school by being the Woman's Club at 8 p. m. dinal" declared editorially after the permitted to represent her in compe­ Sunday, February 22nd, there will university's homecoming game, ''that tition of thie kind. be a Founders' Day memorial service the annual drunk is over." 4. It will give some of your stu- SYBIL BAUER at 4 p. m. at Knowles Hall. Two THE ROLLINS SANDSPUR Friday, February 13, 1925 day can tell the composition, age, tem­ Official plans for students hall rJf students to American universities, perature and course of a start. Our fifteen stories were recently made saying that American college courses Q}lJr ~anhnpur own sun is only one of these planets public at Columbia University. are inefficient and degrees are ob­ "STICK TO IT" and it is traveling along with the tained too easily. What do you knor Eatabllshed in 1894 with the followln~ edi­ earth at the rate of 20,000 miles per The Ku Klux Klan held a large about that ?-Emory Wheel.
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