Owell Weekly

Owell Weekly

OWELL WEEKLY Officc in Graham's Block. Up Stairs. •Liberty ur.'l Union—Ono and Inseparable." T. rr.s. 50 ner vear in AUV.V.M VOLUME VIM LOWELL, MICHIGAN. WEDNESDAY, JULY 2i:. ISTI. ni'MLKIM. SURNAMES. 1 flu- iou'rU jlouvnal, Port'K Wentorn Modlcino .MnnTK Co LOWELL NATKiiNAL yft. rin ^oin^r in riirjit -rhiinl, ••'!*. •' T OWKL.!., M may i, mamaI'i: •. i .in^ .. li I't. K. I.KK.Ir. ; Vlri M«'i wiTf smii IIH 1 in in ll i ir 'i, i)." nr • • IT J 1,1 * II K If KV » HV 1 \V.\V..I<ii' ..-ix ; It i, ,1.\V. N. OF LOWELL. .Maxima sai l ''Y--": and I':.. ..i- ilnv, • • r<l,\. Ill'Ictl'lU'l: I'V ; (TIIIU'loll, I. (Yo'i nil m.i Ir m *lsliirv n orm It.) W'CMI ii«,*s«liiy 3Ioi'iilnK< • Ml.-. „i, IIi;.:krM. K. M. I'M!;' CAPITAL, - - 850,000. 'I In • , W.I' l.rxU tin; llnlkv. : nil II- MI y I lie <• •lit, hliriii'il (ill lo t'siMpL- r:..m thai MVIVH- rcn 1 '/»/' • '/. ]', AT I.OWKI.I., MICH., •li'lm Lncklanil, am". I>ti r ilir Ilennit. II. Ross, SURPLUS, - - - 41,800. Ar. l liuv/. ivl.cn l! • ilnor | l.t'i s o( inl-Iri. • i i.'.inn ^ kinir .lai-k, wlm marclie l sluwlv afu-r o 1: v —HY — 'OUSK.Sign,Oitrlaj(e ... .,- enul PtJntlnft 'iIRCCTonS. Are read, each so constantly varii , her, siiiLjiiiL; "C) i'ii k ami IJIHI* I I'm ask in • MORRIS & U1NE. n (ItuiniuK, Mirlnlini'. I'I;. [aoglnpi Kalro- ml l.in II.A.ilin;, r iu.xriK K:N , Fi'.in the i-ivpcr's tride, fr-'iir- and callin/, >iirn.iin-s mlDln;, *c.. fiirUu't shop, Jntt "i Ulv.r ...,,1 gtiill'J 100 U'llicll I'illk'ur s.li.l waMi'l I.li:: !; ;i . i s . I llronilunjr utrirt. W.M. \V. HATCH, . I: MI.M, Scm given by the rule ofenntratie,. Office,'.M llonr (iralMin'i1 lilock. MTHON H. Xoktos, (" T, tt'lii. I A. S. STAXXABII, A,,F.Kci IR. poelry,'causc blue an-l louiliiln'icinl iVi(>ii.i> w! .< John Romif;, Mr. Fox, 'hough provnked, never double. Iii* ll.l, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. I ah V> . No 1:ION. IIA\ IN'!,Slilinpnoliu'mjioolii'.',, HniIliiir Cultnipi: , anil whii- Mr. Burns in his grate has no fuel, with tlio same; telf. T. tiial's vou .]• imio." fo; mi" yt-nr, ?1 SO S kem ilfiil Willllli iIIIM'.IIC-H Mtnt—*111- IND: • «,, .ilcli. Knoiii", 1 Interest I'ALD «MI fi Mr. I'layfair won't catch moat hai'ird or wills!, For klx months, ' •M lloortiriilimn'c lllorii, jMPOMtc Natiunal Hani:. H. A. UlCE.rri-i.i-ni. 1 Th.-ec o'clock caiiK', nml MU I'inkir. "V.iu :,i' .i:.''. 1 ,• ; 1 II dellverfii by tlic Currier, 2 00 J A -'. W. NOKT'i.V, V ••• I'p Mr. Coward an« winged in a dind. llall-iiasl ihrce,—luiir; ami {'onu-iia .Mi--, j'ink Mav." RATES OF ADVERTISING. Mus. J. ItoJim, mnniifiictiiri r ^wltdit-s Curl* a ! HK.VKV M. ri.AHK, ill r. Mi. Wi«e Isa dunce. Mr King is a nhig. llraliU. KiM'iKiiniiiuMla Kiiml .•"nitmi'nt of .Mohair j Lowell, Jan, lltk, 1871, Mr. Coffib is urfsommonly sprightly. Tenlinonof Xnnimrcll.dlinf innttermake asnnarc Switched, Curl", fci-. Ca«li paM lor I.fi'iii-s" Hair. put <m lu'r hat, and went ronini to '-No .Miss .i i»av -. .ini'l And huge Mr.Little broke down in a jig, 1 mo. | .1 mo. ! 6 mo. j 1 yv ,J : Space 1 I ^ Howk& White, Harness and Saddlery. While driving fat Mr (ioligblly. lho Dnviscs to sec if she liad forgot- 'cans I'm v'. • .ciui. n .:..Ii i!ni.", i ?i|iiare. 1 f 1.00 «:i.(,o i JI1.00 I ?8.00 |I2.00 Ifl'uO | l^F.AI.KUS in Bnolti, Shoes, Leather, Fimlinc*, &c. TTAVINO recently piirchii«eil tin' "lock anil interekt - '1 Sqiinren | I ..VI fi.no 1 H.ool 12.00 Mr« Drinkwater's apt to indulge in a dram, Ifii liu? time' in talking trie parly over Im! onlv insl week vou; •mtlii r 8.00 Ifi.OO { 20.00 2J:00 I'artirular ntti'iition civi'ii !o eu«toni work— ll in ihe linkinevs "f liHrnanl A: Sun uml A. X Column, i 5.00 40.00'"Checkereil Ilulldlng, next iloor west uf .Va- Hooinfnn. ami oj.ene'l in the buiMini; •.'iiith 'if l", Mrs. Angel's an aUoIuio fury : X " 8.00 <5,00 2:1.001 ,10.00 with .loniiic. Hack sh • came i'i a uav./v u two oliocoloto ' s, you .j|oo • *0D'c Hall. | B. Williani", wtht si-le of Flat Kiror. 1 nm preparcil 1 " 1 12.00 20 00 | 30.00 40.00 And meek Mr. Linn metflerceMr. Ijimb, _. to attend to all hu'lneim in the llarnen and Sailillery slate of great cxfllemeiit. ate the whole ofouc, and r- • all the "Local', 10 cents per line lor llrt.t insertion. KacV C. Broad A: Son, ' ''"c- 11 is mv purpoie to keep the Tweaked his nose in the lobby of Drury. •uh,eiiuent insertion ficenl*per line. vn nm 1,. 11 v" 1 .1 . ,• At Bath, where the feeble go more than the stout, '•She hasn't been tiu'i'i! r»t all, ma-' other ••no sma!! biu- mean- BEST STOCK AND WORKMEN, (A conduct well worthy of Nero,) : ma ; and Jennie says she hasn't invi- vred off i:i". And i wa o-.iipa- C«rd»in lla«lne«i Directory f5 pi-rannoni 31^ ''"•t '^ra'Ul,*,• and spare no pains to build my bu,!oe«« upon an Over poor Mr. Lighlfoot conQned with the gout, Yearly advertiaem entitled to change'luarterly. 1 • K • houe.-t foundatiun, Iformtlail to i'i re me a "all and Mr. Heaviside dioced » Imlero. ted hor nor anv of the L'i' K Where nv, Jennio 1" I.eiral N'oticen at Statute Haten. Alllcgil must be | n examine my »t<ick. u OOVul raid for when nffliUrlt l> made. - "• - JACOB RAMSDEI.I.. M:«» Joy, wretched maid, when »he chose Mr. Love, do you suppose she is?" j _ I'run^ientadTfirtiM'iMntu muntbe pre-paid. '/ifc.>hKAI< Caiiv.i,<inir A?ent. All kind* o! I^well.Julj 13th, 1870. Found nothing but sorrow await her : •ar These term, will be strictly adhered to. \J bookn can lie obtiiini'd of him at lowe't rate*.— Mamm.-.boyan t.. fuel wurrie l; and Uoon CMA;; OAI.. —!'• lo. ed AddroKt l.nwell. She now holds in wedlock, as trie a, a dove, vv •That fondest of males, Mr. Hayter, sister Macr^'ic, who had jnsi conii; in O"d cii i'co.d i-ossosscs. in . nark- Pree Omnibus Husincss Jiircctom. Mr. Oldcastle dwells in a modem-built hut, with a bundle that looked like books, t^o^rvOj t!.-.- pivpvrty 10 FHANKMS HOI'S!; All order* h-il ul Talt's Mis, Sage is of maiVups Hie archest; 1 Livery viable was offering to go and make a more'111- gasses- :• its t ; >-• -.r- I. o. o. P. L W.COIill, Tropnetor. 1 7-44 7-44 Of all the queer bachelors Cupid e'er cut. AUMONV LOIKIE, NO. 140. of Lowell, Mich., | Old Mr. Yonnjhnsband's the starchest. thorongh search, when the duof liclpitted iiv li' I r i'.-ta:!.-•. : v. 11 ineetn every Monday rvonln^. in old Masonic Atkins & Somerby, Reward Given. H Mr. Child in a passion knocks down Mr. Hock rang, A suppressed shriek was heard absori' fifty lime,- ;ts : v .o- Hall. Arvino Feck, X. G. EALKHS in Agriculluriil Implement*. aUe LL WHO have got theCatanli will (3. B. Knapp, Pi c. D sell the justly celebnitpd Lumber Wagons and A get a reward by procuring n bottle Mr. Stone like an aspen leaf shivers ; from Kitty as she opened the d" •'• :;"-a,' r.ei.u!: : t'::..s it-• a ';; 'sem-c Buggies mniiufaotured by,I. A, Adams Bros. Bii«i- Miss Toole used to dance, but she stand, like a stock, J. M, Mathewson. nes, place one door East of I'o.t Ollice, Lowell, Mich. Hit. H. It. 1'ECK'S Ever since she became Mrs. Rivers. when Pinkie's voice sounded. "Come i i>i an infoctcd atmosnhoro, it a. ;s as a OTAUV, Atlorony and Solicitor. Will attend to N bukioew- in any of the Bute or United States Devondorf & Blain, CATARRH SPECIFIC! Mr. Cruikshank s'.epped into three thousand a year, 'in! come right in the parlor! Its just i powcrlul deodorant and puriner. The Court*. EALERS in Fancy Dry Qoods,Kibbons,Carpeting' As it wa« never known lo fail in any gen- Spoeil attention i;ir/-ntn ConTPyaniiln}r. ColIectinR absorbed gases arc, after a time, Hats, Cap, and Notion,. First door west ol Lo- uine cate of Catarrh, and gives relief the u 'Vlock; I gueS! the par- \liil Cliancerv businefH. UIHceovcr l.owell National D well National Bank. first do«e, causing no pro'Uating elfei-txin eiear, i ty's most ready." And in they came chemically changed thrngh the 1 tank, Lowell Ulrh. the system. Geo, B. Bnlcom, Sold by Druggists, agency of the oxygen also ( /ndensed T. J. 81 ay ton. j Pinkie at their head, as serenely tri- RACTICAL Watohmakpr and Jeweler. Watches, Lowell. Nov. ISth, ISTO.

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