OWELL WEEKLY Officc in Graham's Block. Up Stairs. •Liberty ur.'l Union—Ono and Inseparable." T. rr.s. 50 ner vear in AUV.V.M VOLUME VIM LOWELL, MICHIGAN. WEDNESDAY, JULY 2i:. ISTI. ni'MLKIM. SURNAMES. 1 flu- iou'rU jlouvnal, Port'K Wentorn Modlcino .MnnTK Co LOWELL NATKiiNAL yft. rin ^oin^r in riirjit -rhiinl, ••'!*. •' T OWKL.!., M may i, mamaI'i: •. i .in^ .. li I't. K. I.KK.Ir. ; Vlri M«'i wiTf smii IIH 1 in in ll i ir 'i, i)." nr • • IT J 1,1 * II K If KV » HV 1 \V.\V..I<ii' ..-ix ; It i, ,1.\V. N. OF LOWELL. .Maxima sai l ''Y--": and I':.. ..i- ilnv, • • r<l,\. Ill'Ictl'lU'l: I'V ; (TIIIU'loll, I. (Yo'i nil m.i Ir m *lsliirv n orm It.) W'CMI ii«,*s«liiy 3Ioi'iilnK< • Ml.-. „i, IIi;.:krM. K. M. I'M!;' CAPITAL, - - 850,000. 'I In • , W.I' l.rxU tin; llnlkv. : nil II- MI y I lie <• •lit, hliriii'il (ill lo t'siMpL- r:..m thai MVIVH- rcn 1 '/»/' • '/. ]', AT I.OWKI.I., MICH., •li'lm Lncklanil, am". I>ti r ilir Ilennit. II. Ross, SURPLUS, - - - 41,800. Ar. l liuv/. ivl.cn l! • ilnor | l.t'i s o( inl-Iri. • i i.'.inn ^ kinir .lai-k, wlm marclie l sluwlv afu-r o 1: v —HY — 'OUSK.Sign,Oitrlaj(e ... .,- enul PtJntlnft 'iIRCCTonS. Are read, each so constantly varii , her, siiiLjiiiL; "C) i'ii k ami IJIHI* I I'm ask in • MORRIS & U1NE. n (ItuiniuK, Mirlnlini'. I'I;. [aoglnpi Kalro- ml l.in II.A.ilin;, r iu.xriK K:N , Fi'.in the i-ivpcr's tride, fr-'iir- and callin/, >iirn.iin-s mlDln;, *c.. fiirUu't shop, Jntt "i Ulv.r ...,,1 gtiill'J 100 U'llicll I'illk'ur s.li.l waMi'l I.li:: !; ;i . i s . I llronilunjr utrirt. W.M. \V. HATCH, . I: MI.M, Scm given by the rule ofenntratie,. Office,'.M llonr (iralMin'i1 lilock. MTHON H. Xoktos, (" T, tt'lii. I A. S. STAXXABII, A,,F.Kci IR. poelry,'causc blue an-l louiliiln'icinl iVi(>ii.i> w! .< John Romif;, Mr. Fox, 'hough provnked, never double. Iii* ll.l, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. I ah V> . No 1:ION. IIA\ IN'!,Slilinpnoliu'mjioolii'.',, HniIliiir Cultnipi: , anil whii- Mr. Burns in his grate has no fuel, with tlio same; telf. T. tiial's vou .]• imio." fo; mi" yt-nr, ?1 SO S kem ilfiil Willllli iIIIM'.IIC-H Mtnt—*111- IND: • «,, .ilcli. Knoiii", 1 Interest I'ALD «MI fi Mr. I'layfair won't catch moat hai'ird or wills!, For klx months, ' •M lloortiriilimn'c lllorii, jMPOMtc Natiunal Hani:. H. A. UlCE.rri-i.i-ni. 1 Th.-ec o'clock caiiK', nml MU I'inkir. "V.iu :,i' .i:.''. 1 ,• ; 1 II dellverfii by tlic Currier, 2 00 J A -'. W. NOKT'i.V, V ••• I'p Mr. Coward an« winged in a dind. llall-iiasl ihrce,—luiir; ami {'onu-iia .Mi--, j'ink Mav." RATES OF ADVERTISING. Mus. J. ItoJim, mnniifiictiiri r ^wltdit-s Curl* a ! HK.VKV M. ri.AHK, ill r. Mi. Wi«e Isa dunce. Mr King is a nhig. llraliU. KiM'iKiiniiiuMla Kiiml .•"nitmi'nt of .Mohair j Lowell, Jan, lltk, 1871, Mr. Coffib is urfsommonly sprightly. Tenlinonof Xnnimrcll.dlinf innttermake asnnarc Switched, Curl", fci-. Ca«li paM lor I.fi'iii-s" Hair. put <m lu'r hat, and went ronini to '-No .Miss .i i»av -. .ini'l And huge Mr.Little broke down in a jig, 1 mo. | .1 mo. ! 6 mo. j 1 yv ,J : Space 1 I ^ Howk& White, Harness and Saddlery. While driving fat Mr (ioligblly. lho Dnviscs to sec if she liad forgot- 'cans I'm v'. • .ciui. n .:..Ii i!ni.", i ?i|iiare. 1 f 1.00 «:i.(,o i JI1.00 I ?8.00 |I2.00 Ifl'uO | l^F.AI.KUS in Bnolti, Shoes, Leather, Fimlinc*, &c. TTAVINO recently piirchii«eil tin' "lock anil interekt - '1 Sqiinren | I ..VI fi.no 1 H.ool 12.00 Mr« Drinkwater's apt to indulge in a dram, Ifii liu? time' in talking trie parly over Im! onlv insl week vou; •mtlii r 8.00 Ifi.OO { 20.00 2J:00 I'artirular ntti'iition civi'ii !o eu«toni work— ll in ihe linkinevs "f liHrnanl A: Sun uml A. X Column, i 5.00 40.00'"Checkereil Ilulldlng, next iloor west uf .Va- Hooinfnn. ami oj.ene'l in the buiMini; •.'iiith 'if l", Mrs. Angel's an aUoIuio fury : X " 8.00 <5,00 2:1.001 ,10.00 with .loniiic. Hack sh • came i'i a uav./v u two oliocoloto ' s, you .j|oo • *0D'c Hall. | B. Williani", wtht si-le of Flat Kiror. 1 nm preparcil 1 " 1 12.00 20 00 | 30.00 40.00 And meek Mr. Linn metflerceMr. Ijimb, _. to attend to all hu'lneim in the llarnen and Sailillery slate of great cxfllemeiit. ate the whole ofouc, and r- • all the "Local', 10 cents per line lor llrt.t insertion. KacV C. Broad A: Son, ' ''"c- 11 is mv purpoie to keep the Tweaked his nose in the lobby of Drury. •uh,eiiuent insertion ficenl*per line. vn nm 1,. 11 v" 1 .1 . ,• At Bath, where the feeble go more than the stout, '•She hasn't been tiu'i'i! r»t all, ma-' other ••no sma!! biu- mean- BEST STOCK AND WORKMEN, (A conduct well worthy of Nero,) : ma ; and Jennie says she hasn't invi- vred off i:i". And i wa o-.iipa- C«rd»in lla«lne«i Directory f5 pi-rannoni 31^ ''"•t '^ra'Ul,*,• and spare no pains to build my bu,!oe«« upon an Over poor Mr. Lighlfoot conQned with the gout, Yearly advertiaem entitled to change'luarterly. 1 • K • houe.-t foundatiun, Iformtlail to i'i re me a "all and Mr. Heaviside dioced » Imlero. ted hor nor anv of the L'i' K Where nv, Jennio 1" I.eiral N'oticen at Statute Haten. Alllcgil must be | n examine my »t<ick. u OOVul raid for when nffliUrlt l> made. - "• - JACOB RAMSDEI.I.. M:«» Joy, wretched maid, when »he chose Mr. Love, do you suppose she is?" j _ I'run^ientadTfirtiM'iMntu muntbe pre-paid. '/ifc.>hKAI< Caiiv.i,<inir A?ent. All kind* o! I^well.Julj 13th, 1870. Found nothing but sorrow await her : •ar These term, will be strictly adhered to. \J bookn can lie obtiiini'd of him at lowe't rate*.— Mamm.-.boyan t.. fuel wurrie l; and Uoon CMA;; OAI.. —!'• lo. ed AddroKt l.nwell. She now holds in wedlock, as trie a, a dove, vv •That fondest of males, Mr. Hayter, sister Macr^'ic, who had jnsi conii; in O"d cii i'co.d i-ossosscs. in . nark- Pree Omnibus Husincss Jiircctom. Mr. Oldcastle dwells in a modem-built hut, with a bundle that looked like books, t^o^rvOj t!.-.- pivpvrty 10 FHANKMS HOI'S!; All order* h-il ul Talt's Mis, Sage is of maiVups Hie archest; 1 Livery viable was offering to go and make a more'111- gasses- :• its t ; >-• -.r- I. o. o. P. L W.COIill, Tropnetor. 1 7-44 7-44 Of all the queer bachelors Cupid e'er cut. AUMONV LOIKIE, NO. 140. of Lowell, Mich., | Old Mr. Yonnjhnsband's the starchest. thorongh search, when the duof liclpitted iiv li' I r i'.-ta:!.-•. : v. 11 ineetn every Monday rvonln^. in old Masonic Atkins & Somerby, Reward Given. H Mr. Child in a passion knocks down Mr. Hock rang, A suppressed shriek was heard absori' fifty lime,- ;ts : v .o- Hall. Arvino Feck, X. G. EALKHS in Agriculluriil Implement*. aUe LL WHO have got theCatanli will (3. B. Knapp, Pi c. D sell the justly celebnitpd Lumber Wagons and A get a reward by procuring n bottle Mr. Stone like an aspen leaf shivers ; from Kitty as she opened the d" •'• :;"-a,' r.ei.u!: : t'::..s it-• a ';; 'sem-c Buggies mniiufaotured by,I. A, Adams Bros. Bii«i- Miss Toole used to dance, but she stand, like a stock, J. M, Mathewson. nes, place one door East of I'o.t Ollice, Lowell, Mich. Hit. H. It. 1'ECK'S Ever since she became Mrs. Rivers. when Pinkie's voice sounded. "Come i i>i an infoctcd atmosnhoro, it a. ;s as a OTAUV, Atlorony and Solicitor. Will attend to N bukioew- in any of the Bute or United States Devondorf & Blain, CATARRH SPECIFIC! Mr. Cruikshank s'.epped into three thousand a year, 'in! come right in the parlor! Its just i powcrlul deodorant and puriner. The Court*. EALERS in Fancy Dry Qoods,Kibbons,Carpeting' As it wa« never known lo fail in any gen- Spoeil attention i;ir/-ntn ConTPyaniiln}r. ColIectinR absorbed gases arc, after a time, Hats, Cap, and Notion,. First door west ol Lo- uine cate of Catarrh, and gives relief the u 'Vlock; I gueS! the par- \liil Cliancerv businefH. UIHceovcr l.owell National D well National Bank. first do«e, causing no pro'Uating elfei-txin eiear, i ty's most ready." And in they came chemically changed thrngh the 1 tank, Lowell Ulrh. the system. Geo, B. Bnlcom, Sold by Druggists, agency of the oxygen also ( /ndensed T. J. 81 ay ton. j Pinkie at their head, as serenely tri- RACTICAL Watohmakpr and Jeweler. Watches, Lowell. Nov. ISth, ISTO.
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