I I Editor, Rudolph Kneer Pau' Derro, Writer-Photographer Peter vom Scheidt, Wrter-Photog rapher 1111c ON THE COVER A youngster's delight on a hot summer night: watermelons, water- melons, and more watermelons! That's Christine Massimiliano, 6, on the front cover, and Jennifer Nicholson, 5, on the back cover of this month's Triangle. The charming youngsters were photo- graphed at a recent "Music in the Park" session, sponsored by Inco Metals Company, and attended by over 8,000 Incoites and their families. Christine is the daughter of Enzo Massimiliano, a planner at Frood mine. Jennifer is the daughter of Ted NJicholson, a buyer with the Copper Cliff purchasing Page department. 3 Famfly Album 12 Ontario Folklorists Cover photograph by Vaughn Kalenuik 4 Interview with J. P. Schade, 14 Canadian Voyageur Expedition Senior Vice-President, 16 Transportation and Traffic Inco Metals Company August 1977 Volume 37, No. 8 Department Open House 6 From Italy, With Love 18 Music In The Park 8 General Engineering 22 For Safety's Sake Published for employees of the Ontario Golf Tournament 23 Modudata Monitor Division of Inco Metals Company, 10 Volunteer Plant Firemen 24 Newsmakers Copper Cliff, Ontario, POM 1NO. 11 Why I Love Port Colborne' 37 Logo Writer Phone 682-0631. 2 111(1! 111• This is the Gary Crepeau family. Gary is a fitter genera/ at Litt/e Stobie mine. He and his wife, Denise, are raising two fine chi/dren, Serge, 1, and Nata/ie, 3. A/ong with woodworking, Gary enfoys fishing and camping trips in the summer. A se/f-proc/aimed fami/y man Wi//jam Kozak is a/so an avid sports From the Port Co/borne nicke/ refinery - the Joe Champ/s fami/y - enthusiast. A warehouse foreman at Copper C/if f North mine, he Joe works in the anode department. That's his wife, Kathy, with enjoys working around the house and occasiona//y gets away for a chi/dren, Michae/, 2, and Diane, 8. Joe enjoys fishing, hunting and round of go/f, He and his wife, Ann, have two daughters, photography in his spare time. Andrea, 13, and Marina, 11. 'An adventuresome spirit prevai/s with the Chuck Greenough fami/y. Chuck is chief security co-ordinator with p/ant protection, and his fami/y /oves to accompany him on camping and cross-country skiing expeditions. He and his wife, Betty, have three chi/dren, Scott, 12, Dona/d, 13, and Donna, 14. 3 Tough Competition Has Brought About New Marketing Challenges For Inco Metals The formation of Inco Metals Company earlier this year has brought together special talents and skills from throughout the Inco organization. Headquartered in Toronto, Inco Metals is responsible for the production and marketing of primary metals products on a world-wide basis, and for related technical and administrative functions. What are the challenges facing the marketing arm of Inco and away the biggest nicke! producer in Metals Company, and what are its priorities? The Triangle the non-communist wor!d. About 43 per recently interviewed Johannes P. Schade, Senior Vice- cent of the tota! produced is mined and President, to find answers to these and other questions. refined in Canada, and the bulk of this production comes from Inco Meta!s, I Triangle: experience nd insight through exposure should point out, however, that about ha!f Mr. Schade, I understand that you to selling our products. This means, of Inco's copper production is sold in majored in thermodynamics and iron and among other things, understanding the Canada. steel technology at Clausthal University. markets where our products are used, as Triangle: Is advanced technological training well as being able to judge where future As far as Canada is concerned, then, virtua!ly a "must" for the successful developments will occur - where the only two to Ihree weeks of ouput, at metals marketer today? products we produce today will be Inco's current production rate, would Schade: utilized in five, ten or even 20 years from satisfy the Canadian nickel market I think it is. I believe that education now. On the personal side, anyone requirements for a full year. It follows, and training, in the appropriate involved in marketing should like to travel then, that most of Inco's sales force is disciplines, is an absolute necessity. and to meet people. Good health and located in other countries. How the desire to stay healthy are also very Triangle: widespread is Inco Metals marketing important. In fact, an iron stomach is What other special qualities do you organization and where are the principal offices located? look for in a metals marketer? very helpful, because one has a lot of social obligations. Schade: Schade: Triangle: Its true that a technological We have major marketing organizations While I realize that you are responsible background is not all that is needed. Our in the business and financial centres of for the sales of all Inco's primary metals marketing people must gain commercial the U.S., Western Europe and Japan, output, including copper, silver, gold and which together, as I mentioned before, platinum-group metals, I would like to consume almost all of the nickel in the One of the key deal mainly with the Companys principal peopie In Inco non-communist world, Inco Europe Metals Company, product - nickel. Where is Inco nickel Limited is headquartered in London, with a major new unit sold? offices throughout the industrial countries of inco, Is Schade: of continental Europe, such as France, Johannes P. Inco nickel is sold in the major Germany, Benelux, Sweden, Italy, Spain Schade, who was industrial areas of the world, in particular and Austria, which also serves as our _,. brought to Toronto from the U.S., Western Europe and Japan. In contact for the Comecon area. Inco Düsseldorf, West fact, some 93 per cent of the free worlds Europe Limited is also responsible for Germany, to take nickel production is consumed in these marketing activities in the Middle East, charge of three areas. Europe is the biggest India and Pakistan. marketing as a market today, with about 40 per cent of fr senior vice. The International Nickel Company, Inc.. ::c president. the total nickel consumption. The U.S. with headquarters in New York, has Mr. Schade brings to his new position takes about 30 per cent, and Japan some offices in the principal industrial areas of knowledge and experience gained in the 23 per cent, Inco Metals is strongly the U.S. and also has operations in South highiy competitive European metai represented in all these markets. At the America and the developing countries of market. For the past year, as regionai same time, we are not neglecting the the Far East as well as Australia. Inco marketing manager of inco Europe developing markets, such as South Limited, he has directed marketing East Asia Limited has headquarters n activities in Germany, France, itaiy, America and the emerging industrial Tokyo. Switzeriand, Austria, Yugosiavia and the states of the Far East, notab!y Taiwan Besides selling, we also have quite a Comecon area. He joined inco in 1971 as and Korea. number of specialists engaged in what managing directár, of international Triangle: Nickei, DeutschIand,1nDUsseIdorf. Prior we ca!! commercia! development. Their to his association with inco, Mr. Schade How much nickel is consumed in job is to work with customers to develop was marketing director for Union Carbide Canada? markets for nickel-containing a!loys in Europe S.A. in Geneva, Switzeriand, and Schade: new or expanding appHcations. Further- before that he was with the Research and Slightly more than five per cent of a!! more, Incos meta!!urgical service activity Deveiopment Centre of Rheinstahi AG in Inco primary nickel products are sold in is quite elaborate and hlgh!y regarded by West Germany. the Canadian market. Yet, Canada is far our customers. Triangle: to those areas mentioned in answer to we had to fight a ot harder in Europe to Which industries are the argest your previous question. Another maintain our share of the market. But in consumers of nicke' today? important fied which is bound to grow the recent past we have seen this same Schade: is desaination - the transformation of situation deveoping in North America. The biggest by far is the stain'ess stee' sea water to potabe water. Desaination Competition is becoming tough a over industry, which consumes a'most ha'f of programs are now underway, in particuar the word, and our marketing methods the western wor'd's nicke' supp'y. n in the Midde East. Here, the corrosion have to be adopted accordingy 1976, the figure was 45 per cent. resistance that nicke aHoys provide is everywhere. Historicay, stain'ess stee' has been the tremendousy important. Another nickeL Triangle: argest consumer, and this situation wiH consuming area that shoud experience On a persona note, Mr. Schade, how continue for quite some time. A'so in the good growth is the storage and ong have you been in Toronto, and have stee' sector, ahoy stee's in aH forms transportation of chemicas, Last, but not you and your famiy experienced any account for another ten per cent of nicke' east, shoud mention poHution contro, probems in adjusting to your new ife consumption. This inc'udes materia's where nicke-bearing stees and aoys n Canada? used in the energy fie'd for power wiH pay an increasingy important roe. Schade: generation, coa' gasification and the Triangle: We have had a number of internationa transportation and storage of iquid A number of new nicke producers moves, so we were abe to anticipate a natura gas, as weH as in the chemica have entered the market in recent years.
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