Vol. 38-No. 3 ISSN 0892-1571 January/February 2012-Shevat/Adar 5772 “THEIR HOPES AND GOOD DEEDS REACH TO HEAVEN” UN HONORS MEMORY OF CHILDREN WHO PERISHED IN THE HOLOCAUST n January 27 the United Nations separated from their families, suffered formation’s Holocaust and the UN Out- and can understand the impact of their Ohonored the memory of the more from hunger and cold, and lived in fear reach Program, which organized this words and attitudes towards those who are than 1.5 million boys and girls who per- and uncertainty. week’s events. different from them. ished in the Holocaust, with top officials “Yet, somehow, many of these children “Today, the United Nations remembers “Hateful words can translate into hateful stressing the need to speak out against in- found ways to cope with the horror and these children and pledges to continue to actions and the consequences can be dire. tolerance and to protect the lives and Children and young people must be taught human rights of children around the world. their history, including the terrible mistakes “One and a half million Jewish children of the past, so that they can be vigilant perished in the Holocaust — victims of per- against all manifestations of hatred from secution by the Nazis and their supporters. the outset,” she said in a statement. “Tens of thousands of other children li Zborowski, Chairman of the Ameri- were also murdered. They included peo- Ecan Society for Yad Vashem, speaking ple with disabilities as well as Roma and at the opening of the exhibition “A Monument Sinti. All were victims of a hate-filled ideol- of Good Deeds – Dreams and hopes of Chil- ogy that labeled them ‘inferior.’ dren During the Holocaust” on January 26 in “This year’s International Day of Com- the UN headquarters in New York, said: memoration in Memory of the Victims of “On this day of remembrance, I think back the Holocaust is dedicated to the children of those unspeakable atrocities and recall — girls and boys who faced sheer terror my friends, full of hope, youngsters, mem- and evil. Many were orphaned by the war, bers of the underground Zionist Youth Or- or ripped away from their families. Many ganization, our meetings, the discussions died of starvation, disease or at the hands about Zionism and hope to reach Eretz Is- of their abusers. We will never know what rael to build a Jewish State. Looking back I these children might have contributed to think about the courage and daily struggle our world. And among the survivors, many to survive under these conditions. were too shattered to tell their stories. “The years of my work in the Jewish un- “Today, we seek to give voice to those derground, and later in hiding, were of accounts. That is why the United Nations hope and not of despair. continues to teach the universal lessons of “My father was killed by Polish murderers, the Holocaust. It is why we strive to pro- and if I felt bitterness it was offset by the fact mote children’s rights and aspirations — that part of my family and I were saved by every day and everywhere. And it is why two Polish families who hid us for two years. we will continue to be inspired by the shin- “After liberation I remained with my deep ing example of great humanitarians such belief that a human being is basically as Raoul Wallenberg in this, the centennial ‘good.’ I felt, and continue to feel, an obli- year of his birth.” gation to work for the cause of remem- The UN held a ceremony at its New York brance through research and studies and headquarters January 27 to mark the Inter- through the teaching of the history of that national Day, which is observed annually, Eli Zborowski, Chairman of the American Society for Yad Vashem, and UN Under-Secretary-Gen- tragic period. the anniversary of the liberation of the eral for Communications and Public Information Kiyo Akasaka at the opening of the exhibition “A “Today we especially recall the children of Auschwitz death camp. The event marked monument of Good Deeds – Dreams and Hopes of Children During the Holocaust” in the UN head- the Holocaust, the victims, including a small the culmination of a series of events held quarters in New York, January 26, 2012. number of survivors, and speak about their this week, focusing on the theme “Children tragedy around them, as this exhibi- work to ensure the protection of the lives dreams and hopes of which I am a witness. and the Holocaust,” that included film tion so eloquently shows. and human rights of children around the “When we speak of teaching the history of screenings, exhibits, and talks, sharing “While the story of Ann Frank is univer- world,” said Mr. Akasaka. the Holocaust we also remember the res- children’s stories during that era and sally known, many children, whose names Noting the presence of survivors and cuers. Their courage and heroism has been spreading awareness of their experiences. are forever lost, also recorded their expe- their families at the ceremony, General As- given a place of honor at Yad Vashem in “One-and-a-half million Jewish children riences each in their own way. sembly President Nassir Abdulaziz Al- Jerusalem, in the Garden and Boulevard of perished in the Holocaust, together with “Without doubt, the best tribute to the Nasser said, “The presence of each of you the Righteous Among the Nations. thousands of Roma and Sinti and other memory of the children who perished in the here today tells us that every human being “This Exhibition, ‘A Monument of Good young people,” Kiyo Akasaka, Under-Sec- Holocaust – and to those who survived – has a sacred duty to speak out in the face Deeds…,’ tells the story of a small girl, in retary-General for Communications and is to keep teaching its universal lessons.” of injustice and intolerance, regardless of the forest, a lone survivor, who believed Public Information, said at the ceremony. This, he added, is the most important ob- any color, religion or ethnicity.” she was indeed the last surviving Jew in “Those who managed to survive were jective of the UN Department of Public In- He called for honoring all the victims by the world. Her wish was to be remem- taking preventive action so that hatred, in- bered through good deeds – by ‘A Monu- justice, discrimination, inhumanity, ethnic ment of Good Deeds that would reach the cleansing, and mass killings have no heavens…” IN THIS ISSUE chance to occur anywhere to anyone. “We pledge to remember the millions who Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust........................1,2 he Holocaust, said UN High Com- perished, among them the one and a half The Death of the Shtetl......................................................................................................4 Tmissioner for Human Rights Navi Pil- million innocent children. Their hopes and Belatedly recognizing heroes of the Holocaust...........................................................5 lay, serves as a reminder of the perils of good deeds indeed reach to heaven and re- The exodus from Jamaica..............................................................................................6 discrimination and intolerance, of how main their living monument in our hearts. In Poland, unburying a nation’s Jewish past................................................................7 powerful the incitement to racial hatred can “On behalf of Yad Vashem and the Amer- Fugitive girl’s art brings tears at Yad Vashem show....................................................8 be, and of the importance of intervening ican Society for Yad Vashem, we thank the Auschwitz museum publishes prisoner sketchbook..................................................9 early to prevent such a tragedy from occur- United Nations and its staff for hosting this From the basement of Der Stürmer to the Yad Vashem website..............................10 ring again. exhibit in these hallowed halls. To the Biography of an inspirational survivor..........................................................................11 She also stressed the importance of diplomats, our special guests and friends, The future of Holocaust education...............................................................................12 ‘learning from the past” so that young peo- thank you for joining us. Preservationists worry about “forgotten” Nazi camps................................................15 ple today are aware of historical events (Continued on page 2) Page 2 MARTYRDOM & RESISTANCE January/February 2012 - Shevat/Adar 5772 “THEIR HOPES AND GOOD DEEDS REACH TO HEAVEN” (Continued from page 1) surely the most drastic sign of the attempt course long been active in Holocaust edu- contemporary relevance. It encourages “We want to acknowledge with thanks to annihilate a people. The vast majority of cation and remembrance efforts in that local events commemorating the Shoah the extraordinary work done by Yad Jewish children in Europe, nearly one and country. As a trustee of the Holocaust Ed- that were held this week throughout Vashem’s Museum Curator, Ms. Yehudit a half million, were killed during the Holo- ucational Trust, Ben Helfgott was part of a Britain, attended by local government of- Inbar, and her team in conceiving and pro- caust. All of those children, whether they delegation that met with Prime Minister ficials and often featuring the participa- ducing this exhibit. Thanks to the American perished or were saved, carried within David Cameron and Deputy Prime Minister tion of survivors. The Trust’s main Society for Yad Vashem and its staff for them the essence of the whole of human- Nick Clegg at 10 Downing Street on Janu- ceremony was held this year on January helping organize this event. ity. Let us pay tribute to them.” ary 24. They were joined by students who 26th in London, attended by Members of “If ‘Never Again’ is to become a reality – hairman of the Claims Conference have taken part in the Holocaust Educa- Parliament and community leaders. it will come about through our efforts in ed- CJulius Berman, in his letter to the tional Trust’s ‘Lessons from Auschwitz “At the United Nations, Claims Confer- ucation and remembrance.” ence Treasurer Roman Kent has been a s.
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