North Pacific Union AUGUST 6 1965 VOL. 60, NO. 31 COLLEGE PLACE WASHINGTON BE NOT WEARY IN WELL DOING We Were Afraid of Him! WILLIAM J. HARRIS, Associate Secretary "This is God's man! He is the son of Hosteen Tso, the biggest medicine General Conference Sabbath School Department man on our part of the reservation. He wore a little bag of gods, a little leather For the past several weeks thou- Can we not continue the good work pouch made by the medicine man. If sands of children have been listening to of the Vacation Bible Schools by form- you do not have that bag on you, you Seventh-day Ad- ing Neighborhood Bible Clubs for the can be bewitched and die at any time. ventist teachers in boys and girls? Could we not develop It is something for a Navajo to throw hundreds of Vaca- a Parents' Bible Forum, or a Round away that little bag of medicine." Thus tion Bible Schools. Table Bible Class, or a similar en- Mrs. Lloyd Mason, Bible instructor of They have mem- deavor for the parents as well as for the Monument Valley Navajo Mission orized Bible the boys and girls? At the close of in Utah, began relating the conversion verses, listened to the Vacation Bible School homes could story of Tom Holliday, speaker for the Bible stories and be visited and parents thanked for co- new Navajo Voice of Prophecy Broad- heard Bible truths operating in sending their children to cast which will soon be heard over presented. Most of the Vacation Bible School. An expres- Station KENN of Farmington, New these children sion of appreciation for such fine chil- Mexico. previously knew dren could also be given, and this Returning to the broadcast studio in little or nothing would present an opportunity to ex- the middle of his vacation, Wayne William J. Harris about God's Word. plain that the VBS would now become Hooper, Director of Music Program- Now on the streets a Bible Story Hour to be held every ming, made the new Navajo radio- of many cities and villages one may Sunday morning, or perhaps some other broadcast possible by learning to sing hear the voices of boys and girls sing- suitable day of the week. Thus the in the Navajo language using the Inter- ing the gospel songs they learned in enthusiasm and interest toward God's national Phonetic System. To get the Vacation Bible School. Word could be continued and chan- new broadcast underway, he prepared Vacation Bible School games, stories, neled into a fruitful field of endeavor. 36 baritone solos for program use. and crafts have filled children's minds When after considerable planning Other members of the Voice of Proph- and they will be the subject of conver- and much hard work our efforts cease ecy music group also recorded songs sation in many non-Adventist homes with the close of Vacation Bible School in the Navajo tongue. for weeks to come. Influences little we lose the major portion of the benefit Dr. and Mrs. Mason had lived in dreamed of will affect the thinking and that might be ours. Good impressions Bishop, California, where he had a busy life in many homes as the result of the quickly fade, interest dies down and practice. They went to the Monument faithful teaching and example of thou- (Continued on page 3) Valley Navajo Mission about 19 5 7. sands of VBS workers. One little girl insisted on a prayer of thanks before beginning her dinner in a home where prayer had never been heard. Another little girl explained that she could no longer pray to Mary because she learned in Vacation Bible School that Mary was dead. Topics not in the les- sons, truths fully separated from class instruction, still find their way into th, hearts and lives of VBS boys and girls. Many doors are now open as they were never opened before. Prejudice vanishes as understanding increases. Questions concerning God's Word and impressions of His truth are freshly in the minds of parents. Many neigh- bors and friends view Seventh-day Ad- ventists in a more friendly light. With this tremendous impact on the communities surrounding our churches, what a golden opportunity is afforded us to follow up this good work and continue developing good will by help- ing our neighbors and non-Adventist friends to better understand Seventh- Wayne Hooper works with Mrs. Alice Mason and Tom Holliday in transcrib- day Adventists. We may show them ing hymns from a Navajo hymnbook into the International Phonetic symbols, that we seek only to help them know which are used by the Voice of Prophecy radio staff in singing about the love God and to love His truth. of God in any tongue. NORTH PACIFIC UNION GLEANER Shortly thereafter, Mrs. Mason began more and more questions, such as, "What does the number 666 mean?" He Official organ of the North Pacific Union thinking about the possibility of getting Conference of Seventh-day Adventists a Voice of Prophecy broadcast in the was deeply interested in the prophecies Navajo language. According to the of the Bible. Masons there are over 100,000 Navajo "When we began to study about the Editor: Mrs. lone Morgan people—one-third of them children and Sabbath, Tom would just shy away," Phone: JAckson 5-6030, Walla Walla youth—who are desperately in need Mrs. Mason said. "I would think I had Managing Editor: L. W. Crooker of our message. the Sabbath lesson all ready for him, Phone: BElmont 5-4121, Portland Finding someone who could present but Tom would have so many ques- the sermon in language that could be tions, he just went all around the Sab- Second class postage paid at College Place, easily understood by the Navajo people, bath." The day Mrs. Mason decided Washington. Published weekly, 50 issues each was the next problem facing t h e to present Daniel 7, she went to every year. Subscription price $2.00 a year. Masons. house in the mission saying, "This is NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS: All articles, Tom Holliday attended school where, the day. Pray right now, I am going pictures, and classified ads must be channeled through your local c o n f e r e n c e secretary- in addition to his liberal arts educa- to start at a certain hour, and pray that treasurer. Copy mailed directly to the Gleaner tion, he learned the painting trade. Tom will accept the Sabbath." will be sent to the conference involved. (Man- uscripts originating outside the North Pacific Later, he also learned to drink heav- "Tom was half asleep when I gave Union Territory must be sent to the Union ily. Tom lived near Oljatoh, about Conference office in Portland, Ore.) Material the study; but suddenly he came to life for publication must reach the Gleaner office ten miles from the Monument Valley as if he had just had a shot of adren- on Monday preceding the date of issue. Mission and his near neighbor was a alin," Mrs. Mason recalled. "Now, give trader by the name of Ed Smith. After me that all over again," Tom had said. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Send your Tom's conversion, Ed Smith remarked, "Now, please write it all out for me." new address with ZIP CODE NUM- "If I never see another Christian in BER, to North Pacific Union Gleaner, "As Tom translates the lessons into the world, I would know that there is Box 248, College Place, Wash. 99324. the Navajo with the power of the Holy a miraculous power in Jesus Christ by Include old address as it appeared Spirit, it is a miracle," stated Mrs. on previous issues (if possible send looking at the life of Tom Holliday. He Mason. "It is just a miracle. There is address label). was the worst Navajo I ever saw in no other man on the reservation who my life! There wasn't anything that POSTMASTERS: Send Form 3579 could do it! There is no one who is so to North Pacific Union Gleaner, Box fellow wouldn't do! We were afraid dedicated, who so strongly has the con- 248, College Place, Wash. 99324. of him. But the change that has come fidence of the Navajos. And there is into that man's life is a miracle of no one else who would have the pa- God." NORTH PACIFIC tience to do this work. So, I thank God UNION CONFERENCE DIRECTORY Tom was turned to Christ by a godly for Tom Holliday, and for the Voice of 1544 S.E. Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, Ore. 97214 Presbyterian minister. Yet he saw Prophecy which is helping us to give Phone: BElmont 5-4121 some inconsistencies in that church, the gospel through radio to the President W J Hackett and one day said to himself, "This isn't Navajos." Secretary-Treasurer L. W. Crooker for me." He then attended another Auditor E. S. Humann church, but was still dissatisfied, and Educational J. T. Porter finally decided to establish a little Educational Assistant . T. W. Walters church of his own. Gulf Oil Makes Grant to LLU MV, National Servicemen's Organization LOMA LINDA, CALIF., July 28—A $1,500 It was about this time that an inter- and Temperance Ed Webb cash grant has been given to Loma Publishing Department . C. P. Lampson preter was desperately needed in the Home Missionary, Radio-TV, Self-supporting Sabbath-morning services at the Mon- Linda University by the Gulf Oil Cor- Institutions and Medical . D.
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