World Heritage 25 COM Distribution limited WHC-01/CONF.208/24 Paris, 8 February 2002 Original: English/French UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION CONVENTION CONCERNING THE PROTECTION OF THE WORLD CULTURAL AND NATURAL HERITAGE WORLD HERITAGE COMMITTEE Twenty-fifth session Helsinki, Finland 11 - 16 December 2001 REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Opening Session 1 XV. Report on the Proposed World Heritage Indigenous Peoples Council of Experts II.a Adoption of the Agenda and the Timetable 2 (WHIPCOE) 57 II.b Proposal for a Revision of the Rules of 2 XVI. Examination of the World Heritage Fund Procedure and Approval of the Budget for 2002-2003 57 III. Report on the Activities Undertaken by the XVII. Information on International Assistance 62 Secretariat since the Twenty-Fourth Session of the Committee 2 XVIII. Requests for International Assistance 64 IV.a Reports of the Rapporteurs on the Bureau XIX. Date, Place and Provisional Agenda of the Sessions of the World Heritage Committee, Twenty-Sixth Session of the Bureau of the 2001 4 World Heritage Committee (April 2002) 66 IV.b Follow-Up to the Resolution of the XX. Date, Place and Provisional Agenda of the Thirteenth General Assembly of States Twenty-Sixth Session of the World Parties (30-31 October 2001): Acts Heritage Committee (June 2002) 66 Constituting "Crimes Against the Common Heritage of Humanity" 4 XXI. Other Business 66 V. Progress Report on the Implementation of XXII. Adoption of the Report 66 Reform Measures 8 XXIII. Closure of the Session 66 VI. Revision of the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention 11 Annexes VII. Periodic Reporting 12 I List of Participants 69 VIII. State of Conservation of Properties II. Opening Speech of the Chairperson, Mr inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Henrik Lilius 91 Danger and on the World Heritage List 15 III. Speech of the Director General of IX. Progress Report on Regional Actions for UNESCO, Mr Koïchiro Matsuura 93 the Implementation of the Global Strategy for a Representative and Balanced World IV. Speech of the President of Finland, Ms Heritage List 38 Tarja Halonen 95 X. Information on Tentative Lists and V. Speech of the Minister of Culture of Examination of Nominations of Cultural Finland, Ms Suvi Lindén 97 and Natural Properties to the List of World Heritage in Danger and the World Heritage VI. Speech of the Minister of Environment, List 40 Minister for International Development Affairs, Finland, Ms Satu Hassi 99 XI. Progress Report on the Global Training Strategy 53 VII. Statement by the Observer of Israel 101 XII. Progress Report on the Information VIIIa. Budget for Afghanistan Mission 103 Management Strategy 54 VIII.b Budget for Afghanistan Scientific XIII. 30th Anniversary Events 55 Documentation 103 XIV. Awareness Building and Education Activities 56 IX. State of Conservation of Properties Inscribed on the World Heritage List (Extract From the Report of the Rapporteur of the Twenty-Fifth Extra- Ordinary Session of the Bureau) 105 X. World Heritage Global Training Strategy 145 XI. Speeches of the Young People’s Presentation “World Heritage In Young Hands” 149 XII. Provisional Agenda and Timetable of the Twenty-Sixth Session of the Bureau (Paris) 151 XIII. Provisional Agenda of the Twenty-Sixth Session of the World Heritage Committee (Budapest) 155 I. OPENING SESSION Kingdom. He recalled that several among these new members had announced that they would limit their I.1 The twenty-fifth session of the World Heritage mandate to four years instead of six. He also recalled that Committee was held in Helsinki, Finland, from 11 to 16 great progress had been made in the Revision of the December 2001. It was attended by the twenty-one Guidelines and remarked that the Convention helped in the memebers of the World Heritage Committee: Argentina, recognition of the cultural and social differences and in Belgium, China, Colombia, Egypt, Finland, Greece, overcoming conflicts and finding pacific solutions for the Hungary, India, Lebanon, Mexico, Nigeria, Oman, protection of World Heritage throughout the world. (The Portugal, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Saint speech of Mr Lilius included as Annex II to this report.) Lucia, South Africa, Thailand, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Zimbabwe. I.5 The Chairperson welcomed the Director-General of UNESCO, Mr Koïchiro Matsuura, and invited him to I.2 The following States Parties to the Convention deliver his speech. In his allocution, the Director-General who are not members of the Committee were represented thanked the Finnish authorities for their warm welcome. as observers: Angola, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, He acknowledged the presence of Ms Tarja Halonen, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech President of the Republic of Finland, which was an Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, France, additional testimony of the strong commitment of her Gambia, Germany, Holy See, Iceland, Indonesia, Iran, country to UNESCO and notably for the protection and Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Lithuania, conservation of World Heritage. He recalled that diversity Luxembourg, Madagascar, Malta, Morocco, Nepal, lies at the core of UNESCO's agenda and one of the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Pakistan, principal contributions for diversity had been the Universal Peru, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Declaration for Cultural Diversity, recently adopted by Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syrian unanimity. He also mentioned that, in the framework of Arab Republic, Turkey, Tunisia, United States of America, heritage, a new Convention had just been adopted by the Uzbekistan. Barbados and the Permanent Observer Organization's General Conference, the Convention on the Mission of Palestine to UNESCO, non States Parties to the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage. He World Heritage Convention, also participated at this emphasized that this represented two major steps forward session as observers. in the domain of heritage protection. He stressed the importance of addressing conservation issues within the I.3 Representatives of the Advisory Bodies to the overall framework of sustainable development. He stated Committee, the International Centre for the Study of the that the World Heritage Convention can become a Preservation and Restoration of the Cultural Property powerful tool for sustainable development as it has proved (ICCROM), the International Council on Monuments and to be for environmental conservation. He finally indicated Sites (ICOMOS) and the World Conservation Union that UNESCO would spare no effort in safeguarding the (IUCN) attended the meeting in an advisory capacity. The diversity of the world's cultural and natural heritage. (The meeting was also attended by representatives of the Director-General's speech is included as Annex III to this following international governmental organizations report.) (IGOs), international non-governmental organizations (INGOs), and non-governmental organizations (NGOs): I.6 The Chairperson welcomed Ms Tarja Halonen, The Arab League Educational Cultural and Scientific President of Finland, and invited her to deliver her address. Organization (ALECSO), Common Wadden Sea Ms Halonen stressed the importance of including heritage Secretariat (Germany), Organization of World Heritage preservation in the framework of sustainable development, Cities (OWHC), Nordic World Heritage Office (NWHO), and mentioned that it was essential to build sustainable The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), United development on sustainable ethics. She also recalled that Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Getty education, especially for young children was of crucial Conservation Institute, Global Heritage Fund (USA), importance with regard to heritage. She thus emphasized International Centre for Mediterranean Cultural the need for UNESCO to assist Member States in the Landscapes (Italy), International Council of Museums development of education values. Ms Halonen also (ICOM),International Federation of Landscape Architects commended the adoption by the UNESCO General (IFLA), International Union of Architects (IUA), Islamic Conference of the Declaration on Cultural Diversity which Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization will encourage greater respect for the diversity of cultures, (ISESCO), The Gibraltar Museum (Gibraltar) and tolerance, dialogue and co-operation. (The speech of Ms University of Edinburgh (U.K). (The full List of Halonen is included as Annex IV to this report.) Participants is included as Annex I to this report). I.7 In her address, Ms Suvi Lindén, Minister of I.4 The twenty-fifth session of the World Heritage Culture of Finland, stressed that one of the principal Committee was opened in the presence of the President of objectives of the World Heritage Committee was to Finland, Ms Tarja Halonen, by Mr Henrik Lilius, achieve balance in the World Heritage List. She stated Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee. During his that Finland had been active in the implementation of the address, Mr Lilius welcomed the newly-elected members Convention, since its adhesion in 1987. She continued by of the Committee: Argentina, India, Lebanon, Oman, underlining the great importance of encouraging the Nigeria, Russian Federation, Saint Lucia and the United younger generations to cherish World Heritage values. Report of the World Heritage Committee WHC-01/CONF.208/24, p. 1 (The speech
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