, ... r '" - -, Southwest Microfilm Co. .. ! ;Z601 E. YeMell 'Box 10054 ;). -';lID. TJ:'•• 7999J , The 25cPER COpy NO.54 IN OUR 36TH YEAR RUIDOSO, LINCOLN.COUNTY, NEWMEXIC088345 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9,1981 - - . treet ems stu •Ie A meetinl/ between state highway of­ be redesigned, that the curve be was considered hazardous by some of the cording to G·onzales. ficials and Ruidoso village officials strl!ightened out and the roadway banked, audience beCause there would be no "I'll certainly take this (lnfonnation) Ulursday opened the lines of com­ with the needs based on statistics of past regulation of traffic and it couid cause back with me to the district. We'll prepare ­ munication between the two concerning accidents and fatalities. worse traffic congestion. a document lind get it Into the general specific traffic and highway problems - Request for a detailed survey of the Atwood suggested Ruidoso look' at office," Smelser said. Ifl don't see all the Ruidoso is experiencing: entire length of Highway 37 within the­ providing a second street to carry traffic problems being solved immediately. Ule As a starting point In discussing the village Ilmits, regarding speed limit signs through the midtown area, making Sud­ solutions may be five to 10 years away." problems, Frank Potter, village ad­ or zones, various traffic warning signs and derth one way and the other street also one Potter was asked after the meeting If he ministrative assistant, suggested the state road markings. way. streets suggested for this Include felt it had been a productive step toward updale the 1976 traffic study 'of Ruidoso. - Call for "no parking" zones at several Wingfield Drive and Zuni Drive. solving Ruidoso's traffic problems. Ule study Is based on traffic counts and intersections within the Ruidoso midtown Also discussed at the meeting was the "I was really happy with it," he sald, computer statlstlcs. business district because of poor visibility possibility of Ruidoso purchasing a "They understand the problems down "We're to tbe point now that we're going and aceess by emergency vehicles. Most striping unit on a co-op agreement basis here. II to have to synchronize our .trafflc lights," specifically listed are the Intersections of with the state. Ule unit would be used In Potterstated that viable solutions to the re-striplng Sudderth Drive because of­ DEAD MAN'S CURVE - This quarter mile stretch of Highway 37 Pottersaid. He addeD that there are many Sudderth and Center Street, and Sudderth problems can be implemented. "If intersections on Sudderth where people and Juanita Avenue. weather conditions and traffic, the everybody works hard - Ruidoso, Ruidoso (Mechem Drivel just south of the intersection with White can't get onto the street because of high Recommended survey for another markings are not visible a coupJe of Downs, and Uncoln County." He stressed Mountain Drive has claimed one life in 1981 and others in 'years volumes of traffic. traffic light Intersection along Sudderth months-after application. ' the need for close cooperation between the past. Realignment of the curve was discussed at last week'.s Tony Gonzales, chief of the planning Drive. "Raised markers are a possibillty for three entitles. meeting on traffic problems. bureau for the state highway department, marking lanes," Smelsersaid. However, it Among those present at tlte meeting sald if more traffic signals are requested Several suggestions' In alleviating the was pointed out that raised markers on were Charlie Lee, state senator; John by Ruidoso, the study Is needed to Justify midtown problems were offered by Sudderth would make snow removal Allen Hightower and Ben Hali, both county , Installing them. various people attending the meeting. One difficult. commissioners; Norman Wheeler, News erred County "An area needs to meet certain such suggestion was to place some four­ Ule present recessed markers are Ruidoso Downs mayor; and Sherman warrants requirements before a signal can way stops along Sudderth, However, this difficult to see lind "gather crud" ac- Atwood, Ruidoso Trustee. •• • in reporting commISSIoners be put In. We need to know the traffic flows, I' Gonzales said. Gonzales said the department will up­ date the study, however he wasn't able to hunters fined meet Tuesday specify a time it wouid be finished, Uncoln County commissioners will meet because traffic counts will have to be Ule Ruidoso News, In the October 19 Tuesday at 10 a.m., In the commissioner's laken In both summer peak traffic season issue, erroneously reported that three chambers at the county courthouse], in and dUring the ski season to get an ac­ local men, Wayne Rupe and Scot Chapman Carrizozo. curate reading of traffic flow. of Ruidoso, and Ken Beasley, Alto, were Some of the major agenda itemi'-In­ "Is there any relief possible until then?" fined $200 In District Court, Alamogordo, clude: asked John Schuller, a member of on charges of illegally hunting -elk on the - Public hearing highlighting ad­ Ruidoso's Planning and Zoning Com­ Mescalero Apache Reservation. verse opinions concerning Deer Park mittee. Ule edItor made the mistake In in­ Meadows and Gavllan subdivisions. "You're building a good case for the terpreting Information from Mescalero - Selection of road projects for 1982-1983 bypass proposal," said Worth Smelser, tribal chairman Wendell Chino, In which fiscal year In relation to the State Highway District II Highway Engineer from .f "violation notices" were submitted, with Department Cooperative Agreement Rosweli. ,'r- , the notation "fine" $200 In the comer. Program. Ule proposed bypass would originate In ,- Ule trio received notices of court action the Hollywood area of Highway 70, east of this morning. the 'Y' at the Highway 37lHlghway 70 Ule News apologizes for this mistake. Carrizozo Intersection In Ruidoso, to connect with -,I Gavilan Canyon Road, creating an alternate route around Ruidoso. • still not on Suggestions In funding this plan Include \ a C<Hlp Idea, placing Gavilan Canyon Road , Villages' under Jurisdiction of the state rather than , SBAC board the county, as it Is now. In return, the , "" . " ~ ?-: ". ~ A brief meeting of the Sierra Blanca county would take over maintenance of a to be specified state highway. , ' " . ' . 1 AIrport Commission Ulursday served to . J trustees verify that all communities involved In "We'll participate in a ca-op I' • agreement," Gonzales said. "We prefer ' accepting Carrizozo's membership on the " .. board had officially indicated so, except you hire a consultant to do the design. • for the Mescaiero Apache Indian Tribe, first. I think we can make It eligible under ---- ::"'" , to meet Uncoln County, Capitan and Ruidoso one project or another," Downs were the first to accept the ap­ Potter asked If right-of-way can be YOU TAKE YOUR CHANCES Rulling onto recommended "No Parking" zones to reduce the Ule Ruidoso Downs trustees will meet plication while Ruidoso first rejected, then relaxed, as that Is one problem Ruidoso Sudderth Drive trom Juanita Avenue when problem. Juanita is especially troublesome tonight at 7 In the Municipal Hall. Agenda finally approved the membership. Ule confronts In the alternate route proposal. vehicles parked to the corner reduce visibility because it is the main exit from the downtown items Include: "Design should dictate right-of-way, not tribe will act on the application, soon, greally. The same situation exists at Sudderth fire station - Ordinance 81-7 concerning the Con­ according to Wyndham Runningwater, the vice versa." Smelser said tinental Telephone franchise agreement trihe's representative on the commission. "We'll work with you any way we can on and Center Street. The police department has renewal. As commission chalnnan Fred Heek­ this." said Gonzales. - Discussion on a mobile home man was unable to attend the meeting, "Ule bypass would help, but it wouidn't proposal. further business was postponed until the help the downtown situation," said next meeting, December 3 at 2 p.m., In the Sherman Atwood. village trustee, Uquor licenses will be one topic of Ruidoso Downs Municlpal Hall. Laurie Durham, village clerk, expressed I dlscusston at the regular meeting of the concern for pedestrians In midtown. " ,.J Ruidoso trustees, at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday at "Ulere's no way to get from one side of , the Village Administrative Center. Village offices Sudderth to the other without taking your Ule trustees will condUct a fmal hearing Ufe, In your hands," she said. Durham , on proposed ordinance 81-23, setting the added that the present lights on Sudderth yearly fee for a restaurant beer and wine will be closed­ don't help alleviate the problem by license at $300. Presentation of a petition spacing out traffic, because they are so far calling for a referendum on the transfer of November 11 apart. liquor licenses into the village from out­ In a report dispatched from Chief of side Ruidoso Is also scheduled. AU of the village's business offices will Police Richard Swenor, several Items Other agenda items Include: be closed Wednesday, for the Veteran's were listed as traffic problems on High­ , -A report from village manager Jim Day holiday, village manager Jim Hlne way 37, including: r' .. Hlne on change In a Farmers Home Ad­ said FrIday. - Ule Intersection of Highway 37 '[ " ," ministration loan poliey, raising Interest to Ruidoso Downs offices, village clerk ~. '- (Mechem Drive) and Alpine Village Road I , 12 and one-fourth percent on a proposed Virginia Spall said, will be open for and University Drive (Forest Heights). A ... ...... loan for the Ponderosa Heights sewer business. ufour-way intersection" or "dangerous • - project. Local banks and government offices will intersection" sign is requested because of ~.; .,-~~~:. :'1f]~";'~~:~_'. ' - Report on a cooperative agreement also be closed Wednesday. Increased traffic at that location from with the state Highway Department to rapid residential growth In the area.
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