I • •• 7152 OONGllES) 'IOSAL l{EGOltD-SE~~tTE . · l\IAY 28, . j is recommended (H. Doc. No. 1134) ; to the Committee on Public AJ~o, memorial of Frank Sextus and other re ·i(lent- of Ala­ Building::; and Grouuus anu ordered to be vrinted. meda County, CaL, fayoring the minimum wage bill; to the Com­ 2. A letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, trans­ mittee on Labor. mitting copy of communication from the Secretary of 'Vnr sub­ By l\Ir. F{!LLER of Illinois: Petition · of Denison Coffee Co. ; mitting a supplemental estimate of appropriation <lesireu by the The Lord & Bushnell Co.; IIan, 'Vedge & Carter; the Pacific Quartermaster Corps of the Army to increase the pay of the super­ Mutual Door Co.; the Central Bureau, Furniture & Casket intemlPnt of the national cemetery at 1\lexico City, Mexico (H. Manufacturers, all of Chicago; and 'Valter D. 'Villiams, man­ Doc . .!. -o. 1135); to the Committee on ApprO])riations and ordered ager Security Insurance Co., of Rockford, Ill., protesting against to be pl'inted. any repeal or postponement of the advanced second-class post­ 3. A letter from the Actin~ Secretnry of the Treasury, trans­ age rates as provided in the "·ar-reyenue act; to the Committee mitting copy of communication f1·om the Secretary of 'Var sub­ on Ways and Means. mitting supplemental estimate of appropriation required b"y By l\Ir. JOHNSON of Wa ·hington: Resolution of the lloanl the Engineer Department of the Army for the fiscal year 1919 of Commissioners of Skamania County, 'Vash., fa\oring the (H. Due. No. 113G) ; to the Committee on Appropriations and construction of military highways and post roads in the State · ordered to be printed. of 'Vashington, Oregon, and California; to the Committee oll 1\Iili tary Affairs. AI o, resolutions of the Tacoma Central LnbQr Union, theTa­ PUBLIC BILLS, RESOLUTIO~S, A~D 1\IE:\lORIALS. coma l\letal Trades Council, the Tacoma Building Trades Coun­ Uncler clause 3 of Rule XXII, bills, resolutions, and memorials cil, anu the Tacoma 1\Iill and Smelter 1\Ien's Union, No. 27, were introduced and severally referred as follows: fa\oring the Smith-Sears rehabilitation biJl; to the Committee By 1llr. JOHNSON of Kentucky (by request) : A bill (H. R on Education. 12294) to provide for the redistribution of general t.nxes and By 1\lr. KAHN : Papers to accompany H. n. 122D1, n bill special n sessments due and payable on real estate in the Dis­ granti-ng a pension to George Casseboom, Company A, First trict of Columbia in case of subdivisions or sales of land therein; California Volunteer Infantry, "\Yar with Spain; to the Commit· to the CC\mmittee on the District of Columbin. tee on Pension·. By l\Ir. McFADDEN: Communication. from J. Anurew Wilt, adjutant, Watkins Post, No. G8, Grand Army of tile Hepublic, Pll.I\ATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIO~S. Towanda, Pa., favoring the passage of the so-called Smoot pen­ sion bill; to the Committee on InYnlid Pe;nsions. UndN· clnu e 1 of Rule XXII, priYnte bill~ antl re olutions lly l\Ir. l\!AGEE: Petition of the \Voman's Christian Tem­ we~·c introdnceu and seyerally referreu as follows: perance Union of 1\larcellus, N. Y., faYoring prohibition as a By ;\It·. CIIAl'i'DLER of Oklahoma: A bill (H. It. 12295) for war measure; to the Committee on the Judiciary. the relief of the Ottawa Indian r.rribe of Blanchard Fork and Roell de Breuf; to the Committee on Indian Affair . AL·o, a bill (H. R. 12296) for the relief of the heirs of the Ea tern Cherokee Indians; to the Committee on Indian Affairs. SENATE. ALo, a bill {H. R. 12297) g:t'aQting an increase of pension to TuEso_\r, 1ll ay B8, 1918. Willi._· .T. Gumbel; to the Committee on lnYnlid Pension·. Al '·o, a bill (H. n. 12298) granting nn increase of pension to llev. J. L. Kibler, of the city of Wn hiugtou, offered tlte fol­ AndrP.w J. l\Iolder; to tlie Committee on Invaliu Pensions. loV~ing prayer : · Al:o, a bill (H. R. 12299) granting an increase of pension to 0 God, oui· HeaYenly Father, nt tllis critical llour of llle Jerry Daniel; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. world war, with \ast interests hanging in the balance noll the Br Mr. COOPEll of Wisconsin: A bill (H. R. 12300) grunting world looking on with restle s anxiety, we appeal to Thy power ft 1)eJ1.:ion to Katherin BakeT; to the Committee on Iny-alitl Pen­ to defend our men at tlle front wllo are struggling to maintain sions. the principles which pertain to Thy kingdom. The cnu e of By :Mr. GALLIYAN: A bill (H. R. 12301) for the relief of ju tice and righteousness and honor is the habitation of Tby the owners of the cllooner Henry 0. Barrett~· to the Committe~ throne, and we look to Thee with great confidence to lead on on Clnims. the forces contending for these principles. As Tllou didst bid By l\rr. NORTO~: A bill (H. H. 12302) granting a pension to Thine ancient people to go fonYard, and ga\est them a lasting vic­ Chlo _\. Truax; to the Committee on In\alid Pensions. tory oYer their foes, so llo Thou speak to our armies on the field Al~o, a bill (H. R 12303)' granting a pen ion to Naomi Towner; of battle to-day and give them a triumphant victory. Paralyze to the Committee on InY"alid Pensions. the arms that are raised against them until their enemies shalt By l\lr. ROSE: A bill {IT. n. 12304) f,"'l'anting a pension to see the hnnd of Gou• in· the defense of the right, and seek no Annie C. Bonebreak; to the Committee on lnY"alid l'en ions. longer to destroy the peace of mankind. ·we ask it for Chri t's B)' ~\fr. TINKHA.l\1: A bill (H. n. 1230i:i) granting u pension sake. Amen. to )lat'ia There n Smyth; to ' the Committ e on lnYalid Pen­ The Journal of yesteruay's proceedings was read and aprlrOYe<.l. sionK UES~AGE ::s-RO~[ THE HOUSE. By !\£1'. "'IV~UDOW: A bill (H. R. 1230G) granting a pen~ion to A message from the House of llepresentatives, by J. C. South. ::l\lnrgnrct A. I~inney; to the Committee on Invalid Pen ions. it.,; Chief Clerk, announced that the House had passed the bill (S. 37!>9) granting pensions and increase of pensions to certaill soldiers and sailors of the Cinl War and certain widows and <le­ PETITIOXS, ETC. pendent relatives of such soldiers and sailors with amendment ·, Unuer clause 1 of Rule XXII, petition · and papers -were laid in 'Yhich it requested the concurrence of the Sennte.- on the ··terk's desk and refe1·red as follows: · The ·message also announced that the House had passeu the BY Mr. CANNO~: Petition of D. C. J. Winder nncl 54 other following bill, , in which it requested the concurrence of the resi(IPnts of Kankakee County, Ill., demanding the repeal "f the Senate: second-class postnge provisions of the ',\nr-revenue act ; to the H. R. 12211. An net granting pensions and increase of pensions Committee qn· ·ways and l\1eans. to certain SC\ldiers and sailors of the Regular Army and Navy By l\!r. COOPEU of Wisconsin: Resolutions adopted by the and certain soldiers anu sailors of 'Y::J.rs other than the CiYil Chamber. of Commerce, Keno !la, Wis., asking GoYernment aiel War and to widows of such soldiers and snllors; · in the construction nml maintenance of highways, etc. ; to the H. R. 122::!9. An act granting pension· and increase of pensions Committee on Roads. - to cer-tain soldiers and sailors of the Civil War and certain By l\lr. DALE of Vermont: Petition of the Rebekah Council widows and dependent children of soldiers and sailors of said of Yermont, favoring war prohibition; also the petition of a war; and county conY"ention of interdenominational Sunday schools of H. R. 12280. An act making appropriations to supply addi­ ."Vermont, fayoring U1e Barkley war prohibition bill; to the Com- tional urgent deficiencies ir appropriations for the fi cal yeat· mittee on the Judiciary. ending June 30, 1918, on account of war expenses, nnd for ot11er By l\lr. ELSTON: Petition of 1\lrs. l\1. E. Ha1·den and other purposes. residents of Alameda County,_ Cal., favoring the repeal of the E:ynOLI.ED BILL SIGNED. 7.one-rate system of second-class postage; to the Committee on The message further announced that the :Speaker of the House Ways and Menns. had signed the enrolled bill (H. R. 8764) to authorize the ooinage A.lso, memorial of Jo~eph H. Matthews, Ethqlrd ,V. Wood­ of 50-cent pieces in commemoration of the one hundredth anni­ ward, and J. R. Scuph:tm, indorsing House bill 259, introduced versar"\ of the admission of the State of Illinois into the Union, by l\1t·. ll.\KEn; to the Committee on 1\Iilitnry Affairs. · · · and it 'was thereupon signed by the Vice President. 1918. OONGR.ESSIOK-\.L REC011D-· SEXi\_TE. H \. 7153 PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. the Equal Suffrage ..-\.ssociation; anu of Amoskeag Grange, Pa­ 1\lr. FllELINGHUYSEN presented a resolution allopteu by tron of Husbandry; all of the citJ· of Manchester, N. H., praying the New Jersey Society of Architects, of Jersey City, N.J., fa\or­ for the pa sage of the ''"oman's suffrage constitutional ameml- ing t11e utilizntion of the serYices of the architects of New Jersey mcnt.
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