Editor Translator Aya Walid Shamaa Samah Miqdad Israel Kills Families Targeted by Israeli Terror in 2012 Editor Aya Walid Shamaa Translator Samah Miqdad Book: Israel Kills “Families Targeted by Israeli Terror in 2012” Documentary Study First Edition © All Rights Reserved Women for Palestine Website: www.womenfpal.com Email address: [email protected] Telephone: +970-8-28 28 164 Mobile: +970-59-888 90 70 Address: Al Khozondar Building, Ahmad Abd El Aziz St., Al Remal, Gaza, Palestine Supervision: Ibtisam Saymah Editor: Aya Walid Shamaa Introduction by: Dr. Adnan Abu Amer Proofed by: Refaat Alareer Team: Alaa Al-Hasanat Heba Hamdan Kholoud Abu Jazar Dima Aydiya Summer Abu Madi Yasmin Saqallah Asal Abu Taqiya Iman Abu Sal Doaa Abdulatif Abeer Abu Mokhadah Photographers: Asmaa Hamad Majdi Suliman Momen Qureqe Israel Kills Families Targeted by Israeli Terror in 2012 Contents Preface 1 Method of Documentation 2 Contents of study 4 First Day November 14, 2012 25 1 Testimony of Um Mohammed, Wife of the Martyr, Ahmed Jabari 27 2 Testimony of Um Hamid al-Hams, Wife of the Martyr, Mohammed 28 3 Testimony of Nisreen Arafat, 28, Mother of Martyr Ronan 29 4 Testimony of Ahlam Al-Ashi, 24, Mother of Omar 30 5 Testimony of Fatima Abu Al-Meza, 15, Sister of the Martyr Essam 31 6 Testimony of Samiha Badr Al-Kaseeh, 47, Mother of Martyr Mohammed 32 7 Inaam Abu Sawaween, 33, Daughter of Martyr Mahmoud 33 Second Day, November 15, 2012 35 1 Testimony of Khansa Mesmeh, 27, Wife of Martyr Habes 37 2 Testimony of Hesham Al- Ghalban’s Mother 37 3 Testimony of Waleed’s Mother 38 4 Testimony of Mahmoud Al-Abadlah’s father 39 5 Testimony of Huda Tafesh 40 6 Testimony of Awad Abu-Elian, Father of the Martyr 41 Third Day, November 16, 2012 43 1 Testimony of Esmat Saadalla, 37, Mother of the Martyr, Mahmoud 45 2 Testimony of Malek SaadAlla, 10, Brother of Martyr Mahmoud 45 3 Testimony of Sameeha Abu Warda, 50, Mother of Martyr Ayman 46 I Israel Kills 4 Testimony of Mohamed Mqat, Father of the Martyr 47 5 Testimony of Fadwa abu Naser, 36, Sister of Martyr Khaled 48 6 Testimony of Mahmoud abu Naser, 60, Fa- ther of Martyr Khaled 48 7 Testimony of Fathiya Mahmoud Hammad, 54, Mother of Martyr Rani 49 8 Testimony of Hana Salman, 27, wife of Mar- tyr Mohammed 50 9 Testimony of Ghalia Salman, 55, Mother-in- Law of Martyr Tahreer 50 10 Testimony of Fayza Okasha, 51, Wife of Martyr Marwan 52 11 Testimony of Abu Ismail Qandil, 43, brother of the Martyr 53 12 Testimony of Fayza AL-Amareen, 53, wife of the Martyr 53 13 Testimony of the brother of the owner of the house 54 14 Testimony of Fayz Rajab Skafi, 48, husband of Martyr Sabah 55 15 Testimony of Nael Abu Jalal, 31, brother of two martyrs, Ahmed and Amjad 56 16 Testimony of Samar Abu Jalal, 30, wife of Martyr Amjad 57 17 Testimony of Mona Abu Jalal, 48, mother of martyr Ziad 58 18 Testimony of Neama Al-Hmala, 58, mother of martyr Hassan 58 19 Testimony of Abdul Rahman Al-Shaer, 23, brother of Martyr Khalid 59 20 Testimony of Hania Mahmoud, 51, mother of martyr Ramadan 59 21 Testimony of Nisreen Abu Mosameh, 28, wife of martyr Ahmed 60 22 Testimony of Khitam Esleem, 48, mother of martyr Ayman 61 J Israel Kills Families Targeted by Israeli Terror in 2012 23 Testimony of Salwa Naser, 42, Mother of martyr Oday 62 24 Testimony of Awatef Al- Basyouni , Mother of martyr Faris 63 Fourth Day, November 17, 2012 65 1 Testimony of Mariam Abu Nqaira, 54, wife of martyr 67 2 Testimony of Sa’diya Mousa Al-Smairi, 43, daughter of martyr 68 3 Testimony of Tahani Al-Mana’ma, 44, moth- er of martyr Ali Abd Al-Hakeem Almana’ma 69 4 Testimony of Lamees Abd Al-Jawad, 23, sis- ter of martyr Osama 69 5 Testimony of Safaa Darweesh, Mother of martyr Ashraf 71 6 Testimony of Salwa Edwan, wife of martyr Mukhles 71 7 Testimony of Samir El-Hums, 50, father of martyr Husam 72 8 Testimony of Abu Mohamad Abu Samhad- ana, 40, neighbor 72 9 Testimony of Sabah Qawash, 50, mother of martyr Ahmed al- Atrash 73 10 Testimony of Salwa AL-Nahal, 28, wife of martyr, Awad Al-Nahal 73 11 Testimony of Sondos Al-Masri, 23, sister of martyr Abdulrahman 74 12 Testimony of Arwa Abu Khater, 27, wife of martyr Mahmoud 75 13 Testimony of mother of martyr Mahmoud 76 14 Testimony of Khadeeja Abu Khater, mother of martyr Abdullah 77 15 Testimony of Alamiya Yaseen, 60, mother of martyr 78 16 Testimony of Hazem Bin Isaid, 33, brother of martyr 79 17 Testimony of Fayza el Awydat, 60, mother K Israel Kills of martyr 80 18 Testimony of Sabri Al-Aawydat, 60, father of martyr 81 19 Testimony of Alia Bin Saeed, 50, wife of martyr Ahmad 82 20 Testimony of Eman Bin Saeed, 23, sister of martyr Salim 83 21 Testimony of Salem Briam, 48, brother of martyr Hani 83 22 Testimony of Naji Qudiah, husband of mar- tyr Samaher 84 23 Testimony of Feryal El Hemri, 48, Mother of martyr 84 Fifth Day, November 18, 2012 87 1 Testimony of Reda Abusel’a, 24, mother of martyrs 89 2 Testimony of Um Wael Iseefan, 52, grand- mother of martyrs 90 3 Testimony of Nasra Deeb, 55, sister of mar- tyr 91 4 Testimony of Uthman Abd El’al, 57, hus- band of martyr 92 5 Testimony of Faten Abu Khusa, 26, mother of the martyr, Iyad 93 6 Testimony of Bahaa Salim Abulatta, 36, owner 94 7 Testimony of Um Mahmoud Helles, 50, mother-in-Law of owner of the house 94 8 Testimony of Haneen Al Nahal, 19, wife of martyr Ahmad 95 9 Testimony of Manal Awad, 36, mother of the martyr Tasnim 96 10 Testimony of Huda Al Nahal, 40, wife of the martyr Naser 97 11 Testimony of Nasir Saloha, 15, brother of martyr Samah 98 12 Testimony of Maha Al-Baya, 38, mother of martyr Samah 99 L Israel Kills Families Targeted by Israeli Terror in 2012 13 Testimony of Abdullah Jamal Al-Dalo, 20 100 14 Testimony of Halah Al-Safadi, 27, Wife of Martyr Mohammed Al-Aff 101 15 Testimony of Nasma Al-Ghofair, 25, wife of Martyr Sami 101 16 Testimony of Nisreen Hamada, 35, wife of Martyr Suhail 102 17 Testimony of Sabreen Atya, 52, Wife of Martyr, Atya 103 18 Testimony of Kareema Mqaat, 35, Wife of Martyr Hosam 104 19 Testimony of Wafaa Abu Amra, 34, Wife of Martyr Ahmad 105 20 Testimony of Etaf, 23, Wife of Martyr Nabil 105 21 Testimony of Mariam Nasser, 35, Wife of Martyr 106 22 Testimony of Hanade Abu Hamda, 34, Wife of Martyr 107 Sixth Day November 19, 2012 109 1 Testimony of Sohair Jendia, 30, Wife of Martyr 111 2 Testimony of Mohammed Abu Zoor, 52, Owner of the House 112 3 Testimony of Hanaa Abu Zoor, 48, Wife of Fouad Abu Zoor 113 4 Testimony of Rasha Al-Qatati, 30, Wife of Martyr Ahed 113 5 Testimony of Kaleel Azam, 33, Owner of the House 114 6 Testimony of Siham Aza, 60 115 7 Testimony of Khalid Abu Quake, 19 115 8 Testimony of Sabreen Al-Atar, 17, Daughter of Martyr 116 9 Testimony of Samar Bashir, 28, Wife of Mar- tyr Tamer 117 10 Testimony of Haleema Bashir, 63, Mother of M Israel Kills Martyr Ameen 117 11 Testimony of Ghalia Abu Amra, 50, Wife of Martyr Rasheed 118 12 Testimony of Sanaa Al-Astal, 43, Mother of Martyr Omar 119 13 Testimony of Rehab Shamalkh, 48, Mother of Martyr 120 14 Testimony of Ghazala Abdul-Jawad, Mother of Martyr Hosam 121 15 Testimony of Soha Swelim, 44, Wife of Mar- tyr 122 16 Testimony of Amal Radi, 43, Wife of Martyr Ayed 123 17 Testimony of Ramadan Al-Malahi, 58, Fa- ther of Martyr Ameen 124 18 Testimony of Maha Harb, 29, Wife of Martyr Ramez 125 19 Testimony of Sharefa Tabil, 57, Mother of Martyr 126 20 Testimony of Harbi Abu Kmail, 45, Father of Martyr Arkan 127 21 Testimony of Rana Al-Hawajri, 27, Sister of Martyr Ibrahim 127 22 Testimony of Mostafa Hijazi, 20, Son of Martyr Fouad 128 23 Testimony of Waleed Shada, 42, Father of Martyr Osama 129 24 Testimony of Ibrahim Shada, 19, Son of the Martyr, Khaleel 129 25 Testimony of Najah Al-Nasasra, 37, Aunt of Two Martyrs 130 26 Testimony of Nada Al-Laham, 47, Mother of Martyr Hosam 131 27 Testimony of Badria Al-Zaini, 29, Sister of Martyr Hosam 132 28 Testimony of Haiam Al-Abadla, 38, Mother of Martyr Mahmoud Sha’at 132 29 Testimony of the Mother of Martyr Saif N Israel Kills Families Targeted by Israeli Terror in 2012 Sadik 133 Seventh Day, November 20, 2012 135 1 Testimony of Osama Al-Khuly, 40, Owner of Destroyed House 137 2 Testimony of Zakaria Al Serhy, 20, House Resident 139 3 Testimony of Mother of Martyr Rama 140 4 Testimony of Wafaa Barrawi, 41, Mother of Martyr Bilal 141 5 Testimony of Fatima Maaroof, 50, Mother of Martyr Yahya 142 6 Testimony of Mariam Zahar, 28, Wife of Martyr Mahmoud 142 7 Testimony of Mohammed Awad, 43, father of Martyr Yahya 143 8 Testimony of Huda Awad, 36, Mother of Martyr Yahya 144 9 Testimony of Mohammed Hamad, 38, Brother of Martyr Abdulrahman 145 10 Testimony of Fatima Al-ddadah, 24, Wife of Martyr Ameen 146 11 Testimony of Lubna Al-shindy, 37, Mother of Martyr Owda 147 12 Testimony of Mahdiya Doghmush, 58, Mother of Two Martyrs Salah and Subhi 148 13 Testimony of Abu Khader Dughmosh, 61, Father of Martyr Musab 149 14 Testimony of Abeer Dughmosh, 27, Wife of Martyr Ahmed 150 15 Testimony of Rajaa Qadadh, 38, Wife of Martyr Zaki 151 16 Testimony of Bayan Bakr, 23, Wife of Martyr Mohammed 152 17 Testimony of Bawasel El-ajramy, 20, Wife of Martyr 153 18 Testimony of Walaa Abu Sanima, 22, Sister of Martyr Shawqi 154 19 Testimony of Raeda Hajila, 37, Wife of Mar- O Israel Kills tyr Tariq 155 20 Testimony of Najah Mahmoud, 50, Wife of Martyr Saqir 156 21 Testimony of Amal Zuhri, 48, Mother of Martyr Mahmoud 156 22 Testimony of the Neighbours of Martyr Yus- ra Shawwa 157 23 Testimony of Reem Ashour, 37, Mother of Martyr Mohammed 157 24 Testimony of Bilal Al-Kumy, 24, Brother of Martyr Mahmoud 158 25 Testimony of the Mother of martyr
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