PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE KENNETH E. HAGIN EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION INC THE WORD OF FAITH PUBBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE KENNETH E. HAGIN EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION INC - DEC 1974 by KENNETH E. HAGIN ...and the Word was made flesh INCARNATION: The union of divinity with humanity in Jesus Christ. —Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary —~ f MATTHEW 1:23 23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shallcall his name Emmanuel, which being interpre­ ted is, God with us. John 1:14 14 And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us... Thi s Christmas season let us This Being, called Emmanuel Ahconsidei r the subject of the In­ (God with us), Jesus the Christ, carnation—the birth of Jesus, the Word—this Being who be­ the preexistence of Jesus, the came Incarnate, had a separate Deity of Jesus, the humanity of existence previous to His com­ Jesus, the object of His coming. ing to the earth. He existed from Too many times, folks simply the beginning—in eternity. This look at the physical side of it Eternal One was with God, with and talk about His being born as Him in fellowship and purpose, a little babe when actually He working with Him. God made the preexisted with the Father from worlds through Him (Hebrews the beginning. 1:2). Christ, while He is facing HIS PREEXISTENCE crucifixion, recalls the glory which He had with the Father be­ JOHN 1:1 fore the world was (John 17:3-5). 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the The Bible plainly teaches us that Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed from all eternity. The entire Gospel of John is (Rev. 19:16) . LORD AND SAVIOUR (II off and laid aside. He became based upon the fact that Jesus Peter 3:2) . WORD OF GOD (Rev. 19:13). man to be a man forever. Today had a previous existence with Divine attributes are ascribed at the Father's right hand there the Father and that while He was to Him. This is clear in Philip- is a man in heaven as a result of walking the earth He remem­ pians 2:5-11 where Paul speaks the Incarnation. bered His experiences in the of Christ being in God's form other world and spoke to the Fa­ I TIMOTHY 2:5 and that He laid aside this form ther of these experiences and of 5 For there is one God, and one mediator and limited His attributes and between God and men, the man Christ when He would go back and take powers as God to become a man. Jesus. up life again with the Father. Then after His earthly limita­ The fact that it was possible for In Micah we read a remark­ tions , He had these powers given Deity and Humanity to become able prophetic utterance of the back to Him. preexistence of Christ and of united in one individual for eter­ His coming to the earth. nity reveals the place the first Divine offices are ascribed to man, Adam, held in God the Fa­ MICAH 5:2 Him: ther's plan. He had created 2 But thou, Beth-lehem Ephratah, though Adam in His own image--just a thou be little among the thousands of Judah, CREATOR (Col. 1:16) . MEDIATOR (I yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me Tim. 2:4,5) . HEAD OF THE CHURCH shade lower than Himself. Man that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings (Col. 1:16-24) . SAVIOUR (n Peter 3:2) had been created so nearly like forth have been from of old, from ever­ . JUDGE (II Tim. 4:1).. PRESERVER God that it was possible for God lasting. (Heb. 1:1-3) . LIFE-GIVER (John 10:28) and man to become united eter­ . LORD AND CHRIST (Acts 2:36) . nally in one individual. God can Here One is going to be born of RESURRECTION AND LIFE (John 11:25). dwell in these human bodies of the family of Judah to be ruler Divine character is ascribed to ours. God can impart His life in Israel and His goings forth Him. All ordinary men are sin­ and nature to our spirits and have been from old, from ever­ ners by nature, but Christ is not dwell in our human bodies. lasting. He has traveled up and down through the eternities and an ordinary man. THE OBJECT OF HIS COMING has left His footprints on the HOLY BY BIRTH (Luke 1:35) . RIGHT­ ages. EOUS (Isa. 53:11) . .. FAITHFUL (Isa. 11:5) MATTHEW 1:21 . TRUTH (John 14:6) . JUST (John 21 And she shall bring forth a son and 5:30) . GUILELESS (I Peter 2:22) . HIS DEITY thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he SINLESS (II Cor. 5:21) . SPOTLESS (I shall save his people from their sins. PHILIPPIANS 2:6 Peter 1:19) . .. INNOCENT (Matt. 27:4). 6 Who, being in the form of God, thought HARMLESS (Heb. 7:26) ... OBEDIENT TO It has been our tendency, when it not robbery to be equal with God. GOD (Heb. 5:8-10) . OBEDIENT TO HIS EARTHLY PARENTS (Luke 2:51) . we think of Christ coming to the This eternal Being, who was in ZEALOUS (John 2:17) . MEEK (Matt. earth as a man, to dwell upon His fellowship and companionship 11:29) . LOWLY IN HEART (Matt. 11:29) self-denial—His sufferings in . MERCIFUL (Heb. 2:17) . PATIENT coming to earth from Glory. Yet with God, was God. He pos­ (Isa. 53:7) . LONG SUFFERING (I Tim. sessed the same nature as God. 1:16) . COMPASSIONATE (Matt. 15:32) as we know Him better, we be­ He existed in the same form and . BENEVOLENT (Acts 10:38) ... LOV­ lieve that it was a joy to Him who on an equality with God. ING (John 15:13) . SELF-DENYING (H so loved man and so desired his Cor. 8:9) . HUMBLE (Phil. 2:5-11) . I want to give you a number fellowship to dwell on earth a- RESIGNED (Luke 22:42) . FORGIVING mong men that He might give to of divine names and titles as­ (Luke 23:34). cribed to Him which prove that alienated man, who had never known his Creator, a true con­ He is by nature divine and a HIS HUMANITY member of the Godhead: ception of Him. How clearly Christ revealed JOHN 1:14 EMMANUEL (Matt. 1:23) . GOD (John 14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt and appreciated this phase of 1:1) . LORD (Luke 19:34) . LORD OF among us. His mission. John said of Him, ALL (Acts 10:36) . LORD OF GLORY (I Cor. 2:8) . .. WONDERFUL, COUNSEL­ "No man has seen God at any LOR, MIGHTY GOD, EVERLASTING FA­ This Being became flesh. He time; the only begotten Son, THER, PRINCE OF PEACE (Isaiah 9:6,7) became man and dwelt among which is in the bosom of the Fa­ . THE LORD'S CHRIST (Luke 2:26). us. He made His home among us ther, he hath declared him." SON OF GOD (Rom. 1:4)... HIS SON (John and we beheld the glory of God. (John 1:18) 3:16-18) . .. MY SON (Matt. 3:17). ONLY BEGOTTEN SON (John 1:18) . ALPHA Colossians 1:15 says that He was How different was His life AND OMEGA, BEGINNING AND THE END, the image of the invisible God. from the lives of the greatest FIRST AND LAST (Rev. 22:13,16) . ..THE When Christ became man in philosophers and teachers of LORD (Acts 9:17) . SONOFTHE HIGH­ the Incarnation, He became man religion who came before Him. EST (Luke 1:32) . .. BREAD OF GOD (John They had come as seekers of the 6:33) . HOLY ONE OF GOD (Mark 1:24) for eternity. He did not assume . THY HOLY CHILD JESUS (Acts 4:30) humanity as a garment to be truth, He came as the revelation . KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS worn for 33 years and then cast of the truth. He said, "I am the 2 (CONTINUED on page 6) LETTERS... So much is happening in these days... the Lord is moving among His people in mar­ velous ways. Here is just a very small sampling of the good news we receive. We only wish we could share more with you... from a mother in Decatur, GA: "Thank you so much for teaching us how to stand on God's Word and not go by our feelings. God has truly blessed our family. I had two boys who had been on drugs for 4 years. But when I started look­ ing to God's Word (Mark 11:24—Isaiah 59: 21—Eph. 1:3) and not to what I saw happen­ ing around my house, the full manifestation started happening. Since Jan. '74, both of my boys have been saved, Baptized in the Holy Spirit...' GreetingS in the (ovely Name of our Lord and Saviour. Jesus about the Radio... "I am a daily listener on station WDJC- Christ. Please accept our Love and appreciation for everything FM in Birmingham. Since listening to you daily my whole outlook, thinking, matter of fact, my whole life has been transformed . ijour praifcrS . ifour support . ifour friendship . and the more I listen, the more I want to... feeding on your teaching of the Word....* fellowship...in this Season ulien we are So tlianhjuffor ^ ilis love. ...the Word of Faith... "I praise God for the message 'Now Ye Are the Body of Christ." It was a great comfort and encouragement.
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