APRIL 29, 1948 'S g M REV. ROSCOE T. FOUST, WITNESS EDITOR, W ILL REPORT CONFERENCES . Article by Alec Vidier of England Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. SERVICES In Leading Churches In Leading Churches T h e C athedral of S t . J ohn For Christ and His Church C h r ist C hu rch Cathedral t h e D ivin e Main and Church Sts., Hartford, Conn. N ew Y ork C it y Sundays: 8, 9, 11, Holy Communion; 10, E d ito ria l B oard: Roscoe T. Foust, Editor; feunday Services: 8, 9:30, 10:05, 11 AM I Morning Prayer; 4, Evening Prayer; Ser­ William B. Spofford, Managing Editor; Hugh 8 P.M. mons 11 and 4. D. McCandless, John M. Mulligan, William B. Weekdays: Holy Communion — Monday Weekdays: 7:30, 8 (also 9:15 Holy Days Spofford Jr., Sydney A. Temple Jr., Joseph H. and Thursday, 9 A.M.: Tuesday. Friday and and 10, Wednesdays). Holy Communion; 9, Titus, Andrew M. Van Dyke, William M. Saturday, 8 A.M. : Wednesday, 7:00 and Morning Prayer; 5, Evening Prayer. Open Weber, Hal M. Wells, Walter N. Welsh. 11:00 A.M. Noonday Service, daily 12:15 daily 7 A.M. to 6 P.M. P.M. 1k ¡Grace C h u rch , N ew Y ork C h rist C hurch Broadway at 10th St. C ontributing E d it o r s: Frederick C. Grant, Cambridge Rev. Louis W. Pitt, D.D., Rector Book Editor. F. O. Ayres Jr., L. W. Barton, Rev. Gardiner M. Day, Rector Daily: 12:30 except Mondays and Satur­ D. H. Brown Jr., Adelaide .Case, Angus Dun, days. R. S. M. Emrich, T. P. Ferris, J. F. Fletcher, Rev. Frederic B. Kellogg, Chaplain Sundays: 8, 10 and 11 A.M. and 4:30 John Gass, C. K. Gilbert, C. L. Glenn, G. C. Sundav Services: 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 and P.M. Graham, G. I. Hiller, A. C. Lichtenberger, 11:15 A.M. Thursdays and Holy Days: Holy Com­ T. R. Ludlow, C. S. Martin, R. C. Miller, Weekdays: Wed. 8 and 11 A.M. 'Thurs., munion 11:45 A.M. E. L. Parsons, J. A. Paul, Rose Phelps, Paul 7:30 A.M. Roberts, W. K. Russell, V. D. Scudder, W. M. T h e H eavenly R e st , N ew Y ork Sharp, M. H. Shepherd Jr., W. B. Sperry, Fifth Avenue at 90th Street C. W. Sprouse, J. M. Suter, S. E. Sweet. T r in ity C hurch Rev. Henry Darlington, D.D. Miami Sundays: Holy Communion, 8 and 10 'k A;M .; Morning Service and Sermon, 11 Rev. G. Irvine Hiller, S.T.D., Rector A.M. T h e W it n e s s is published weekly from Septem­ Sunday Services 8. 9:30, 11 A.M. Thursdays and Holy D ays: Holy Com­ ber 15th to June 15th inclusive; with the ex­ munion, 11 A.M. ception of the first week in January, and semi­ monthly from June 15th to September. lath by T r in ity C athedral S t. B artholom ew ’s C hurch the Episcopal Church Publishing Co. on behalf of the Witness Advisory Board, Bishop Lane W. Military Park, Newark, N. J. N ew Y ork Barton, Chairman. The Very Rev. Arthur C. Lichtenberger, Park Avenue and 51st Street Dean Rev. Geo. Pauli T. Sargent, D.D., Rector Services 8 :00 A.M. Holy Communion. ★ Sunday Services: 8:30, 9:30 (All Saints’ 11:00 A.M. Morning Service and Ser- Chapel, 24 Rector St.), 11 and 4:30 P.M. mon. The subscription price is $4.00 a year; in bun­ Holy Communion Wednesday Weekdays: Holy Communion Wednesday Weekdays: dles for sale in parishes the magazine sells for and Holy Days, 12:00 noon, Friday 8 A.M. at 8:00 A.M. 10c‘ a copy, we will bill quarterly at 7c a copy. Thursdays and Saints’ Days at 10:30 Intercessions Thursday, Friday, 12:10; Entered as Second Class Matter, March 6, 1939, Or^an Recital Tuesday, 12:10. A.M. at the Post Office at Chicago,. Illinois, under The Cathedral is open daily for Prayer. The Church is open daily for prayer. the act of March 3, 1879. O l. JA1V1E.3Tamfc ’ Co nwitrtw u n u i S t. P aul’s C hurch Madison Ave. at 71st St.. New York Montecito and Bay Place The Rev. Arthur L. Kinsolving, D.D., Rector A P R IL 2 9 ,¡ 1948 O a k la n d , C a lifo rnia 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion. Rev. Calvin Barkow, D.D., Rector 9:30 A.M. Church School. Vol. XXXI No. 12 Sundavs: 8 A.M., Holy Communion; 11 11:00 A.M. Morning Service and Sermon. A.M., Church School; 11 A.Mi, Morning 4:00 P.M. Evening Prayer and Sermon. Prayer and Sermon. Wed., 7 :45 A.M.. Thurs., 12 Noon Holy Wednesdays: 10 A.M.. Holy Communion; Communion. 10:45, Rector’s Study Class. S t. T hom as’ C h u rch , N ew Y ork T h e C hurch of th e A dvent BOWDEN; vicar of Christ Church, Midland Indianapolis Fifth Avenue and 53rd Street Park, N. J. • becomes rector of St. Stephen’s, Catasauqua, Pa., May 1. Meridian St. at 33rd St. Rev. Roelif H. Brooks, S.T.D., Rector The Rev. Laman H. Bruner, B.D., Rector Sun. 8, 11, 4. Daily 8:30. HC; Thurs. BOWMAN, HARWOOD C., formerly asso­ Sunday Services: 7:30 A.M. Holy Com- 11 HC., Daily e:. ";pt Sat. 12:10. ciate rector of the Good Shepherd, Buffalo, munion; 9:30 A.M. Church School; 11 A.M. N. Y., is now the rector of St. PAul’s, Morning Prayer and Sermon. Kittanhing, Pa. T h e C hu rch of th e A scen sio n Fifth Avenue and Tenth Street, New York COOLIDGE, JOHN K., has resigned as rec­ C h r ist C hurch The Rev. Roscoe Thornton Foust, Rector tor of All Saints?, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., Nashville, Tennessee Sundays: 8 A.M. Holy Communion. effective October 1 to retire from the active 11 A.M. Morning Prayer, Sermon. ministry. Rev. Payton Randolph Williams 8 P.M. Evening Song and Sermon; Serv­ 7 :30 A.M.—Holy Communion. ice of Music (1st Sun. in month). COPE, ARTH UR B., post graduate student 9:30 and 11 A.M.—Church School. Daily: Holy Communion, 8 A.M. Tues., at General Seminary, takes charge of churches • 11 A.M.—Morning Service and Sermon. Thurs., Sat.; 11 A.M. Mon., Wed., Fri. at Greenville and Farrell, Pa., on June 1. 6 P.M.—Young People’s Meetings. 5:30 Vespers, Tues. through Friday. Thursdays and Saints’ Days—Holy Com­ This church is open all day and all GURNEY, GEORGE L., formerly rector of munion, 10 A.M. night. Emanuel, Elmira, N. Y. is now vicar of the Epiphany, Miami Springs, Fla. C hu rch of S t . M ich a el & S t. George S t . P a u l’s Cathedral H O TCH K ISS, W ALTER M., formerly rector S t. Louis, Missouri Buffalo, New York of S't. Alban’s, Centerdale, R. I., is now The Rev. J. Francis Sant, Rector Shelton Square rector of All Saints’, Fulton, N. Y. The Very Rev. Edward R. Welles, The Rev. C. George Widdifield M.A.,' Dean KING, HANFORD L., formerly locum tenens Minister of Education Sunday Services: 8, 9:30 and 11. of the Mediator, New York City, is now Sunday: 8, 9:30, 11 A.M.; 8 P.M. Daily: 12:05 noon—Holy Communion. i rector of the parish. Canterbury Club, 5:30 twice monthly. Tuesday: 7:30 A.M.—Holy Communion. Wednesday: 11:00 A.M. — Holy Com­ LOVE, JA M ES P., in charge of churches at C h r ist C hu rch in P hiladelphia munion. Cameron and Rockdale, Texas, has retired S econd Street above Market from the active ministry. Cathedral of Democracy S t. L u k e ’ s C hurch Founded 1695 Atlanta, Georgia MARSHALL, MALCOLM, assistant at St. Rev. E. Felix Kloman, S.T.D., Rector 435 Peachtree Street Alban’s, Washington, D. C. becomes rector Sunday Services': 9:30 and 11 A.M. The Rev. J. Milton Richardson, Rector of St. Margaret’s, Washington, June 1. Church School: 10:00 A.M. 9:00 A.M. Holy Communion. Weekdays: Wed. noon and -12:30. 10:45 A.M. Sunday School. MURRAY, GEORGE M., was ordained dea­ Saints’ Days: 12 Noon. 11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer and Sermon. con on April 5 by Bishop Carpenter of Ala­ This Church is Open Every Day 6:00 P.M. Young People’s Meetings. bama at Trinity Church, Bessemer. He is to be .chaplain at the University of Alabama effective July 1. C alvary C hurch T h e C hu rch of th e E p iph a n y S hady & Walnut Aves. 1317 G Street, N. W. SPARLING, CHRISTOPHER, has resigned Pittsburgh as rector of St. Philip’s, Coral Gables, Fla., Washington, D. C. effective October 1 to retire from the active The Rev. Lauriston L. Scaife, S.T.D., Rector Charles W. Sheerin, Rector ministry. Sundays: 8, 9:30, 11:00 and 8:00. Sunday: 8 and 11 A.M.; 8 P.M. Holy Communion—Daily at 8 A.M.
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