SUOAR WEATHER II Cnno: 3.98Co por lb., Thor. mln., 67. 170.70 ior ton. liar., 8 a. in., 30.12. Hoots: 13b. cwt, $05,20 Rain, 24b., 8 n. m., trace por ton. tmn Star Wind, 12m., 10 N.E. Telephone 2365 Star Business Office The Largest Daily Paper in The Territory SECOND EDITION. VOL. XX TWELVE PAGE8. HONOLULU, HAWAII , THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1912. TWELVE PAQE8, NO. 6274. BIG STRIKE OF GOLD NUGGETS MADE ON THE KOYUKUK RIVER Money For FISH Defendin GEN. GOMEZ IS WILL NOT UNDER GUARD RESIG in AT JUA Auditor Fisher vigorously denied ock the rumor that he was going to re- (Associated Prets Cables to the 8tar.) sign position Territory, Attack his with the rom May 9. r WASHINGTON, General Gomez, who lately declared himself and declared that it was his intention the provisional president of Mexico, has been captured and Is a prisoner to hang on till the last 'n the custom houso at Juarez, unde: a heavy guard. (Special Cablegram to the Star.) By H. M. AYRES. into two forces, called tho "Blues" "I have no idea who could have ESCALON, May 9. General Oroa co has marched southward but nothing'! (Telephoned to the Star.) and the "Reds." Tho "Blues" con- started such a rumor," said Mr. of moment has happened. 9.-- p. WASHINGTON, May The Naval Fisher. "I am still here and I intend, SCHOFIELD BARRACKS, 2:30 sist of the Fifth Cavalry less one m 9. Army maneuvers inci- to stay." May' squadron, .the Second Infantry less A LOS ANGELES TRAGEDY. appropriation of six hun- dent, ..Inspection by battalion,- of Bill contains an At noon today the Republican exec- to the Lieutenant one one battalion the LOS ANGELES, May 9. The bodies of Peter Walker, a millionaire Colonel George Bell, Jr., Inspector Artillery one battery fifty dollars ($650,-000- ) utive committee endorsed J. H. Fisher First Field less contractor, and of Mrs. Anna Dewey, have been found in the apartment of ' dred and thousand general U. troops. for reappointment as auditor of the of the Western Division, and the sanitary They aro in tho woman, who had killed him and committed suicide on Sunday nlghtj for the extension of Pearl. Harbor Territory. S. A., began here yesterday. command of Colonel W. E. Wilder, when she found that Walker had been trying to affect a reconciliation witlS The command was Cavalry. It also endorsed J. M. Dowsett for ordered into Fifth his wlfn. wt drydock to a length of one thousand feet. camp . 1 .ThjB reappointment as a member of the at o'clock in the afternoon. "Reds" consist of one squadron the Cavalry, Cavalry, It also appropriates "one hundred and fifty-tw- o board of prison inspectors. It consisted of Fifth the of the Fifth ono battalion of COMMERCE CASES TRANSFERRED. Second Infantry, Headquarters, one the Second .Infantry less ono com- WASHINGTON, May 9. Tho Ho te. by a vote of 120 to 149 has abol! thousand dollars ($152,000) for a The band played at the residence battery of the First Field Artillery pany, the machine gun platoon and Ished the court of commerce cases pending and transferred them to the - and the sanitary troops. The camp one battery of tne First Field Artil- Federal district courts. magazine at Kuakua. j of Queen Lllluokalanl this morning. It will give a public concert In the Is situated on the old Dowsett ranch. lery. They are commanded by. o J. A. Breckons. Young roof garden tonight Today the command was divided on race Right.) NUGGET8 IN ALASKA. FAIRBANKS, Alaska, May 9. A big gold strike Is reported at Ham--; raond creek, off tho Koyukuk river. Thirty thousand dollars' worth of nue-- j RAMUS S SCARE gets have been gathered there. Ascli's Hotel : - I FRUITFLY HAS IMPROVED FLOOD SITUATION. NEW ORLEANS, May 9. The sunshine now prevailing has Improved' Fu! DOING IIS DEADLY WORK the flood situation. A tralnload of clothing and supplies have been sent to Nearly the refugee camps. MINTS WILL REMAIN. r Some persons in Honolulu have been Northwest. The first letter is from a REACHED MAUI May 9. The proposal to abolish several United States! Jailer Asch, of the county prison, -- WASHINGTON, inclined to discredit th idea that Dr. .man In Duncan, Oregon, who writes: mints, Including the ono at San Francisco, has been defeated. has eighty-eigh- t boarders at present. Ram'us's sensational exaggerations 'Mr. H. P. Wood: He has room for a few more, but about the prevalence of leprsoy In "Dear Sir: Your favor of March EJECTED A DEPUTY. hopes that they will not be sent, along Hawaii was seriously detrimental to ISth, received, also folders, etc., ex- BERLIN, May 9. Tho police have ejected a Socialist deputy bodily The Mediterranean fruitfly has February, when he was relieved by to him. Hawaii's interests. Here ari two let- cept tho dally paper, which never from Prussian Diet for heckling the speaker. reached Maul at last, showing that Davis. the targe community of evil- ters Just received by the Hawaii Pro- leached me. Since that time I have Over this inter-lBlnn- tho d quarantine Inspection The arrival of the fly on Maul, Prof, motion Committee, however, which learned that there Is more) or less 111 n vjuuitinriinu. ,,j doers, thirteen turnkeys, Warders and has proved futile In preventing the Severin charges, is duo to tho laxity lIWU UClsnuK give an inkling of the handicap which leprosy in the islands, "and recently 9. George a keep guard. Then there are the Islands, WEYMOUTH, England, May King descended in Buomarj lunas has been placed upon promotion work saw an article in a Portland paper bpread of the pest among the or tho complete failure of tho jailer also pest system of quarantine, rlne today for ten minutes. lead jailer and the deputy by the lurid newspaper publicity by a man who latelly came from Ho- - that the ha9 been island on the payroll., . which Ramus secured throughout the (Contlnued on Pago Eight) discovered on Maul reached Prof. II.! "I warned Mr. Ehrhorn on Oct. 5, at- THE ITALIAN DENIAL BUREAU. The jail now has a fine hospital 1 H Severin of the College of Hawaii 1911, that tho quarantine was. not a ROME, May 9. It is denied here that the Turks gained a victory a3 tached to it, and at present there are this morning In the registered mall success," said Prof. Severin this morn-fro- provided - Rhodes. :two patients In It. Beds are SUIT IN ADMIRALTY ABATED tho Island in question. in, "and I knew whereof I was speak- for five patients and the hospital Is The fly, a specimen of which was lug. I had tested its efficacy. At Qable Report on page Two. in every respect. forwarded, was found by J. R. Davis, that time tho fly was found on only Morning - wh"o has It is said that Bob Levi, - the U. S. Government inspector on two Islands, Oahu and Kauai. " Tor some time, been under suspension AS AGAINST DROWNED TAI the island, who captured it in a kero- "In a paper read before tho Agri- turnkey tba is to be reinstated as at sene trap at Walkapu on tho estato cultural Seminar, Jan. 11, 1912, when ' remembered' that Levi jail. It will be or P. Cockett. the pest had extended to Molokai, I offense was charged with a serious - Davis has been working on the isl- told i'f my- experience with the Quar- but, a trial, was discharged from A hearing in the admiralty cases of bottom of sea. ' after the and since February and has had antine, rotating t'uit, carrying a crip-fu- l custody, the jury only staying out a versus Fullerton, Judge that' Paul Martin James Dole held as Captain traps at Pala, Hamakuapoko and Wal-luk- of oranges Infected with the Med- few minutes to talk the matter over. master of the bark Fort George, and Fullerton is dead, the case against thei only specimen found was iterranean fly maggots, I boarded an On the payroll at the county jail but of Paul Martin versus the bark, took him is abated. This ruling came Inter-islan- d be-Ki- reported from Walkapu this steamer on a number of are nine men whose' names n that there place before Judge Dole this morn- after an excited argument by George morning. occasions. There was no Inspector with the letter "K." This remark- - ing, George A. Davis appearing for Davis in favor of the consolidation on has gangplank I wont ou nble coincidence makes Jailer Asch Tho hunt for the fly Maul at the and employes think that 'the llbellnnt and R. W. Breckons and of the two cases. Davis was In good on since last November, wfien board each time without question. On and three other ' they should change their names to Judge Stanley, representing tho de- voice this morning and awoke the William J. Hartung began the work one occasion I saw the inspector some conform with the rest of the bunch's fendants, b6th of whom are at the distant echoes. at Wailuku, continuing there until (Continued on Page Eight) ter- initial Dr. Victor S. Clark, chief of the by letters from Manchuria and br letter. al ritorial bureau -- of labor Immigration Russians now arriving at Honolulu, MOTHER-IN-LA- number of families have sold their W GALLED DOWN THE DOG ABSALOM" RONS DOWN nnd statistics, will sail In tho next rarmB ana cattle anu nave usea moj 1IEOETIRES steamer for Manchurla(to arrange for proceeds to como to Dalny In tho hopo the Importation to Hawaii of a num- of getting free fare from there to H'a FO SGNALNG TO WITNESS A TRUCULENT PRACTICAL JOKER ber of Russian families, whose en- wall.
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