Mineral and Waste Safeguarding [Blaby District] Document S1/2015 December 2015 Contents Contents Mineral Safeguarding 1 Figure B1: Areas of borough/district for mineral safeguarding, categorised by mineral type 1 Waste Safeguarding 2 Table B1: Waste sites in borough/district for safeguarding 2 Figure B2: Location in borough/district of waste sites for safeguarding 3 Detailed location plans for each waste site for safeguarding in borough/district 4 Aston Flamville SPS 4 Barrows Lane, Glenfield & Glenfield STW 5 Cosby Spinneys, Cosby 6 Countesthorpe STW 7 Coventry Road, Narborough 8 Enderby Road Whetstone, Vicarage Lane SPS Whetstone, Whetstone RHWS and Transfer, & Whetstone STW 9 Granite Close Enderby, Seine Lane Enderby, & Warren Parks Way Enderby 10 Greens Lodge Farm Huncote & Huncote Quarry 11 Leicester Forest West SPS 12 Manor Farm, Aston Flamville 13 Soars Lodge Farm, Foston 14 Station Yard, Elmesthorpe 15 Stoney Stanton STW 16 i Mineral Safeguarding Figure B1: Areas of borough/district for mineral safeguarding, categorised by mineral type Legend Clay Coal Gypsum Igneous Rock Limestone Sand & gravel 1 Waste Safeguarding Table B1: Waste sites in borough/district for safeguarding District or Site District or Site Site Name Address Operator Site Name Address Operator Borough Reference Borough Reference Manor Farm, Sharnford Soars Lodge Farm, Foston Soars Lodge Farm, Aston Flamville Road, Aston Flamville, Severn Trent Lane, Foston, Leicester, D Clark Blaby B16 Blaby B1 Foston SPS Hinckley, Leicestershire, Water Leicestershire, LE8 5WP LE10 3AW Barrie Mills Motor Barrie Mills Glenfield Autospares, Station Yard, Salvage, Station Yard, Barrows Lane, Glenfield Motor Blaby B17 Barrows Lane, Glenfield, Blaby B2 Elmesthorpe Elmesthorpe, Earl Shilton, Glenfield Autospares Salvage Leicester LE3 8DR Leicester LE97SG Cosby Spinneys Farm, Sewage Works, Cosby Spinneys, Croft Road, Cosby, D H Pepper Blaby B3 Stoney Stanton Broughton Road, Stoney Severn Trent Cosby Blaby B18 Leicestershire, LE9 1SG STW Stanton, Leicestershire, Water Foston Road, LE9 4JA Countesthorpe Severn Trent Countesthorpe, Blaby B4 Vicarage Lane, STW Water Vicarage Lane Severn Trent Leicestershire Whetstone, Blaby B19 SPS, Whetstone Water Glenfield Waste, Coventry Leicestershire, LE8 6YX Coventry Road, Glenfield Road, Narborough, Blaby B5 Casepak, Feldspar Close, Narborough Waste Leicestershire Warren Parks Warren Industrial Park, Casepak Blaby B20 Wastecycle, Enderby Way, Enderby Enderby, Leicestershire, Enderby Road, Road Industrial Estate, Wastecycle Blaby B6 LE19 4SD Whetstone Whetstone, Leicestershire Leicestershire County Granite Close, Granite Close, Enderby, Bakers Council, Refuse Disposal Blaby B7 Whetstone RHWS Leics County Enderby Leicestershire, LE9 5AL Waste Depot, Enderby Road, Blaby B21 and Transfer Council Granite Close, Granite Close, Enderby, Whetstone, Planters Blaby B8 Enderby Leicestershire, LE19 4AE Leicestershire, LE8 6HZ Greens Lodge Farm, Sewage Works, Enderby Greens Lodge A C Severn Trent Forest Road, Huncote, Blaby B9 Whetstone STW Road, Whetstone, Blaby B22 Farm, Huncote Shropshire Water Leicestershire, LE9 3LE Leicestershire, LE8 6JL Acresford Sand & Gravel, Sewage Works, Acresford Forest Road, Huncote, Kirby Road, Severn Trent Huncote Quarry Sand & Blaby B10 Glenfield STW Blaby B23 Leicester, Leicestershire, Glenfield, Water Gravel LE9 3LE Leicestershire Bulls Head Public House, Granite Close, Granite Close, Enderby, 1st Choice Blaby B24 Leicester Forest Hinckley Road, Leicester Severn Trent Enderby Leicestershire, LE19 4AE Waste Blaby B11 West SPS Forest West, Water Granite Close, Granite Close, Enderby, None Blaby B25 Leicestershire, LE9 9RE Enderby Leicestershire, LE19 4AE Manor Farm, Sharnford Manor Farm, Road, Aston Flamville, J & F Powner Blaby B12 Aston Flamville Leicestershire, LE10 3AW Eurokey Recycling Limited, Quartz Close, Quartz Close, Warren Industrial Estate, Eurokey Blaby B13 Enderby Enderby, Leicester, LE19 4SG Seine Lane, Enderby Metals, Seine Enderby Blaby B14 Enderby Lane, Enderby, LE19 4PD Metals Dave Lount Cars, The Seine Lane, Bungalow Seine Lane, Dave Lount Blaby B15 Enderby Enderby, Leicester, Cars Leicestershire, LE19 4PD 2 Waste Safeguarding Figure B2: Location in borough/district of waste sites for safeguarding 3 Waste Safeguarding Detailed location plans for each waste site for safeguarding in borough/district Site Name Address Operator District or Borough Site Reference Aston Manor Farm, Sharnford Road, Aston Severn Trent Flamville Flamville, Hinckley, Leicestershire, LE10 Blaby B1 Water SPS 3AW 4 Waste Safeguarding Site Name Address Operator District or Borough Site Reference Barrows Glenfield Autospares, Barrows Lane, Glenfield Lane, Blaby B2 (east) Glenfield, Leicester LE3 8DR Autospares Glenfield Sewage Works, Glenfield Kirby Road, Severn Trent Blaby B23 (west) STW Glenfield, Water Leicestershire 5 Waste Safeguarding Site Name Address Operator District or Borough Site Reference Cosby Cosby Spinneys Farm, Croft Road, Cosby, Spinneys, D H Pepper Blaby B3 Leicestershire, LE9 1SG Cosby 6 Waste Safeguarding Site Name Address Operator District or Borough Site Reference Countes- Foston Road, Countesthorpe, Severn Trent Blaby B4 (south) thorpe STW Leicestershire Water 7 Waste Safeguarding Site Name Address Operator District or Borough Site Reference Coventry Glenfield Waste, Coventry Road, Road, Glenfield Waste Blaby B5 Narborough, Leicestershire Narborough 8 Waste Safeguarding Site Name Address Operator District or Borough Site Reference Enderby Wastecycle, Enderby Road Industrial Road, Wastecycle Blaby B6 Estate, Whetstone, Leicestershire Whetstone Vicarage Vicarage Lane, Whetstone, Leicestershire, Severn Trent Lane SPS, Blaby B19 LE8 6YX Water Whetstone Whetstone Leicestershire County Council, Refuse Leics County RHWS and Disposal Depot, Enderby Road, Blaby B21 Council Transfer Whetstone, Leicestershire, LE8 6HZ Whetstone Sewage Works, Enderby Road, Whetstone, Severn Trent Blaby B22 STW Leicestershire, LE8 6JL Water 9 Waste Safeguarding District or District or Site Name Address Operator Site Reference Site Name Address Operator Site Reference Borough Borough Granite Close, Granite Close, Enderby, Bakers Casepak, Feldspar Close, Blaby B7 Enderby Leicestershire, LE9 5AL Waste Warren Parks Warren Industrial Park, Casepak Blaby B20 Granite Close, Granite Close, Enderby, Way, Enderby Enderby, Leicestershire, Planters Blaby B8 Enderby Leicestershire, LE19 4AE LE19 4SD Seine Lane, Enderby Metals, Seine Enderby Granite Close, Granite Close, Enderby, 1st Choice Blaby B14 Blaby B24 Enderby Lane, Enderby, LE19 4PD Metals Enderby Leicestershire, LE19 4AE Waste Dave Lount Cars, The Granite Close, Granite Close, Enderby, Dave None Blaby B25 Seine Lane, Bungalow Seine Lane, Enderby Leicestershire, LE19 4AE Lount Blaby B15 Enderby Enderby, Leicester, Cars Leicestershire, LE19 4PD 10 Waste Safeguarding Site Name Address Operator District or Borough Site Reference Greens Lodge Greens Lodge Farm, Forest Road, A C Shropshire Blaby B9 (east) Farm, Huncote, Leicestershire, LE9 3LE Huncote Acresford Sand & Gravel, Forest Road, Huncote Acresford Sand & Huncote, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE9 Blaby B10 Quarry Gravel 3LE 11 Waste Safeguarding Site Name Address Operator District or Borough Site Reference Leicester Bulls Head Public House, Hinckley Road, Severn Trent Forest West Leicester Forest West, Leicestershire, LE9 Blaby B11 Water SPS 9RE 12 Waste Safeguarding Site Name Address Operator District or Borough Site Reference Manor Farm, Manor Farm, Sharnford Road, Aston J & F Powner Blaby B12 Aston Flamville, Leicestershire, LE10 3AW Flamville 13 Waste Safeguarding Site Name Address Operator District or Borough Site Reference Soars Lodge Soars Lodge Farm, Foston Lane, Foston, D Clark Blaby B16 Farm, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE8 5WP Foston 14 Waste Safeguarding Site Name Address Operator District or Borough Site Reference Station Barrie Mills Motor Salvage, Station Yard, Yard, Barrie Mills Motor Elmesthorpe, Earl Shilton, Leicester Blaby B17 Elmes- Salvage LE97SG thorpe 15 Waste Safeguarding Site Name Address Operator District or Borough Site Reference Stoney Sewage Works, Broughton Road, Stoney Severn Trent Stanton Blaby B18 Stanton, Leicestershire, LE9 4JA Water STW 16.
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