" , THE SUN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, v1919, done the eamo thing concerning the Jap- family owning a mansion for n home without palm and ferns and flowers (or the water Is always oi a comfortabh n bh v finding Itself tn dire I'uiMiviri ii i II n. ii'i'iirviii i anese. financial distress. HONOLULU OFFERS which respond all the year round to the temperature. ui iiiiiii "A nation of Imitators," "The Ger- To rellovo the situation housing Is calls of a climate aptly described as Kaplolonl Park, named after one of mans of the Sait, They stole' their offered another family on promise of "always June," The business structures Hawaii's queens, Is at this beach, also art from China." all are familiar phrases contribution to the general maintenance. are modern. They are steel framed, the Honolulu aquarium. The latter con- IS HOPE OF NATION dug up as often as the nation Is men- Out. repairs and maintenance exceed RARE ATTRACTIONS fireproof Just what one ice In any tain about the most marvellous collection TRADE MASK tioned. As a matter of fact. Japan these contributions nnd the taking in of ordinary American city, nnd up to date of fish on earth. It Is constantly sup- joined the family of modern nations af other famines goes on and on, offering in the numerous conveniences and ap- plied with the strange shaped and ter present commerce and manufacture temporary relief each time a new bar- pointments of modern, metropolitan of. highly colored fish that abound In the were established. There has been little gain is made, the while undermining the Peaceful City of Eternal Sum- flee buildings. depths of the Pacific's tropical waters. opportunity for Japan to originate. She whole security of the home until the In street car service, light service, Other scenes and places of lnterost in is In much the same position In her head of the family Is no longer lord of telephone, automobile, hotel and munici- and the city are the great Pearl Powers n Barrier to mer Has Miles of Auto- about. Mu- clffn domeatto commerce that wo are In for- his own castle and becomes hopelessly pal health and sanitation service, Hono- Harbor navol station; the Dlshop eign commerce. There Is certainly noth American seum, which contains probably the great- nt. involved a cowed creature Already mobile Roads. lulu is far ahead of her sister ing original about our Journey Into ex-- i nil but 21 per cent of China's territory cities of several times her size. For ten est Polynesian ethnological collection in & CO. porting. Eng- of scenery of HARA We are simply copying has been parceled out to forelirnara years cable connections with tho world; the Pall, a bit she has had many drive- land. Germany and the rest through this malicious system of conces-slonl- ng Ban Francisco on the one side, and the unsurpassed grandeur, and PJEOPLE NOW AWAKENING Japan copied the German police and and of all SEA AND MOUNTAIN AIll Added to It now la ways, the longest of which Is the trip (Hara Gomel Kalsha) conceded .territory Orient on the other. may com- military systems, the English naval Japan holds hut t per cent Since 1840, .a regular wireless service over 'the 2,100 "round the Island," which be Ideas and American methods of selling, whenever China has tried to lift herself mites of ocean between Oahu and San fortably made by automobile In less than because these particular countries out day. Hcsponsibill- - of this position some one of these Modern Combine Francisco. a city, 354 Jspnn 'Shares in aeemed to offer the best patterns for the Intruding nations has stepped squarely Conveniences Besides being notably a residence Fourth Avenue, New York several lines of endeavor. If mere talk upon her and pushed How Looked to Mnrlc Twain. Honolulu Is a city of churches and 'ticg, Cannot Shoulder her back Into the With Tropical Delights in It Territory, in but told the whole truth, this gossip con quagmire. deck schools. The whole island cerning Japan would not be unfair. Seen for the first time from tho Is supplied with religious and ed- Telephone, Madison Square 8120 Tliem Beautiful Homes. of a steamship, Honolulu looks like a fact. All. Judging by standards. Japan seems to Clitnn'a Hope of ucational Institutions far beyond the havo shown splendid discretion In Itcvlral. long stretch of beach and waterfront, average places of similar popu- mak containing more or In other ing her choices. In the south, nnllifvi irar. mm nntoM with a harbor less lation. This Is because of the distinctly n. nation mllllnn. In nmflt In V...ln... The city of Honolulu occupies a plain shipping, as the case may be America's mlsslonafy of the early civil- Br CLAnuxcn iioswoivrii. fwu. ,4. th battleship fleet called here and character Japan's Mission In China. which contributed not only nothing con- about ten miles long on the peaceful sixteen ization, and 'because the descendants of Written Especially for die Australasian- - coaled on Its cruise around the world; who first landed a ,Far Section Strer. structive to China but brought many of southeast shore of the Island of Oahu, the Identical families Eastern of Tub As for stealing her art from China uer next one sees a section of businesslike hundred years ago, coming around tho minions to a living ueaui, and be- In Bide fj&The bijr problem of Is what If she .did? Where did we get cause fought de- extending Inland three or four miles buildings and on either thereof Boston to bring Christianity RAW the Far Kant China this debilitating, Horn from SILK Japanlknew good backed, range fcldna ours? a thing wlfcn moralizing Inrttmr. n n il In.t n .- - some place and less than, halt that In milts of trees, by a of hills to the Hawaiian, still hold leadership In not Japan, gave valleys gulches. pol- she saw it fnd It to the world. mendous Indemnity was Imposed upon others, according to the varying width broken Into by seven or Island affairs, and continue the same Japan's activity In China Is.as natural We should thank her for the service. Above la what Mark Twain described leading fra- ur uuu ins gateway to nsr ricn south- of the lowland strip upon which most of icies of benevolence. The SOLE DISTRIBUTERS OF WELL KNOWN other evldenco of tlis develoo- - The regrettable fact of the whole thing ern country passed Into absolute posses- as "remote summits floating like Island ternal sacletles also flourish all over the Is that these products of China were Of for-- 1 the city Is built It Is between a range above the oloud rack." especially In Honolulu, ment of A people successful enough In sion n ......trr .w......Pnw., mln..vi.iiin . Ml..t.niivi. Islands, and not given to the world by China her- coast Is dotted with spots of 'mountains and the Paclflo Ocean, After landing, the newcomer Is usually where the Masons, Odd Fellows and Elks Dianaglnc "their own affairs to command self. America the European na these whloh buildings quarters. HARA FILATURES and prevent ner autonomous reconstruction. radiating from a natural harbor which surprised at the modern and are very strong and have fine place among the great nations. When tions are absolutely to blame for this The expansion of the a bit disappointed at the narrowness of circumstance. size and strateglo has been greatly enlarged by dredging so In Spirit. Tomlofco Nagoya an was forced open, and by our-- value of these spheres Is still going on. the streets In the business section Modern and Japan was left an entity sovereign and blasting and which can truthfully long ago laid ovOi and then he Is de- been Demo- ves mado to place In lnterna-n- al With territorial aggression In the south. Politically, Honolulu has take'a state and responded nobly to modern me country, be said to never know a real storm. lighted beyond expression at the miles annexation, with a strong commerce, we Influence. China never or tne countries near the cratic since should have ex haa the chance, north, must, for protection, Unique cos- of smooth roadways lined with splendid trend toward In munic- for the great Powers simply whaoiced carry on the In the character of Its Branch Office and Agencies: MAIN OFFICEi ited that Japan eventually would" play game until one or the mil. "nh.tr- - homes. It there Is an architectural fea- ipal affairs. The city Is well In the . , . Into her terfltofy, estaullshinir tHelr othr mopolitan population, more varied than mod- nert mate." the game does on in h ture that predominates the larger resi- front of those who have shown the Moscow Lyons London Yokohama, Japan S pan in norm miaira ana intern- own sones of sovereignty unu followed if m that of any other American city ; In the Every mu- length prepare to mourn the passtnr of dences It Is the lanal, or veranda. ern spirit of studying problems of ational politic, and anticipated, that time a policy or maximum trrabblne for a a great people. unchanging mildness of Its climate; tn houao has Its veranda, evidence of the nicipal administration, and Influential minimum of giving. China was In such Jhlch Is now here. Moreover, wo- should IlUt It Will Kill vn nn T. Its location as an American centre of open air life of the occupants. The civic bodies are constantly seeking for an unfortunate Internal state when on. most conspicuous and numerous tree Is the betterment of the local Government.
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