munreMstmaweeUty 5P Vol. 35 No. 31 3 August, 1974 LIBERTY, MORALITY, AND THE HUMAN DIGNITY OF MAN CONSIST PRECISELY IN THIS, THAT HE DOES GOOD, NOT BECAUSE IT'IS COMMANDED, BUT BECAUSE HE CONCEIVES IT, WILLS IT, AJTO LOVES IT. Bakunin. Cyprus: FREEDOM IS FOR TAKING WILE THE wrangling is still power and slaughter punctuate Makarios or Clerides? Indeed we going on about Cyprus — the the Byzaitine mess of this bar- once interned Makarios. Turks; confident in their nine gaining pressure point of the The centuries old enmity bet- points of possession; the Near East. ween Greece and Turkey is no bar Greeks uneasy in their loss of to the N.A.T.O. alliance or the face but acquisition of late It is obvious that neither British bases. Indeed, to spon-' respectability; the U-nited Na- Turkey nor Greece nor Makarios' sor a conflict in an occupied tions baffled in the prospective Cyprus are enlightened regimes; country between the 'natives' is threat to N.A.T.O.; the British all are equally adept at politi- an old trick of conquerors. They conscious of their powerlessness cal persecution and torture and are then so busy arguing between •and need to keep their bases; even the re-exhumed Karamanlis themselves that they cannot see U.N.O. conscious (as ever) of sponsored an eight-year regime what the occupiers (whether they its impotence in the face of not without blemish. The charac- be American NATO bases or Brit- power and Russia sitting-in ter of the regimes in Turkey and with poker-playing impassivity Greece is a matter of indiffer- ish NATO bases) are putting over — we only see the Cypriots (be ence to the United States, its on them. 'they Greek- or Turkish-) as vic- only concern being stability. The increasing demands made tims. It is almost impossible Britain has a similar indiffer- by and for the military of to follow the labyrinthine ways ence to the regime-in Cyprus; as client-states must indeed be a of Cypriot politics and history long as there is stability enough perpetual drain upon the Amer- or of Greek-Turkish relations; to maintain the bases, what cares ican economy and with her ef- only the naked outbursts of CallagWan if it's Sampson or forts for detente or at least a slackening of tension in Europe, one finds it hard to believe that the sinister hand of the C.I.A. is behind every military move in Ankara and Athens. No doubt the American State Department wishes it were, in the same way that the Russians must wish that Communist influence is as widespread as its enemies and more optimistic frieuds be- lieve it to be. However whatever the reason, the junta in Greece has failed, whether it failed militarily or politically or whether it was pushed by Sisco on behalf of the American State Depart- ment. Another facade has been \ put up for the old business. The military cannot stand fail- ure so someone had to go, the Army still exists but the pol- itical wing went because it was incompetent not because it was AT THE FRENCH EMBASSY brutal. The exiles have re- turned like homing pigeons -■ Theodorakis, Mercouri, Lady ABOUT SEVENTY comrades, mem- comrades in France. According Fleming all giving their brav- bers of the Anarchist Black to police information 600 pol- ura performances. Perhaps it Cross, Centro Iberico, Free- ice officers were drafted to is the effect of Plato and all dom, O.R.A., Oxford Anarchists, control the demonstration that that crush but Greek' politics Sussex Anarchists, Syndicalist started in Hyde Park and fin- do seem to be the absolute Workers Federation, and indivi- ished peacefully in the French depth. Greece has never for- duals -took part last Saturday Embassy, where a comrade hand- gotten (nor has ever repeated afternoon in a demo-, protest- ed in a letter of protest ag- the performance) that she was ing against the arrest of 11 ainst the police action in the mother of democracy. France. Continued on Back Page % Centra de Documenta;ao e Apoio a Pesquisa unesp Cedap 17 1! 19 20 21 FREEDOM PRESS 84b WHITECHAPEL HIGH STREET LONDON El Phone 01-247 9249 THREE DUBLIN ANARCHISTS JAILED :. plead guilty because the Special Criminal Aldgate East underground station, White- On 10th July three anarchists were jail- Court, without a jury, afforded no opport- chapel Art- Gallery exist and turn right - ed by the Special Criminal Court in Dublin Angel Alley next to Wimpy Bar. after being tried by three judges sitting unity for turning the proceedings into a without a jury. political platform. Indeed, any such state- ments from the dock would have ensured SOIOKSIWOIP openTues. - Fri.2-6p.rn. even longer sentences and would have been (Trfursday until 8 p..m.) Bob Cullen was sentenced to 7 years imprisonment after being charged with misrepresented by the press which revealed FREEDOM PRESS PUBLICATIONS "armed robbery, possession of firearms and its prejudice in its coverage of the trial. explosive substances, causing an explosion One headline in the Irish Press referred to A B C of Anarchism , Alexander Berkman and maliciously setting fire to property." '"anarchists' in Dublin" - with inverted 25p (post5p) OSA" 75<J post free commas to show its incredulity! (The label "anarchist" is frequently used in reference About Anarchism, what anarchists believe, Des Keane was sentenced to 5 years im- to the IRA). The Irish Press also made much how anarchists differ...,Nicolas Walter prisonment after being charged with "con- of the fact that the attacks had been made 15p (post 3p) USA 45c: post free spiring to cause explosions." by way of "letter-bombs" although they had Anarchy, Errico Malatesta Columba Longmore was sentenced to 4 been delivered in person by Bob Cullenand 25p (post 5p) USA 75<J post free years imprisonment after being charged although an explosives expert had testified that they were only "very basic incendiary Neither East Nor West, Marie Louise with "receiving £ 1,500 knowing it to devices". Berneri, selected writings 1939-48. have been stolen, and possession of fire- 30p (post lOp) USA $1.00 post free arms". Writing after the trial Bob Cullen appe- The State, Its Historic Role, Peter Kropotkin Marie Murray received a 2 year suspend- ars in remarkably good spirits and he refuses 20p (post 5p) USA 65$ post free ed sentence after being charged with "re- to have his revolutionary hopes crushed by the State. He expresses his own gratitude Anarchism and Anarcho-Syndicalism, Rudolf ceiving £ 500 knowing it to have been and that of his comrades for the solidarity Rocker. 25p (post 5p) USA 75$ post free stolen". which has been shown by comrades in Eng- Lessons of the Spanish Revolution 1936-39 Noel Murray jumped bail and is being land in the last few months. He finishes his cloth £ 1.50, paper 75p (post 22 p) sought by the Irish police. letter with these sentiments: USA cloth $4.00, paper $2.00 Eddie Jones was acquitted on a charge "KEEP UP THE STRUGGLE! EVERY RE- SELECTIONS FROM "FREEDOM" of "conspiring to cause explosions". VOLUTIONARY ACTION ON YOUR PART (annual volumes issued between 1951-1964 MAKES OUR TRIBULATIONS EASIER TO Vol. 4. 1954 Living on a Volcano The charges related to attacks on the SEAR." Vol.5. 1955 The Immoral Moralists Spa nish Institute and the offices of various Vol. 6 1956 Oil on Troubled Waters finance houses in Dublin last March, and It is important to maintain our solidarity Vol. 7 1957 Year One—Sputnik Era the armed robbery of Contract Cleaners until our comrades are "free" again. Please Vol. 8 1958 Socialism in a Wheelchair and Allied Irish Banks. After pleading guil- send letters and copies of your papers, etc. Vol. 9. 1959 Print, Press and Public ty, Bob Cullen stated in court that there to Bob Cullen, Des Keane and Columba Vol.10 I960 The Tragedy of Africa had been no intention to cause injury to Longmore at: Vol.11 1961 The People in the Street anyone and, indeed, the prosecution all- Military Detention Centre, Vol.12 1962 Pilkington vs. Beeching eged no injury other than to property. Curragh Camp, Vol.13 1963 Forces of Law and Order Co. Kildare, Vol.14. 1964 Elections Year Desmond Keane and Eddie Jones pleaded Eire. per vol. paper 37 p($l .00) post I5p 35$ not guilty. However, Marie Murray, Bob cloth 50p ($1.25) post I7p40(j Cullen and Columba Longmore decided to Terry Phillips. Please add postage as in brackets when ordering. Any book not in stock but in print, 'can be supplied, IN BRIEF *Vm. H. Carwardine: The Pullman THE GOVERNMENT have offered the proletariat in the Morning Star Strike £1.50 (lip) workers who want to take over which now and again sits up and Alexander Solzhenitsyn: The Gu- the defunct Scottish Daily Ex-. begs for Government advertising. lag Archipelago £0.80 (l5p) press £1 million loan condi- The B.S.C, threatens, however, ^Mother Jones: Autobiography tional upon the workers' commit- that prices (despite profits) £1.95 (I5p) tee raising the balance of about will go up after the end of the *William Godwin: Caleb Williams £1.5 million. The Government . year. £2.25 (I7p) is providing the £4.95 million Jaroslav Hasek: The Good Soldier to a workers' cooperative to buy A MILITARY TRIBUNAL IN BARCELONA Svejk £2.50 (30p) the Norton-Villiers Triumph Com- SENTENCED TWO YOUNG ANARCHISTS, The Freethinker. Complete Bound pany. (The company was set up , JOSE 0RI0L SOLE SUGRANYES and Volume of Issues for 1973 18- months ago with the aid of JOSE LUIS PONS LLOBET TO 48 £3.00 (23p) AND 21 YEARS' IMPRISONMENT r £4.8 million of public funds to, F.rod W'oodworth: Anarchism as The Times says, "rescue the " RESPECTIVELY.
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