0-4-0 'Veno' with almost a full load of passengers awaits her driver. Turnhout, Belgium. A Publication of the 1 k Gauge Society No. 33 Summer 1985 —~ Established 1945 Castings, Drawings and Materials for Locomotives from Gauge 0 to 7%" gauge, Traction Engines from 1" to 3" scale, Steam Road Vehicles, Stationary Steam Engines, l/C Engines, Workshop Equipment, Drawings and Castings. 1 Copper in Sheet, Sections and Tube from /16" to 6%" o.d. Brass Sheet and Sections. 1 Stainless Steel Rounds from /16" to 1" Spring Steel Strip. Round Cast Iron Bars. Phosphor Bronze. Mild Steel Section and Plate. Silver Steel Rounds, Squares and Flats. Boiler Flanged Plate Sets for over 200 Designs. Nuts, Bolts, Washers, Rivets, Pins, Transfers, Paints, Lubricants and Cutting Oils, Pressure Gauges and Boiler Fittings. Silver Solders, Fluxes and Soft Solders, etc. Full Range of Sievert Brazing Equipment. Main Agents for Myford and Boxford Lathes and Millers, Emco Machinery, Senior Millers, Fobco Drilling Machines and a Wide Range of Hand and Machine Tools oy Leading British Manufacturers. Stockists of Accessories for all the above Machines. Books, Magazines and Publications. The Largest Stock of Model Engineering Supplies in the World 154 page illustrated catalogue price £1.50 post free UK. Overseas Surface or Airmail, post extra. COUNTER SALES or WORLDWIDE MAIL ORDER SERVICE. Retail Counter Hours: Monday-Friday 8 am-4 pm Saturday 9 am-12.'10 pm 24 hour answerphone service AJ.Reeves&Co.(B'ham)Ltd Holly Lane, Marston Green, Birmingham B37 7AW England. Tel: 021779 6831/2/3 I Nearly Finished GOING AROO/^ % SEVEN ... SUMMER ... 00 SEVEN... SUMMER... m S UNNY SEVENS SIMMER . .. Z UNDER SUMMER SUN... o M odels of Perfection .. Manfully they RUN ... E NGINEERING for Entertainment... R ESOURCESFUI S.T.E.A.M. CARRIES ON see you... GUILDFORD, STOKE PARK July 20/21 FIT FYNE FORT FITTINGS we too are completely loco!!! New list still free forS.A.E. Cylinder Drain Cocks over 30 difWent items Lubricators in Tanks single iwln tuple ll'-isq FITTINGS FOR SEVEN 7' « 3'/?' IHercuiesI 3/8in. pipe Watergauges Plain, single vl two v/ three vl Highlander (with and without blowdownl Vi6in. pipe Holmside" 1 /oin pipe Glob* Valves—Angle—(threaded flanged) - 3/i6in. pipe Female, Double Female, Male. Inline Flan-langedg . Flanged Floor Mounted Safety Valves Express Tank Modified Tank Hercules". "Highlander". "Holmside". KITS OF FITTINGS f or . Dart . Tich" Rob Roy" "HIGHLANDER" Manifolds: IKI 3/ie Ini VI IL> = ''4-in, VI "Highlander", "HOLMSIDE" Holms'de" "HERCULES" Whittle Turret Hercules Venical LBSC 3 "DART" or 4 lake offs "ROMULUS" (shortly) Valves Blowdown. Blower. Check, By Pass. Control Globe, Pedestal. Safety. Tender Water. ask for free list IS.A.E.) Injector, Water Injector Whistle Washers. Adaptors, Syphons. Bushings. Unions. Nuts. Cones. Bulkhead Unions. Blowers, etc Box Spanners. Pumps . EXTRAS Tender Freestanding, Crosshead. Axle, Fourways — Crosshead Polypenco Nickel Silver and Packed Gland Pumps . Extended Handles rams AND of course WHISTLES Extended Spindles -ZZZZZZZZZZEALZZZZZZZZZZEALZZZZZZZZZZEALZZZ The Steam Fitting Specialists NEW LOCATION, /lfont> Ifnrf VfHIn^ CLARENCE BOATYARD, EAST COWES 'J £11* JJUll JJUUI1O0J ISLE OF WIGHT P032 6EZ U.K. TeSbVPatet''— Telephone: 0983-293633 (.©.ran. tn INFORMATION ON THE 7>/4in. GAUGE SOCIETY Anyone wishing to join the Society, apply to the Secretary. Annual Subscriptions due in February each year are £10. New U.K. members, as above plus initial registration fee of £1.00. Payments can most conveniently be made by Bankers Standing Order. Overseas Subscriptions £10 remitted in Sterling please. Executive for 1984/5 President: Dr. Brian Rogers. Chairman: Eric Doyle, "Newsfield", Grange Road, Bromley Cross, Bolton, Lanes. Secretary: Bonnie Whisstock, 149 Surbiton Hill Park, Surbiton, Surrey. Treasurer: Leo Whisstock, 149 Surbiton Hill Park, Surbiton, Surrey. Editor 7'/4 Gauge NEWS: Jack Meatcher, 45 Marks Road, Wokingham, Berks. Sub. Editor/Production: R. Green, 60 Weston Road, Gloucester. Trade Liaison Officer: Dr. M.A. Taylor, 112 Sutton Park Road, Kidderminster, Worcs. Insurance Secretary: Malcolm B. Beevers, 64 Bullar Road, Bitterne, Southamp­ ton, Hants. Committee Member: Eric Smith, Bucks Cottage, Bucklebury, Slade, Nr. Reading, Berks. Telephone Numbers: Eric Doyle: (0204) 51899). Bonnie and Leo Whisscock: Surbiton 01-390 1747. Brian Rogers: Worcester (0905) 52397. Jack Meatcher: Wokingham (0734) 790359. Mike Taylor: Kidderminster (0562) 69342. Malcolm Beevers: (0703) 334044. Eric Smith: (0635) 62738. CHERRY TREE LANE NURSERY. NORTH WALSHAM, NORFOLK ill A Publication of the Vi Gauge Society —y EDITOR: From The Editors Desk . J Meatcher, 45 Marks Road, Well, the 1985 season is now in full swing. As I write (at the Wokingham, Berkshire. end of March) the vagaries of the British Summer have yet (Wokingham 790359). to reveal themselves so I am unable to report record attendances at 7V4G Society meetings and events. SUB-EDITOR/ Even if we had had fine weather, would there have been PRODUCTION: record attendances anyway? The evidence of the past is that R Green, few meetings can be described as well attended - even the 60 Weston Road, Gloucester. AGM is considered well supported if 25% of the members turn up. Why is this? A look through the address list gives some idea in that, ADVERTISING SPACE IS apart from a few local "hot spots" such as Echills Wood and AVAILABLE IN THE NEWS Halton, we are fairly evenly distributed throughout the Full Page: £25.00 UK. This means that most of us have to travel some Half Page: 115.00 Quarter Page: £K.OO distance to get to a track. But is this really a problem? With Supply Camera Ready Copy motorways and modern car performance quite long Typesetting chargeable. journeys can be completed in reasonable times. Circulated to every member of It is my opinion that the cause is a form of apathy. I'm led the 7Vi" G. Society and to this conclusion by my own experiences. Often, my wife available to the trade and public. has informed me of some social function which we have to attend. Neither of us is keen to get ready and leave the house - it is easier to sit in front of the fire or television. However, having made the effort we return home later CONTRIBUTIONS remarking on how much we've enjoyed ourselves. All it WELCOME needed was that initial commitment to get up and go. Although every care is taken of submitted material, ihcie can Having resolved to attend some events or visit some be no firm guarantee that use tracks, you now have to decide where to go. Start by can be made of it and no reading the Secretary's Notes which accompany each issue responsibility be taken for d<image to photographs or of the News. These contain details of the major forthcoming other material received Should events. Next, find your copy of the Southern Federation photographs need to be Handbook (a copy of which each member received with credited in print, this must be News No.31) as this lists thirty-five V/VG tracks including, specified at submission Having said that, material is most wel­ among others, those at Barnsley, Doncaster, and come and it is unlikely that Glenrothes, Scotland. Furthermore, page 5 of the same rohlcms would in fact arise, Handbook points out that additional information is i::; t with items going through available from the 7'/4"G Society Secretary (who will several hands between Author and linal print we can make no require a stamped, addressed, envelope for the reply). guarantee I or preference, Finally, each Spring issue of the News features "News typed double spaced on A4 paper Photographs and draw from the Main Lines" which gives details of many of the ings arc preferred for ' : page commercial 7'/4"G railways in the UK including where they si/e. landscape lormat are and how to get to them. 1 So, this Summer, try to get to some of the Society's events and see how much more you get out of your membership. I would like to thank all those who have taken the time and trouble to submit articles for the News. I took this "job" on with some trepidation, but in the event it has proved to be quite a pleasure without, so far, the need to browbeat people into sending copy. If you do send an article for the News, do not be disappointed if it is not in the next issue. This does not mean that it is not good enough but that there was insufficient space in that issue. The arrangement with the printer is for 36 pages (including the cover) and it is necessary to achieve a balance of subject matter. So, keep sending the articles - they are appreciated by the Editor and other members alike. J. Meatcher Press Date for the Autumn Issue: July 5th. ? SIMPLICITY Passenger hauling Marrow gauge. Battery powered Diesel loco COflQ SIMPLICITY' in fully machined, part assembled KIT-FORM PEARL' Our Kerr-Stuart 0-4-2 Saddle Tank in 5" or 7%" G. Fully Machined Kit. Simple Assembly. Supplied in Stages. Easy MAXITRACK Payments Send £1 for fully illustrated catalogue to: +VAT 'Rothiemay', Offham Road, West Mailing £2180 KENT, ME19 6RG (0732) 840660 J. G. S. CLARKE & CO. Locomotives built to order. Quotations on request. Drawings and castings also available 7V4" Gauge "Gooch" G.W.R. Dean 4-4-0 Armstrong Class Tender Locomotive NYC&HRRR 7V4" Gauge New York Central and Hudson River Railroad 4-4-0 Tender Locomotive Send 50p stamps (Overseas £1.00) for catalogue to: The Old School, Love Lane, Denbigh, Clwyd LL16 3LT, N. Wales. Tel: 074 571 3118 3 DON YOUNG 7 GAUGE) DESIGNS RHYMNEY RAIL MOTOR and TUG Fate decided that Don would be Member020 in the 7y in.
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