OBSERVER Vol. 96 No. 8 October 27, 1989 Page 1 Botstein Addresses Forum Cormac Flynn Alumni Witness Purgatory Valerie Scurto Fire! Fire Everywhere! Valerie Scurto Page 2 ACT-UP, Fight Back David Miller Chinese Table in Kline Jason Van Driesche Page 3 Club Actively Plans Events Andrea J. Stein Parents’ Day Agenda Planned Amy Sechrist Student respond to new Kline Tom Hickerson Page 4 “Green” Products Complete the Recycling Cycle Jen Anonia Health Talk: Comparing Pain Killers and how They Work Meadow Goldman Page 5 Broadway at Half-Price David Biele Page 6 Beer Column More Mexican Beer Jody Apap and Chris Hancewicz Gwar, for that Halloween Frame of Mind D.J. Spoon Phish: Coming to a Town Near You (Poughkeepsie in fact!) Seth Hollander Page 7 Children of the Sun Max Guazzoni Donald Goes Away Amara Wiley Page 8 Sports Women Trounce Columbia Greene Men Fall to Nyack Bard vs. Post Men Choke at Nyack Basketball has Begun Again at Bard Page 9 LIP at the Gym At The Gym Jody Apap Page 10 Opinion Saferides Condones Alcohol Abuse Some Suggestions Concerning Bard Transportation Sarah Chenven Page 11 Outlook From The Editor’s Sanctum Our Mascot, The Dead Goat Editorial The Boy who Cried “Wolf” Page 12 Calendar THE BARD VOLUME XCVI, ISSUE EIGHT BARD COLLEGE - "The best newspaper October 27, 1989 ANNANDALE-ON-HUDSON, NY 12504 in Annandale." Fire! Fire Everywhere! by Valerie Scurto lo\\"S out into the rain, Stone Row Fire· This past week was quite busy On Tuesday, October 24, the for the Bard Security Office. Stone Row fire alarm went off Two fires broke out, the fa­ at 7 a.m. Officers arrived on mous egg throwers cHc close the scene at 7:02 a.m. to find to getting caught, and a new the cause of the alarm. Due to break in the car vandali&rn the cold weather, students series came through. v\'ere .illowed to remain in the buildings ncar the exit_s. Within a few minutes the 1 Obreshkove Fire 1-:· ,; On Thursday, October 19, a cause \\'as determined. Inside . ~t,·· fire broke out· in a student's J flourescent light in the book­ room in Obrcshkovc. The stu­ store, the lighting element tf dent left for il class, and his broke down u.nd shorted out. over the parki.ng -i;~ue. Dean of Students Steve Nelson addressing concerns piHo\A.rs fell off the bed onto an This started a small fire inside photo by ValerieScurto - electric heater. \1\'hcn he re­ the metal box which caused 'Botstein add-resses forum._... ~ · - - - turned, he sme1lcd smoke and the oil, u~cd to cool the light, to upo-fi=op~ilfng . his door, saw boil and drip out and form a by Cormac Flynn earlier this month. The letter would only amount to a"slight th_e ___ flames. ~HR. immediately thick black smoke. The smoke criticized the new Distin­ deviation/'. fu~iifiabfc ·In light pulled the fire alarm and triggered the alarm. President Botstein ad­ guished Scientist Scholarship of the·;;tremendous nationai called Security. The Red Hook Fire Depart­ dressed a sparsely attended program which is to begin next crisis" in science students. According to Art Otcy, Dircc­ ment also responded to the Forum meeting last Thursday. year. The program wiH give "We have a first-class science tor of Campus Security and call. They brought fans to help Although the original impe­ scholarships and research division. We are a leader in Safety, the Ravine houses ventilate the bookstore of the tus for the appearance was to grants to new students who. educating humane scientists, alarm system is not connL~ctcd s-moke. -- respond to Forum criticism" of have excelled in the sdences scientists who understand thr to the office's main system . Otcv said the minor fire did . the new.Dfstfriguished Scien­ in high school and \\'ho agree .. connc-dion- ot scient:~-- to the When an alarm sounds in one not c~ us~ a threat. However, tist Scholarships, Botstein's to concentrate (major) in arts an_d_humanities." of the houses, it only allerted students felt otherwise. A sen-: remarks touched on a wide science at Bard. Botstein said such an under- those persons 1n the· house. ior student noted, "Everyone ~ange"of matters and co~sti.:. It was.· thi·~-·last requirement sta~cti~ir~astoo •.o"ften iadZ(iig . Security must then be calk·d. could have been dead." tuted almost a. "State of the that the For:um objected to, la­ in those who have been Officer Shawn Ost, Deputy Stone Ro\v, in addition to College" address. beling it a ~ignificant depar~ taught in· a "highly technical Sheriff for the Ulster County Wdrdcn's Hall, and Manor , ·Most significantly, the Presi­ ture from the (:ollege's cur~ and narrow environment." Sheriff's Department, re­ House and Annex, have only dent outlined the college's rent liberal ~rt~ philosopliy. The effect of the program on sponded to the call. On urriv.:ll, one a lurm system. "This new $70,000,000 capital cam­ Botstcin 'agreed, calhng the the College's educational ap- he extinguished the flames on doesn't cause a problem, yet it paign. The sum, to be . rais~d . question "very well taken," proach would be minimal, the pillow and carried the \·vould be nice to have separate over a five year period, is to in- l:>ut said that the scholarship Botstcin Claimed, emphasiz- smoldering comforter and pi!- sy5tcrns/' added Otcy. ~. elude funds for the soon to ·-·· ...-c;;onJJ .. n _ueq ·on p~ge 2 photo by Valerie Scurto Continued on page 9 cprne library expansion and the much promised student Alumni Witn~ss Pu_rgatory center as well as the long . male lead played awaited theater and o~hcr _ by Vall£r_ie Scurto J Purgatory's projects. by junior Arithony DeMoore, Botstcin's · appearance, .a On Saturday, October 21, is a black male from the somewhat unusual occur­ alumni/ ae returned to" cam­ Bronx going to · a predomi­ rene-~, wa·s t"rig.gcred. by ·a let- pusfor "Come Back to Bard." nantly white school. johnson . tcr of protest ~·oted in Fonim A special presentation of experiences the same feelings graduate Ste\•en Sapp's show of alienation; no longer fitting Purgatory and a panel discus.,. into the world at home, and · sion of "the Arts and Social not fitting into the new world · Responsibi1ity~' t_ook pl~Kc. at ·school. Johnson, "hearing Sapp's Purgatory had its de­ m·addening ~creams inside but in April. of this year. With his head,'' kills himself. a cast of 18 Bard students, The cast of Purgatory _ex­ Sapp wrote, choreographed, pressed its views about ra­ ~ACT UP ... p.2 and directed· the musical. cism, putting labels on and Gregory Johnson hanging out with 'his boys' before school. individuals, piece. categorizing· about the show turning into a Kovel began by discussing ~ Parents' p.3 from, and Day ... Pu rgatMy is based on the · where they came bunch of "hype." "It's all the role ofartists in our society. life of Edm~nd Perry, a black how ·things have not changed about the work and thL' mes- "The role of artists has to be le Earth Care, Inc ... pA male from the Bronx who at­ over the years in their mono- sage being spread," added constantly negotiated," said tended the Philip · Exeter logues. · Sapp. Kovel. the world is in a ~ Health Talk... p.4 - Academy,. a prcdomina.titly - Sapp feels Following the performance, He then asked each mern- white school. In 1986, Perry very destruct state. His mes­ a panel of five alumni/ae dis- ber of the panel to relate to the killed in the Bronx by a sage through Purgatory is that as an . ~Sports ... p.8 ~ was cussed the t<_lpic of "the Arts audience their struggles policeman, after, having com­ "if we don't pay attention to and SociaJ Responsibility." artist. pleted his education at the the signs, we are heading for '52,_a photog- · ~ le Weekly Calendar ... p.12 Professor Joel Kovcl moderat- · Hansi Durlach self-destruct ion." academy. ed the panel. · Continued on page 7 . · Like Perry, Gregory Johnsori, As an artist, Sapp \vorries !'~ge 2 -___ Th~ Bard_Observer F_riday, October 27, 1989 _President Botstein and Dean Nels_on al:lswerit.udent.quer~es at the forum . continf:ied from page 1 tiale for its space needs: . not -approved any such policy." campus land-use ing that the scholarships were Botstein announced the se- Dean Nelson supported the master plan had a "one-shot deal" and not a lcction of Robert Venturi, the assG_r!ion ~hat the /}restricted _been completed --continuing program. leading architect widely re- access~' policy applied qnly to by the firm of--- President Botst~in also said garded as the farther of post- the building itself. The firm is that ha1f of the ten total schol- modernism, as the dc5igncr of · J3otstein went on to discuss know for its cnvi- arships would be reserved for the new library expansion. Ex- the new Black Center for ronmeri.tally sen- . women scientists. Calling the pectcd to double the existing Twentieth Century Art and _sitive work, the shortage of women in science shelf space, ;,1nd renovate ex- Culture, construction of which · President assert- "acute," he said t·hat it isting, se_c~ions, the _59,0~,000 is to begin in April on the site ed, defending stem~ed partia11y from "the project will break ground next of the old Blithewood green- himself against tragiC fact that highly techni- fall. houses across from Garden- c.harges of rcck- c~l inst~tutions have extreme- F~llo""-ing close behind will be er's Cottpge, and to discuss lessness and dis- ly sexist environments," and a$1,600,000 renovation of the the new Master of Arts in regard for cnvi- that Bard was a much more Student Center (designed by Teaching program.
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