20— MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday, Sept. 29„ 1989 iCARS CARS CARS ICARS I q TI cars FOR SALE FOR SALE IQII CARS L i L I FOR SALE FOR SALE E l l FOR SALE I ^ U fOR SALE BUICK Skylark 1980 - 2 1984 HONDA Accord - 1986 MERCURY Grand SUBARU 1982-GL, red, 5 door, excellent condi­ Immaculate, 4 door, 5 speed, olr, sunroof. tion, 52,000 miles, $1500. speed, am/fm cassette, Marquis-4 door, white, loaded plus sunroof. 140K miles. $600/best 643-1783.______________ low miles, 1 owner, sun O n e owner. New offer. Must sell. 645- PONTIAC 74 Wagon ^ roof, cruise, must see. brakes. Complete new 0480. 455cc, V8, auto, air 646-3165._____________ tune up, lifetime conditioner, power 1978 DATSUN 810 - 240z window/locks, work- shocks. Coll Jim McCo- engine, good condi­ vonogh. 649-3800. house. $400 or best tion. $1050. 643-4971 of- TRUCKS/VANS otter. 646-6212. CHEVY Caprice Classic ter 7pm._____________ 1986 - 4 door, mint, FOR SALE PLYMOUTH 1985 Ho­ 63,000 highway miles, CARDINAL rizon - 4 door, 5 speed, $7000. 291-8910. GMC 1988 4x4 loaded om-fm radio. $1200.647- pickup with deluxe BUICK, INC. 9758 otter 5pm._______ cop. Excellent condi­ 1986 HONDA XR-250 In tion. $11,750. GMC 1988 BUICK 1979 Skvhowk - 2 storage. Mint, mint 1988ChevS-10Ext,Cab $12,995 pickup with cop. Excel­ door hatch, good con- condition. 175 original 1988 Pont Grand Am $6,690 lent condition. $11,250. dltlon, standard. miles, legal street re­ 643-5614 ask for Roy or PERIENCE 1988 Buick LaSabre $11,980 $700/best offer. 644- quired, light kit. $2400 Linda. 1988 Buick Skylark $8,990 6343._________________ or best offer. 228-0787. 1988 Dodge Dakota P/U $8,980 ‘•EASY DOES IT " Is the 1981 HORIZON - 4 door, 4 1987 Chev Conv Van $13,999 wov to describe placing a speed, olr condition­ CARS 1987 Buick Park Atre $ 1 1,850 wont od. Just coli 643-27’ l ing, low mileage. 649- FOR SALE 1986 Chev Monte Carlo $8,495 and we do the rest! 5694. 1986 Chev El Camino $7,980 1986 Dodge 600 4 Dr. $5,895 1986 LaSabre CustCpe. $8,480 1986 Buick Electra 380 $9,980 1985 Cad Sed Devllle $6,995 HONDA 1985 Buick Regal Cpe. $6,860 1985 Olds Ciera $5,895 81 Adams Street Manchester iianrlipatpr Hrrald 649-1749 1989 CLOSEOUT Her5 CLYDE Newsstand Price: 35 Cents CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. NOW IN Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm ROUTE 83, VERNON C h A I V i b E R S Saturday, Sept. 30„ 1989 80 Malibu Classic Wag ‘ 2995 84 Caprice Classic Cpe *6895 PROGRESS!! 84 Buick Century Wag *5995 85 Reliant 4 Door *4995 85 Buick Electra 4 Dr. *9995 85 Buick Somerset 2 Dr. *7295 ALL BIG COKE BUST 86 Delta 88 2 Door *9995 Difference 86 Bonneville 4 Door *6995 late morning news conference. “I for smoking, it could bring in far 86 Century Wagon *7495 W o rth is p u t MODELS couldn’t believe it.” more. 86 Chevrolet Celebrity *7495 The three Mexican men, who 86 Chevrolet Nova 4 Dr. *6195 “If it’s rocked up in the form of 86 Chevrolet Spectrum *4995 INCLUDED... at $20 billion were not immediately identified, crack, it could go as high as 10 86 Chevrolet Celebrity *7195 were expected to be arraigned Mon­ times above thau up to $20 billion,” 87 Buick Skylark 4 Dr *8795 day on charges of possessing and 9 ^ 7 7 LOS ANGELES (AP) — Federal Lochridge said, explaining that the 87 Buick Electra 4 Dr. *13795 distributing cocaine. In addition to figure was based on diluting the 87 Chevrolet Celebrity *9495 drug agents seized 20 tons of the dmgs and cash, agents seized TO SELECT cocaine with a street value of $20 cocaine to the maximum amount financial records, customer lists and possible and converting it to rock 872-9111 billion R-iday at a warehouse in a a large truck-trailer that was parked quiet section of the city, and offi­ form to be sold individually on the FROM!! at the warehouse’s entrance. No street. cials called it the biggest drug haul weapons were found. Using Los Angeles police techni­ SCHALLER in history. The seized records offered a list ACURA QUALITY Three men were arrested and ques to calculate the value of diluted PRE-OWNED AUTOS of leads that was “endless,” said Ira cocaine on the street — $170,250 83 N ltta n Stanza *3495 about $10 million in cash was seized Reiner, Los Angeles County district 5 Spd . A/C. Stareo TRADES at the warehouse on an upscale, per pound — the value of the drug 6 7 C a llc a Q T S *11495 attorney. would be nearly $7 billion. S 8pd.. Loaded. Rad tree-lined street in a mostly residen­ RESIGNS — Brian Lensink has quit effective 83 Pontiac 6000 LE *3995 Zienter placed the street value of “This seizure should put to rest V6. Auto. Loaded WELCOME! tial community of Sylmar near the the drug at $20 billion. Jan. 31, 1990. 84 Chav Caprice C la ttic *4995 any further speculation that Los An­ V6. Loaded San Gabriel Mountain foothills, said Earlier, DEA spokesman Ralph 88 Acura Integra 3 Or. *11495 geles is in fact the major pathway Auto. A/C. Low MUea. Red John M. Zienter, the Drug Enforce­ Lochridge valued the haul at one- 80 Chev Nova *3995 for cocaine entering the country and Auto. Stereo ment Administration’s agent in tenth that amounL based on a price 85 Toyota C orolla SR-5 *3995 charge for Los Angeles. has in fact become a major distribu­ 5 Spd . A/C. Stereo. Clean WELCOME of $100 a gram for pure cocaine, tion center in the United States,” Controversial 87 Jeep W rangler *8995 ‘Tve been on this job for 25 which he called “a very conservative 5 Spd . V'O. Soft Top HERb ChAIVibERS 645-6487 Lochridge said. 85 Buick Century *4995 years, and I’ve never seen so much estimate.” But Lochridge later said Auto. A/C TO dope in one place,” Zienter said at a 83 Honda Accord LX *4395 that when the cocaine was prepared Please see COKE, page 3 5 Spd . A/C chief of DMR 83 Olda Clara *3995 V6. Auto. A/C MANOESTTRHONCA 84 O ld i Cutlaaa *3995 me rnof^ss/Of^ALS Auto. A/C. P S MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM 74 ADAMS ST., MANCHESTER =M ITSUBISHIA= EXIT 62 OFF 1-84 345 CENTER ST., Jo$t 8 /Ailei From Hartford plans to quit MANCHESTER 647-7077 6 4 6 -3 5 1 5 6 IfARTfoRd TuRNpike • V e r n o i m # CT • 06066 HAR'^ORD (AP) — State Commissioner of Mental Retardation Brian R. Lensmk, dogged by criticism of his management of the department, has submitted his resig­ nation to Gov. William A. O’Neill. In a letter dated Wednesday but not released until Friday, Lensink told the governor his tenure was “the most successful four and a half years of my career,” but acknowledged that controversy over his management had prompted his resignation. “I ... telieve that a personalized controversy over the commissioner can only be a'disservice to people with 1 i mental retardation,” he wrote. His resignation is effective Jan. 31, 1990. Lensink presided over the department as it moved into an era of increased dependence on small, privately managed group homes for the mentally retarded to take the place of large state-run institutions. Under Lensink, the number of mentally retarded people in group homes more than doubled, to 2,300, while the number placed in state institutions dropped by WILE MOTORS IS OVERSTOCKED!! 24 percent, to 1,900. Lensink also doubled the state’s of­ HOURS ferings of vocational training programs for the mentally HOURS retarded. ONLY WE mUST LIQUIDATE AO CARS BV THE A But his tenure was marked by sharp criticism from 12 ONLY parents of mentally retarded people, tension with the FRIDAY-4 PM.-8 PM. CLOSE OF BUSINESS THIS SATURDAY A union that represents most of the woricers in group homes SATURDAY-9 AM.-5 PM. FRIDAY-4 PM.-8 PM. and institutions, and increasing tension between his September 29th & 30th Wile Motors Has Leased A Local Because Of Our Lack Of Room The SATURDAY-9 AM .-5 PM. d e p ^ e n t and the General Assembly. Stockyard Just 400 Yards From Our STOCKYARD SALE Will Be Held At September 29th & 30th O’Neill, in a letter released by his office after he left j___________ShoWroom. That Location for Europe on an economic development trip, said he was Reginald PinkwManchoatof Herald accepting the resignation regretfully, and OTaised Lensink for a “job well done.” PUMPKIN PICKING — Caitlin Lord, 4, of Glastonbury, picks out a pumpkin at Ed “It was not always easy,” O’Neill wrote. “In dealing mondson’s Farm on Route 44 in Coventry Friday. Caitlin and her mother and grandmother with courts, advocates, parents and employees — each ‘ FINANCIIIG AUAILABLE ' 40 GARS AT SACRIFICE PRICES were taking a drive when they spotted the pumpkin patch. EXTRA FINANCE PERSONNEL WILL BE ON HAND FOR THIS SALE SAVE THOUSANDS ON SPECIAL PURCHASE AND TOP QUALITY Please see RESIGN, page 3 USED CARS • EXTRAORDINARV SAVIHGS WCLlllJIlIt ^IKQUtu Hulitl I tQ all CARS ARE CLEARLY MARKED WITH DISCOUNT STICKERS W hhVW IIIIi lim iikU nVUiil IkU o n w in d o w s , veh icles p r ic e d fr o m ^600 to h 7000. 1 OLDSmOBILE FIRENZA BA CHEVROLET CITATION Front Wheel Drive, 5 Spd., #P677 4 DR., Automatic, Air Conditioning ________ b o o k value *5,650 BOOK VALUE *2,775 LIQUIDATION PRICE ' LIQUIDATION PRICE WILE MOTORS route 66 WATCH FOR SIGNS 550 CALL 423-7746 FOR DIRECTIONS 1989 OldsmoDile Cutlass Supreme ^ 2 (o choose from PA8TII1L LISTIIID* ’PARTIAL IISTIHG* NEW CAR PRICE 15.541 87 Buick Riviera 88 Pontiac LeMans WILE 86 Olds Delta 88 64 Buick Regal 86 Pontiac Fiero 88 Cadillac Fleelvrood 86 Cadillac Seville 84 Cadillac Eldorado LIQUIDATION PRICE lo a s o 88 Cadillac Brougham 87 Olds Calais 87 Olds Ciera 87 Pontiac 6000 STE 1987 CaUillac FleetwooU Brougham 88 Buick Regal 87 Buick Century mOTORS 85 Chevy Citation 86 Chevy Citation 88 Buick Century Wgn.
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