Schedule of Highways Maintainable at Public Expense within Mid Suffolk District Hint: To find a parish or street use Ctrl F The information in this “List of Streets” was derived from Suffolk County Council’s digital Local Street Gazetteer. While considerable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of the Street Gazetteer, Suffolk County Council cannot accept any responsibility for errors, omissions, or positional accuracy. There are no warranties, expressed or implied, including the warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, accompanying this product. However, notification of any errors will be appreciated. Street Part public location Length Km NSG Ref Route No. Akenham Carriageway Henley Road 2.10 25500646 C441 Public footpath Akenham Footpath 010 0.82 25590304 Y102/010/0 Akenham Footpath 011 0.26 25590305 Y102/011/0 Akenham Footpath 013 0.26 25590306 Y102/013/0 Akenham Footpath 014 0.36 25590307 Y102/014/0 Akenham Footpath 020 0.14 25590312 Y102/020/0 Page 1 of 172 01/09/2021 Street Part public location Length Km NSG Ref Route No. Bridleway Akenham Bridleway 002 0.47 25590297 Y102/002/0 Akenham Bridleway 003 0.17 25590298 Y102/003/0 Akenham Bridleway 005 0.28 25590299 Y102/005/0 Akenham Bridleway 006 0.55 25590300 Y102/006/0 Akenham Bridleway 007 0.14 25590301 Y102/007/0 Akenham Bridleway 008 1.18 25590302 Y102/008/0 Akenham Bridleway 009 1.42 25590303 Y102/009/0 Akenham Bridleway 018 0.40 25590936 Y102/018/0 Akenham Bridleway 019 0.96 25590311 Y102/019/0 Akenham Restricted Byway 015 0.53 25590308 Y102/015/0 Akenham Restricted Byway 016 0.07 25590309 Y102/016/0 Akenham Restricted Byway 017 0.08 25590310 Y102/017/0 Akenham Restricted Byway 021 0.31 25590313 Y102/021/0 Akenham Restricted Byway 022 0.36 25590314 Y102/022/0 Akenham Restricted Byway 023 0.71 25590315 Y102/023/0 Ashbocking Carriageway Allotment Lane 0.57 25503226 U4720 Church Road 1.06 25500375 U4719 Gosbeck Road 1.75 25502560 C478, U4704 Helmingham Road 0.12 25502567 B1077 Hemingstone Road 0.81 25502997 B1078 Nelson Close 0.07 25502565 U4741 The Green 1.26 25502564 B1077 Public footpath Ashbocking Footpath 001 0.29 25590825 Y109/001/0 Ashbocking Footpath 004 0.60 25590826 Y109/004/0 Ashbocking Footpath 008 0.81 25590827 Y109/008/0 Ashbocking Footpath 009 0.88 25590828 Y109/009/0 Ashbocking Footpath 010 0.61 25590829 Y109/010/0 Ashbocking Footpath 011 0.38 25590830 Y109/011/0 Ashbocking Footpath 011a 0.33 25590831 Y109/011/A Ashbocking Footpath 013 1.13 25590832 Y109/013/0 Ashbocking Footpath 014 0.36 25590833 Y109/014/0 Ashbocking Footpath 015 0.72 25590834 Y109/015/0 Ashbocking Footpath 016 0.39 25590835 Y109/016/0 Ashbocking Footpath 017 0.78 25590836 Y109/017/0 Page 2 of 172 01/09/2021 Street Part public location Length Km NSG Ref Route No. Ashbocking Footpath 018 0.15 25590837 Y109/018/0 Ashbocking Footpath 019 0.19 25590838 Y109/019/0 Ashbocking Footpath 020 0.66 25590839 Y109/020/0 Ashbocking Footpath 021 0.78 25590840 Y109/021/0 Ashbocking Footpath 022 0.25 25590841 Y109/022/0 Ashbocking Footpath 023 0.03 25593332 Y109/023/0 Bridleway Ashbocking Bridleway 002 0.88 25593277 Y109/002/0 Ashfield Cum Thorpe Carriageway Cretingham Road 1.87 25501838 LCR40, U3501 Grove Lane 1.28 25500600 U4801 Low Road 0.39 25503216 C533 Main Road 1.59 25502363 A1120 The Street 2.28 25501175 C481 Thorpe Lane 1.45 25501208 C480, LCR40 Waddlegoose Lane Junc C481 The Street For 157M 25500162 U4802 Public footpath Ashfield Cum Thorpe Footpath 001 0.75 25590973 Y111/001/0 Ashfield Cum Thorpe Footpath 002 0.64 25590974 Y111/002/0 Ashfield Cum Thorpe Footpath 003 0.08 25590975 Y111/003/0 Ashfield Cum Thorpe Footpath 005 0.12 25590977 Y111/005/0 Ashfield Cum Thorpe Footpath 006 0.87 25590978 Y111/006/0 Ashfield Cum Thorpe Footpath 009 1.39 25590980 Y111/009/0 Ashfield Cum Thorpe Footpath 010 0.80 25590981 Y111/010/0 Ashfield Cum Thorpe Footpath 011 0.16 25590982 Y111/011/0 Ashfield Cum Thorpe Footpath 012 0.48 25590983 Y111/012/0 Ashfield Cum Thorpe Footpath 013 1.44 25590984 Y111/013/0 Ashfield Cum Thorpe Footpath 014 0.09 25590985 Y111/014/0 Ashfield Cum Thorpe Footpath 015 0.61 25590986 Y111/015/0 Ashfield Cum Thorpe Footpath 016 0.29 25590987 Y111/016/0 Ashfield Cum Thorpe Footpath 018 0.60 25590988 Y111/018/0 Ashfield Cum Thorpe Footpath 019 0.14 25590989 Y111/019/0 Ashfield Cum Thorpe Footpath 021 0.90 25590991 Y111/021/0 Ashfield Cum Thorpe Footpath 022 0.24 25590992 Y111/022/0 Ashfield Cum Thorpe Footpath 023 0.20 25590993 Y111/023/0 Ashfield Cum Thorpe Footpath 024 0.83 25590994 Y111/024/0 Ashfield Cum Thorpe Footpath 026 0.97 25590995 Y111/026/0 Page 3 of 172 01/09/2021 Street Part public location Length Km NSG Ref Route No. Ashfield Cum Thorpe Footpath 029 0.57 25590996 Y111/029/0 Ashfield Cum Thorpe Footpath 030 0.25 25590997 Y111/030/0 Ashfield Cum Thorpe Footpath 031 0.43 25590998 Y111/031/0 Ashfield Cum Thorpe Footpath 032 0.67 25590999 Y111/032/0 Ashfield Cum Thorpe Footpath 032a 0.09 25593333 Y111/032/A Ashfield Cum Thorpe Footpath 033 0.13 25593334 Y111/033/0 Bridleway Ashfield Cum Thorpe Bridleway 004 1.30 25590976 Y111/004/0 Ashfield Cum Thorpe Bridleway 007 0.40 25590979 Y111/007/0 Ashfield Cum Thorpe Bridleway 020 0.34 25590990 Y111/020/0 Aspall Carriageway Dairy Farm Road 1.29 25502448 U5318 Eye Road 0.91 25502758 B1077 New Road 0.69 25503517 U5319 Wetheringsett Road 0.69 25502449 U5318, U5321 Public footpath Aspall Footpath 001 1.37 25592071 Y112/001/0 Aspall Footpath 002 0.49 25592072 Y112/002/0 Aspall Footpath 003 0.51 25592073 Y112/003/0 Aspall Footpath 004 1.46 25592074 Y112/004/0 Aspall Footpath 006 0.08 25592075 Y112/006/0 Aspall Footpath 007 0.38 25592076 Y112/007/0 Aspall Footpath 008 0.65 25592077 Y112/008/0 Bridleway Aspall Bridleway 010 0.18 25592078 Y112/010/0 Athelington Carriageway Hall Road Junc U5605 Horham Road For 155M 25500617 U5636 Horham Road 0.55 25501404 U5605 Southolt Road 1.55 25501820 C532 Water Lane 0.46 25503525 U5606 Worlingworth Road 0.50 25502740 C535 Public footpath Athelington Footpath 001 0.61 25592089 Y114/001/0 Page 4 of 172 01/09/2021 Street Part public location Length Km NSG Ref Route No. Athelington Footpath 002 0.30 25592090 Y114/002/0 Athelington Footpath 003 0.35 25592091 Y114/003/0 Athelington Footpath 004 0.89 25592093 Y114/004/0 Athelington Footpath 004a 0.45 25592094 Y114/004/A Athelington Footpath 004b 0.14 25592095 Y114/004/B Athelington Footpath 005 0.36 25592096 Y114/005/0 Athelington Footpath 006 0.12 25592097 Y114/006/0 Athelington Footpath 007 0.13 25592100 Y114/007/0 Athelington Footpath 008 0.19 25592098 Y114/008/0 Athelington Footpath 009 0.32 25592099 Y114/009/0 Athelington Footpath 010 0.34 25593405 Y114/010/0 Athelington Footpath 011 0.07 25593406 Y114/011/0 Athelington Footpath 012 0.70 25593407 Y114/012/0 Athelington Footpath 013 0.03 25593408 Y114/013/0 Athelington Footpath 014 0.39 25593404 Y114/014/0 Bacton Carriageway Access Road To Properties Off C563 0.19 25503519 U5108 Ash Close 0.16 25500192 U5108 Bacton Green 0.51 25502814 C563 Birch Avenue 0.18 25500236 U5108 Broad Road 0.87 25500267 B1113 Cedar Close 0.19 25500316 U5108 Church Road Junc U5114 Shop Green To Outside Prettys House : U5116 Access Road To Church 25503164 C563, U5116 Farm For 73M : U5117 Access To Properties Clay Lane 0.75 25503165 U5109 Cow Green Outside Canhams Farm To Outside Rose Cottage 25502657 B1113 Earls Green 0.84 25502776 U5103 Earls Green Road 0.52 25502775 U5103 Earlsbrook 0.19 25500489 U5114 Elm Way 0.23 25500506 U5108 Fords Green 0.37 25502785 B1113, U5241 Hall Lane Junction C563 Bacton Green To Outside Bacton Hall Cottages 25502016 U5106 Kerrys Farm Lane Junc B1113 Cow Green For 311M 25500722 U5107 Ladywell Road 0.11 25503406 U5110 North Close 0.15 25500902 U5112 Old Newton Road 1.05 25502656 B1113 Pound Hill 0.67 25500979 C563 Pound Hill Close 0.09 25500980 U5111 Pretyman Avenue 0.55 25500984 U5108 Page 5 of 172 01/09/2021 Street Part public location Length Km NSG Ref Route No. Rectory Road 1.31 25503166 C563 Rowells Lane Junc C563 Rectory Road For 456M 25501036 U5105 Shelley Way 0.07 25502239 U5120 Shop Green First 26M N Off The Street And 27M S Toward The Street 25502777 U5114 St Marys Close 0.08 25501092 U5112 Station Road 0.89 25502909 B1113 Swilltub Lane 0.69 25501141 U5224 Tailors Green Junc C563 Church Road To Entrance To Primary School 25501145 U5118 The Street 0.43 25503167 C563 Turkeyhall Lane 0.42 25501224 U5109 Woodward Avenue 0.31 25501329 U5111 Wyverstone Road 0.94 25502774 U5114 Pedestrian way or footpath Ash Close Footway Unassociated 0.07 25503996 F567 Birch Avenue Footway Unassociated 0.22 25503997 F567 Cedar Close Footway Unassociated 0.15 25503998 F567 Church Road Footway Unassociated 0.11 25503999 F567 Elm Way Footway Unassociated 0.05 25504000 F567 North Close Footway Unassociated 0.14 25504001 F567 Pretyman Avenue Footway Unassociated 0.16 25504002 F567 St Marys Close Footway Unassociated 0.07 25504003 F567 Public footpath Bacton Boat 015 1.25 25592066 Y115/015/0 Bacton Boat 016 0.54 25592058 Y115/016/0 Bacton Boat 029 0.37 25592065 Y115/029/0 Bacton Boat 034 0.18 25593337 Y115/034/0 Bacton Footpath 001 0.29 25592044 Y115/001/0 Bacton Footpath 001y 0.31 25593388 Y115/001/Y Bacton Footpath 004 1.48 25592048 Y115/004/0 Bacton Footpath 005 0.67 25592046 Y115/005/0 Bacton Footpath 006 0.31 25592047 Y115/006/0 Bacton Footpath 007 0.35 25592051 Y115/007/0 Bacton Footpath 008 0.26 25592052 Y115/008/0 Bacton Footpath 010 0.41 25592053 Y115/010/0 Bacton Footpath 013 0.36 25592067 Y115/013/0 Bacton Footpath 014 1.48 25592054 Y115/014/0 Bacton Footpath 017 1.03 25592059 Y115/017/0 Bacton Footpath 018 1.45 25592056 Y115/018/0 Bacton Footpath 020 0.68 25592055 Y115/020/0 Bacton Footpath 021 0.18 25592060 Y115/021/0 Page 6 of 172 01/09/2021 Street Part public location Length Km NSG Ref Route No.
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