Initial Environmental Examination Document Stage: Draft Project Number: 42265-025 August 2017 IND: Assam Urban Infrastructure Investment Program — Tranche 2 Package Number: AUIIP/PR-2/GUW/DR/03 (Procurement of Machinery, Equipment and Transport Vehicles for Cleaning of the Existing Drainage System) Prepared by Guwahati Development Department & Urban Development Department, Government of Assam for the Asian Development Bank. This draft initial environmental examination report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 28 August 2017) Currency unit – Indian rupee (₹) ₹1.00 = $0.01566 $1.00 = ₹64.8615 ABBREVIATIONS ADB - Asian Development Bank CFE - Consent for Establishment CFO - Consent for Operation DMSC - design, management and supervision consultant EARF - environmental assessment and review framework EIA - environmental impact assessment EMP - environmental management plan GDD - Guwahati Development Department GMA - The Guwahati Municipal Area GMC - Guwahati Municipal Corporation GMDA - Guwahati Metropolitan Development Authority GRC - grievance redress committee GRM - grievance redress mechanism IEE - initial environmental examination MFF - multitranche financing facility MoEFCC - Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change O&M - operation and maintenance PHED Public Health Engineering Department PIU - public implementation unit PWD - Public Works Department SPS - Safeguard Policy Statement UDD - Urban Development Department WRD - Water Resources Division WEIGHTS AND MEASURES cm – centimeter dbA – decibels dia – diameter ha – hectare kg – kilogram km – kilometer l – liter m – meter m2 – square meter m3 – cubic meter mg/l – milligrams per liter ml – milliliter MLD – million liters per day mm – millimeter sq. km. – square kilometers sq. m. – square meters μg/m3 – micrograms per cubic meter NOTES (i) The fiscal year (FY) of the Government of India and its agencies ends on 31 March. FY before a calendar year denotes the year in which the fiscal year ends, e.g., FY2017 ends on 31 March 2017. (ii) In this report, "$" refers to US dollars. CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 1 A. Overview 1 B. Environmental Compliance Requirements 1 C. Applicable Legislations 2 D. Environmental Assessment Requirements 3 E. National Legal Requirements 3 F. Applicable International Environmental Agreements 5 II. DESCRIPTION OF THE SUB PROJECT 5 A. Need of the sub project: 5 B. Project Area 6 C. Description of the Disposal Area: 6 D. Implementation Schedule 11 E. Subproject Benefits 11 III. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 14 A. Physical Features 14 B. Ecological features 21 C. Economic Development Features 23 D. Social and Cultural Features 27 IV. ANTICIPATED IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 29 A. Dredging – Location and Design 29 B. Dredging Methodology 30 C. Dredging Impacts 30 D. Operation and Maintenance impacts 36 E. Cumulative Impact Assessment 36 V. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS AND RESPONSIBILITY 38 A. Implementation Arrangements 38 B. Monitoring and Reporting 40 C. Institutional Capacity 41 VI. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM 44 VII. PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 46 A. Process for Consultation 46 B. Future Consultation and Disclosure 47 VIII. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 47 A. Environmental Mitigation Plan 48 B. Environmental Monitoring Program 48 C. Environmental Management Plan Costs 71 IX. FINDINGS & RECOMMENDATIONS 73 X. CONCLUSIONS 73 APPENDICES Appendix 1: Central Pollution Control Board (Cpcb) Applicable Environmental Standards 74 Appendix 2: Existing Storm Water Drainage System 81 Appendix 3: Photos Of Existing Systems 91 Appendix 4: Photos Of The Project Locations 95 Appendix 5: Rapid Environmental Assessment Checklist 96 Appendix 6: Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report Format 100 Appendix 7: Sample Grievance Registration Form 106 Appendix 8: Public Consultation Details 107 Appendix 9: Recommended Contract Clauses For The O&M Contractors 114 Appendix 10: Noc From Gmc For Use Of Disposal Sites 118 Appendix 11: Environmental Monitoring And Evaluation (Monthly) 119 Appendix 12: Minutes Of Meetings With Pcba 123 Appendix 13: Environmental Monitoring And Evaluation (Daily) 124 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. The Assam Urban Infrastructure Investment Program (Program) is a key urban infrastructure initiative of the State Government of Assam, and aims to improve the urban environment and quality of life in the cities of Guwahati and Dibrugarh through the delivery of improved water supply, sanitation, solid waste management (SWM), drainage infrastructure. The Program uses a multitranche financing facility (MFF) modality and is being implemented over a 6-year period from 2012 to 2017. Investments under the MFF are being delivered in two tranches. For Guwahati, these included water supply, storm water drainage system of South Guwahati. For Dibrugarh, these included drainage and solid waste management. 2. The major outputs of the Program include: (i) for Guwahati, improved water supply, sanitation, improved storm water drainage system (south Guwahati), and ii) for Dibrugarh, improved drainage, and comprehensive SWM. 3. The State Government of Assam’s Guwahati Development Department is the executing agency. A state-level PMU, headed by a Project Director (PD), established as the Implementing Agency which will be in-charge of overall execution and technical supervision, monitoring, and financial control of all activities under the project. Project Implementation Units (PIUs) dedicated exclusively to the project would be set up in Guwahati and Dibrugarh. The PIUs will be headed by a senior technical officer and assisted by qualified and experienced officers seconded from ULBs, finance and other line departments. The PIUs will be responsible for the day-to-day activities of project implementation in the field and will be under the direct administrative control of the PMU. 4. The PMU will have Safeguards Compliance and Monitoring Unit (PMU SCMU) to ensure mitigation of negative environmental and social impacts due to the subproject, if any. The PMU SCMU will have a Safeguards Officer (PMU SO). The PMU assisted by the Design Management and Supervision Consultant Safeguards Specialist (DMSC SS). The PIUs will each have an Environment Officer (EO) and Resettlement Officer (RO) who will be responsible for implementation of the initial environmental examination (IEE) and environmental management plan (EMP) and the resettlement plan respectively. An Environment Specialist as part of the design, management and supervision consultant (DMSC) team is to assist the PIUs in updating the IEE during detailed design stage and monitoring of the subproject’s EMP during the operation and maintenance stage. ADB will review and approve all final IEEs prior to contract award. 5. ADB requires the consideration of environmental issues in all aspects of its operations, and the requirements for environmental assessment are described in ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS), 2009. According to the SPS, environmental assessment is required for all subprojects under an MFF modality. 6. The overall investments under this package shall include i) An Operation and Maintenance Plan indicating involvement of trained operators, assisting staff, the garage space for parking of the machinery. ii) Sites identified around in the periphery of the city for dumping of the cleared silt without causing environmental damages. 7. The cost of machineries, equipment and transport vehicles to be procured is ₹188.60 million ($ 2.83 million). The custodian of the machineries, equipment and transport vehicles will be Guwahati Municipal Corporation (GMC). Operation and maintenance (O&M) of machinery, equipment and transport vehicles shall be done by the manufacturer/ supplier for 5 years as per the O&M plan and guidance of GMC for implementation of the Action Plan. The total O&M cost of the project has been calculated based on annual manpower cost, cost of fuel, spare parts, etc. The calculation reveals that the annual O&M cost of the machineries, equipment and transport Vehicles to be utilized for cleaning of silt from the existing drains is ₹ 37.52 million. 8. This IEE is prepared for Procurement of Machinery, Equipment and Transport Vehicles for cleaning of the existing drainage system. This IEE is prepared based on preliminary study of the disposal sites in Basistha and Adbari area which are already being used by GMC for disposal. During de-siltation works, the concerned contractor will implement the mitigation measures as given in the EMP of this IEE. Subsequently the IEE shall be updated by implementing agency (PMU and PIU with the assistance of DSMC) when de-siltation process starts within approximately one year. The updated IEE will be submitted to ADB at least three months before the de-silting activities start. 9. No subproject components are located within the forest. Survey indicates that there is no requirement of tree felling. However, if there will be a need for tree cutting during project execution, a tree-cutting permit will be obtained from the Assam Environment and Forest Department. 10. The process described in
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