REUNION2013 Tricontinental Scientific Meeting on Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine Organised by EUBS, SPUMS, SAUHMA and ARESUB www.reunion2013.org Tamarun Conference Centre, La Saline‐les‐Bains St.Gilles, Reunion Island, Indian Ocean September 22–29, 2013 Organising Committee Scientific Committee Drs JJ Brandt Corstius, The Netherlands Assoc Prof M Bennett, Australia (Scott Haldane Foundation) Prof C Balestra, Belgium Dr J‐D Harms, La Réunion (ARESUB) Prof A Brubakk, Norway Dr P Germonpré, Belgium (EUBS) Dr C D’Andrea, La Réunion Dr K Richardson, Australia (SPUMS) Assoc Prof M Davis, New Zealand Dr J Rosenthal, South Africa (SAUHMA) Prof J Meintjes, South Africa Dr M Sayer, United Kingdom TIME Sunday 22nd Monday 23rd Tuesday 24th Wednesday 25th Conference Diving Other Conference Diving Other Conference Other Conference Diving Other 08:00 to 08:30 Registration Registration 08:30 to 08:40 2 dives 2 dives Opening ceremony 2 dives 08:40 to 09:00 (package) (package) IDAN Meeting Richard Fitzpatrick open all morning (package) 09:00 to 09:20 DAN (Private) 09:20 to 09:40 Port of HIRA Meeting Port of Session 1 Port of IDAN Meeting 09:40 to 10:00 St.Gilles (Private) St.Gilles Diving Medicine St.Gilles (Private) 10:00 to 10:20 10:20 to 10:40 COFFEE - TEA (until 15:20) 10:40 to 11:00 COFFEE - TEA Session 2 11:00 to 11:20 Hyperbaric Conference 11:20 to 11:40 Oxygen Therapy 11:40 to 12:00 12:00 to 12:20 12:20 to 13:00 LUNCH 13:00 to 13:30 13:30 to 14:00 Jacek Kot 14:00 to 14:20 ARESUB Session 3 EDTC Medical 14:20 to 14:40 Scientific IDAN Meeting Diving Medicine SubCommittee 14:40 to 15:00 ECHM Meeting (Private) Special Session 1 (Private) Week 15:00 to 15:20 Workshop (in French) Society ExComs (continued) 15:20 to 15:40 Diagnosis and Asthma COFFEE - TEA 15:40 to 16:00 treatment of COFFEE - TEA and 16:00 to 16:20 mild DCS COFFEE - TEA diving ECHM BR Meeting Overview 16:20 to 16:40 ARESUB Session 4 16:40 to 17:00 COFFEE - TEA (cont.) Diving Medicine 17:00 to 17:20 DHM Editorial Registration 17:20 to 17:40 Registration Board Meeting open Visit of the 17:40 to 18:00 ECHM open Aquarium 18:00 to 18:20 (cont.) 18:20 to 18:40 18:40 to 19:00 19:00 to 19:30 ECHM Welcome Happy hour Richard Fitzpatrick 19:30 to 20:00 EB Meeting Reception at Tamarun at Aquarium 20:00 to 20:30 20:30 tot 21:00 location TBD Drinks 21:00 to 21:30 at the 21:30 to 22:00 Aquarium 22:00 to 22:30 TIME Thursday 26th Friday 27th Saturday 28th Sunday 29th Conference Other Conference Diving Other Conference Other Conference Diving 08:00 to 08:30 08:30 to 08:40 2 dives 2 dives 08:40 to 09:00 (package) (package) 09:00 to 09:20 Jacek Kot IDAN 09:20 to 09:40 HBO Instructors Port of SOCIETY AGMs DAN Divers Day Port of 09:40 to 10:00 Special Session 2 Meeting St.Gilles St.Gilles 10:00 to 10:20 Controversies in (Private) Jacek Kot International DAN 10:20 to 10:40 Session 7 10:40 to 11:00 COFFEE - TEA COFFEE - TEA Hyperbaric 11:00 to 11:20 Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy 11:20 to 11:40 Medicine 11:40 to 12:00 COFFEE - TEA 12:00 to 12:20 12:20 to 13:00 LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH 13:00 to 13:30 13:30 to 14:00 Richard Fitzpatrick Session 8 14:00 to 14:20 Session 5 Special Session 3 Diving Medicine 14:20 to 14:40 Diving Medicine PHYPODE 14:40 to 15:00 Young investigators 15:00 to 15:20 in diving research Closing ceremony 15:20 to 15:40 COFFEE - TEA Happy hour 15:40 to 16:00 at Tamarun 16:00 to 16:20 COFFEE - TEA PHYPODE 16:20 to 16:40 Session 6 Special Session 3 Young investigators 16:40 to 17:00 Hyperbaric Continued in diving research 17:00 to 17:20 Oxygen Therapy PHYPODE 17:20 to 17:40 Administrative 17:40 to 18:00 meeting 18:00 to 18:20 18:20 to 18:40 18:40 to 19:00 19:00 to 19:30 Happy hour CONFERENCE 19:30 to 20:00 at Tamarun DINNER 20:00 to 20:30 20:30 tot 21:00 at Hotel Lux* 21:00 to 21:30 21:30 to 22:00 22:00 to 22:30 Contents ‐ Scientific Programme o ECHM Workshop : “Diagnosis and Treatment of Mild Decompression Sickness” o ARESUB Symposium : “3° Journée de médecine de plongée de l'Océan Indien” o Tricontinental Scientific Meeting on Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine . Oral Presentations (O‐01 to 0‐47) . Hyperbaric Posters (P‐01 to P‐14) . Diving Medicine Posters (P‐15 to P‐38) o International DAN Divers Day : “Risk assessment and mitigation in recreational diving – Principles and Tools” ‐ Sponsors & Exhibitors ‐ EUBS and SPUMS Corporate Members ‐ Diving & Hyperbaric Medicine – SPUMS/EUBS Scientific Journal information ‐ Author Index ‐ Participants list Websites Conference Website: www.reunion2013.org European Underwater and Baromedical Society: www.eubs.org South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society: www.spums.org.au Southern African Underwater and Hyperbaric Medical Association: www.sauhma.co.za Association Réunionnaise de Médecine Subaquatique et Hyperbare: www.aresub.org Scott Haldane Foundation: www.scotthaldane.org Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine Journal: www.dhmjournal.com REUNION2013 Tricontinental Scientific Meeting on Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine Organised by EUBS, SPUMS, SAUHMA and ARESUB www.reunion2013.org Tamarun Conference Centre, La Saline‐les‐Bains St.Gilles, Reunion Island, Indian Ocean September 22–29, 2013 Scientific Programme Sunday, September 22nd, 2013 ECHM Workshop: “Diagnosis and Treatment of Mild Decompression Sickness” Location: “Le Voilier” room, Tamarun 14:30 Introduction Definition of mild DCS, clinical manifestations, differential diagnosis issues 14:40 and the threshold between mild and serious DCS Speaker: Simon Mitchell (New Zealand) 15:10 Discussion Natural progress and evolution of DCS Speaker: Nick Bird (USA) 15:20 A clinical perspective on delayed vs. early treatment & final outcome Speaker: Jordi Desola (Spain) 15:50 Discussion Telemedicine triage and decision‐making issues ‐ The issue of “remote locations”, its impact on hyperbaric treatment delay, on‐site treatment 16:00 vs. Medevac risk‐benefit evaluation and related decision making Speakers: Jack Meintjes (South Africa), Ramiro Cali‐Corleo (Malta) 16:30 Discussion 16:40 Break Immediate non‐hyperbaric treatment: what, when, how, by whom and the issue of in‐water recompression 17:10 Speaker: Peter Germonpre (Belgium) Discussants: Nick Bird, Jack Meintjes, Simon Mitchell 17:40 Discussion Non‐Hyperbaric medical treatment: pros, cons, possible complications and when to Medevac to HBOT facility 17:50 Speaker: Jack Meintjes (South Africa) Discussants: Simon Mitchell, Peter Mueller 18:20 Discussion Cost‐benefit evaluation and possible liability implications of local non‐HBTx vs. standard Medevac & HBOTx 18:30 (Panel Discussion and Workshop Conclusions) Panel: Jacek Kot, Ramiro Cali‐Corleo, Alessandro Marroni 19:10 Close of the Workshop Monday, September 23rd, 2013 ARESUB Symposium : « 3° Journée de médecine de plongée de l'Océan Indien » Location: “Le Voilier” room, Tamarun This symposium will be in French only. 13 :30 Accueil des participants Modification de bilan hydrique pendant la plongée ‐ retentissement physiologique 13 :45 Orateur : Pr J.Regnard (Besançon) Hématome épidural rachidien déclenché par une séance d'apnée 14 :20 C.D'Andrea, K.Doe, J‐D.Harms Orateur : Dr C.D'Andrea (Réunion) Dégénérescence discale cervico‐dorsale et risque d’accident de décompression médullaire chez le plongeur: étude cas‐témoins 14 :35 E.Gempp, P.Louge, T.Lafolie, S.De maistre, M.Hugon, J‐E.Blatteau Orateur : Dr E.Gempp (Toulon) Evaluation du stress oxydant et de l'état inflammatoire chez le plongeur présentant un ADD médullaire 14 :55 P.Louge, E.Gempp, J‐M.Pontier, S.De Maistre, N.Vallée, J‐G.Steinberg, J‐E.Blatteau. Orateur : Dr P.Louge (Toulon) Historique des centres hyperbares dans l'Océan Indien 15 :15 J‐D.Harms, E.Szalay‐Bonnans, P.Durasnel Orateur : Dr J‐D.Harms (Réunion) Prise en charge et bilan des accidents de décompression sur Mayotte 15 :30 Orateur : Dr P.Durasnel (Mayotte) 15 :45 Pause Café La prise de Viagra avant plongée favorise l’accident de décompression chez le rat 16 :15 J‐E.Blatteau, A‐O.Brubakk, E.Gempp, O.Castagna, J‐J.Risso, N.Vallée Orateur : Dr J‐E.Blatteau (Toulon) Bulle intra‐oculaire chez un plongeur porteur d’implants multifocaux 16 :35 V.Poncin, B.Grandjean, N.Alfonsi Oratrice : Dr V‐Poncin (Dax) Pneumothorax spontané diagnostiqué tardivement au décours d’une plongée 16 :55 Orateur : Dr E.Szalay‐Bonnans (Ile Maurice) Intérêt des paliers profonds en plongée loisir à l'air 17 :10 Orateur : Dr C.D'Andrea (Réunion) Identification des espèces de requins en fonction des morsures 17 :30 Orateur : Dr F.Landron (Réunion) 17 :50 Clôture de la journée 18 :00 Départ 19:00 Tricontinental Scientific Meeting ‐ Welcome Reception Location: Le Nautile Hotel, La Saline des Bains Tuesday, September 24th, 2013 Tricontinental Scientific Meeting, Day One Location: “Le Voilier” room, Tamarun 08:30 Opening Ceremony 08:40 Keynote Lecture: R Fitzpatrick : TROPICAL REEF SHARKS Session 1: Diving Medicine Chair: Costantino Balestra 09:20 O‐01 P Louge OXIDATIVE STRESS AND PROINFLAMMATORY INTERLEUKIN‐6 RELEASE IN RECREATIONAL DIVERS WITH SPINAL CORD DECOMPRESSION SICKNESS 09:40 O‐02 E Gempp SERUM NEURON‐SPECIFIC ENOLASE AND S100B PROTEIN LEVELS IN NEUROLOGICAL DECOMPRESSION SICKNESS: A CONTROLLED STUDY. 10:00 O‐03 S Theunissen DARK CHOCOLATE PREVENTS ENDOTHELIAL DYSFUNCTION AFTER A SCUBA DIVE 10:20 Coffee / Tea Session 2: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Chair: Jack Meintjes 10:40 O‐04 D Lévigne HYPERBARIC OXYGEN THERAPY: WHAT TYPE OF WOUND BENEFITS MOST? 11:00 O‐05 P Baroni ACCELERATED WOUND HEALING USING PLATELET GEL, SKIN GRAFT AND HYPERBARIC OXYGENATION 11:20 O‐06 G Bosco BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF A HYPERBARIC OXYGEN PRECONDITIONING (HBO‐PC) IN PANCREATODUODENECTOMY: RESULTS OF A RANDOMIZED SINGLE‐BLIND TRIAL IN HUMANS 11:40 O‐07 M Bennett THE TREATMENT OF NECROTISING FASCIITIS WITH HYPERBARIC OXYGEN THERAPY – A META‐ANALYSIS OF OBSERVATIONAL DATA 12:00 O‐08 A Anão HYPERBARIC OXYGEN THERAPY IN ADVANCED PERIPHERAL ARTERIAL DISEASE – THERAPEUTIC EVALUATION IN CRITICAL LIMB ISCHEMIA 12:20 Lunch O-01 O‐01 OXIDATIVE STRESS AND PROINFLAMMATORY INTERLEUKIN-6 RELEASE IN RECREATIONAL DIVERS WITH SPINAL CORD DECOMPRESSION SICKNESS P Louge1, E Gempp1, JM Pontier2, S De Maistre1, N Vallée3, JG Steinberg4, and JE Blatteau3.
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