V.I. SUBRAMONIAM COMMEMORATION VOLUMES Vol. I: Studies on Dravidian - Crown ¼, pp. xx + 515, Rs. 1,280/ - (US$ 110/-) Vol. II: Studies on Indian Languages and Cultures – Crown ¼, pp. xx + 458, Rs. 1,150/- (US$ 105/ -) Dravidian Syntactic Typology Sanford B. Steever, 2017, PB, Demy 1/8, pp. xiv + 162, Rs. 240/ - (US$ 24/ -) Vol. 44 No. 8 Website www.ijdl.org Email: [email protected] ; [email protected] AUGUST 2020 A MONTHLY OF DRAVIDIAN LINGUISTIC ASSOCIATION OF INDIA CONTENTS PASSING AWAY OF PROF. U.P. Passing away of Prof. U.P. Upadhya and 1 UPADHYAYA AND PROF. B.B. Prof. B.B. Rajapurohit RAJAPUROHIT – IRREPARABLE Academic & Administrative Report 3 (2019-2020) LOSS TO DLA & ISDL Book Review 4 jksdfjksdfjlkTWO sdfjksdjlfk Former dfjk sdfjkdjfkPresidents dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfkof the Dravidian Obituary – Dr. Pulavar Manian 5 Linguisticdfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk Association dfjkdkkd dkkdk of India, dfkdfkdf Prof. jksdfjksdfjlk U.P. Upadhyaya and Ancient Stone Engravings discovered 5 sdfjksdjlfk dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdfjkdjfkdjfk Review 5 Prof.dfjkdkkd B.B. dkkdk Rajapurohit, dfkdfkdf jksdfjksdfjlk the two sdfjksdjlfk active dfjkacademic advisers sdfjkdjfkof the dfjkdfjkInternational dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk School dfjkdjfk of Dravidian dfjkdkkd dkk Linguisticdk s have Obituary – Dr. S. Alagesan 6 leftdfkdfkdf us forever. jksdfjksdfjlk Their sdfjksdjlfk passing dfjk sdfjkdjfk away dfjkdfjkis an irreparable loss ISDL Research Forum 6 dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdf New Life Members 6 for DLA and ISDL. We, the Governing Council of ISDL, Managingjksdfjksdfjlk Committeesdfjksdjlfk dfjk sdfjkdjfkof DLA, dfjkdfjk the members dfjkdjfk of the DLA, the staff and researchers of ISDL pay theirdfjkjkdjfk homage dfjkdjfk anddfjkdkkd respects dkkdk dfkdfkdf to the jksdfjksdfjlk above two stalwarts and join in the grief of the ir bereaved sdfjksdjlfkfamilies. dfjk Brief sdfjkdjfk write- dfjkdfjkups dfjkdjfk on them dfjkjkdjfk are givendfjkdjfk below: dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfk df jksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfk dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdf PROF. jksdfjksdfjlk U.P. UPADHYAYA sdfjksdjlfk dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk d Prof.fdkjdkjkjdkfjfkjkfjdkjflk U.P. Upadhyaya, an eminentd lkfjdkdf linguist, folklorist and former lkdfjkdlfjdfkjdkfljdkfljdfkldjfkldfj ddfjkdlfjdfjkdjdkfjkdfjdfjkdfjjdfkjdfkjdfkdjfkfjdkfjdkfjPresident of DLA, passed away on 17 July 2020 at the age of 88 in his jksdfjksdfjlknative place sdfjksdjlfk Udupi. dfjk He sdfjkdjfkwas a life-dfjkdfjkmember dfjkdjfk of the DLA since 1974. dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdf jksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfk Prof.dfjk sdfjkdjfk Uliyaru dfjkdfjk Padmanabha dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk Upadhyaya dfjkdjfk was born at Uliyaru in Udupi dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdf jksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfk dfjk sdfjkdjfkdistrict. dfjkdfjk His dfjkdjfk father dfjkjkdjfk was dfjkdjfka well dfjkdkkd-reputed dkkdk scholar in the court of the Travancore king. dfkdfkdfProf. jksdfjksdfjlkUpadhyaya sdfjksdjlfk studied dfjk traditionalsdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk educati on and learnt the vedas, upanishats, dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfk df jksdfjksdfjlkastrology sdfjksdjlfk etc. Later dfjk hesdfjkdjfk underwent dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfkformal education andand passed his matriculation. He dfjkjkdjfkobtained dfjkdjfk M.A. dfjkdkkd in Sanskrit dkkdk dfkdfkdf from jksdfjksdfjlkTravancore Universit y, M.A. in Kannada from Madras sdfjksdjlfk dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfkst dfjkdkkdUniversity dkkdk anddfkdfkdf M.A. jksdfjksdfjlkin Linguistics sdfjksdjlfk (1 rank)dfjk and Ph. D. in linguistics from Deccan College. sdfjkdjfkHe also dfjkdf obtainedjk dfjkdjfk thedfjkjkdjfk Vidvan dfjkdjfk title dfjkdkkd in Hindi dkkdk and Dipl oma in French. dfkdfkdf jksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfk dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfkHe rendered dfjkdjfk servicedfjkdkkd asdkkdk Assistant dfkdfkdf Librarian in OrientOrientalal Manuscripts Library – jksdfjksdfjlkMadras, assdfjksdjlfk Lecturer dfjk insdfjkdjfk Deccan dfjkdfjk College dfjkdjfk - Pune and St. Joseph’s College - Bangalore and as dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfk dfkdf jksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfkthe first dfjk Principal sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk of Southern dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk Regional dfjkdjfk Language CCeentre,ntre, Mysore. The Government of dfjkdkkdIndia sentdkkdk himdfkdfkdf to Senegal jksdfjksdfjlk as Seniorsdfjksdjlfk Research dfjk Fellow to work on Indo -African languages sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdfat IFAN. After returning from Africa, he worked as ChiefChief Editor of Tulu Lexicon at Rashtrakavi Govinda Pai Research Institute, Udupi. Please buy and recommend the publications of DLA and ISDL to others. DLA and ISDL publications are now available at special discount. 1 sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk Website: www.ijdl.org dfkdfkdfDLA News jksdfjksdfjlk Vol. 44 August sdfjksdjlfk 2020 dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected] dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdf j 4343 ksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfk dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk Kannada Phonetic Reader , Compa - PROF. B.B. RAJAPUROHIT rative Study of Kannada Dialects , Dravidian Prof. B.B. Rajapurohit and Negro-African: An Ethno-linguistic Study (Bando Bhimaji Rajapurohit) ( with his wife Dr. Sushila P. Upadhyaya), the was born on 20 May 1935 in six huge volumes of Tulu Lexicon and the Sortur in Sirahatti Taluk of Asankshipta Tulu Padakosha are a few of his the erstwhile Dharwad dis - notable contributions to the linguistic field. trict (presently Gadag district). He had his He also wrote the books entitled Conver- school education at Kurtukoti and sational Kannada , Conversational Sanskrit , Kundgol, college education in Hubli – Conversational Tamil , Conversational Mala - Dharwad and he took Ph.D. in Linguistics yalam and Samvada Samskruta with other from the Department of Kannada, Kar - authors. He also published Conversational natak University, Dharwad. He worked as Tulu and Tulu Kaipidi. His Tulu Kaipidi is the a Kannada lecturer for some time at first book written to teach the Tulu language. Udupi and later joined as a lecturer in Dr. Upadhyaya was a multi -talented Kannada in the Department of Linguistics scholar. He published many books and in the University of Kerala, Thiruvanan - articles in newspapers, magazines and thapuram in 1965. journals on various subjects like ritualistic Dr. Rajapurohit joined in CIIL on 30 theatre of Tulu culture, bhuutaaraadhane , March 197 1 as a Research Officer (RO). maatru deevataaraadhane , various fairs and He took interest in Phonetics, probably festivals of Tulunaadu and other topics after Prof. K.L. Pike delivered two related to Tulu language and culture. lecturers on Field Methods and Phonetics Dr. Upadhyaya was not only a scholar in 1978, if I remember correctly, and but also a good organizer. He organized subsequently a month’s course on Gram - many seminars, conferences, symposiums matical Analysis in October -November and workshops with K.S. Haridas Bhat, the The1980 second in CIIL.phase Dr.of Rajapurohit took the then Director of R.G.P. Research Centre and theinitiative Orientation to Courseestablish a Phonetic Unit in R.R.C. of M.G.M. College. Though he was a forCIIL language when teachers Dr. Annamalai was the good lexicographer and a folklorist, he used wasDirector held onfor 7 th anda period of two years to sit in workshops of lexicography and 8th February 2019 at consequent to Dr. D.P. Pattanayak going folklore as a humble student. He served as V.I. Subramoniam Memorialon study ISDL leave Complex, when he got Jawaharlal resource person, organizer and reporter of Menamkulam.Nehru Fellowship. The the programmes conducted at Govi nda Pai course beganCIIL withha and undertaken a project Research Centre. inaugural session in which Prof. Naduvattom named Indo-Japanese project in collabo - His present project, the trilingual Gopalakrishnan welcomed the gathering. Prof.ration V.R. with Prabodhachandran Tokyo University Nair, in which former dictionary at ISDL is in progress and is Headwork startedand Professorsimultaneously of Linguistics,in more continued by his student Dr. Varija. Universitythan half a dozenof Kerala Indian and languages the recipient for the of Varija N. thepreparation first award of glossaries, for classical dictionaries Malayalam, etc., inauguratedfrom Indian the languagescourse. Prof. to N. JapaneGopinathanse and Nair, Latest Publications: THE DRAVIDIAN CULTURE AND ITS DIFFUSION , T.K. Krishna Menon, 2020, PB, Demy 1/8, pp. 58, Rs. 75/ - (US$ 7.50/-). THE MOTHER GODDESS IN BENGAL AND IN KERALA , T. Madhava Menon, 2020, PB, Demy 1/8, pp. vi + 463,463, Rs. 600/- (US$ 60/-). COLLECTED PAPERS ON TAMIL , Naduvattom Gopalakrishnan (Ed.), 2019, P B, Demy 1/8, pp. x + 374. Rs. 400/ - (US$ 40/-). TRIBUTES OF LOVE AND AFFECTION: REMINISCENCES OF PROF. V.I. SUBRAMONIAM , Naduvattom Gopalakrishnan, T.P. Sankarankutty Nair & C.S. Hariharan (Eds.), 2019, PB, Demy 1/8, pp. vi + 212 , Rs. 300/ - (US$ 30/-). THE RIDDLE THAT IS TAMIL , R. Kothandaraman (Ed.), 2019, PB, Demy 1/8, pp. iiv + 480 , Rs. 750/- (US$ 75/-). 2 Website: www.ijdl.org DLA News Vol. 44 August 2020 E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected] from Indian languages to Japanese and vice in the foundation of the International School versa. Dr. Rajapurohit was involved in this of Dravidian Linguistics. From the very project heading the Kannada unit. Under the inception of ISDL in 1977, he served
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