The NCAA News July 22, 1992

The NCAA News July 22, 1992

Official Publication of the National Collegiate Athletic Association July 22, 1992, Volume 29, Number 27 Gender-equity panel works to identify goals An incrcasc irl thr participation of IIC c-onsidcrrd by Ihe 1993 N(:AA (~onvcn- that ;IlfirnI;Itivr ar.tioII will be rcquirrtl to 1 ‘I‘tIr Asxx~iation might coIlsi& acltii- wnnien r;itllc1 lhan a reduction ot prtiri- tioll. :Iccomplish that goal. lioII;Il \l)oIl\ \IIc.h .a synclIroIIi/cd swim- pition oppoJtmlities for- nleJ1 was idcrJtit‘ict1 III III;II tliscu%sion, the t;isk force rcachrd ming ;IIItl t~;IdIIIiIIIon. (;r;Ints to coIifcrcIIt ch Three themes ;IS a11 ot!jrctive of‘thc N(:M Gender-Equity the f0llowiIIg c‘oII( lusions: introduciIlg such sl)o11\ could provide ;III The t;I\k for-c-e’s discussion ccntrrrd on Task Fort c ~11its first mrrting. n II may bc I)cnefici;Il IO srudy the rain inrcntivc fi)I~ ;I pilol l~~o~rmi. Ihrec major. themes: Titlr IX, fairness aIIt1 The ,p oup, charp;cd with serking equits belwtwl 5, hotar \lIips and squad si;les. ‘IlIt. treatmcIIt of footl);Ill ;~lso was dis- hlr oppoJtuJ~itir5 fcJr both scxcs within the o1)poItuIIitic.s for pzuticipation (and how IO , ursrtl, .ind the following ol~hrnxtions n WiIIkmr)Ils stI(IIIld IK rIIcoIIr;Igetl in N(:AA, devoted ~nost of its time at its.July !I fund Ihosc opporlunities). wc’rc m;1dr: womeII’s alhlrl its. meeting to identifying the prohleni ;III~ The group agrtd rhat N(:M rnrmlxrs n Footla;Ill (Oil( l1t.s belicvc it is uII;it~rp- qqrccing up011 the Irsr appr00;1chcs to solve .\hould c0111ply wirh Title IX and that the n Morr c r.~;Itivity.slIoIrlrl be cmpbyrd in rhk To ap the IIuJllb~ of walk-ens. They it Asso, i:lIion should ;11t1IhrIII iII compliance I cc ruiring fcmalr sIudcrIt~attIlrl~s. (boprr- say t11t.y IIavr taken the iIIiti;Itivc. in co+ whrn possiblr. arive PI ogr anIs wit11 narional govcr-ning rIII1 ing aid now bclicvr that X5 srholarships III disc ussin~partitil~at ion opporlunitirs, Ixxlics :Intl with hi,+school ilIld junioI is tllc nIiIIiIIiuIiI at which c-ompctitivc clualiry .I 1 . mitter will riot mert agaiII lx+oI-r tlic the t;Ibk force strcshrd rhr need lo brrmdrn high~scliool org;iIIi/~~tioIlr might hilp in See Gender equity, page 5 ) ( bunt-il’s August 15 legislativr rlrarllinc, 11~ womrn’s opporlunitics and dt=trrniiIIrd 1his rcgaI tl. Members focus Certification A breakdown by topic of the 104 legislative proposals submitted by decisions on playing seasons member institutions and conferences. TOPIC SPONSORED face Council Bylaw 17. Playmg and practice seasons 36 Slightly Inore thaII one-third of rnmcs cftrtrivr this ycx. Final decisions regarding lrgis- I04 legisl;Itivt~ l)ropos;Ils sutmIiIlrrl ()thcI- p~ol~o~;Ils in Ihat gnxIp Bylaw 13: Recruiiing 14 IatioII to iniplrmcnI an ;ilhlrlirs by IiicIIIbcI iII\tiIutions arId co11- ing would provitlr rxenIpIioIIs Bvlaw 14. Eliaibilitv - 11 rcrtif‘ic ;(I ion prqpatn in Division 1 fioIII c onfest limit;ItiorIs tar a vaI+ f~cm cs li,r thc.J;iIIuary 1993 (:oIr- Bvlaw 15 Financial aid will bc among the r~I;ijor issues to vrntion dral with playing and c-ty 01 basketball cornpctition~ Bvlaw 11: Personnel bc confronted by the NCAACoun- prxticc STilSOIlS as outlinrd in ranging from g;~rIIrs in Hawaii, ril in its sIImmer meeting August Other 25 NC :AA I%yl;~w I7~iI1~lIIdirIg iI >F Ak1\k;1 mti hCJtf1 Rico IO thC’ 5-7 in BostoII. ries ofprol~o~al~ that would p~mit prcst~;I~oII National IrIvit;ttion Total 104 ‘I‘tIr (:ouIIcil will have IO make e;u-lieI- coIIIlxtition in haskctl);Ill Tour II;IIIICIII and Baskcth;Ill Hall drcisions in thal mreting 011 a11of 01‘ ;1llr,w cucJJlplioJJs fImm coIllest of FarrIc .l‘il)-Off (:lassic. OTHERDEADLINES the Icgislation it intends to \poI~- All IO4 proposal> currently xc lirnil .I1ions. Amendments from Council, division SOI -reg;II-diIIg IIOI only rertif ic-a- AIIIOII~ those 36 pTqxds per- Ix-ing prrpxcd for priIIIing in the steerina committees. Presidents Commission Auaust 15 IIIiti;Il I’IIblir;ItioIi of Proposed taining IO I%yl;~w I7 is 011~ Ihal Amendments to amendments bv oripinal sDonsors SeDtember 1 worlld pcrnIit ;I Division I n~rmlx-~ I.qisl;ItiorI, which will hc mailtcl I Nominations are being ac- All other amendments to amendments’ October 15 iII\t it III ioII to play its 1irst haskctb;Ill IO Ihe nIcIIIl>cr\lIilI I)y August I. cepted for officers, Coun- coIIt~~I on thr IGid;Iy iIiIInrtliatcly ‘IlIc l~rqmsals have bcctl rcvirwrtl cil positions: Page 2. ‘Shall not increase modification of original proposal slier TlIaIIksgiving, rather 1h;1n on Ik~~cn~~~cr I. the date t11;it Ix-- See Proposals, page 19 ) lion, but in a11;II-c;is-iI ordrr to mrrt the Augwt 15 sIIlmlission Commission gains three additional members “c~ltIn .&htlon ” tlIc c crt ilicXion quesIion>, tllc following ar-r iden- I hanged Inrmtxrship (Iassifica- Bowtm tionh withiII 11Ic N(:AA See Presidents, page 24 b See Council, page 17 ) W In the News N On deck Compliance briefs Page 5 n Former NCAA Business Manager Marjorie July 22-24 Council Subcommittee to Review the Fieber was on unsung heroine of the Association’s Concept of Establishing an Initial-Eligi- Drug testing 6 formative years. Page 3 bility Clearinghouse, Whitefish, Man- Division I, II tana boseball committees 7 H St. Olaf College baseball coach Jim Dimick .~ suggests that cost-cutting measures should take August 3 Postseason Football Subcommittee, Men’s aim at the extravagant travel expenses incurred Kansas City, Missouri basketball attendance 10 at some schools. Page 4 August 4 Special Events Committee, Kansas City, Eligibility appeals Missouri H Regional realignment is the focus at the Division NCAA Record 21-23 III Men’s and Women’s Basketball Committee August 5-7 ‘- Council, Boston Legislative assistance 28 meetings. Page a Page2 The NCAA News July 22, 1992 H Briefly in the-_ News -. n News quiz Football hall finds a home I True or false: Recently t t-tired IJrtivrt sity of Miami (Florida) I,asc-I);111 ‘l’he (Zollege Football I Iall of Fame will coach Ron Fraser’s I,27 I career vie- rcloc;itc to South I~ciid, Indian;i. tories rank first anlong Division I base- “The city of South Bend, and in fact this ball coaches. entire regiotl, has ;I long and rich tradition 01 si~l~port for colltge football: said William 2. Which school swrpl ItIt. Division 1 I’r;lrc c. ( Ililir’Ot [ht. Nil1 ional FOOll~;lll t;OUW men’s cross c outcry, ir1door track, and d;11iott ;iiitl (:ollcgc H;ill of Fame. “. ..‘l‘his outdoor trac k ;IIIII field team cham- cot tlct Of the world 1l;lS I)t*rll il vital ;llld pionstlil)S irt 1991-92? (a) University of retnat-kablc part of the garrtc. 11 has prom Trnncsscc, Knoxville; (b) linivrrsity of tll~cwl *(‘ores of If~getltl~1ry players and Texas .1I k:l l%so; (0 LJrtivcrsity of Arm ( Oil( IIt’S. kan\i1s, Faycttcvillc; (cl) Louisiana !+;11r “At~d, of course, we’re j1tst rni1111te.s;rway University. from (the Llnivct sity of) Notre Dantc~a u Ilool Ihat hit\ l~rO~lllc~rd more Ill:ln irs 3. Who berame the second golf& it1 sh;irf> of great playci~s, coacl~cs and teams. NCAA history to win three individual Iuclr 1OX I1 Knutr Kocknr, (;rorgc championships? (;I) Ben (:rrnshaw; (b) (;ipp, tY111lHort11tttg arid, of cour\c’, Moose Phil Mickelsor1; (c) Manny Zet-man; (cl) Kr;lltscPfor whom the local National Foot- Tom Kite. I);111I~o1ttidatior1 chap,trt is riarrtrcl&among tn;itiy othrr notable h;ill~of-f;itiict-s.~’ 4. lirl? or IillSe: Sen. Bill BradIcy, D- Since its beginning, the C:ollcgr Football New Jrrsey, has brrr1 appointed to Hall of Fame has grown to become one of setvr as a consultant to the NCAA the world’s major sports shrines. Today, Members 0f’th.e Alhright Collegefoott~all team gather around couch Je,+f Sparaguna, Gcndcr-Equity Task Force. who will lead th,e Iions in the.first gume between an Americ-cln college squad WI& more than 500 playrrs and coachrs~thosc 5. Who is the 1992-93 president of whose carc~rs 11;1vcrxrtriplifirtl the foun- the French nutionul team.. ThE August I5 game will be played in Vichy, France. the N;rtional Assoriation of Collegiate cl;itioti’s basic creed of “Scltol;~r~hil~, Ciri- Directors of Athlcrirs? (a) James I.. ,cnship and Rrfc)miance”~;1re enshrined rconomir ha&hip, possess ;I great love of bc the main iiltractioll of Ihe 1oWn’s annual Jones; (1~)William .J. (lleaty Jr.; (c) Johtl ;1t the (:ollrgr F~~~~Il~~1llHi111 01 ‘ FZltlle. basketball and ;I sincere appreciation ofmy American Festival. l‘ht- French are payittg D. Swafford; (cl) Eugrr1r D. Smirh. The hall had been located in Kir1gs Mills, crrons: the expenses of Albright’s trip cxcrpt for Ohio. near Kings Island amusctnrnt park, 6. The NCAA will sponsor a nt~~n’s Boyi1grS was first invitrd 10 the country in airtare, which rhr players are providirtg for utttil c:irlier this yc;il. ice hoc kry < hampionship irt which IC)HJliby the federatiot1. During that visit, hr lt1cmselves. membrrship division for thr first time workcc! with (:/cch national and jurtior Arttcrican football hi1S brcome otlt’ of since 19H4? (a) Division I; (1,) Division Coach helps Czechs it~1tiot1;1l tr;lllls illlfl gave clinics for 100 the horrrst sports in Europe, and the game II; (r) Division Ill; (d) nom- of the Boston (lollege ;lssistartt I~~c.II’sI)askrtball fedc.r;itioii coaches.

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