I )Ui.IN'S U1NVLRSJTY JdOURNAL. The welI-dressed Student always purchases PROFESSIONAL CARDS. -4.&his Furnishings fromn.t. DR. O. W. DALY, t A) i o Si K' 'i t'. .5 /,utSiandaI Pi,nk. ~-JENKINS R. E. SPARKS, D.DOS., L.D.S., M.D., NOTED FOR GOOD GOODS AT LOW PRICES .. 23" 1- , intu t t 1 J<tt'Ki ýo,, ),irit. Q ueen's ! Q uecn's ! Qucen's ! 5/ ,ittttei ni i t a i t, ti h /ota/ JOHN MUDIE, B.A., Whether ln Arts 20 per cent. Discount or Medielne.... ,4 for you at ý» MOINTYRE & McINTYRE, MEDLEY'S DRUG STORE ltttt, S/i fOn/.5 R. H. ELMER, DALTON &f STRANGLI Headquarters for Skates, Hockey Sticks, Fashionable * H-air-Dressing - Parlor Cutlery, &c. 161 Princcss Street, KIigston. Streetf Kingston, Ont. el" BATIiS AT ALL H-OURS. rrincess +A. E.HUNT, Student Freshmen HAIR DR--ESSING, AND 'l") plircluîse theli Courege (JIoXVs fioi Ils. + SHAVING PARLOR... + Student Sophomores froiu uis thelir It' Crfis,' 1'ies, Soak,, I re- 5 Tlo bioy PRINCES ST., -1<! NCSTON. aud Undet wcaýr. +280 Student Juniors ITt select [roinoui tW', C a tlice ni"rl or Vi n toi Ovot- coat in l'i c or /tic IBeaver L. Ir. il utnt linos at S s iii otcy. 575 utI5tt, e, i ,t oi t itltle the For Fine Tobaccos and Cigars calf at4, Student Seniors Rogitîtiin L.utitiug littI iii 1î1 anios,,tdItipe lu rîectivcorut r-t for theo comimg ,'eat a's otit (jîtttjs foi ... CIGAR STORE. ail alttte liren e tiwaty, irock' bttoi You wilI flnd us on the BILLIARD AND POOL ROOM IN CONNECTION.... Co ruerof Prlicess C LM E R S J. J. HUNTEFR, Proprietor, 201 PRINCESS ST. (Cor. Montreai St.) KINGSTON. PROF. WATSON'S WORKS Chrlstlanity and Idealism iflew), $1.75. CoryUirnation, Cas a"c. Electric F-ixtuIrts, Selections from Kant, $1.25. *..ar)çd electric 5uppIiqes in~ Stoc¶. Selections, Comte, MIII and Spencer, $1.25. iledoinlstle Theorles, $1.25. SPECIALTIES: WirIng for ElectrIc LIgbts. Electrlc Schcling IdcaIism, $1.25. ileatei'5. Beils and Anflunclators. Repairs of ail kinds PrOMPtlY attended to. F. NISBLT, The Corner Book Store. 339 King Street. .... Telephone 94. Headquarters for Skates and Hockey ->t Sticks and Students' Hardware. % 4ý SUnD[M M[HhH Liberal Discount to Students. QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY JOURNAL. K. SNDR'SEL P HOTO P?:ýR LORS 224 PRINOESS STREET, 3 DOORS ÂBOVE OPERA HOUSE. Special care in exe'cution of Groups and Single Photos for Students. Ask for Students' Rates when ordering work, or eall up 'Phone 3 15 and get prices. F. W. COATES, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN - Students' Glasses, Canes, Rings, Watches, Links, &C., &C. SICK WATCHES MADE IGHT A SPECIALTY. For Fine Ordered Clothing cut SPEN CIER BRODS., in the Iatest approved FASHONAB. TAIORS andi made FASHONALEAILRSfashion at the lowest possible ii9 Princess Street, - KINGSTON. cash price .. STUDENTS, Subscribe for the Journal. TERMS: $1.00 Per Year. ffSingIc Copies 1Oc. JA4MES REIDr The Leacling Undertaker and !) Furniture Manufacturer -4 .4Lo 254 and 256 Prlncess Street, . Kingston. o STUDENTS' FUIRNITUIRE A SPECIALTY .. 1 ....... ..... AMBULANCE CALL 'PHONE 147A. H7~RV &CO.9 ROBT. J. REID, Manager. 123 PRINCESS STREET. QUE EN S> UNIVERSIJY JOURNAL VOL. XXV. KINGSTON, CANAD)A, OCT. 3OTH, 1897. N o. i. critics take pity on our dismemibered condition, and Quetn's Uniuer$itp Journal. bestow upon us positive rather than iiegative assist- Published by the Alina Mater Society of Queen's University ance. it is so iuîîîcb casier to give the latter that in Twelvc Fortnightly Numnbers, tluring the Acadeillic X"ear. niost well-w'ishers of the JOURNAL content themn- R. HvERiisoýN, M.A., Editur-in-Chiief. selves with giving advice as to what ought to 1bc J. A. MCCALLUM, Managing gditor. dune, but contribute little to the attainmient of the T. FRASER, - - - Editor for Arts. desired end. Let us have your ideas on any sub- JAS. SHOHRT M.A., - - - Editor for Divinity. your C. P. JOHNS,, B.A., - -- Editor for Medicine. ject you inax cousider of interest to fellow- W. WELLS, - -- - Editor for Science. students ;let us have vour criticismns, firnily, un- Miss McKAY, - - - Editor for Levana Society. friendly, or indifferent, iii a foriu suited for publica- W. R. TANDV, - -- - ]Business Manager. will contribute more to the snccess W. H. GOULD, .. Asst. Bîusiness Manager. tion, and they of the JOURNAL than a whole session's oral conu- is in the sanctum on Weilnesdays The Business Manager not andi Fridays from 11 to 12 to recelve subscrivtîons. plaints or advice. With one exception we do particularize any class of contrihutors, but ask the Subscrlvtlon $1.00 per year; 10 Cents single co»). assistance of aIl alike. That one exception we Ail literary contributions shoud be addressed to the Editor, Drawer H09q, Kingston, Ont. make in favour of those gifted ones upon wbomn the Ail coinmnun ications of a business nature sliould be ad- muse of poetry bias let ber mantle fait. If Qoeeu's dressed to the Business Manager. ever was a Ilnest of singing-birds," the experience of the last few years seems to prove that tbey bave INPRESENTING the first nunînber of volume ail] become full-fledged and flown awav. There bas twentv-five to the readerS, we trust that they been a sad dearth of original verse in the JOURNAL wili accord to the new staff the indulgence dnriug the last few sessions. Therelore if any one usually granted to novices. In Iooking over the can, by rigid introspective, discover in himself any personnel of the staff it will be seen that uearly al trace of poetic talent, we heseecb that one to stir are (fuite new to the duties now devolving upon up tbe gift that is in bim and lot us bave tbe resuits. tbem,' and at first may mnanifest crudences whicb, Finally, we commiend to your earnest and carefîml it is to lse hoped, will soon disappear. The practice consideration tbe brief, but noue tbe less important, of selecting editors from the different faculties, in- statemient iuserted by the business manager imume- stituted last year, bas been continued with somte diately after tbe naines of tbe memrbers of the staff. sligbit chanîges. The editor for Divinity is no Ou bis bebaif we promise to ail wbo care to visit longer a silent partner so far as the consultations of bim a most cordial weicome. the staff are coucerned, as was the case last year, Sbut takes his place on an eq'lality with the editors Around the college halls we seeni this year to representing the other tacolties. A slightly larger miss an unusual number of inen wbo have long proportion of the management are undergraduates, stood in tbe very forefront of our uuiversity lîfe. and this fact, we trust, will tend to prevent their Tbis is especially noticeable in tbe meetings of the being any reason for a criticisl'u soinetimies made in Alina Mater Society. Men who take Arts courses, times past, that the JOURNAL was fast becoming an followed by Medical, Theological, or Post-Graduate organ of the graduates, rather than a paper repre- courses, becoine so famiiiar withl the business of the senting ail classes of student-S. Society tbat thev are constantly called uipon to solve Unfortnnatelv, tlie editor-ifl-chief bias been un- difficulties whicb sbould have proved Gordiain avoidably detained froin college, and the inexperi- kuots to the less experieuced members. True, enced staff bas to enter uipon, its duities unl)rovided thieir long habituation to the customns and business with a head. We hope, bowever, soon to have Iiiîîî of the A.M.S. miade themn feel s0 inucb at borne with us. Iu the mneantimie let otherwise unfriendly there that their discussions somnetimies thrcatened flTT1'S'' UTNIVEPRSITT RNAL. 4 1 political unit. The preseut disturbancc, therefore, ta, be interminable ; and there was a mionotonoos not pnrify aur vision, mnay at least stir our samieness about the maovers and secouders of if it does Canadians we are i danger of falling motions which seemied ta indicate that, wiilingly or W)ood. As into venial sins. L'xuberance of spirits lias becorne unwillingly, the younger mnembers biad ta keep acnte in for neiglibours, andl, clespite silence. Nevertheiess, we havc this year lost a dangerously has appeared in aur midst. These tur- very large uumber of meu wha, bowever their tariff walls, always have been, and no doubt will opinions might differ, were neyer afraid ta defend bulent moods demiocracies. If we are willing to these opinions, no matter wbether the majarity was be, the danger of voice of hiÎstory, we shoulJ take waruing with them or agaiust. New men have now caie ta hiear the seek ta know the duty of the hour. the front and taken the places of thase wbo have and earnestly The wealth of Our national resources may help to gone ont iotao the world. May they acquit them- of muines, selves as well! blind us. We are persisteutly reminded forests and prairies, etc., as if these were our only urged to secure their wealtb with We are glad ta note that the freshinan class has hope. We are zeal with whiçh our governinents have at once begun ta take a very active part lu college the hasty timber limits. To this policy there is life. There bas lu past sessions been a tendency an despoiled the that we are already ton inaterialist je. the part of the new students ta leave the work of this objection, We have not been hlind to our resources.
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