GardenThe INDEX 2017 Volume 142, Parts 1–12 Index 2017 1 January 2017 2 February 2017 3 March 2017 4 April 2017 5 May 2017 6 June 2017 Coloured numbers in Acer: Alchemilla mollis 6: 47, Governor’ 3: 24 in art exhibition, RHS Petheram 4: 31 bold before the page campestre ‘William 48, 49, 51 fanninii 1: 17 Lindley Library 9: 89 Aralia elata ‘Variegata’ 5: number(s) denote the Caldwell’ 8: 41 Alder, Fern, on: Gibbon’s ‘Mistral Tigre’ 10: 7 Newton’s apple tree 2: 31, 31 part number (month). reader’s response Rent alleyway, nemorosa ‘Flore Pleno’ 11 Arbutus unedo 11: 49 Each part is paginated 11: 90 Bermondsey, London 4: 54, 54 ‘Bardsey’ 8: 30 Archer, William separately. cappadocicum 10: 52–55 pavonina 3: 64 ‘Beauty of Bath’ 8: 30 (naturalist) 1: 43 ‘Aureum’ 8: 41 Allium: Angelica sylvestris ‘Braeburn’ 10: 49 arches, plants for 9: Numbers in italics x conspicuum photogram 11: 90 ‘Vicar’s Mead’ 12: 39 ‘Charles Ross’ 8: 30 22–23 denote an image. ‘Phoenix’ 12: 15 atropurpureum 6: 28– Annual General Meeting ‘Devonshire architectural plants 4: 42 davidii ‘Cascade’ 11: 23 29, 29 2017, RHS 1: 67; 7: 93; 9: Quarrenden’ 10: 91 Ardle, Jon, on: Where a plant has a griseum 12: 15, 15, 56, 56 sativum (see garlic) 91 ‘Discovery’ 8: 30, 30 La Seigneurie, Sark 1: Trade Designation micranthum 10: 97, 97 sphaerocephalon 6: 47, Anthriscus sylvestris ‘Gala’ 10: 49 52–56 (also known as a selling palmatum: 50 ‘Ravenswing’ 4: 50, 55 ‘James Grieve’ 8: 30, 30 winter gardening name) it is typeset in ‘Beni-kawa’ 12: 15 triquetrum 8: 15, 15 ants: ‘Katja’ 8: 30 tasks 11: 54–55 a different font to ‘Cascade Gold’ 3: 12, tuberosum flowers as a common black (Lasius ‘Laxton’s Fortune’ 8: Armillaria (see honey distinguish it from the 12 garnish 5: 98, 99, 99 niger) 6: 41 30, 30 fungus, under fungus) cultivar name (shown ‘Sango-kaku’ 12: 15 allotments: on peaches 10: 92 ‘Limelight’ 8: 30 Armitage, James, et al, in ‘Single Quotes’). ‘Trompenburg’ 2: 41 Allotments Week, aphids: ‘Lord Derby’ 8: 13 on: Hedera 2: 65–70 pseudoplatanus and National 8: 9 rosy apple (Dysaphis ‘Rosette’ 8: 30 Armitage, James, on: For more information Xylella 9: 91 courses at RHS plantaginea) 1: 35 ‘Scrumptious’ 8: 30, 30 cataloguing cultivated about plant names tegmentosum ‘Valley Gardens Rosemoor woolly (Eriosoma ‘Tydeman’s Early flora6 : 27 and the RHS Award of Phantom’ 2: 74 and Wisley 10: 73 lanigerum) 1: 35 Worcester’ 8: 30 Arum: Garden Merit (AGM), see Achillea millefolium enthusiasm for, by Lia apples: ‘Worcester Pearmain’ creticum 3: 17, 17 RHS Plant Finder 2018, ‘Lansdorferglut’ 6: 47, Leendertz 10: 98 crab and ornamental 8: 30, 30 italicum subsp. pp37–41. 48 Farm Terrace (see Malus) appreciating plants for italicum Aconitum: Allotments, Herts 1: 9 diseases (see Malus) themselves, by Guy ‘Marmoratum’ 1: 41; 1: japonicum 12: 60, 62 by Lia Leendertz 1: napellus 6: 47, 51 18 Acorus: their history, by Lia AWARD OF GARDEN MERIT (agm) gramineus: Leendertz 12: 83 PLANT PROFILES ‘Golden Delight’ 5: Aloe: 43 brevifolia 12: 48, 48 Agave parryi 9: 26, 26 Galanthus ‘Atkinsii’ 1: 25, ‘Kleopatra 4’ 3: 27, 27 A ‘Ōgon’ 5: 43 polyphylla 6: 16 Aloysia citrodora 8: 23, 25 Rong Guan Peacock Actaea simplex 10: 12–13, Aloysia citrodora 8: 23, 23 23 Halesia carolina Vestita ‘Rotterdam’ 3: 28, 28 A3 widening plan, near 12–13 alpines in containers 3: Asplenium Group 6: 32, 32 Taida Sweet ‘Stripe RHS Garden Wisley 10: Actinidia kolomikta 3: 30–31 scolopendrium 2: 32, 32 Helleborus argutifolius Beauty’ 3: 28, 28 7 34, 34 Amaranthus: Begonia ‘Little Brother 2: 32, 32 Yellow Lightning ‘Bee Abbey House Gardens, adder (Vipera berus) 7: cruentus as Montgomery’ 12: 19, 19 Hosta ‘Touch of Class’ 6: Sting’ 3: 28, 28 Malmesbury, Wilts, by 114, 114 microgreens 5: 100, Bletilla striata 6: 31, 31 32, 32 Phlox douglasii ‘Red Naomi Slade 4: 84–88 advice, RHS (see 100 Brussels sprouts: RHS Jasminum polyanthum Admiral’ 4: 35, 35 Abelia x grandiflora 11: 51 Practical advice panel) ‘Red Army’ 9: 52 Plant Trial, by Colin 12: 19, 19 raspberry ‘Polka’ 9: 25, 25 Abeliophyllum distichum agapanthus gall midge Ampelopsis Randel 11: 20 leeks: RHS Plant Trial, by Rhododendron dauricum 3: 32 (Enigmadiplosis brevipedunculata Campanula: RHS Plant Brian Smith 10: 20 ‘Mid-winter’ 1: 25, 25 Abies: agapanthi): ‘Elegans’ 9: 45, 46 Trial 2011–2013 7: Leucothoe Scarletta Rosa The Pilgrim concolor ‘Wintergold’ controlling 7: 39, 39 amphibian-friendly 29–30 (‘Zeblid’) 1: 25, 25 (‘Auswalker’) 6: 32, 32 3: 64 reports 10: 11 ponds 3: 33 Campsis x tagliabuana Magnolia ‘Elizabeth’ 4: Rubus thibetanus 2: 32, koreana ‘Kohout’s Ice request for samples 7: Anderson, John, on: ‘Madame Galen’ 9: 26, 36, 36 32 Breaker’ 3: 64 39, 39 Savill Garden Winter 26 Narcissus ‘Bridal Crown’ Rudbeckia hirta ‘Toto’ 8: Abutilon ‘Red Tiger’ 12: Agave: Beds, Windsor Great Canna x ehemanii 9: 26, 12: 19, 19 23, 23 60, 62 parryi 9: 26, 26 Park 2: 73–75 26 Osmanthus delavayi 4: Syringa RHS Plant Trial, Acacia: titanota 6: 78 Anemanthele lessoniana Crocosmia ‘Severn 36, 36 by Chris Sanders 5: hardiness (letter on) 3: AGM (see AGM Plant 10: 43, 44 Sunrise’ 8: 23, 23 Phalaenopsis: 33–34 20 Profiles panel; Annual Anemone: Crocus tommasinianus Hsinying Yenlin ‘Purple Tulipa ‘Apricot Beauty’ 4: pravissima 11: 23 General Meeting) coronaria (De Caen 2: 31, 31 Princess’ 3: 27, 27 36, 36 air pollution 12: 20–21 Group) ‘The 2 The Garden | Index 2017 Aruncus – blackberries 7 July 2017 8 August 2017 9 September 2017 10 October 2017 11 November 2017 12 December 2017 36, 40, 41; 3: 17 21; 3: 12; 4: 111 pipistrellus) 10: 29 early emerging 2: 35 ‘Comte de Lesseps’ 1: Jean Vernon 1: 44–47 Aruncus ‘Horatio’ 7: 59 nominations 5: 119 soprano learning 4: 45 61, 61 National Plant Asclepias syriaca 9: 9 azalea (see (P. pygmaeus) 10: 29 in the UK, by Jean Dragon Wing Red Collection 1: 44–47 ash, ash dieback (see Rhododendron) battery-powered garden Vernon 6: 122 (‘Bepared’) 3: 23, 23 albosinensis 1: 47 Fraxinus) machinery 4: 45 ivy (Colletes hederae) elachista 4: 11, 11 alleghaniensis 1: 46 ash borer, emerald Bauhinia: 10: 15 ‘Glowing Embers’ 6: dahurica 1: 47 (Agrilus planipennis): brachycarpa 12: 60, 61 leafcutter (Megachile 37, 37 ermanii 1: 47 impact on North yunnanensis 9: 69; 12: species) 6: 122, 122; 6: ‘Hazel’s Front Porch’ 1: ‘Hakkoda Orange’ 2: American ash species 61 41, 41 59, 60, 61 27, 27 12: 7 beans: readers’ responses ‘Laurie’s Love’ 1: 61, 61 pendula Fastigiata Ashburner, Kenneth 1: broad: ‘Oscar’ 1: 10, 10 7:23; 9: 16 ‘Linda Dawn’ 1: 60 Joes (‘Jolep 1’) 7: 11, 11 46, 46 B dwarf French: ‘Bobis solitary 6: 122 ‘Little Brother utilis 1: 46 Ashwood Nurseries, d’Albenga’ 4: 58, 58 Wild About Gardens Montgomery’ 12: 19, 19 var. jacquemontii 1: Kingswinford, baby corn 9: 64 French: ‘Meraviglia di campaign 5: 116–117; ‘Lois Burks’ 1: 60, 60 45 W Midlands, by Roy Bacon, Sir Nicholas Venezia’ 4: 57, 60, 60 10: 15 ‘Looking Glass’ 1: 59, ‘Grayswood Lancaster 3: 63–66 (RHS President) 9: 91 Beckwith, Rae: award of Bees Needs Champion 60, 60 Ghost’ 1: 44–45 Asperula orientalis 6: 37 bacteria in soil 5: 46 Harlow Carr Award 3: 12 Awards 1: 10 Lotto Series 6: 37 ‘Moonbeam’ 12: Asplenium balcony spaces, ideas bedding plants: beetle, devil’s coach ‘Lucerna’ (letter on) 3: 15 scolopendrium 2: 32, 32 for gardening in 7: 17 choosing 5: 40 horse (Ocypus olens) 12: 21 ‘Mount Luoji’ 1: 46 Associate of Honour bananas flowering in People’s Choice vote, 27, 27 Mallet Series 1: 60 ‘Park Wood’ 1: 46 (RHS award) 3: 12 the UK 6: 25 RHS Garden Wisley 3: beetroot: ‘Pink Taffeta’1 : 60, 60 Biddlecombe, Tim, on: Astelia chathamica 4: 42, Banks, Elizabeth: 99 best garden selections Superba Group 1: 60, fruit walls 10: 48–50 42 appointed CBE 8: 8, 8 beech (see Fagus) 4: 49 60 Biggs, Matthew, on: Aster (see Banksia violacea 9: 69, 69 Beech Gardens, cultivation 6: 74 ‘Irene Nuss’ 1: 61, 61 Earl Hyde and Sue Symphyotrichum) Barbican, London: Nigel Barbican, London 5: for winter harvest 11: ‘Tingley Mallet’ (Mallet Bennett’s London Athanasia parviflora 7: Dunnett’s new 54–60 39 Series) 1: 61, 61 garden 11: 56–60 10, 10 plantings 5: 54–60 bees: RHS Plant Trial, by Bellis perennis 6: 37 interview with Roy Athyrium filix-femina bark, trees with bee-friendly bedding Holly Farrell 6: 73–75 Bennett, Sue, and Earl Lancaster 4: 74–76 subsp. angustum attractive 12: 15 plants, RHS research ‘Action’ 6: 74, 75 Hyde: their London reader response 6: f. rubellum ‘Lady in Red’ Barnardo’s Scotland, into 7: 93 ‘Alto’ 6: 74, 74, 75 garden, by Matthew 25 8: 29, 29 RHS work with 1: 69 bumblebees 6: 122 ‘Avalanche’ 6: 74, 74, 75 Biggs 11: 56–60, 58 Biggs, Sue (RHS Director aubergines: Barrett-Mold, Heather: buff-tailed (Bombus ‘Bettollo’ 6: 74, 75 Berberis: General): appointed ‘Prosperosa’ 4: 58, 58 appointed OBE 2: 10 terrestris) 1: 35, 35 ‘Boltardy’ 6: 74, 74, 75 x stenophylla ‘Corallina CBE 2: 10; 5: 8 (see also ‘Violetta Lunga’ 4: 60, Barron, Pattie, on: ‘Bona’ 6: 74, 74, 75 Compacta’ 5: 40, 40 Sue Biggs panel) 60 Christopher Masson’s ‘Bull’s Blood’ 6: 74, 74, 75 thunbergii 1: 29 Bignonia capreolata Aucuba confertiflora 12: London garden 8: 32–36 SUE BIGGS ‘Burpee’s Golden’ 6: 74 f.
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