#fe*rf«s rn.fi "fun* 8@ mm NUMBER 4 VOLUME 54 EAST JORDAN, MICHIGAN,: FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1850 MotherV Club News iTime Now to Purchase Soil District Holds South Arm lYour 1950 Auto License Red Devils Suffer Their • Mrs. Clifford Bradshaw will lead the discussion in the Moth­ Community 4-H Annual Meeting er's Club to be held Tuesday ev­ If all the people in East Jor­ First Defeat This Season ening, Jan. 31 j in the Home Ec­ Dance Postponed dan vicinity who have not purch­ AT BOYNE CITY LAST onomics Room at 8:00 p. m. The ased their 1950 auto licenses THURSDAY, JAN. 19th LOSE TO BOYNE CITY BY ! movie entitled, "The Feeling of Dance were *a*d en<^ ^° en(* on ^e *ce> The 4-H Club Square starting at the City dock-^-there SCORE OF 40 TO 32 IN Minstrel Show April 13 j Hostility" will; be shown. Mrs. scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 28, The Charlevoix Soil Conser­ Wrn. Malpass and Mrs. Vaun Og- would be a lot of cold tummies. CLOSE GAME ______ will be postponed until further vation District held their second den will assist. notice. We are unable to obtain Actually, if folks bought about annual meeting in the assembly What promises to be the big- 40 per day from now until March By Jim Nachazel t minstrel ever staged in East music at this time, room of the Boyne City High ges Joe Smith 1st, there would not be too long School, Thursday, Jan. 19, at For the first, time^ this year^the._ Jordan is in full progress—music, a line waiting on the last day. Do Red ^-Devil. s were defeate.T. __dJ in Ba__s h quartette and special Jassamine Rebekah 8:30 p. m. Sixty-nine farmers and ketball. The Boyne City Ramblers c orus€s> YOU want to be in that line? .numbers will be furnished by the Lodge You do not need to wait for their wives attended the meeting chalked up a score of 40 points, Charlevoix Co. Baber sShop Chor- and program. The meeting start­ while the hard fighting Red Dev^ Met on Wednesday, Jan. 18. We your application blank from the us.:-Tha-East Jordan Rotary is State—possibly you won't get ed with the showing of the very ils could only make 32. It was a the sponser as in previous years entertained ten sisters from Man­ Bowling News good soil conservation movie en­ very close game and credit must one. The office can write out so mark, the 'date in: your date celona lodge. The Mancelona your application. titled* "By Land We Live". be given to both teams for their ;bo5¾ ah3'-'watch the paper for fur­ sisters brought us the "Traveling Although Sommeryille's Groc­ George Klooster, East Jordan fine ball clubs. In the first period Gavel". This gavel is to be taken ery, E. J. Canning Co., Ellsworth Youngsters Attention!— You ther announcements. must have a title for your scoot­ chairman of the board, was in the first point went to Boyne by us to Boyne City. They in turn Electric and St. Joseph's took 4 charge of the business meeting. City right after the tip-off. Bor­ points from Brock's Turkey Farm, er or motor bike to get a new lic­ will take it on to the next lodge ense. Come to the Chamber of All of the directors, which includ­ ing, one of our best forwards was. Funerai Services'For on the list. This proceedure is to Cal's Tavern, State Bank and Hill- ed George Klooster, Norval Kor­ not in. the starting lineup due to man's Insurance respectively, Commerce office and we'll tell promote good will and fellowship you how to get your title. thase, Peter Winnick and Carlton an eye infection. He saw vef^jMrs. GllSta (Larsen) throughout our district and help Thorsen's increased their first Smith and Ed Rebman, county limited action in this; game In the , MiUer Held Jan. 24th us become acquainted with the place lead to 10 points as they agricultural agent and secretary first quarter Boyne took a lead of v. other lodges. dropped the first game to the of the board, and E. B. Watkins, v c Arrange Farm Shop 9-7. Jim Meredith made two ba%- Forty-four members were out Legion by 10 pins then came farm planner, gave parts of the kets and Don Karr one. Don,,, Funeral services for Mrs. Gus- and our ten visitors. We also ini­ back with games of 871 and 875 For Efficient Use annual report for 1949. A total Whiteford made a free shot thisjta Miller were held Tuesday, Jan. tiated^ three new members. We giving them 3 points to 1 over the of 109 farmers owning 16,156 period. In the second quarter both j 24th, 1950, at the . Evangelical had some nice remarks by our Legion team. "Andy'' Anderson Efficiency in the farm shop is acres have asked for assistance teams scored 6 points and score} Lutheran church, conducted by new candidates and visitors. topped the Legion team with a essential say Michigan State Col­ and about 1025 acres now have was 15-13. The Ramblers showed \ Rev. J. C. Johnson of Frankfurt, Cherry Queen Tries For Baking Crown, Too big 615 series on games of 195- lege agicultural engineers. They written plans completed. A total a little, more speed in the first: Bearers were: S. E. Rogers, Mike 211-209. His series was 4 pins list condition and arrangement of of 1051 soil samples showed that half of the game, than our Red Gunderson, Die Omland and Al- better than Spin Cihak's 611 for Ann Maurer, Michigan's 1950 the shop and its equipment as one only 23 samples need 2 tons of Devils did, but both teams were bert Omland. Interment at Sun- high series in the Merchant's Lea­ of the important considerations. lime per acre, 210 samples need fighting hard. The third quarter siSt Hill.-. •-. V ," Cherry Queen, practices for her JfCarriages gue. , High single game for the Among check points for better 1 ton of lime per acre and 818 seemed to be Boyne's holiday j • p ttrina Johnson^ daugh- entry in one of the state's many league went to Oscar Weisler who Gusta e Cherry Pie baking contests, now Cook — Allen farm shops are concrete floors, samples needed no lime. The ma­ since they scored 15 points to our !ter 0f Mrs. Ole- Johnson, and the finished with a 237 for 576, tops ! painting the interior a light color jority of the phosphoi'ous and pot­ 6. The Red Devils only made 2 ole Johnson oF Elberta was under way. "Bake-downs" will be late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen an­ for the Saints. or whitewashing for visibility, ash showed low. This means that baskets m the third quarter, al- 5, 1892, at Omena, j held to select town, county, sect­ born Jan> 2 nounce the marriage of their son, In the other match the Recre­ and large windows that will admit [famers should be careful about though they took many shots. It jMich. In 1893 she went with her , ional and state champions, latter Lloyd, to Doris Cook of Detroit ation, aided by a last minute as much light as possible. adding lime but they should use a seemed it was just a bad night | parents to Frankfort where she of whom will compete in the nat­ on Thursday Jan. 12th. strike spree, were able to win the The engineers advise having a fertilizer high in phosphorous and fo them. In the fouth period, our ! u_ntil 1916 when she came to i ional contest at the Morrison Ho­ lived tel in Chicago on the appropriate last game from Monarch Finer definite storage space for tools potash. boys really went out and played .Jordan. On July 4, 1916, she! , East date of February 22nd next, the Foods by 6 pins, giving them a and supplies and keeping every­ The business part of the pro­ hard. They showed much more ; i d to Edward Larson at Farmers Week was marr e climax of National Cherry Week. three point victory, Bob Smalley thing in its place. Work benches gram included the election of two speed and made 13 points, but j East Jordan. Mr. Larson passed Opens at M. S. C. of the Monarch's added 205-218 Ann is sure that a Michigan along the walls with drawers un­ directors as the terms of Clayton "Boyn e Cit"'*'"y mad*e 10*" . Jim Mer" e away March 1, 1928. On October On January 30th to a 161 starter for 584 tops for Healey and Norval Korthase were dith was high point man with 9 girl will be the national winner— der them are convenient storage ,24, 1937, she was united in mar- his team, while Barney Adair had for small parts. expired. There were four nomin­ points to his credit Saffronvri to George Miller", at Birm­ not only because of local baking Farmers' Week at Michigan 566 with a 224 finisher for the from Boyne had 11. age prowess, but because Michigan ees and they included Clayton ingham. He passed , away June State College, Jan. 30 to Feb. 3, Recreation. Healey, Curtis - Nicloy, Norvel The second team suffered a de 22, 1944. Mrs. Miller was a mera- Cherries are the "pick of the is expected to bring 35,000 or pack". Other two hundred games were CARD OF THANKS Korthase and William Blekkeenk.
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