5758 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JUNE 30 Seventy-seventh Congress, first sesSion. Res­ By Mr. STEARNS of New Hampshire: tion of their .resolution with reference to the olution creating a Select Committee to Inves­ H. R."7328. A bill for the relief of Robert M. unjust criticism of our Congress; to the Com­ tigate Air Accidents; without amendment Crain; to the Committee on Claims. mittee on Ways and Means. (Rept. No. 2297). Referred to the Commit­ 3158. Also, petition of the State, County, tee of the Whole House on the state of the , and Municipal Workers of America, Congress Union. PETITIONS, ETC. of Industrial Organizations, Local 246, peti­ Mr. NICHOLS: Select Committee to Inves­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions tioning consideration of their resolution with tigate Air Accidents. House Resolution 125, and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk reference to House bill 7144; to the Commit­ Seventy-seventh Congress, first session. Res-· tee on the Civil Service. elution creating a Select Committee to Inves­ and referred as follows: 3159. Also, petition of the Middletown Post, tigate Air Accidents; without amendment 3145. By Mr. CULKHif: Petition of members No. 218, the American Legion, Middletown, (Rept. No. 2298). Referred to the Commit­ of the Women's Christian Temperance Union Ohio, petitioning consideration of their reso­ tee of the Whole House on the state of the of Pulaski, N.Y., urging the passage of Senate lution with reference to the Social Security Union. bill 860; to the Committee on Military Affairs. Act; to the Committee on Ways and Means. 3146. Also, petition of approximately 82 3160. Also, petition of Samuel D Chabet, of residents of the Thirty-second Congressional Flint, Mich., submitting further request PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS District of New York, urging the passage of omitted from original petition sent to Con­ Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public · Senate bill 860; to the Committee on Military gress and enter~d in CONGRESSIONAL RECORD bills and resolutions were introduced and Affa~s. · as No. 3100, June 18, 1942; to the Committee severally referred as follows: 3147. By Mr. CUNNINGHAM: Petition of on the Post Office and Post Roads. Rev. W. Scheurermann, Methodist minister, By Mr. POWERS: and 70 other citizens of Indianola, Iowa, H. R. 73:x>. A pill to prov:de for a tempo­ urging passage of legislation providing for rary increase in the rate of compensation of the abolishment of liquor traffic as an aid to certain employees of the Department of the an all-out war effort; to the Committee on SENATE Navy; to the Committee on the Civil Service. Militliry Affairs. By Mr. LANDIS: 3148. By Mr. GRAHAM: Petition of 2,527 TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 1942 H. R. 7321. A bill to provide that enlisted adult "itizens of Beaver County, Pa., re­ members of the armed forces of the United questing Members of the Senate and House (Legislative day ot Monday, June 29, States shall be allowed at least two furloughs of Representatives to keep the Sheppard bill 1942) each year for periods of at least 1 week each; (S. 860) from becoming law; to the Commit­ to the Committee on Military Affairs. tee on Military Affairs. The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m., on By Mr. FENTON: 3149, By Mr. HEIDINGER: Petition pre­ the expiration of the recess. H. R. 7322. A bill to provide for a national sented by Florence Moore, of Flora, ill., and Rev. Edward G. Latch, pastor, Metro­ cemetery in the eastern section of Pennsyl­ signed by 20 residents of Clay County, Ill., politan Memorial Methodist Church, vania; to the Committee on Military Affairs. urging the passage of Senate bill 860 as a Washington, D. C., offered the following By Mr. O'BRIEN of Michigan: part of our national defense program; to the prayer: H. R. 7323. A bill to provide temporary ad­ Committee on Military Affair.s. ditional compensation for employees of the 3150. By Mr. HOFFMAN: Petition signed 0 God, our Father, the Eternal Rock of Post Office Department of the United States; by sundry citizens of Cassopolis, Mich., with Thy people in time of trouble and their to the Committee on the Post Office and Post reference to Senate bill 860; to the Commit­ Refuge in every hour of need, unto Thee Roads. tee on Military Affairs. By Mr. VINSON of Georgia: do we lift up our hearts. We are Thy 3151. By Mr. KRAMER: Resolution of the in H. R. 7324. A bill to amend the act approved California State Council of Defense, relative children, created Thy image, re­ August 27, 1940 (54 Stat. 864), entitled "An to the passage of legislation providing for a deemed bY Thy grace and sustained by act increasing the number of naval aviators system of compenEation insurance for all Thy spirit. Assure us always of Thy in the line of the Regular Navy and Marine trained and certified volunteers engaged in presence, we beseech Thee. Corps, and for other purposes; to the Com­ the carrying on of essential civilian protec­ Grant unto us and unto all our people mittee on Naval Affairs. tion activities for official city and county de­ a clearer understanding of Thy will for By Mr. HOFFI\!IAN: fense councils; to the Committee on Ways our Nation, and may we have the cour­ H. J. Res. 328. Joint resolution requiring and Means. age to do Thy will and the confidence to filing of information for a Federal Who's Who; 3152. Also, resolution of the Pacific region walk in Thy way. to the Committee on Expenditures in the of the North American Gasoline Tax Confer­ Executive Departments. ence, relative to the exemption from State Save us from diScord and confusion, By Mr. RAMSPECK: taxation by persons connected with contracts from pride and prejudice. Fashion us H. J. Res. 329. Joint resolution extending for national defense, etc.; to the Committee into a body that Will agree to di:fier yet the period for which overtime rates of com­ on Ways and Means. determine to love and be united to serve pensation may be p~id under certain acts; to 3153. Also, resolution of the Joint Commit­ Thee and our country faithfully and well. the Committee on the Civil Service. tee on Water Problems of the California Leg­ We pray through Jesus Christ our Lord. By Mr. MAY: islature, relative to securing sufficient appro­ Amen. H. Con. Res. 73. Concurrent resolution au­ priation to relieve the steel shortage in order thorizing the printing of additional copies of to faci1itate completion of the Central Valley THE JOURNAL the report (H. Rept. No. 2272~ of the Com­ project, etc.; to the Committee on Military On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by mittee on Military Affairs relative to the prog­ Affa:rs. unanimous consent, the reading of the ress of the national defense program; to the 3154. By Mr. LECOMPTE: Petition of the Committee on Printing. Reverend Clifford Carter, pastor at Seymour, Journal of the proceedings of the calen­ By Mr. COLLINS: Iowa, and citizens of Seymour, Sewal, and dar day Monday, June 29, 1942, was dis-­ H. Res. 513. Resolution providing for the Lovilia, Iowa, urging the House of Repre­ pensed with, and the Journal was ap­ amendment of rule X of the House of Repre­ sentatives to vote for legislation which will proved. resentatives; to the Committee on Rules. provide the largest possible protection for the MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE men in our Army and Navy against the insidi­ ous influence of vice and intoxicating liquors, A message from the House of Repre­ PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS especially asking for the passage of the Shep­ sentatives, by Mr. Chaffee, one of its Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private pard bill (S. 860) at an early date; to the Com­ reading clerks, announced that the House bills and resolutions were introduced and mittee on Military Affairs. had receded from its disagreement to 3155. By Mr. MILLER: Petition of John W. severally referred as follows: Allen and 59 other citizens of Luzerne County, the amendments of the Senate numbered By Mr. GORE: Pa., urging the prompt passage of Senate bill 21 and 23 to the bill <H. R. 6599) making H. R. 7325. A bill to authorize the Secretary 860, which provides for the elimination of the appropriations for the Dzpartment of of War to settle claims for damages to pri­ sale of all intoxicants in and around military State, the Department of Justice, the vate property resulting from sewage dis­ camps and naval bases; to the Committee on Department of Commerce, and the Fed­ posal at Camp Forrest, Tenn.; to the Com­ Military Affairs. eral Judiciary, for the fiscal year ending mittee on Claims. 3156. By Mr. ROLPH: Resolution of the June 30, 1943, and for other purposes, By Mr. RICHARDS: North American Gasoline Tax Conference, Pa­ H. R. 7326. A bill for the relief of the estate cific region, relative to increase in the Fed­ and concurred therein each with an of John H. Cathcart; to the Committee on eral gasoline tax; to the Committee on Ways amendment, in which it requested the Claims. and Means. concurrence of the Senate. By Mr. SATTERFIELD: 3157. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the The message also announced that the H. R. 7327. A bill for the relief of Walter Middletown Post, No. 218, the American Le­ House had agreed to the reports of the Ormes; to the Committee on Military Affairs. gion, Middletown, Ohio, petitioning considera- committees of conference on the disa- 1942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 5759 greeing votes of· the two Houses on the from New Hampshire [Mr.
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