THINK CRITIC A L LY • ACT RESPON S I BLY • LEAD EFFECT I V E LY • LIVE HUMA N E LY Ba c he lor S e p t e m b er 10, 2010 t he student voice of wa b a sh since 1908 volume 103 • issue 2 L a ke Resigns from MXI RILEY FLOYD its transition. Former MXI tive fabric of the College.” director Horace Turner and And Lake had a vision for EDITOR IN CHIEF track and cross country how he wanted to weave the coach Rob Johnson will Institute into the campus On August 26, Public serve as Coordinators of the life. At the time of his hir- Affairs sent an all-campus MXI pending the search for ing, “The College was try- e-mail on behalf of Presi- a new full-time director. ing to manifest [the cross- dent Pat White: A s s i s t a n t Lake, who resigned on his disciplinary teaching] com- Professor of English Ti m own accord, explains that ponent of the MXI.” Lake Lake was resigning his posi- the resignation came about sought to “bring it [the tion as Director of the Mal- as a result of diff e r i n g MXI] into a fuller profes- colm X Institute of Black philosophies on leadership sional development.” A n d Studies. and the position of the MXI that professional develop- N o w, two weeks later, the within the campus commu- ment included academic transition is evident. Lake nity. work to advance the Col- relocated his office to Cen- “The job became some- l e g e ’s goal of a present Mal- ter Hall, and his former thing other than what I was colm X Institute of Black o ffice at the MXIBS sits hired to do,” Lake said. Studies that could contribute e m p t y. Despite the empty “When I was hired, it was to just that—black studies. o ffice, an advisory group of with the sense that what I But over time, the org a n i - would be asked to do would zation wasn’t meeting faculty and staff chaired by PHOTO COURTESY OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Associate Dean of the Col- be to move the MXI into Lake’s goals. the mission of Wabash . “It wasn’t the work of Associate Professor of English Tim Lake announced his resignation as Director of the lege Cheryl Hughes will Malcolm X Institute of Black Studies on August 26. Now, the MXI is preparing is completing help lead the MXI through to knit it into the administra- See, LAKE, Page 2 its program review, searching for a new director, and planning its annual activities. To the Fa r m e rs ’ M a rket Dow n t ow n Campus Serv i c e s, P r ivat e C o n t ractor Re m e d i ate FIJI Mold GABE WATSON ‘13 tem did not detect it; it only knew that the temperature had stayed constant. STAFF WRITER Meanwhile, the outside air carried its humidity into the house, creating a mold- Upon their return to the Phi Gamma friendly environment. Delta (FIJI) house this fall, brothers found The installation of a humidity censor a basement infested with mold. But after appears to offer an easy solution, but Cam- a quick and effective response from Cam- pus Services is taking no chances. Morg a n pus Services, attention now turns to the has contacted the engineer of the heating, prevention of problems in the future. ventilation, and air conditioning (HVA C ) To effectively prevent damage in the system. They are currently awaiting a future, Director of Campus Services David reply from the engineer, but plenty of time M o rgan says they must first analyze what remains to configure a solution before happened over the summer. The air con- next summer. ditioning system in the FIJI house (as well His ideas also include lowering the as every other building on campus) uses a amount of outside air drawn in over the combination of inside and outside air. s u m m e r. A l a rge amount is needed during Designed to combine the efficiency of the school year to offset the breathing of its recycling already cool air and our reliance inhabitants. A perfectly sealed house tak- on fresh air for the correct oxygen and ing in no outside air would run out of carbon dioxide levels, the system uses oxygen. But over the summer, when no 50% outside air. When humidity levels inhabitants are taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide, a very small DREW CASEY | WABASH ‘12 remain relatively low, this system works wonderfully. amount of outside air would be required to It’s a Saturday morning and campus is dead. You’re reeling from the preservative-laced, But as humidity levels rose dramatical- keep air levels normal. pre-packaged fast food you devoured the night before. Need a refresher? Check out the ly at the end of summer vacation, the sys- Morgan also hopes that a brother from Crawfordsville Farmers’ Market. Bachelor staffer John Dykstra ventured downtown last weekend. Check out what he found. Page 3 See, MOLD, Page 2 Adjudication Update: Re fe r ra l s S h ape Re c r u i t m e n t Kelly Pleads Guilty, Scales’ PETER ROBBINS ‘12 Charges Dropped MANAGING EDITOR While the rest of Wabash is still getting used to the fresh Earlier this year, charges against Ian Kelly and Ian faces of the class of 2014, the Admissions Department in Scales for drug-related offenses were filed in Montgomery Trippett Hall is already hard at work putting the class of County Court. This summer, legal action in both cases led 2015 together, not to mention the classes of 2016, 2017… to resolutions of the charges filed. and even 2028. One of the key ways Admissions learns In March, Kelly faced one count of possession of marijua- about potential students is through referrals by both students na as a Class D felony and one count of operation with con- and alumni. For this reason, Senior Assistant Director of trolled substance in the body as a Class C misdemeanor. Admissions Marc Welch insists that the assembly of a Kelly pled guilty to both charges and in June was sen- freshman class is more than just the Admissions depart- tenced to 18 months probation. He also had his license sus- ment’s responsibility. pended for 30 days. In March, Kelly’s probation may be “It really takes the whole campus to recruit the incoming reduced to 9 months and his felony charge reduced to a class,” Welch said. “Students can take an active role, and misdemeanor for good behavior. some students already are, with hosting, giving tours, eat- In April, Scales faced one count of possession of ing lunch with recruits, etc. Referrals are just another methamphetamine as a Class D felony, one count of main- way, and without referrals, there would be fewer students taining a common nuisance as a class D felony, one count to host and show around.” of possession of marijuana as a Class A m i s d e m e a n o r, Assistant Director of Admissions Chip Timmons feels the and one count of possession of paraphernalia as a Class A same way as Welch. m i s d e m e a n o r. This summer, the Montgomery County “All the current students are important in the process, not ALEX MOSEMAN | WABASH ‘11 Prosecutor dropped the charges against Scales. just the current freshman class,” Timmons said. “It’s been Assistant Director of Admissions Chip Timmons and other better as of late than in the past. We’ve made some members of the Admissions Department have already See, REFERRALS, Page 3 begun assembling the classes of 2015 and beyond. In This Issue: PA G E 2 The Bachelor September 10, 2010 BA C H E LOR 301 w. wa b a s h Av e . Hines to Focus on Retention c r a w f o r d s v i lle, IN RYAN LUTZ ‘13 focus on students of color, ” 4 7 9 3 3 Hines said. STAFF WRITER Wabash students appear EDITOR IN CHIEF Riley Floyd to be in good hands as Hines [email protected] Retention: it is really the had already held a similar MANAGING EDITOR statistic that can make or position at Southeast Ken- Peter Robbins break a college. A r e c e n t tucky University. [email protected] “My goal is to increase NEWS EDITOR study done over the summer Peter Robbins by the retention committee retention and graduation for [email protected] led to the creation of two the College,” said Hines. OPINION EDITOR new Wabash programs that In the Early Alert pro- Alex Avtgis g r a m ’s first year there is [email protected] will go into effect this year: the Early Alert System and plenty of room to get cre- SPORTS EDITOR ative. Brandan Alford the Generation to Genera- [email protected] tion program. Both pro- “I think the pilot system CAVELIFE EDITOR grams are funded by a grant of this program is going to Joel Bustamante from the Council of Inde- develop over the year” [email protected] pendent Colleges and Wa l - Hines said. PHOTO EDITOR This leaves plenty of Alex Moseman M a r t . [email protected] Heather Hines is the new room for unique ways to help keep students at BACHELOR ADVISOR Coordinator of Student Howard Hewitt Retention and Engagement.
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