Number 3 ATLANTA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1943 X-lll—Vol. XXIV Johnson Elected Jackets Climax Season Class President In New Years Contest Gellerstedt, Austin ThetaChi Wins Kenny, Win Posts Georgia Victory Clinches Seniors of Tech elected last Mon­ Honored In Week-end day to the presidency of their class Southeast League Title W. S. (Bill) Johnson, who has made one of the most outstanding records By Bill Summerour Frat Contest in school history. His career on this After taking a rest of almost two weeks, Tech's football squad campus started his freshman year will resume practice December 9 in preparation for the Sugar Bowl Use Rube Goldburg when he was an honor-roll student game on January first when the Engineers will meet a heavy Tulsa Inspired Machine and a member of Phi Eta Sigma, aca­ outfit in New Orleans. The official announcement of Tech's ac­ demic society. Since that time he has ceptance was released from New Orleans Sunday. First prize in the traditional served on the Student Council many It had been rumored for the past' homecoming decoartion contest Sat­ times and has held previous class of­ several weeks following the Tech- urday went to Theta Chi Frater­ fices. Bill also distinguished himself Tulane tilt that the Jackets would re­ nity. Second and third prizes were Former Techs by being elected to O.D.K. during his ceive a bid from the Mid-Winter won by Alpha Tau Omega and Tau Junior year and by being tapped for Sports Association to play in New Or­ Epsilon Phi, respectively. Anak Society. He is a Theta Chi and leans on New Year's Day, but no offi­ Start Training Theme of the decorations revolved president of Bulldog club. cial announcement to this effect was around the Tech-Georgia football Twenty-two youths from Georgia For Vice-President of the Senior released until Tech had completed its game. class, John Gattey, aeronautical en­ regularly scheduled season. Tech, Atlanta, Ga., have reported to The Theta Chis predicted the out­ the Army Air Forces Pre-Flight gineering student, was chosen. Gattey The Engineers' season ended Sat­ come of the game with a Rube Gold­ is President of the Interfraternity urday before 28,000 fans when the School for Pilots at Maxwell Field, berg type of apparatus into which Council, President of the Yellow Jack­ Bulldogs of the University of Geor­ Alabama, to begin the third phase of a defenseless bulldog was constantly et Club, a member of Anak Society gia were the victims of a 48-0 de­ their training as pilots in the U. S. fed. From the other end a stream and a Sigma Nu. Wesley C. Paxson, feat. This victory gave Tech the Army Air Forces' expanding pro­ of "hot dogs" emerged. E. E. from Jacksonville, Fla., was 1943 Southeastern Conference title. gram. The contest was very close, par­ elected Secretary-Treasurer. Paxson Team members had accepted the These aviation cadets are receiving ticularly among the three winning is a varsity basketballer, Vice-Presi­ invitation about a week preceding nine weeks of intensive physical, mili­ fraternities. Honorable mention was dent of the Student Council, a past Bill Johnson, whose brilliant cam­ the official announcement. However, tary and academic instruction at Max­ earned by Phi Epsilon Pi, Kappa class officer, a member of Anak So- pus career has culminated with his complying with a request of the Sugar well Field, preparatory to beginning Alpha, Chi Phi and Sigma Phi Epsi­ city and a Phi Delta Theta. election as president of the senior Bowl Committee, the Tech athletic their actual flight training at one of lon. Judging was based on fine In the Junior class, Lawrence Gel­ class, is shown above. office refused to release information the many primary flying schools lo­ points; originality, appropriateness, lerstedt was elected President, Bobby of -the subject for publication before cated in the Army Air Forces Eastern mechanical ingenutiy, work txpend- Hill was the choice for Vice-President, v Sckdsg, Novp™-her- 28, the Hate se- J^l^^T-^aiftg-CdmmoiMU 4— £sifcer -w^*~Uva-- •Soeietary- [BandsmenHonored lected by this committee for press judges was John A. GriffinT*oT The Treasurer's position. All three have These men are Aviation Cadets Mell been outstanding in campus life. Gel­ release of the story. social science department. Serving as By Athletic Group Aycock, who attended Georgia Tech Tech's Navy department extended his committee were his wife; Mr. lerstedt is a Sigma Chi, and Hill and in 1942-1943; Matthew L. Bergin, Jr., Army, Navy and R. O. T. C. mem­ the Christmas leave of the football Proctor, head of the Y. M. C. A., Potter are K.A.'s. 1941-1942; Joseph C. Brewton, Jr., bers of the Tech band and their dates players until January 2. The team and Mr. M. Gordon Brown, of the Bobby Austin, past Vice-President 1939-1943; Robert K. Bush, 1942-1943; were given a dinner in the Paradise members will begin their leave on modern language department. of the Freshman class, was elected Thomas R. Crawford, 1942-1942; President of the Sophomore Class. As Room of the Henry Grady Hotel last December 22, as all other students. Thomas G. Dennis, Jr., 1941-1943; Vice-President, Blanchard Smith was Monday night by the Athletic Asso­ Tulsa, the opponent, is undefeated Douglas Embry, 1942-1943; Acey L. chosen and Maurice Furchgott became ciation. this year, but has been tied by South­ Floyd, 1941-1943; Donal dR. Glass, the new Secretary-Treasurer. These The band, directed by Chief A. J. eastern of Texas. This Oklahoma SAME Begins 1941-1943; John E. Hanlin, 1942- men have shown outstanding work on Garing, has added much color to team is noted for the huge size of 1943; Acey L. Floyd, 1941-1943; Don­ the campus since their stay here and football games this year with their its players, who are largely engineer­ ald R. Glass, 1941-1943; John E. Han­ Second Year show promise of even greater success. striking formations and peppy music. ing deferred students. lin, 1942-1943; Charles F. Hadden, Austin is a K.A., Smith is an ATO, It is improbable that the band will Coach Henry Frnka, of Tulsa, Only one year old this week, the and Furchgott is a Phi Epsilon Pi. Jr., 1940-1943; Gerald D. Herndon, be able to attend the Sugar Bowl viewed secretly the Tech-Georgia student chapter of the Society of 1940-1943; Jack P. Jordan, 1940-1943; Unusual interest prevailed in the game and afterwards expressed fear game because of transportation diffi­ Ray E. Merritt, 1940-1943; William American Military Engineers has al­ Freshman class and a large vote was culties. (Continued on Page 4) ready developed into one of the most cast. E. P. Kenny, J. Gasenheimer, A. Martin, Jr., 1943; Thomas Y. Mat- active organizations on the Tech and C. I. Babcock were elected to the tox, 1942-1943; William P. McHugh, campus. respective positions of President, 1940-1942; Herbert I. McKissack, Organized to encourage, foster, and Vice-President, and Secretary-Treas­ John Serrie Captures 1942-1943; William E. Roach, 1942- develop relations of helpful interest urer. 1943; Joseph C. Tichy, Jr., 1941-1943; among the students enrolled as Jun­ Perry C. Underwood, 1939-1943, and iors or Seniors in engineering courses Freshman Cake Race William S. Young, 1941-1943. at Georgia Tech, the chapter has been On the brisk, cool, morning of frosh, was not a difficult course to addressed in the past year by experts Various Jobs Thanksgiving Day, 1943, John Serrie cover. The principal handicap was the in many fields of engineering. romped in to take first-place honors physical exertion, which most of the Membership is extended to any Await Grads R O TC Jun io rs in the annual, traditional Freshman lower classmen had heen unaccus­ Junior or Senior enrolled in engineer­ Cake Race. Serrie competed the course tomed to previously. ing, or to A.S.T.P. and Naval stu­ Upon graduation, civilian seniors in the fast time of twelve minutes and After being chased by several local Leave for OCS dents who have had two years of col­ are being offered responsible positions was followed half a minute later by hound dogs, a few of the freshmen lege work, or have had one year of by large companies all over the coun­ David Durst and F. A. Athanason, quickened their already faltering Thirty-eight Infantry Juniors left active duty in the armed services. try, through the efforts of the Per­ paces and loosed speed which sur­ Tech December 1 to attend the class sonnel Department. Although the who took second and third places, re­ The national organization publishes prised the runners themselves. Upon beginning December 14, 1943, at In­ civilian senior class is much smaller spectively. each month The Military Engineer. being marked with chalk at the half­ fantry O. C. S., Ft. Benning, Ga. this year than it has been in the past, This magazine is included in the five- Seventy-three freshmen were on way point, the runners returned over These juniors were returned to Tech company representatives will still in­ dollar initiation fee, as is the society's hand, shivering in their assorted ab­ their original path, to either victory shortly before the semester began. terview students at Tech to select men key and bar ribbon. breviated costumes, to start the race or defeat. for positions. Base base for gradu­ November 29 the juniors were tem­ Election of new members is to be at exactly 10:35% a. m. A couple of ates, currently, is between one hun­ To each of the first three winners porarily promoted to the rank of held shortly.
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