5C 9ATUBDAT, NDVEMBEK 1«, IfM A vO TRia D r Rj CbcolitlaH Tke Weatker Var tta MaoHi at IMB Faraeaet nt (). S Weuthet | FMr amt ■imiwhet saMtir ^ 9,173 nlghSi tampiratoraa to nSdRe aaS MoLaan’a «t the foot of UaLean I b r a U i tewnr 9Sa talandi rModey tahr HIU. And Now They’re Bringing Back WUdcBto Hold Canvass with attla rhange hi temper Along It 1 found, bealdea aaveral Heard Along Main Street Indian camp altea, the alte o f a MoncAtMfer—-4 CUy of Viliage Charm large Indian vUlAye wlmre I exca­ F or Sl Mary’ s o f m a k J. MaiMiWM AndonSomm of Manche$Ui^» SIdo StreeU, Too vated and dlacovered numeroua In­ ,_t. lUiiM Oohw dian reHca. Tradition haa It that VOL. LXVL, NO. 42 ■■ Pfiffa 19) MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, NOVEBIBER 18,1646 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS ------------- who plaa to oUoiid Um Pine Gutter Road waa an Indian Calls Will Be Made At tiftliiKinui dUin«r, Sotuntay The aaaaaaora haro atartad thalr'^ ttve aUrtlny Uma o f tha yama, a traU Mading from Shenlpa—amaug Dooombor 14, at tho outaide arork, chackiny on tha nolae araa heard on the main ante —may (now Tolland Turnpike) to An Homes In the Par* b A Bartfort. for Mra. A m » P. ealuaa of atocka of marchandlae In fddny north. One of the aeuera what la now Love Lane, to the ish Tomorrow Smart YoaimBuA Truman Lays W n o r . B kmiM the rarioua atoree to aaa If tha Redded to Inveatlyate and what Mlahe-mayacat or great trail, now dlH ha aeeT A man had Juat climb­ at aa aariy a data aa poaalhla Mra valuea that wera awom to by the Spencer, Went O n ter, Center and American and Red ed over the fence and waa helping Eaat Center atreeta. It forded the Tha annual Bvary-Member Can- Bituminous Miners M a m y . a d * la ownera are In keaplny with their the mlaaua with the help o f a ■aa la St. Mary's Bplaoopal ’ J J-'. t- ,r«v; kv; Aside Mining anatdant. waa alaotad to tha «anoa atocka. There la one Item o f mer- Hockanum river where the bridge wt a at ><»«»> chaplain at tha oonaan- large board on each aide of the now U. The firat bridge here waa church win tahe plaoa Sunday *• ■ Moa in Atlantia Q ty. October chandlae concemlny which the aa- fence. afternoon. CaHa'win ba made only aeaaore have been advlaed to check 1 ordered to be built April 11, 1803, World Blocs Seen; I. tUoarvatlona may be jn a ^ _ by Aa the ticket nuw arrived at at those homes where pledge cards G*isis Today more carefully thU year than waa | when the Middle Turnpike Com­ Um foOowlnir; Prealdcnt the apot, the woman waa on the pany erected two toll gatca, one at for 1947 haVa not been hirned In » . ’ ■ I . « >»• ',7V the caae In part yeare. That la | top of the fence and the lantern Quit 3 Days Before Anna ICiny. T611; Bale A n d e r ^ Love Lane, the other at Mcekvllle. In advance. Members of the pariah tha atock and llaturoa of package j 1043, or Mra. Lea Dartiny, 1-1737. waa flaafced lipwarda. Recovering After that Pine Gutter road waa are urged to remain at home to atorea, griUa and other placea j Other Problems Also hla aplomb, the official chaaed known aa thq. ahunpike becauae receive the volunteer callers, thus British Stand Hit where alcoholic beverayea are aold. j both ^ k . qnd when laat aeen, the saving the need of a second or Disearded in Favor of A fllm-atrip. **We A n All Broth- gate craahera were looking for a people uaed It to avert paying toll era," will be ahown tomorrow eve- Thla action la brought about aa a to the private ownera of the tiirn- “follow up” call at any addreas. reeult of a aale thU year of a apot further down the line. Play in Florida Sun­ Blay at the Youth Feltowahlp plkea. Traffic going weat entered Thla year’s Every-Member Can­ Leader of Labor Re­ Time Set by Lewis etore In which It waa reported ffieatlny at the South Methodiet the ahunpike Juat eaat o f the toH- vass Committee cemaieta of about Creek Fighter that the aale price waa $4,000. A Tha prognoatlcatlona of Earl shine; Swims in Pool diureh. Thla yroup. of which gaU at Meekvllle and left It juat 80 membera under the chairman­ volt Against Bevin check made of the aaaeaaed evalua­ Toat In hla aporta column of laat Janea W. MacIUy la prealdent. weat of the tollgate at Love Lane ship of Gordon Fogg. Since about Saturday'a laaue were viewed with Charges Formation of Key West, Fla., Nov. IS—(9)— la atudyiny the auhject of Judalam tion on the hooka of the aaaaaaora and Vice vema for eastward traffic. 500 pledges have already been re­ Planes Battle Thousands Defy Pros­ and thia dim arill Uluatrate many ahewed that It waa valued leaa much Intereat by aome of Man- Miaa A. F. Hutchlnaon’a grand­ Prealdent Truman laid aside the Coal Strike Shadow Over Nation cheater'a more alert citlaenry. It ceive there renuiln only about ^Complete and Exclu­ o f tha aubjacta under dtacumlon by than $8,000. father waa In charge of the toll- pect of Government acema that Earl predicted Satur­ 600 calla to be made by the com­ coal crista and other prohlema to­ tha youny people. All high echool The aaaeaaora have been Inform­ gatea and hla account books (now mittee. This is a comparatively sive Anglo - American day morning that the outcome of B order Bands day to play In the Florida sunablne. aye youth are welcome. ed by one bualneaa man In compil­ in the State Library) show that email number for each canvasaer; Crackdown on Lewis; New BiiUln Teachera-Amerlcan He went swimming before break­ ing hla Hit, that he Intenda to the tollgate keeper. In those good amaller. In fact, tt an haa been the Tie-Up* A id to SpUt fast In the outdoor awlmmtng pool • Truman Calls for check on auch valuea later and he International game would favor old days received the nmgnlflcent caae for several years. The Univeralty of Connecticut promlaea a big holler If proper New Britain aa that team waa Relief Troops Also Join of the Officers club, splashing choir give a concert tomorrow salary of twenty-five cents per Bullcttn! Showdown Fight; win valuea are not awom to. The aa­ coming along faat Earl waa juat The annual Corporate (^mmup- ■bout for 30 mlnutaa la graon afternoon at 4 o’clock In tha Quar- day. Ion of the Every-Member Carivaaa Fight Against Guer­ aeaaora have aignllled their Inten­ a little off achedule aa the game London, Nov. I8e-^JF>— bathing trunks. iTTOle Mathodlat church. Route 44, Mathlaa Spleaa Committee will take place at tha Plans to Block Shut­ tion of engaging an out of town waa played Friday, and hla pre­ Prime Minister Attlee, liaing After breakfast, the chief execu­ near Bolton Lake. Robert W, eight o'clock service Sunday morn­ rillas; Defenses Pene­ concern to make the appralaal diction waa a little off aa Ameri­ tive read the opening chapter of down Include Possible TlngUny la the director. It will be good news to many ing. The Rev. Alfred L. Williams, to face a hoetHc faction of can International won. ' f.- ■ ' ' trated Depth of Mile Pcoaibly tired of foraging for himself and aware that Indiana taw Harold Lamb's "Alexander of Ma­ and have aaked the advice of J^e people In Manchester who have rector, who will be the celebrant his own party, denied in the Move to Freese Funds Selectmen on thla njatter. The Earl given aa hla excuae the fact ■' V prohlbKa killing deer In the state at any time, the young buck In cedon" then acoompanled by OMra- been objecting to the necessity of at that service, has aaked that no photo above wandeiM onto the farm of Ray Demaaa, near Chesterton, aalectmen have turned a cold ear that at leant he had writUn the Herald Photo by Demeusy Hoose of Commons today bera of hu staff he went to a rear- bringing their garbage cans from one endeavor to visit In the name Athena, Nov. 18.—(ff)— Greak mingled with hla herd of cattle and became a pet. Above, cattle look towarda their requeat and have column before the gapte. He aaya tlmt Britain was “ganging by beach to swim again and He In Bulletin I the rear of their house to the curb­ Frank Farchettl of the Villa Louisa (L) and a companion John Batelll. (ahown above) returned Tues­ o f the Church- who has not begun fighter pianos and relief troops on wonderingly as farmer Denuua feeds the dMr, who answers to hla CALL 2-1257 hinted that the work la not ao that hla achedule Hated It aa a day evening after a twelve days' stay In New Brunswick, Canada. They brought back with them aa up" with the United States the sun. The temperature was 76 ings twice a week In order that It the day by making hla Commun­ were reported today to have jolB- name. Jack. degrees. * WashinRtoa, Nov. 18,—(/P) difficult but what It could be done Saturday game and he never both­ might be picked up. that new trophies four buck deer and a wildcat. They amid that two of the deer weighed 125 pounda, the other ion.
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